This is a different form of a curse in the nightmare world.

For them, it's computers and forums, but for 'doctors', it's traditional letters.

"I just need to write a reply letter and put it in the medicine cabinet. This is how I communicate with people these days."

After finishing speaking, the doctor said: "Okay, I have asked the questions that should be asked clearly. Then, let's start the operation now. You will provide the nightmare, and I will judge the parts and organs that can be transplanted."

Lin Mo turned his head and glanced at Lao Qi.

The latter gave Lin Mo a wink.

Lin Mo actually understood.

Judging from the current contact, several things can be determined.

This 'doctor' is indeed not a living person, nor is he like Dr. Feng who died in the real world but was reborn in the nightmare world.

Doctor, is a nightmare.

It can be seen from the powerful nightmare aura on it.

But this nightmare has no resentment or malice. This is indeed a very strange existence. I really can't imagine how this kind of nightmare was born.

In fact, Lin Mo didn't plan to do any surgery.

Especially knowing that this kind of surgery has side effects, and if you are not careful, you will be backlashed or even controlled by the nightmare, it is not necessary.

Others want to survive, to borrow the power of the nightmare to survive.

Lin Mo doesn't need it.

He wants to go his own way.

At this time, Lin Mo also told the truth.

"No surgery? How can this be done." The doctor's face darkened, with a burst of anger, and his expression changed from the amiable one before, and now he looked a little ferocious.

"How can you survive without surgery?" The doctor asked back with a cold face.

Lin Mo was also very surprised by this sudden change from sunny to cloudy.

He knew what kind of doctor it was.

Most nightmares are a combination of resentment, hatred, and malice, but there are exceptions.

This doctor is an exception, and the other party is obsessed.

It may be the obsession with medical research, or it may be that she simply likes to perform operations on people and transform people.

In short, after hearing that Lin Mo would not perform the operation, the 'doctor' changed his face.

At this moment, he is like a nightmare.

"You need surgery!"

"I will not do it!"

Lin Mo refused again.

This time the doctor's obsession surged, and he began to change, with malice on his face.

"Then, I can only force you to do it. I am a doctor, and all this is for your own good."

Lin Mo didn't believe it.


Lin Mo also reacted quickly. Now that the doctor is out of order, the little white rabbit directly turned into a big bad wolf under the surge of obsession.Of course, we can't wait for this kind of time. One of Lin Mo's principles is to convince people with virtue, and the other principle is to strike first.

"Step aside!"

Later, Lao Qi had already started to strike, and the Reggae Spear in his hand had already pierced through.

They discussed the tactics before.

It is best not to kill first, but to control it.

Therefore, the direction of this spear is the doctor's thigh.

After the stabbing, the possibility of the opponent running away is cut off, and there is lightning on the spear, which can paralyze the opponent. If it is some weak nightmare, even if the stabbing is not vital, it can be sent away at once.

Chapter 0159 Who Played Tai Chi

But what others didn't expect was that the 'doctor' didn't have any intention of avoiding it, and just watched the spear stuck in his leg.

With a poof, he stabbed right through.

Then a scream rang out.

It's not the 'doctor' calling, but Dr. Feng over there.

With a bang, Dr. Feng fell to the ground, holding his thighs and shouting.Lin Mo glanced at it, and immediately said to Lao Qi, "Don't attack."

Definitely can't attack anymore.

Because there was a bloody hole in Dr. Feng's leg.

Same as the one on the 'Doctor' leg.

But this is a little scary, obviously the stabbing is a 'doctor', why is Dr. Feng also injured, and it is still the same position, the same wound.

There is only one explanation.

This 'doctor' has the ability to pass on the damage.

Isn't this just Tai Chi, using strength to fight?Return the way to others?

But it happened that it was not the attacking Lao Qi who was injured by the rebound, but Dr. Feng.

Why is this again?

Just because he didn't understand, Lin Mo knew that he must not attack again for the time being.

Otherwise, no one knows who the damage will rebound to next.

Old Qi was also dumbfounded.

The female ghost in red looked at Dr. Feng's thigh and kept licking her lips, her saliva was already dripping out.

At this moment, the doctor over there raised his hand and punched Lao Qi, who flew four or five meters away like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time, many corpse worms also crawled out from the ground, and quickly covered the doctor's body, as did Xiao He's ghost blood.

It's just that they can only imprison the doctor temporarily, and no one dares to attack him.

Xiao He and the old ghost ran over from the hiding place to check on Lao Qi's injuries. Fortunately, the latter had rough skin and thick flesh. This punch broke bones, but it was not fatal.

"It should be some kind of curse ability that rebounds damage. I haven't found that the other party casts a curse so far. I suspect that within a certain range around this nightmare, it will be affected; the initial judgment is that it cannot attack. Just look at the strength, reach C level, plus that curse ability , the level of danger is at least B+."

Xiao He immediately made a judgment.

The doctor over there stretched out his hand and removed the corpses one by one. Since he didn't dare to bite, he could only use this harassment method to delay.

But this is not the way after all.

"He is injured, I have to save him." At this time the doctor said, and started to walk towards Dr. Feng.

It's just that because of ghost blood and corpse worms, he walked very slowly.

"Let him go!" Lin Mo thought of something at this moment and said something.

This is very risky behavior.

Xiao He disagreed, but he also knew that Lin Mo had two brushes, so he took back the ghost blood without asking any further questions, and the old ghost also took back the corpse caterpillar.

The doctor walked up to Dr. Feng and squatted down.

Lin Mo also walked over at this time.

"Be careful, this guy is terrifyingly strong." Lao Qi lay on the ground and reminded.

Lin Mo nodded, indicating that it's okay.

He also has two red balloons, so he has two chances for error.

But if you miss this opportunity, you will miss it.

This opportunity is to get the 'doctor' without using force.

The doctor over there lowered his head to carefully examine Dr. Feng's wound, and murmured, "I lost a lot of blood, so I have to stop the bleeding first."

After speaking, he opened the medicine box, took out a bottle from it, and sprinkled a lot of white powder on the wound.

The blood actually stopped.

"The wound has to be stitched up, but the muscles and blood vessels are severely damaged, so they also need to be stitched up. Fortunately, the bones are fine; but if a normal person can't survive, the flesh and blood of the nightmare must be added, otherwise he will still die."

The doctor looked up and looked around.

His eyes swept over the female ghost in red, and then at the two nightmare corpses on the other side.

One is the owner of the butcher shop, and the other is the Nightmare of Broken Bones who was later killed by the ghost in red.

The 'doctor' didn't say hello to anyone, got up and walked over more than ten meters in one step, and then cut something on the two nightmare corpses with the knife in his hand.

Then come over and start sewing.

The technique is somewhat magical.

Lin Mo said at this time: "I'll help."

"Okay, help me use your hands to stretch the flesh and blood here." The doctor did not refuse. At this moment, he is completely a doctor with a benevolent heart.

Wholeheartedly in the 'healing and saving lives'.

Dr. Feng wailed in pain, but after the doctor stabbed the opponent's thigh with two silver needles, Dr. Feng stopped howling.

"It doesn't hurt anymore!"

He was also stunned.

Lin Mo did not stop the doctor from performing the operation.

Firstly, this is indeed saving lives. If I were myself, I really don't know how to deal with Dr. Feng's wound; secondly, this may be a good thing for Dr. Feng.

After merging with the nightmare, he has the power to protect himself. Even if the female ghost in red is not by his side in the future, Dr. Feng can survive by himself.

As for the side effects, first solve the immediate problem and then talk about it later.

Lin Mo could see clearly that the doctor stuffed the flesh and blood of the two nightmares into it, and even used the rotting blood of the nightmares.

Under normal circumstances, good people have to be killed.

But Dr. Feng's condition is getting better and better.

Layer by layer, the doctor was satisfied after suturing the wound.

The obsessive, angry and malicious nightmare from before has returned to its original appearance at this time.

It's like fulfilling some kind of desire and purpose.

"After the operation, I saved another person. As a doctor, I just want to do good deeds of curing diseases and saving lives."

It can be seen that the 'doctor' is very satisfied.

He turned his head and glanced at Lin Mo.

"You only asked me to do one operation. Now if you want to do it, I won't do it for you. If you want to do it, I won't do it for you, because you have to make another appointment."

After speaking, he picked up the medicine box and went out.

"Don't stop him!" Seeing that Lin Mo wanted to speak, Xiao He immediately stopped him, obviously seeing something.

Lin Mo hesitated for a moment. The doctor had already walked outside. After chasing after him, there was no one in sight.

Lin Mo looked at Xiao He.

The latter took a deep breath: "This is a nightmare of obsession. I have seen similar nightmares. Although they seem normal, in fact, only broken memories remain, and obsession is the driving force behind them. I provoked it , you must let it complete its obsession, otherwise it will linger, as you have seen just now, this nightmare can do damage reflection, and if you hook out its obsession, it will be difficult to clean up, and you can't let another Are you going to have surgery?"

It makes sense.

Lao Qi is a tough guy, he would be fine if he broke a sternum, according to what he said, just rest for two days and he will be fine.

On the other hand, Dr. Feng is in a trap.

"Expert Lin, I feel..."

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