"Lin, Lin Shen, she, she is..."

Lin Mo nodded.

I had told Mao Mao about Xiaoyu before, I thought she would be mentally prepared, but she was still afraid of it.

"Lin Shen, you can't blame me for this. When I saw her just now, I couldn't help but feel scared, as if the fear was out of control."

This metaphor of the cat is very vivid.

If what she said is true, that's right, Lin Mo can't feel the fear, so when facing the light rain, he will not be affected.

"It's alright, just get used to it. Don't look at her scary. In fact, Xiaoyu is a good person. You know it everywhere." Lin Mopi comforted her without pain or itching.

Forget it, Mao Mao secretly said, she didn't dare to be with that person.

If it wasn't for Lin Mo's side just now, she would have collapsed long ago.

Lin Mo planned to go to the eighth floor to find the pale ghost, but before that, he planned to let the cat try the 'prop' of the bone mask.

After all, what is dangerous on the eighth floor is still unknown. Before that, it is necessary for the cat to familiarize itself with the white bone mask.

After hearing Lin Mo repeat the precautions again, the cat nodded.

"Lin Shen, don't worry, I know that if something feels wrong, just pull on the mask, I understand."

Lin Mo was very satisfied with Mao Mao's understanding.

"Okay, try it."

As a past person, Lin Mo inferred from his own experience that the cat may last for less than 30 seconds, so he must take off the mask, otherwise there will be problems.

Then limit it to 30 seconds.

"let's start."

Looking at Lin Mo's encouraging eyes, Mao Mao held the bone mask in his hands.

This mask is cold to start with and has a lot of weight.

The front touch feels the same as real bone and has a very texture.

And the back of the mask is a little scary.

It was full of red bloodshots.

like countless hairs.

It didn't move at first, but when the cat put the mask close to his face, the bloodshots began to wriggle, and some even stood upright.

Lin Mo held his breath and looked expectant.

At this time, the cat stopped, and looked at Lin Mo with a pale face: "Lin Shen, this, this is so disgusting, do you really want to wear it?"

"Yes, don't worry, it just looks disgusting, it's quite comfortable to wear." Lin Mo opened his mouth, all relying on flickering.

The truth is, it looks disgusting, and it feels disgusting to wear.

Cat Mao did not suspect him, his heart swayed, his eyes closed, and he forced the white bone mask on his face.

Suddenly, the scene became very quiet.

Just as Lin Mo was about to ask, he saw Mao Mao's hands suddenly dropped, and he stood with his head lowered, motionless.

Lin Mo was stunned.

Even if the secret path goes wrong, it is too fast.

Just under two seconds.

The next moment, Lin Mo realized that something had happened.

Because there was a sudden murderous aura from the cat.

Exactly the same as those bone-masked murderers wandering outside.

Even that killing intent was even stronger.

Lin Mo's reaction was extremely fast. He knew that calling Mao Mao at this time would be useless, so he might as well do it himself.The moment is to take a step forward and reach out to take off the bone mask on the cat's face.

The hand just caught the mask.

But the next moment, Cat Cat's hand snapped upward like a lightning bolt and grabbed Lin Mo's wrist.

A force that is not like a normal person passed over.

Lin Mo's cold sweat broke out in pain.

He immediately smashed it with the brick in his hand, but at the same time Lin Mo realized that the brick in his hand was enchanted, wouldn't he slap the cat?

As a result, he was overthinking.

His brick didn't hit the opponent at all.

The cat dodged at an incredible speed, but the flames emerging from the bricks clearly frightened her, forcing her to let go and rush out of the house like a civet.

"Bad thing."

Lin Mo's eyelids twitched wildly when he saw that the cat was gone.

He didn't expect that something went wrong.

Who would have thought that after the cat put on the white bone mask, it seemed that he had changed a person in an instant.

Could this be the legendary 200% fit?

Lin Mo immediately chased out.

He had to catch up with the other party, otherwise, he would have killed the cat with his own hands.

But what Lin Mo never expected was that as soon as he rushed out of the room, he felt something different on the top of his head.

Looking up sharply, he saw the cat wearing a white bone mask jumping down from the door frame, directly knocking Lin Mo down and pressing him to the ground.

The bricks also fell to the side, and Lin Mo's both hands were tightly pressed by the cat.

Her strength completely surpassed that of a normal adult, and now it is at least twice that of a normal adult male.

A terrifying aura emerged from the cat.

Now she looks no different from those terrifying nightmares.

Although Lin Mo couldn't move, he didn't panic.

"Light rain."

He shouted.

Almost at the same time, a slender and pale arm stretched out from the darkness next to it, and grabbed the cat with a cold resentment.

The latter felt the danger, released Lin Mo again, and then quickly rushed out of the corridor and ran upstairs.

"Chase, absolutely can't let her run away!"

Lin Mo got up from the ground and chased after him.

He was certain that the cat was controlled by the bone mask.

Chapter 0030 Eighth Floor

Going up the seventh floor, Lin Mo had never been there before.

According to his previous plan, it is certain that there are more terrifying nightmares on the eighth and ninth floors. Since this is the case, of course, we must carefully investigate.

But now, Lin Mo can't take care of that much anymore.

He rushed up to the eighth floor at a very fast speed, and the sound of footsteps resounded in the corridor.

The eighth floor was pitch black.

There is no trace of cats and cats, and further up is the ninth floor.

Lin Mo could see clearly just now that Mao Mao was going upstairs, that is to say, she was either on the eighth floor or on the ninth floor.

Looking up at the ninth floor, Lin Mo found that it was shrouded in a strange black mist. Without asking Xiaoyu, Lin Mo could feel the terrifying and suffocating atmosphere on the ninth floor.

There are absolutely terrible nightmares above.

Compared with the ninth floor, although the eighth floor looks horrible, it is better.

Lin Mo's quick analysis.

Putting on the Bone Mask, Cat Cat has the speed and power of a nightmare. Likewise, her perception has also improved, and whether it is Cat Cat or the Bone Mask itself that dominates the body, it is unlikely to enter a more dangerous area.

So she is on the eighth floor nine times out of ten.

Forget it, it's more direct to ask Xiaoyu.

Lin Mo immediately took out the pencil and asked.

Xiaoyu's answer is more specific.


in the innermost room.

Lin Mo suddenly understood that this was deliberately done by the white bone mask. It drove the cat to hide in the innermost place for only one purpose.

Delay the time.

It hasn't completely taken over the cat's mind yet.

In other words, the cat is still alive.

Lin Mo didn't say a word, just carried the bricks and walked in.

He thought about it, and when he caught the other party in a while, he had to smash the bone mask to pieces.

How dare you play ass.

This time, Lin Mo was really angry, so he looked a little scary at the moment with a gloomy face.

At this moment, in the dim corridor, Lin Mo heard the sound of glass marbles falling to the ground.

Vaguely, you can see a child squatting in front of him, playing with something, and from time to time, a child's laughter can be heard.

However, in this environment, no one would find this scene warm.

Some people are bold, and Lin Mo's courage is made of alloy.He took a few steps forward and saw clearly that it was indeed a child, squatting on the ground and playing marbles.

Because his back was facing Lin Mo, he couldn't see the child's appearance, but it was inferred from his body shape that he was four or five years old.

At this moment, a marble rolled to Lin Mo's feet.

Normally, Lin Mo would definitely explore it, but at this juncture, he really has no time.

Bypassing the marbles, Lin Mo walked over directly.

As for the child squatting beside him playing marbles, Lin Mo didn't bother.

But what Lin Mo didn't expect was that another child appeared in front of him.

It was a little boy just now, this time it was a little girl.

She was also four or five years old, wearing a small red dress, with a bear hairpin pinned to her hair. The little girl held a few ropes in her hands, and on the ropes, several balloons of different colors were tied.

She was standing right in the center.

Fortunately, the corridor is also quite large.

"Sorry, I borrowed it."

Lin Mo turned sideways and walked around.

The little girl lowered her head, and it was very dark here, so even if she was very close, she couldn't see her face clearly.

"Why are there so many children on the eighth floor?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but have a hint of curiosity in his heart. He didn't have to look carefully to know that these children were nightmares, and their resentment was extremely heavy.

The question is, who is afraid of children?

At this moment, Lin Mo felt stagnant.

His hand was grabbed.

It felt cold to the touch, and the whole arm went numb in an instant, obviously it was not a living person pulling him.

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