Putting his face down, the cat was frightened and nodded quickly.

She was joking just now, but in fact, she was also serious.

It was undoubtedly unfortunate to be involved in this nightmare event, but she felt lucky to have the help of the great god Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo's phone rang.

In the middle of the night, who would call at this time?

Looking at the number, Lin tacitly realized that it was Chen Bing.

Connect now.

"Lin Mo, I'm Chen Bing." On the phone, Chen Bing's voice was always so calm.

"Expert Chen, what's the matter?" Lin Mo believed that the other party calling so late was definitely not looking for him to chat.

"There is indeed something. The General Administration has decided that ten days later, the fourth batch of alternate experts will be trained. You must also come to participate. At that time, someone will pick you up." Chen Bing said such a thing.

Training for alternate experts?

Lin Mo had never heard of it.

"To put it bluntly, this is for the purpose of changing the candidates to regulars, and at the same time, it is also to review the candidates, but I think you should be fine."

"Then, where to go for training?" Lin Mo asked.

"This is a secret, I don't know, you can just wait for the notification." Chen Bing paused, then said: "When we first met, the nightmare standing behind you has great potential. If you If you can think of ways to control it, the chances of turning positive will be great.”

This is a reminder.

After speaking, Chen Bing hung up.

"He was talking about pale ghosts?" Lin Mo responded.

Speaking of which, the nightmare of the pale ghost is really good. As long as you understand its killing rules, overcome your fear of it, and wear thicker clothes, it can become a very powerful help.

Even if Chen Bing didn't say it, Lin Mo planned to find the pale ghost next.


For more than half an hour, Lin Mo re-entered the nightmare world.

He checked his body immediately.

Pencils, diaries, lighters are all there.

Brick in hand.

Lin Mo found that as long as it was worn by him, he would not lose it.

The door to the room full of ghost paintings was closed.

The idea of ​​Lin Mo wanting to burn the painting came up again.

But thinking about it carefully, he pressed down this slightly crazy idea.

First, he has not been able to determine whether the split-headed ghost is still in the previous ghost painting; secondly, he has reached a tacit understanding with other ghost paintings in the house. If he unilaterally 'breaks the contract', it may cause some unimaginable things. Dangerous.

That's it.

There, if there are no special circumstances, Lin Mo does not plan to go in again.

The other rooms on the fourth floor are not ordinary, but Lin Mo doesn't have time to investigate them one by one.

He made an agreement with Maomao that after he fell asleep for 5 minutes, Maomao could sleep, so Lin Mo planned to wait for her.

Maomao is also a talented player. Lin Mo knows very well that he can become a game god in the horror zone because he has a bug-level ability.

There is no fear.

And as an ordinary person, the cat can be ranked second only to himself, which is enough to explain the problem.

To be honest, in the nightmare world, Lin Mo needs help.

A trusted helper.

All the way to the sixth floor, Lin Mo did not encounter the crack-headed ghost.

Lin Mo hoped that the split-headed ghost would never appear. That ghost was missing a string in its head, but it was still too violent and hard to control.

Entering the room, Lin Mo lifted a chair that had fallen to the ground and sat on it to wait quietly.

While waiting, he also asked Xiaoyu about the current location of the split-headed ghost.

What surprised Lin Mo was that Xiaoyu told Lin Mo that the crack-headed ghost was still in room 409.

It didn't come out at all?

Are you unwilling to come out, or are you unable to come out?

Vaguely, a scream and a cry for help could be heard from somewhere outside, followed by a strange sound.

Lin Mo thought that a certain survivor could not hold on to falling asleep and entered the nightmare world.

Although the people from the Security Bureau have given them emergency training and told them some survival rules, how many can really be strictly enforced?

Perhaps in panic, his mind became a blank.

Just yelling.

In this way, it will only attract more nightmares and die faster.

Lin Mo shook his head.

I'm just an ordinary person, I can't save so many people.

Take care of yourself first.

At this time, Lin Mo sensed something. He walked to the door of a room next to him and pushed open the door.

Inside, a person appeared out of nowhere.

The other party hid behind the curtains, looking around in fear.

"Don't look, it's me."

Lin Mo saw that the other party was a cat.

At the same time, it was the first time he saw how people appeared in the nightmare world.

It's like teleportation written in a novel.

It's amazing.

"Lin God?"

Cat Mao cautiously got out from behind the curtain.

She sure has potential.

Even when speaking, she kept her voice very low. Lin Mo noticed that she had already taken off her shoes so that there would be no noise when walking.

Unlike the others who only know how to yell.

From this point of view, Liu Ying had some potential at the beginning, and could survive the first contact with the nightmare, but unfortunately, she was still killed by the pale ghost.

Some sigh.

Lin Mo waved at Mao Mao, and the two walked into the living room.He picked up the bone mask on the ground and handed it to the cat, who understood.

The function and usage of this 'prop', Lin Mo had told her before, so I didn't need to ask again.

The two are still in good agreement.

Mao Mao saw that Lin Mo was holding a brick with half a spark in his hand. Although she was very curious, she didn't ask any further questions.

Here, trying not to make a sound is king.

Lin Mo intends to continue to explore and dig out the nightmares that he can use to strengthen his strength.

Although Xiaoyu is also powerful, her ability lies in prediction.

With the threat of the head-splintered ghost gone for the time being, Lin Mo decided to immediately look for the pale ghost. This kind of powerful and easy-to-control nightmare doesn't need to be white.

But this nightmare area is very large, including several residential buildings, and there are many nightmares hidden in it. Relying on the strength of one or two people to find it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

At this time, the value of light rain is reflected.

"Maomao, wait a moment, I'll introduce you to a new friend."

Chapter 0029 Something went wrong

There are no crack-headed ghosts. The fifth, sixth and seventh floors of Building 2 are all safe areas.This was originally the sphere of influence of the crack head ghost, but because the other party was trapped in the 409 studio and could not get out, it has now become the territory of Lin Mo and Mao Mao.

On both sides of a small round table, Lin Mo and Mao Mao sat down.

"Come on, reach out and hold the pen." Lin Mo instructed, the cat is not stupid, she glanced at the dark red pencil in Lin Mo's hand, and the blood-stained diary on the table, and asked in a low voice: "Lin Mo God, are we going to play the pen fairy? Don't you mess with me, playing the pen fairy in this kind of place, isn't that pulling the tiger's tail and calling for help, courting death?"

"Yes, then do you dare to play?" Lin Mo was too lazy to explain.

The advantage of Maomao is that even if she has 1 doubts in her heart, she will not lose the chain of what to do.

Although scared, she reached out and grabbed the pen.

Lin Mo is holding the cat's hand.

"Close your eyes!"

Lin Mo gave an order.

The cat does it.

But the trembling eyelashes betrayed her 'excited' mood at the moment.

"Xiaoyu, do you know where the pale ghost is?"

Since the relationship is already very familiar, he directly omitted the summoning words, and Lin Mo felt that the summoning words he made up were actually useless.

Xiao Yu's icy hand took it from the side.

Lin Mo looked up, Xiaoyu lowered his head and sat beside him.

The cat shuddered visibly.

She could naturally feel another hand holding it up.

The nib flicks.

The paper says: It's on the eighth floor!

These four words, Xiaoyu struggled to write, maybe there is a very powerful nightmare in this place on the eighth floor interfering with her exploration.

Let Mao Mao also participate, mainly because Lin Mo already knows that the more people who play the pen fairy, the stronger Xiaoyu's ability will be.

This is what Xiaoyu said.

Lin Mo didn't expect that the pale ghost was hidden on the eighth floor of this building.

Now he is on the sixth floor, and he will be on the second floor. He and Lao Bai are indeed destined.

"Maomao, open your eyes."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, the cat over there trembled and opened his eyes, and then he saw Chu Yu sitting quietly beside Lin Mo.

The shabby and blood-stained school uniform, with blood still dripping from the corners of his clothes, kept his head down and motionless, his black hair covering his face.

Standard female ghost shape.

Especially the black energy formed by the terrifying resentment on Xiaoyu's body is constantly distorted, which makes people shudder.

The cat trembled involuntarily.

Forgot to even breathe.

"Come on, let me introduce, this is Xiaoyu." Lin Mo finished speaking to Mao Mao, then turned his head and said, "Xiaoyu, she is Mao Mao."

The cat was trembling and didn't dare to say a word, and Xiaoyu didn't move.

The scene was a little awkward.

"It's alright, the first time we met was like this, once it was born and it was familiar again." After Lin Mo finished speaking, he put away the pencil, and in an instant, Xiaoyu disappeared.

As if it never happened.

The cat's breath finally came out.

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