Well, what Wu Wei said about trying was not that he tried it himself. After all, he hadn't started yet, and he only had some relevant information in his mind. If he wanted to try it, it would be more convenient to use the elf, which has already acquired skills.

Called by Wu Wei, the little elf came over flapping his little wings.

At the same time, her questions followed.

"Jiji" (Wu Wei Wu Wei, what is an object?)

"Why haven't you passed this page yet?"

Wu Wei curled his lips, and said casually: "The target is the person who eats with me, lives with me and sleeps with me!"

When the elf heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Chichi" (the elf eats, lives and sleeps with Wu Wei, is the elf Wu Wei's object?)


Wu Wei almost choked on his saliva.

What is this little guy thinking?


"Chichi" (Why? Don't we eat together, live together, and sleep together?)

"No reason, if I say no, I won't!

Come on, hold this, and use [Heart of the Earth] to show me! "

As Wu Wei said, he handed the elf a boutique-quality crocodile heart rune.

The little elf took the rune, took a bite, and said curiously at the same time: "Jiji" (Then Ah Huang is Wu Wei's target?)


Wu Wei patted the little guy's little butt: "Stop asking nonsense, hurry up and practice for me!"

Under Wu Wei's repeated urging, the little elf began to use [Heart of the Earth] and entered a state of meditation.


One point in 10 minutes, one hundred points seems to take 1000 minutes, about sixteen or seventeen hours.

Wu Weizheng was happy, and noticed that the heart rune in this little guy's hand had dimmed.

After a while, the elf's eyes opened, and at the same time, the rune in her hand disappeared completely.

"It seems that the proficiency of 10 minutes is also due to the heart."

In other words, Wu Wei may need to pay 1 boutique-quality crocodile hearts to push the meditation technique Heart of the Earth to 100 star within sixteen or seventeen hours.

This thing can be sold for a minimum of one contribution, and a high one can even be bought for two or three contribution values, which means that it is at least a few hundred contribution expenses.

Fortunately, Wu Wei has the stock in hand, so he doesn't need to spend money to buy it.

However, even though he didn't need to buy a high-quality heart, the remaining 300 contribution points in Wu Wei's hands still couldn't be left.

In the end, Wu Wei spent the contribution value and bought an excellent quality earth attribute energy core for the elf.


Item: Earth Elemental Core

Excellent quality

Level: 20

Selling price: 310 contribution value


This is the energy core that Wu Wei bought.

For this energy core, Wu Wei put almost all the remaining contribution points in his pocket into it.

Not long ago, he had 860 contribution points, but now he only has 45 contribution points in his pocket, plus 4500 talismans.

The reason why Wu Wei gritted his teeth and wanted to buy this energy core was because he wanted to give the elves better, or he had great expectations for this upgrade of the elves.

Although he had a goal to kill the crocodile king in the crocodile swamp early in the morning, he also regarded the heart of the crocodile king as his own.

But the heart, the earth attribute is not particularly pure, a crocodile is a crocodile after all, no matter how pure the attribute is, it is impossible to be better than the pure earth elemental spirit.

The earth element is the heart that Wu Wei found from the logistics department. It is the most suitable heart of the highest quality.

Another point is that Wu Wei is afraid that if there is only one heart, the elf is not enough. The high-quality heart elves have already eaten more than 50, which is twice as many as 20. The energy core of excellent quality , Wu Wei felt that one might not be enough for elves.

That's why Wu Wei invested huge sums of money.

Now that the money has been spent, the energy core of the earth elemental spirit has also been obtained.

It can be said that everything is ready, what is lacking at present is that the elf has raised [Heart of the Earth] to 1 star.

As long as the little elf raises [Heart of the Earth] to 1 star, Wu Wei will immediately kill that crocodile king.

At that time, the little elf will eat the [earth element spirit core] first, and if he can't eat it, he can upgrade directly, and if he can eat it again, he can also eat the heart of the crocodile king.

After roughly planning the next elf's upgrade in his mind, Wu Wei waved his hand: "Let's go, go home and practice!"

Chapter 094 Comprehend the basics of Talisman

Back at the dormitory, Wu Wei poured out 99 crocodile hearts of high-quality goods, then threw the elf into it, and called Ah Huang over to let him practice [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake] while watching the elf practice.

Yes, let Ah Huang supervise the elves.

No way, this little guy is too skinny.

It is absolutely impossible for her to stay honestly for more than ten hours if no one is watching.

And Wu Wei himself had no choice but to study [Heart of the Earth], so he had to ask Ah Huang to look at this little guy.

At first, Wu Wei was still a little worried about whether Ah Huang could keep an eye on this little guy.

After all, that little guy is so skinny that Wu Wei himself can't hold it down sometimes.

So I sneaked over to watch it a few times, and what Wu Wei didn't expect was that Ah Huang did a good job, the little elf was very honest, and he was practicing very seriously, and he didn't cheat at all.

That posture was more serious than Wu Wei staring at it himself.

This made Wu Wei feel unbelievable, he had no idea how Ah Huang did it.

When he saw the elf opened his eyes, Ah Huang rushed over immediately, asking about his health.

Ask the elf if he is tired?

Let the elves take a rest when they are tired. This kind of cultivation can only be tolerated by very powerful elves. If the elves are not so powerful, don't force yourself.

Anyway, the elf is already the most powerful elf in Ah Huang's heart!

As soon as the elf heard this, he immediately patted his own airport and said that it is the most powerful elf, it can be even more powerful, it can continue to practice, and no one can stop it!

Then he closed his eyes and continued to practice hard.

This scene stunned Wu Wei.

It was the first time he discovered that Ah Huang, who had a simple and honest face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, was actually such a yellow scarf warrior.

This made Wu Wei unable to look directly at Ah Huang's seemingly simple and honest face.

However, this also made Wu Wei completely relieved.

Even though she is skinny like an elf, with her little IQ, if Ah Huang is willing, he can fool her until she dies.

Regardless of the little elves, Wu Wei began to concentrate on studying [Heart of the Earth].

Well, I have to say that Wu Wei found himself quite greedy.

The current him, no matter [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile] or [Basic Archery] [Rune Formation] are already quite up to standard.

No matter which direction it develops in the future, the future is extremely bright.

But he is still not satisfied, he still wants to buy a [Heart of the Earth].

But he is actually picking up the search.

He mainly felt that his mental power was 5.3, which was higher than other attributes, and it felt a bit wasteful to leave it there if he didn't use it.

Moreover, [Heart of the Earth] elves learned with 500 contributions, so he hoped to be able to start with 10 contributions.

Isn't he a bastard if he doesn't make money if he is so cheap?

Can he be this bastard?Can't be decisive, okay?

But soon, Wu Wei discovered that it seemed a bit difficult for this bastard to be inappropriate.

Just like the introduction of the Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile before, Wu Wei also encountered difficulties in the entry of [Heart of the Earth].

To get started with [Heart of the Earth], one needs to create an outline of [Heart of the Earth] in the spiritual world.

This Wu Wei is very blind. Although he entered the spiritual world under the guidance of meditation, Wu Wei has no clue about the outline of the heart of the earth.

Although there are not many nodes that need to be built to get started, it is enough to stop Wu Wei, a layman.

What makes Wu Wei vomit blood even more is that, unlike [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile], [Heart of the Earth] is a bit of a test of talent, and you need to understand it before you can master it. Come.

This is very frustrating.

Wu Wei tossed and tossed for a long time without thinking at all.

"Could it be that this thing has no fate with me?"

In fact, Wu Wei also suffered from a lack of professionalism.

If he is a professional rune mage, then he will take professional meditation classes.

Although the meditation class does not teach meditation, it starts with the basic teaching of meditation.

With the foundation in place, it is much easier to get started at this time.

However, although there is no foundation, his situation is not completely hopeless.

Just when Wu Wei was blinded, his eyes broke through and glanced at the books not far away.

When he saw the pile of books, Wu Wei's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Thinking about it carefully, the construction of that spiritual node seems to be somewhat similar to the construction content of the talisman? Can I get inspiration from there?"

The more Wu Wei thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was feasible.

So, I went to pick up [Basics of Talismanics], which I hadn't touched during the time I bought him.

The thickness of [Foundation of Talismanics] is about a quarter of that of [Fundamentals of Rune Formation].

Even though it's only a quarter, it's still amazing.

But Wu Wei didn't seem to be struggling.

This is also due to the fact that Wu Wei has mastered the [Fundamentals of Rune Formation], the three skills of a rune master, talisman making, formation, and props, are actually inseparable from a certain point of view.

The knowledge points of the three skills, especially in the basics, have a large part of overlap.

After Wu Wei mastered the [Basics of Rune Formation] and then looked at the [Basics of Rune Formation], it was much easier.

It took about five hours for Wu Wei to read [Fundamentals of Talismanship].

The words [13/100] appeared in front of my eyes.

Wu Wei only missed a glance, and focused on [Fundamentals of Talismanology].

To be precise, it is about talisman making, spiritual nodes, and rune nodes.

After reading it again, Wu Wei still has something to gain.

But because the [Fundamentals of Talismanship] in his hand is only the most basic book, Wu Wei still has many problems besides what he has learned.

With Wu Wei's knowledge base, it is basically impossible to solve these problems by himself, and it would take too much time to look up the information.

In this situation, Wu Wei thought of the senior sister named Jiang Li whom he had contacted half a month ago.

Looking at the time, it was just after 9 o'clock in the evening. Wu Wei acted quickly, sorted out his problems, and then found Jiang Li's phone number and called it.

"what's up?"

The other party quickly connected to Wu Wei's call with a very cold voice.

And Wu Wei didn't care about these things at all, he came up and directly threw the question he had prepared: "If the rune nodes can't fall on the paper, how should they be positioned?

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