It's so bullshit.

This is a master of science. With this thing, it is no problem to get it outside and win the world's highest scientific award, and it will become an idol in the scientific community.

The current self is like a traveler who can walk in different "onlys", which is a bit like a multi-dimensional space, but in a multi-dimensional space under normal circumstances, there must be normal onlys.

But in this place, any mirror layer is weird and dangerous.

Lin Mo has read Professor Owen's research report, and there is a sentence in it that Lin Mo thinks can generally summarize the mirror layer, which is what he said.

"From the moment you enter the mirror layer, you may die at any time."

Incisive enough.

Just for this sentence, Lin Mo's attitude is very serious, and there is absolutely no slightest contempt or disdain.

Before entering those two mirror layers, it was dangerous every time.

The first one was the weird Professor Green and Wolf. Of course, Lin Mo thought it was a fake. The other party directly attacked him and took Natasha away at the same time.

But I was not fooled.

Afterwards, the strange footsteps also wanted to lure him out, but he was not fooled. As a result, the other party became annoyed and wanted to rush in to make a move, but unfortunately he didn't grasp the time well.

It failed.

It seems that Lin Mo escaped the danger twice, but who is Lin Mo?

He is a strong man who has experienced countless life and death crises and emerged from despair and fear, so he already feels something is wrong.

It seems a bit simple to avoid the danger twice.

Is it possible that this is a long-term fishing for big fish?

Of course, it is also possible that Lin Mo thinks too much, but there is no harm in thinking about this kind of thing a little more, and making more preparations, even if it is useless in the end, is better than being caught blind when you need to use it without making preparations.

According to Professor Green's plan, the next step is the last mirror layer.

Mirror layer 3304.

Lin Mo assumed that this mirror layer is the most dangerous.

Even more unbelievable things may be encountered.

It doesn't matter, the soldiers come to cover the water and the earth, Lin Mo, the old driver, still has a certain level, no matter what the situation, he can be calm and focused, and the sky will not fall.

As a result, as soon as he thought of this, the light bulb matrix over there suddenly snapped twice, and a burst of strange sparks flashed out. Then, the light bulbs on it began to flicker randomly.

The surrounding mirrors also underwent unknown mutations.

The scenes in the dozens of mirrors before were all the same, but at this moment, the images that emerged in each mirror were different, as if staring at the monitor at the intersection, or seeing the computer screen in the Internet cafe, it was a mess , doing everything.

Lin Mo realized that something was wrong.

Professor Green didn't say anything about this situation, and didn't even mention it.

But Lin Mo is still as stable as an old dog, but he is tense all over, ready to deal with possible emergencies at any time.

After two or three seconds of random flashing, the light bulb matrix slowly stabilized. Just when Lin Mo thought everything was over, he suddenly saw four numbers displayed on the light bulb matrix.


This time, even an old driver like Lin Mo was stunned because his scalp was numb.

what's going on?

Professor Green said that the last mirror layer penetrated was number 3304, how did it become number 4444.

Moreover, let's forget about 4, there are still four in a row, I'm afraid it's not dangerous enough.

Very unlucky.

Chapter 1121 An experiment that seriously deviates from the plan

The numbers on the light bulb matrix gradually stabilized.

Lin Mo just glanced at it, and then his attention was attracted by something else.

those mirrors.

Mirrors placed around.

At this moment, in every mirror, there is a figure standing there, tall, short, fat, thin, men, women, and children, some of them are not even one person, but twins, or several members of a family.

These figures stood motionless in the mirror, most of their figures were covered by shadows, only their eyes shone with a faint light.

Kind of like a pack of wolves in a dark forest.

At this moment, Lin Mo can only respond to changes with the same.

First of all, Professor Green did not say that the penetration of the boundary layer would reach this number of boundary layers. In addition, he did not mention the current scene at all.

This is the so-called exploration of science, the exploration of the unknown.

And people don't know that most of the "unknowns" are frightening, dangerous and fatal.

However, according to Lin Mo's experience, the penetration of this level will not last very long, most of which are 15 seconds, and the most will not exceed 20 seconds.

In such a short period of time, even if there is danger, I can handle it myself.

If it comes, it will be settled, and it will still be carried out according to the original plan.

Lin Mo coughed lightly, and just wanted to call the name 'Xi Wenjun'.

At this moment, he felt something strange behind him.

look back.

A man with hollow eye sockets bleeding from seven holes stood there.

The other party's clothes were also covered in blood.

The blood had already covered up the original color of the clothes, and even dripped down the corners of the clothes to the ground.

This is a very vicious ghost.

But the evil is the evil, and Lin Mo didn't plan to start first.

He was very reasonable, mainly because the other party didn't do anything.

This level should be the other person's home, and I am the one who broke into other people's home, so the other party's anger is very reasonable.

But Lin Mo can't be beaten if he does it, he must fight back.

Lin Mo didn't want to waste time either.

He yelled.

"Xi Wenjun, are you there?"

Lin Mo hoped to get a response, but he was disappointed.

no respond.

"Professor Owen!"

Lin Mo retreated to the next best thing.

This time, the bloody man on the opposite side suddenly walked over quickly, Lin Mo squinted his eyes and prepared to do something.

But the other party came closer and stopped suddenly.

Reach out and hand something over.

Lin Mo glanced at it, it seemed to be a ball of paper.

Also stained with blood.

What does it mean?

He was ready to make a move, but the terrifying ghost on the opposite side didn't play his cards according to the routine.

After thinking for two seconds, Lin Mo reached out to take it.

If there was a curse on the paper, or any other vicious attack, Lin Mo would cut off the head of the ghost in front of him with a backhand and kick it as a ball.

But nothing.

This is the crumpled paper with a little blood on it.

The next moment, loud footsteps and strange screams suddenly came from around.

It seems that a large group of people are running towards this side.

Li Gui on the opposite side said something to Lin Mo at this time.

"Numbers...periodic table, avoid..."

The words were slurred and vague, and Lin Mo could only understand these few words. The next moment, Li Gui took out something like a remote control and pressed it.

In an instant, the noisy and strange screams around disappeared.

The ghost in front of him also disappeared.

Lin Mo just felt dazed, and then found Professor Green and Professor Wolf over there. When they saw Lin Mo, they hurriedly asked what was going on.

Lin Mo ignored them, but looked at the light bulb matrix.

The number above changed back to the original 0000.

This means that he has returned from the realm.

Only Natasha was gone.

This Lin Mo knew that he was kidnapped by a monster in the realm.

Only myself came back.

Professor Green and Professor Wolf surrounded them at this time, and Lin Mo waved his hand to tell them not to talk, and he needed to slow down.

It does take a while.

Because at this moment, Lin Mo actually felt a little exhausted.

It's like having not eaten for several days in the real world, and it's like the feeling after running more than ten kilometers.

Weakness, weakness in limbs.

Obviously, the penetration of the realm layer has a huge impact on the body, and it needs to bear a strong load.

These will return to the body immediately after the boundary layer penetration is over.

It can be clearly felt.

Professor Green and Professor Wolf didn't dare to ask questions at this time. They knew that something terrible must have happened in this experiment.

Lin Mo's beautiful female assistant is gone.

This is the best proof.

In their eyes, Lin Mo and the female assistant disappeared at the same time, and in less than a minute, Lin Mo reappeared, but the female assistant did not come back.

This has explained the problem.

Lin Mo thought of something at this time and asked Professor Green to take a group photo of the scientists in the laboratory.

The latter didn't ask, and took it immediately.

Then Lin Mo looked at the photo, pointed to a person on it and asked who it was.

"He's a researcher at Hilton, one of Professor Owen's assistants."

Professor Green answered.

"I've seen him inside. This guy has turned into a monster. His neck is long, his hands are long, and his body is long. It's dangerous."

What Lin Mo was talking about was the monster he encountered in the No. 2799 mirror layer.

It felt familiar at the time.

This is because Lin Mo has seen group photos of many laboratory staff before.

It's just that I didn't recognize it immediately.

"Researcher Hilton also disappeared in that accident."

"Not surprisingly, the people who disappeared that time are all in the world of the boundary layer. I need to penetrate again."

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