The second nightmare I encountered, I thought it was a D-rank, and I could easily abuse the food, but who knew that the development of the matter completely exceeded his expectations, the opponent was at least a C-rank, and the method was weird, and he was caught in a fight.

If it weren't for Lin Mo, he would be cold now.

In short, this Beitang No. [-] Hospital is much more dangerous than imagined. Who knows what other scary things are in this building, Li Feng began to retreat in his heart.

"Did you forget what Captain Chen said? In the scout team, the most taboo thing is to retreat in case of disaster. Even if you avoid it this time, what about the next time? Every time you experience a crisis, it is actually an opportunity for growth. You must seize the opportunity." Improve your strength."

Lin Mo downplayed it, and Li Feng stared: "Don't talk about it, it's a lie, fooling us, do you take it seriously?"

Lin Mo didn't speak.

Li Feng knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he could only retreat and do the next best thing: "We can retreat first, make a plan before coming back, now there are things chasing us, in case we encounter other nightmares, once we are entangled, we will be enemies at that time. There is no doubt about death."

"There are many floors and rooms in the hospital, so it's easier to hide, and the monster appeared from the first floor before. I'm afraid I'll meet it again when I go down, so it's better to stay in the building."

Seeing Lin Mo's insistence, Li Feng couldn't say anything more.

Originally, the two of them acted together, and he wanted to take the lead, so he was very active when dealing with the female nurse just now.

In the end, I didn't expect that the performance was not good, and I didn't talk about it when I stumbled, and I owed Lin Mo a favor.

There is no need to think about dominance this time.

Dr. Feng led the way, and the three walked quickly.There is a passage between the outpatient department and the inpatient building of this hospital, through the passage, all the way to the inpatient building, at this moment, there is a very strong smell of formalin in the air.

At the same time, in the darkness ahead, there was a sound of bells.

Hearing this voice, Dr. Feng's face instantly turned pale.

Chapter 0139 The Terrifying Legend of the Medical School

"What's wrong?" Lin Mo saw that Dr. Feng's expression was wrong, and stopped, not daring to take another step forward.

Dr. Feng did not respond.

There was a kind of disbelief in his eyes, as if caught in some kind of memory.

"Doctor Feng?" Lin Mo called out again before the other party realized.The first thing after that was to pull Lin Mo and say, "Don't go there, let's go back, we can't go ahead."

At the same time, the smell of formalin in the air became stronger, followed by the sound of bells.

Li Feng wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it back.

He had an embarrassment just now, and it's not easy to express opinions at this time, so let's just listen to Lin Mo's arrangement, and it's not entirely out of anger, Li Feng also knows that Lin Mo is more experienced than him, and at the critical moment, he is absolutely not procrastinating.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he actually felt a sense of security.

"Expert Lin, we really can't pass here. I'll tell you the truth. When I was studying in medical school, I heard a horrible legend that was circulated in medical school."

"Tell me!" Lin Mo wanted to know.

"It is said that in the basement of the medical school, a general teacher disappeared. No one knows how it was lost. When someone went to check the next morning, they found that the body was gone, and there were some footprints on the ground, as if someone It's like walking out of a formalin pool by itself."

"That's it?" Li Feng also wanted to hear the follow-up, feeling that the story was not that simple.

"The latter is the essence of this horror legend." Doctor Feng has a talent for storytelling, he swallowed: "Later, I often saw people walking in the corridor at the laboratory building at night. The big one went to investigate in the dark, but when he found out the next day, he was already crazy, and kept saying this, bell, bell!"

"Our medical school has a tradition of tying a bell on the foot of the general teacher... Later, someone heard the bell in the laboratory building in the early morning. Some people said that it was the missing general teacher, the student who went crazy before , also because I saw the missing general teacher, and I was frightened crazy."

Dr. Feng's complexion was becoming more and more ugly at the moment, his forehead was sweating, obviously he belonged to the category of telling horror stories, but he frightened himself when others were not doing well.

"To be honest, this story is not scary." Lin Mo expressed his impressions after hearing it.

Li Feng also nodded in agreement.

Because they have experienced things ten times scarier than this horror story.

Dr. Feng smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

But soon, Lin Mo and Li Feng realized something was wrong.

This is a hospital, not a medical school, and the place where the missing general teacher happened is not here at all.

But the smell of formalin in the air and the sound of the approaching bell in the distance also showed that the horrible legend that Dr. Feng said happened at this very moment.

There is only one explanation.

This might be Dr. Feng's nightmare.

Or, the nightmare of the same medical school graduate who came here to work as a doctor.

"Doctor Feng, you just said that if you see that general teacher, you will be frightened crazy?" Lin Mo asked again, and Doctor Feng nodded.

"Yes, you can't see it, it's over if you see it!"

"It's troublesome!" Li Feng immediately lowered his head, not daring to look ahead.

Because at this time, as the sound of the bell approached, a figure appeared in the darkness in the distance.

Dr. Feng wanted to run, but Lin Mo pulled him back.

"There are more scary things in the outpatient building. Don't be afraid. Let's talk about some details in the horror legend about the general teacher. In the horror legend, do you die when you see the general teacher, or is it a specific person? part, hands, feet, face or eyes?"

Hearing the approaching bells, Dr. Feng was on the verge of crying.

"Is this important?"

"Very important!" Lin Mo looked serious.

"Let's think about it. It's the face. You can't see the general teacher's face. It's said in the legend. I also heard it from the seniors..." Dr. Feng couldn't help but want to look over there.

The sound of the bell was very near.

"Lin Mo, why don't we retreat first, in case something goes wrong, the matter will not end well." Li Feng didn't want to take risks.

"It's okay, if you're worried about something happening, just close your eyes and don't look at it." Lin Mo was very courageous.

He told Dr. Feng to close his eyes directly, then walked forward with his head down.

At this time, there was no way to go back alone. Li Feng and Dr. Feng could only lower their heads and follow Lin Mo with their eyes closed.

"It's so exciting!" Li Feng did this for the first time.

It has to be said that Lin Mo's way is too wild. When encountering a nightmare, he does not hide or evade, but actually rushes upwards.

At this time, Li Feng was really convinced.

In other words, he would definitely not dare to do so.

This is like a game of who is more ruthless. There is no doubt that in this competition, Lin Mo won the victory with an overwhelming advantage.

"From now on, Lin Mo will be my elder brother. It's really uncomfortable to argue with him." Li Feng sighed in his heart.

Lin Mo didn't know, but unknowingly, his charisma convinced another younger brother.

The bell sounded closer.

It may be three or five meters away.

Dr. Feng was the one I was most afraid of.

He closed his eyes hard, grabbed Lin Mo's backpack, and his whole body was tense.

"Can't open your eyes, can't open your eyes."

As he walked, he muttered in a low voice.

This made Li Feng very nervous, with his eyes also closed, but Li Feng was a member of the expert team after all, and he was prepared, as long as there was any trouble, he would strike.

Lin Mo walked in front of the three, and he was the only one with his eyes open.

But instead of looking at the face of the figure approaching, he stared at the other person's feet.

There was no doubt that it was a corpse.

The entire skin has been soaked into dark brown, and the skin is blue and purple. Every time the corpse takes a step, a bell tied to the foot will ring.

A footprint covered in formalin was left on the ground.

Because it is barefoot, every step it takes, there will be a snapping sound.

Although Lin Mo is not afraid, he is not stunned either.Although his current move is risky, it is also because Lin Mo has his support.

If he doesn't have a certain strength, he will not choose to pass by the opponent.

The two sides have come close, and they can almost touch each other with their hands.

Lin Mo could see the opponent's legs, feet and hands.

I didn't see the upward part of the opponent's chest. According to the content of horror legends, seeing its face would turn into a madman.

This may be the opponent's ability.

Just don't look at it.

What a big deal.

The two sides crossed.

Walking past each other, Lin Mo turned around at this time, and he saw the back of this nightmare.

A naked, bruised corpse, so thin that it seemed that there was no trace of fat.

As if feeling Lin Mo's gaze, the corpse stopped, and then turned its head. Lin Mo reacted quickly, stopped looking, and dragged Li Feng and Dr. Feng away quickly.

Chapter 0140 The Second Survivor

"Just now, why didn't we do it?" Li Feng couldn't help asking.

The three of them had already entered the inpatient building. The weak light on the wall dimmed the entire inpatient hall, and the walls, floor and ceiling were still covered with mildew.

"Who are you doing?" Lin Mo was puzzled.

"That nightmare, Teacher General." Li Feng pointed to the dark passage ahead.

"They don't have any malicious intentions, so why bother to kill them? If you win, there is no benefit. If you lose, the three of us will die. Being kind is better than anything else." Lin Mo obviously has his own standards for dealing with things: "Besides, no one knows what other abilities that Nightmare has, so there's no need to cause trouble."

Li Feng wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that what Lin Mo said was also very reasonable.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, we will do whatever you say." In this matter, Li Feng could only follow Lin Mo's standards.

He no longer dared to compete with Lin Mo for dominance.

At this time, Lin Mo also just recorded the nightmare of the 'walking corpse', which contains the 'habits' of this nightmare.

That is the rule of killing.

From the current point of view, as long as you don't violate this rule, even if you encounter it, you can get away with it.

"Strange, this elevator is still working." Dr. Feng pointed to the elevator at this time and said.

Lin Mo and Li Feng looked over and immediately became vigilant.

Because the elevator is going down.

All the way down from the 8th floor.

5th floor

4th floor

3th floor

All the way to the 1st floor.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the elevator to run by itself. In this situation, it means that someone is inside.

Doctor Feng also realized this, and hurriedly hid behind Lin Mo and Li Feng.


When the elevator arrived, the door opened automatically, and there stood an old man in a hospital gown inside.

Seeing the three people at the door, the old man was obviously taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to press the close button, but Lin Mo and others moved faster.

Li Feng already reached out to block the door, and then walked in.

"President Ma, why is it you?" Dr. Feng clearly recognized the old man inside.

"Doctor Feng?" The old man was obviously relieved when he saw the acquaintance.

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Ma, these two are experts from the Security Bureau, and they are here to save us." Dr. Feng stepped forward to comfort the old man at this time.

Lin Mo looked at the old man.

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