Lin Mo will not be cowardly either.

"Gan'e City, the polluted area of ​​Beitang No. [-] Hospital, when will you arrive?"

Lin Mo sent a text message on the site.

At this time, Lin Mo paid attention to the online list of the forum at the moment.

Above, there is no 'doctor' ID.

Did you go offline again after replying to yourself?

Lin Mo was still thinking about it, when there was a beep, a text message in the station reminded him.

Sent by 'Doctor'.

Lin Mo was stunned.

what's the situation?

The other party is not online. How did this message come? Could it be a ghost?

Lin Mo shook his head, this is the underworld forum, it is quite normal to have ghosts, and it is abnormal if there are no ghosts.But it is indeed incredible that the other party can achieve online invisibility.

Could it be that the other party is an administrator?

In short, 'doctors' are definitely not ordinary people.

If it was Nightmare pretending to be, it was also an elite in Nightmare.

Open the message content, the above is also concise and clear.

"Wait for me for two hours."


"Does this guy really dare to come?" Lin Mo rubbed his chin and muttered to himself. It is impossible for the other party not to know that he is an 'undercover agent'.

That fool knows that this place must be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

So Lin Mo really didn't believe that the 'doctor' dared to come.

However, Lin Mo must do all the preparations that should be done. If the 'doctor' comes, it is best to talk, but not to talk, or the other party has bad intentions at all, then Lin Mo must also ensure that the other party will not return.

After waiting for a while, the 'doctor' didn't reply to the message again, so Lin Mo closed the computer and dismissed it.

"Senior Old Ghost, when will Senior Xiao He and the others come back?"

In order to deal with the 'doctor', Lin Mo had to rely on the strength of the three of Xiao He, and it was definitely not enough to rely on him alone.By the way, the free combat power of the female ghost in red has to be drawn up, not for nothing.

The old ghost looked up at Lin Mo.

The meaning of that look seems to be asking, is there something urgent?

"Yes, it's urgent, it's related to the evolution forum." Lin Mo told the truth.

In the domestic special security bureau, the Evolution Forum is already the top number. After all, for the criminals in the nightmare world, the Evolution Forum can definitely be ranked among the top three in the country.

The old ghost nodded, and then Lin Mo saw a scene that stunned him.

I saw the old ghost's neck bulge, and then made a vibration sound with a very high frequency.

It sounds like a kind of insect chirping.

Almost at the same time, a similar sound of insects came from outside, which sounded very scary.

Should be some kind of contact.

After a while, there was movement outside.

Lin Mo saw that Lao Qi ran back in a hurry with a reggae spear in his hand, and when he came in, he hurriedly shouted: "Old ghost, what happened?"

It can be seen that the relationship between Lao Qi and Lao Gui is very good, and it is a friendship that has passed their fate. Lao Qi guessed that something happened to Lao Gui, so he ran back.

The old ghost pointed at Lin Mo, which meant you asked him.

"What's wrong?" Lao Qi looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked serious at the moment: "Senior Qi, this matter is very important, let's talk about it together when Senior Xiao He comes back."

Five minutes later, Xiao He also came back.

"What's wrong?" Xiao He was so tired.

Obviously, the ghost blood in his body can't enhance his physique, on the contrary, it may lower it to a level that is not as good as that of ordinary people.

Lin Mo gave a clear introduction.

"This doctor is a senior member of the Evolution Forum, and he will arrive here in less than two hours. We have to be prepared, and it is best to detain him." After Lin Mo finished speaking, he listened to Lao Qi haha With a smile: "What kind of evolution forum, what kind of high-level, just a group of miscellaneous troops, a mere doctor, I alone is enough."

This is obviously the contempt of the 'regular army' to the 'no-name army'.

But there is no need for Xiao He to say, even Lin Mo can tell that Lao Qi just said so, but in fact, the other party will not underestimate any opponent.

"The three of us, plus you, even the A-level nightmares have been cleaned up. It shouldn't be a big problem to hold down a criminal." What Xiao He said was also what Lin Mo thought.

"Then it's settled. By the way, I have two friends to introduce you." Lin Mo went upstairs and pulled Dr. Feng and the female ghost down.

As far as Lin Mo knows, there are almost no experts who are pure nightmares in the General Administration, but there are many people like Dr. Feng who have died in the real world, and still carry out various tasks in the General Administration, glowing and glowing.

Of course, the identity of the female ghost in red belongs to the nightmare controlled by 'Doctor Feng', which saves the trouble of being questioned.

Lin Mo had already told Dr. Feng and the ghost in red about this matter, and they would cooperate and not reveal their secrets.

The matter of specifying tactics was still handed over to Xiao He.

"Old ghost, how are you raising?"

After he finished asking, the old ghost over there made an OK gesture.

"Release some corpse bugs to investigate, and if someone is approaching, notify as soon as possible." After Xiao He finished speaking, he said to Lao Qi: "Later, you and Lin Mo will be in the light, and the old ghost and I will be in the dark. That doctor If it happens, don't make a sound and listen to Lin Mo's arrangement."

Probably because he was afraid that what Lao Qi said would make a mistake.

"Okay, just don't talk, what a big deal." Old Qi didn't care.

"I will arrange the ghost blood in advance. If you want to do it, you must kill it with one blow." After finishing speaking, Xiao He looked at Lin Mo: "Do you have anything to add?"

"Yes!" Lin Mo raised his hand: "Let me give this order, I want to have a friendly contact with the doctor first."

Xiao He nodded: "That's fine, it's our traditional virtue to be courteous before soldiers, so we'll act according to your wink."

"A word is settled!"

Several people started to prepare.

As for the female ghost in red, she is mainly responsible for protecting Dr. Feng, and if she has spare energy, she can also help out when doing it.

A few minutes before two hours, the old ghost made a gesture.

That means someone is coming.

"It's really here?" Lin Mo walked to the entrance of the hall and looked out, and saw a person walking at a normal pace on the dark road in the distance.

But it seemed that after only five or six steps, he had already crossed a distance of [-] meters and entered the courtyard.

Another step, already at the bottom of the steps.

Lin Mo glanced at the female ghost in red.

Shrinking to size?

Could this be taught by a master?

Chapter 0158 Is still a Chinese medicine doctor

It's completely different from Lin Mo's image of a gentle scum, meticulously dressed, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with a face like a crown, slender fingers, white, cold, aloof, and even a little perverted.

The doctor standing at the bottom of the steps at the moment is about sixty years old, with a wooden box hanging diagonally. He looks old and is wearing old clothes.

A bit earthy.

The other party smiled, looked at Lin Mo, and asked, "Brick?"

"Doctor?" Lin Mo nodded.

The other party also nodded.

That's the end of it.

Lin Mo first reached out and made a downward pressing gesture behind his back, which meant not to act rashly, first courtesy and then soldiers, and to convince others with virtue.

People in the light and in the dark have received it.

At this time, the doctor said again: "The road is not easy to walk, so it will take some time. Fortunately, I just had an operation and it is in the projection area next door. Otherwise, you will have to wait for a few days."

Lin Mo's heart moved: "Is it for Ma Xiao?"

The doctor didn't understand, so Lin Mo reacted, and said again: "It is immortality."

"Yes, that's him." The doctor nodded.

Lin Mo knew that his previous speculation was correct.

That immortal immortality is Mr. Ma, and the other party has really become a member of the evolution forum.

In this way, the person who helped the other party spread the nightmare pollution must also be a member of the evolution forum.

The doctor came up at this time and looked at the hospital: "This hospital is not bad, it's spacious...then where are we doing the surgery?"

Lin Mo didn't turn the corner all at once.

The other party was still boasting in the previous sentence, but then took a big turn in the latter sentence.

Fortunately, Lin Mo responded quickly.

"Of course it's inside, please come in." Lin Mo made an invitation, and Lao Qi stepped aside on the other side, looking curiously at the old man who walked in.

"Doctor Feng, you come too, you are also a doctor, you can ask for more advice." Lin Mo began to introduce.

Dr. Feng probably didn't see that the old man was in any danger, so he also came over to say hello.

The old man shook his head hastily: "I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and you are a Western medicine doctor. They are not in the same system, so it is out of the question to ask for advice. It is still possible to communicate with each other."

Actually very humble.

This is the most polite, low-key and humble evolution forum member Lin Mo has ever seen.

You know, this is a 'doctor', and he has a great reputation among the members of the forum. After all, the fusion of most members and Nightmare is done by this doctor alone.

People can't be seen.

Finding some chairs, Lin Mo asked people to sit down and started chatting.

'Doctor' is also a chatterbox, and he chatted very enthusiastically with Lin Mo.

Let's start with the fusion surgery with Nightmare.

After all, that's what doctors do.

Lin Mo asked a bunch of questions on the grounds of various worries.

For example, can any nightmare be merged?Another example is whether there will be any sequelae, and if you are not satisfied, can you replace it and so on.

The doctor glanced at Lin Mo: "This place is like Shura Hell, and it is not easy to survive. Few people care about the sequelae. Someone asked me about it before. As a doctor, I naturally want to tell you that fusion nightmares are all caused by other people. The possibility of backlash occupation, and the longer it takes, the greater the risk of this loss of control."

"As for whether it can be fused, I need to make a specific judgment; of course, if it doesn't work, once the nightmare thing is attached to the body, it will be like the gangrene attached to the bone, which is difficult to eradicate. Maybe there is a way, but I am still too young to do it. That point. It’s okay to add nightmares, but it’s more dangerous. I personally don’t recommend it, and you may be killed on the spot. But if you insist on doing this, I won’t stop you.”

Lin Mo nodded.

This 'doctor' has the same temperament as him.

Belongs to the kind of matter-of-fact, is really a 'doctor'.

Lin Mo then tapped on the side to inquire about the evolution forum, the 'doctor' shook his head: "I don't know what forum, someone asked about it before, I'm also curious, look..."

As he spoke, the doctor opened the medicine box he carried with him.

Inside was a stack of letters.

He took out one and handed it to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo saw that the letter actually contained the text message he had sent to the doctor before, and the signature below was: Banzhuan, I miss you.

Lin Mo suddenly understood.

The evolution forum is just a form, including the computer itself.

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