The other party's condition was the same as Dr. Feng's, with a breath of life, but a breath of death lingering around his body.

It's the kind of situation where after dying in the polluted area, you enter the nightmare world.

At this time, Dr. Feng had calmed down the old man.

"The two are experts from the Security Bureau. I have long admired you, I have admired you for a long time!" At first glance, this President Ma is a man of the scene, and he treats people with great momentum.

Should be upper class.

And after Dr. Feng's introduction, it was indeed the case.

Mr. Ma is a well-known local entrepreneur and rich man. He owns many companies under his name and has billions of assets. He is a real rich man.

However, it may be that he worked too hard in his career in the early years, so his health was not good. A few days ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. Although he was rich, he was relatively equal in front of the serious illness.

It's not that you don't feel pain just because you have money, and when you're terminally ill, you have to die.

"President Ma's illness is already at an advanced stage, which is a matter of a month. I didn't expect that he would have to suffer this disaster in the end, hey." Dr. Feng whispered to Lin Mo with emotion.

Lin Mo's heart moved, that is to say, this is a person who is about to die of illness.

The current situation is not a bad thing for Mr. Ma.

Instead, it's a good thing.

Lin Mo took another careful look at Mr. Ma, thoughtful.

"Mr. Ma, this is the world of nightmares. It is said on TV that it is very dangerous. Don't run around, just follow us. The two experts will protect you." Dr. Feng is very enthusiastic, especially for patients. Small, but a nice guy.

"Uh, good, good!" Mr. Ma hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Lin Mo went over and asked about the other party's situation as usual.

That is, what have you seen before, have you met other people.

Mr. Ma shook his head: "When I woke up, I was on the hospital bed. I didn't know what was going on at the time, and everyone around me disappeared. I waited for a long time before I got up and found that there was no one in the corridor. I think Something is wrong, so I planned to go downstairs to have a look, and I happened to meet you."

"Oh, then which floor were you on before?"

"8th floor!"

"Okay!" Lin Mo walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the 8th floor.

President Ma frowned.

"I just came down from upstairs, we should get out of here."

He doesn't want to get in the elevator.

Lin Mo obviously doesn't care whether the opponent is a rich man or not. In the current team, he holds the highest right to speak and make decisions, and no one wants to sing against him.

"Other places are very dangerous. Since you said that the upstairs is safe, then we must go to a safe place and come in quickly." Lin Mo's reason could not be refuted.

Dr. Feng and Li Feng also agreed very much.

They really needed a safe place, Mr. Ma's eyes flashed inexplicably, he also nodded, and walked into the elevator, but just when the elevator was about to close, he suddenly rushed out.

Facing the other direction, he ran out of the inpatient building at an extremely fast speed.

That speed doesn't look like an old man at all.


Lin Mo didn't expect the other party to run, and he didn't expect to run so fast.

He was the first to chase out.

After that came Li Feng and Dr. Feng.

These two people were a little confused, but Li Feng was fine, after thinking about it carefully, he also realized that there was something wrong with Mr. Ma.Dr. Feng was in a daze the whole time, not knowing what happened.

"Here, what's going on? Why did Mr. Ma run away?"

Although confused, Dr. Feng could only follow closely behind.

He really didn't dare to stay in the elevator alone.

Lin Mo chased outside, and the surroundings were pitch black, and Mr. Ma could no longer be found.

"Xiaoyu, where was that boss Ma just now?"

Lin Mo took out a pencil and a diary.

There is always something wrong with that horse, and we have to figure out what's going on.It doesn't matter if the other party hides, Mr. Ma can't run away with light rain.

But this time when I asked Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu didn't give a result.

Under Lin Mo's repeated questioning, Xiao Yu grabbed Lin Mo's hand and wrote three words in the diary.

do not know!

Lin Mo thought for a while, this should be the literal meaning.

There are two possibilities, one is that Xiaoyu can only detect the nightmare, and she can't detect the existence of non-nightmare; the other possibility is that Mr. Ma has other things on him that can prevent Xiaoyu from detecting.

Li Feng, who was chasing after him, also had a serious expression on his face. He was also an official expert of the expert group, so of course he could see that Mr. Ma was very abnormal.

Only Dr. Feng really didn't know anything, he didn't understand why Mr. Ma wanted to run away.

"Where are you going now?" Li Feng asked.

"Go to the 8th floor."

Since the horse always came down from the 8th floor, and the other party would rather run away than go back just now, it means that the 8th floor of the inpatient department is tricky.

Of course you have to go up and have a look.

Continue to take the elevator and reach the 8th floor smoothly this time.


The door opened, and Lin Mo took the lead to go out.

It was normal outside at first.

But after walking through a corridor, the situation is not connected.

There were more and more mildew spots on the surrounding walls, and the front corridor could not be seen at all.There was a thick layer of mold on everything, and the smell in the air was indescribable.

Stepping on the ground at this time is like stepping on rotten soft mud.

"This place is not right." Li Feng couldn't help but said, he felt the danger.

Lin Mo nodded.

Something is wrong.

That boss Ma just now must be talking nonsense. The other party is deceiving them. This guy deliberately led them to the 8th floor.

Dr. Feng whispered: "Why don't we leave first?"

At this time, in the corridor in the distance, a baby's cry suddenly came.

"Mommy mommy!"

Accompanied by the cry, it seemed that something crawled over from the front.

Chapter 0141 I'm Not Your Mother

"Have children?" Doctor Feng said something, and he shrank back.

Obviously not stupid.

The cry of a baby coming out of this place doesn't seem like a good thing anyway.

Surprisingly, the crying baby crawled very fast, and I could hear something crawling fast. The problem was, I didn't see anything for the time being.


Lin Mo realized something was wrong, and took the lead to retreat.

"Damn, I understand. The old boy must have escaped for his life and hid from this thing. He also said that it is safe here. Don't let me catch him, that old guy."

Li Feng cursed.

At this time, I heard strange noises, the sound of the flowerpot being crushed.

Lin Mo turned his head and saw that the flower pot, which was only a few meters away from them, seemed to be smashed by an invisible object, and the debris was scattered everywhere.

He reacted very quickly, stretched out his hand to pull Dr. Feng over, and kicked Li Feng again.

Almost at the same time, they felt hit by something.

Fortunately, I avoided it in advance, but just got there.

Even so, Lin Mo and Dr. Feng were also knocked into the next room, and Li Feng lost his balance and fell into the opposite bathroom.

"The invisible nightmare is huge, we can't run away from it!"

Lin Mo made a judgment immediately.

"close the door!"

Lin Mo yelled and closed the door of the room.

What I said just now was for Li Feng.

The other party is in the bathroom.

If you are smart enough, you should run in immediately and hide in the partition in the bathroom.

In this way, if something comes in, you can feel it, and the other party must at least break through the door first.

As Lin Mo thought, Li Feng really got up and ran in the first time, regardless of the men's and women's toilets, he ran in first and then talked.

Entering the partition, closing the door, and then not daring to move, only the beating sound of the heart can be heard.

In the opposite room, Dr. Feng wanted to speak, but Lin Mo made a silent gesture.

The latter understood and didn't dare to say anything, but there was fear in his eyes.

There is no way not to be afraid.

He didn't know what happened. He heard the baby's cry getting closer just now, and then he was pulled by Lin Mo.

So far he hasn't seen anything.

Lin Mo pulled Dr. Feng back slowly.

This is a standard ward layout, two beds, small area, and no place to hide.

Lin Mo stepped back slowly while staring at the door.

The thing outside is invisible, but it is impossible to pass through the wall, and it still has a substance.

If the other party wants to come in, he must open the door first.

I just don't know whether to open the door to myself or go to Li Feng.

After waiting for a while, the door did not open.

Lin Mo's heart moved. In this case, in all likelihood, he went to find Li Feng.

In the bathroom, Li Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this time, he also calmed down. After all, he is an expert of the General Administration, and his psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

He found that it seemed to be a women's toilet, with a total of three pits, and the partition he was hiding in was in the middle.

"It turned out to be an invisible nightmare, it's hard to deal with, and I don't know if that thing will go to Lin Mo first, or come to me?" Just as he was thinking, Li Feng heard a creak, like the sound of a door being pushed open .

"Damn, bully me alone?"

I cursed secretly in my heart.

But there was no way out, Li Feng couldn't figure out the way of this nightmare now, so naturally he didn't dare to move around, he looked down, thinking that he could see his feet outside through the gap below.

So he quietly raised his foot and stepped on the toilet.

"It's best not to find me, and then go to the opposite door." Although Li Feng thought so in his heart, he was still ready to fight, with black air gushing out from his gloves.

What followed was extreme silence.

Can't hear any sound.


Li Feng thought to himself that when that thing was crawling just now, it made a lot of noise. If it came in, it would be impossible for it to be silent.

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