Lin Mo expressed his thoughts directly.

This time he failed to revive Xi Wenjun.

Of course not reconciled.

If the goal is not achieved, you need to keep trying.

What's more, the person who was going to be resurrected didn't resurrect, and in the end, another one was caught.

Natasha was captured.

Although Lin Mo didn't have a deep friendship with this female nightmare who wanted to plot against him at first, but the other party said later that she was also his assistant and helped a lot.

There is no credit or hard work.

What's more, he was taken away in front of his face.

This matter can't be left alone, even if nothing else is said, Lin Mo has to get back this face.

"This penetration test has been fully prepared, but who would have thought that there will be some accidents in the end." Professor Green was talking about the confusion that occurred during the third penetration.

It led Lin Mo to enter the world of unset realms.

This startled Professor Green and Wolf.

They were really afraid that Lin Mo would also disappear.

In that case, it is almost impossible for this kind of experiment to be carried out again.

Fortunately, Lin Mo came back.

So they don't want to continue the experiment right away, at least they have to figure out the cause of the previous problem.

Lin Mo didn't speak. He knew that Professor Green and Professor Wolf were thinking for themselves. After all, there were serious deviations during the experiment, and the results were unpredictable.

It can be said that it was a fluke that he could come back.

"Perhaps, it's not a fluke!"

Lin Mo thought of the bloody ghost and his last move.

He looked at Professor Green at this time, and asked if there was a controller that could control the progress of the experiment?

"You mean this?"

Professor Green took something out of the drawer.

It's a black thing that looks like a remote control.

Lin Mo saw this, his eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately.

"This is a controller made by Professor Owen. It is more complicated to operate. Only Professor Owen can use it. After he disappeared, no one will use it anymore."

Professor Green sighed.

But Lin Mo didn't know that after hearing this, he stood there in a daze.

There was a huge wave in my heart.

At that moment, Lin Mo remembered the ball of paper handed to him by the ghost in the 4444th realm.

He stretched out his hand.

The paper ball in the palm was exposed.

The paper ball came back with him.

He unfolded it immediately, only to see dense formulas written on the ball of paper.

Although Lin Mo also claims to be a researcher, his level and accumulation are still not enough.

Simply put, he doesn't understand these things.

But Professor Green next to him looked at it, and almost made a noise.

"Here are the experimental data and formulas. Where did you get this, this?" Professor Green's voice was split because he was too shocked.

Lin Mo told the two professors about the weird things he encountered in the No. 4444 realm.

"I suspect that the ghost I saw is Professor Owen."

There is much evidence for this suspicion.

One is the black remote control in the opponent's hand.

Professor Green said that it was made by Professor Owen himself, and only Professor Owen can use it.

But that ghost also has it in his hand.

This is one of them.

In addition, Lin Mo also remembered that it was after he called Professor Owen's name that the ghost had the subsequent actions and reactions.

It can be speculated that the other party didn't know what he was doing at first, so he was observing.

And when Professor Owen's name was called, the other party knew that he was looking for him, and this was the behavior of passing a note to pass the message.

"By the way, there is still a message!"

Lin Mo remembered what the ghost said to him.

It's just that the other party's language ability seems to have been greatly damaged, resulting in ambiguous words.

Anyway, Lin Mo heard a few key words.

"Numbers...periodic table, avoid...that's what he said?"

Professor Green asked after listening.

Lin Mo nodded, expressing that he understood so much, it was really not good, why don't he go to No. 4444 to ask next time?

"You entered boundary layer 4444, which was not operated by us, so I'm sorry, but there is no way to send you back in."

Professor Green shook his head.

Then he stated such a deduced theory.

"I suspect that Professor Owen is still conducting experiments in the world of the realm. Lin Mo, you may have been influenced by Professor Owen, which caused our experiment to deviate and let you enter the 4444th realm. This is not The accident was caused by Professor Owen's intentional interference."

"Why did he do this?"

"To convey information, the formula on the paper ball you brought back is an extremely important experimental theory of the realm. With this, we can be more sure. In addition, the formula also reflects the importance of some special numbers."

Immediately afterwards, Professor Green took out a piece of paper.

Above is an extremely complicated form handwritten.

The dense text and frames are connected to each other, like a compact instrument, and like a design drawing of some high-end chip.

"This is the periodic table of elements." Professor Green introduced.

Lin Mo said don't bluff people, I've seen the periodic table of elements, it doesn't look like this at all.

"This is the periodic table of elements in the dark world." Professor Green said with an expression that you have never seen before.

This time Lin Mo was silent.

There is even such a thing.

The dark world is the nightmare world.

"There are more and more complex elements here, and even some elements only exist in special places, or in a certain world."

Then he clicked a few spots on it with his finger.

Said these are some elements mentioned in the formula by Professor Owen, corresponding to some numbers.

"Bringing numbers into the formula will result in the same result. This is a warning and a reminder. Professor Owen wants to tell us that the world of realms associated with these numbers is dangerous. If you enter, you will die." born."

Lin Mo understands this.

But he didn't understand.

"In that case, why didn't Professor Owen come out and tell you the research results?"

What Lin Mo meant was that since that ghost is Professor Owen, the other party can get him in, and logically, he should be able to come out by himself.

"There must be some reason why he couldn't leave that realm world, just like us, we can no longer enter the deep realm world."

Professor Wolfe sighed.

Because he is a human head soaked in a fish tank, so sighing is also spitting bubbles.

It was very sad at first, but it turned out to be a lot of joy.

"But it doesn't matter. With the formula provided by Professor Owen, we can improve the details of the experiment, and it will definitely be more secure next time."

Lin Mo also made a suggestion at this time, asking if he could add a little more time, 15 seconds, nothing can be done.

"The 15 seconds is just a set time for safety, actually, we can set the time up to 5 minutes."

"5 minutes?" Lin Mo pondered for a while, and said yes, it was enough.

Chapter 1122 Where are the people?

How to use the formula to adjust the parameters, these are the things that Professor Green and Professor Wolf worry about.

Lin Mo is resting at the moment.

He did need a break, too.

It seems that he doesn't do much movement through the mirror layer penetration, but the penetration itself is a very heavy load on the body, and this kind of fatigue is difficult to recover.

Lin Mo is considered good, with a special physique. After all, it is already full of curse sequences, and most of the curses have been strengthened and upgraded.

For others, you have to wait several days for the next penetration.

Mirror layer penetration is a bit like that, it takes a long time to do it once.

Professor Green and Professor Wolf moved quickly over there, and adjusted the formula in a short while, and then asked Lin Mo if it was okay, and if he could continue to do it again.

"Of course."

Lin Mo said he could.

"Then this time, I suggest going directly to Mirror Level 4444, and communicating with Professor Owen there, to see if I can get more guidance and tips."

Professor Green said.

Lin Mo reminded one thing at this time.

That is to say, at that time, he seemed to have alarmed the ghosts on that floor, and there were footsteps and ghost screams outside. If he went in again, would he be throwing himself into a trap and bring himself to perish?

The two professors thought about it and nodded, saying that it was possible.

"Let's go to mirror layer 2024 first, and I'll see if I can rescue Natasha."

Lin Mo said.

Professor Green and Professor Wolf nodded.

"So this time, set the time to 5 minutes, and then return to the initial position of 0000, is there any problem?" Professor Green asked.

Lin Mo said no.

5 minutes and he'll do his best.

Both sides were ready, and then the matrix of light bulbs still flickered, some slight changes occurred in the surrounding laboratories, and Professor Green and Professor Wolf disappeared.

Wait until the light bulb matrix freezes on the four numbers 2024.

Lin Mo took out his watch and started counting down for 5 minutes.

The last time he didn't dare to run out of the lab, it was because there was a 15-second limit, because the penetration could only take effect inside the lab, and it wouldn't work after going out.

15 seconds, that's really not enough.

That's why Lin Mo didn't go out last time.

But this time is different, he has 5 minutes.

In 5 minutes, at Lin Mo's speed, it is possible to check the outside world.

In terms of strength and combat ability, Lin Mo does not think he is at a disadvantage.

He did not suffer a few times before.

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