For a talisman master, money is just a number, and talismans are the truly important resources.

But having said that, it is also because the charms of the world of runes rarely circulate in the real world, which causes the phenomenon of 1 charms per piece.

If there were rune masters who exchanged a large number of talismans, then the talismans would probably be worthless in the real world.

Of course, what is valuable or not may be second, if someone really did this, even if it is not far from gg.

Brazenly trampling on the rules governing the Talisman God Talisman Master, and selling a large number of items from the world of Talisman Runes, it's true that the Dahan can't lift a knife, right?

Wu Wei shook his head, threw away the messy thoughts, and handed over the list: "No problem, just put 500 of the contribution on my account, and give me the rest as magic charms!"

Chapter 092 Accept Inheritance

After converting the proceeds into contribution points and taking 24500 talismans, he didn't go back to the dormitory directly, but started working in the lounge of the logistics department.

What Wu Wei is busy at this time is the inheritance of the [Earth Heart] of the [Clay Staff].

Although Wu Wei was very happy to get this thing, his knowledge told him that the inheritance of this thing should not be easy.

Of course, if someone wants to ask Wu Wei what he knows, he will tell you that it is the knowledge of the Shenbing Talisman class of the first-year students of Yuehua College, the knowledge of [Shenwu Talisman Skill Inheritance].

It is recorded in detail above that the inheritance of this kind of divine weapon rune can be roughly divided into two types.

An inheritance that can only be used once, and an inheritance that can be used many times.

The so-called one-time use inheritance, as the name suggests, can only be used once.

The disadvantage of this method of inheritance is that the inheritance function of the Divine Armament Talisman is gone after being used. The advantage is that it can definitely win the bid with one hit without any mistakes.

Correspondingly, like the [clay staff] that Wu Wei started with that can be passed down many times.

Although it can be used repeatedly, the probability of success in inheriting such a magic weapon talisman is very touching.

Such a magical weapon talisman, let alone a single hit, can be hit within ten times, and it belongs to the kind that burns high incense in the ancestral graves.

Therefore, although Wu Wei exchanged more than 2 talismans, Wu Wei still has no idea whether the little elf can successfully obtain the inheritance of [Heart of the Earth].

"Bless you, Ah Huang, I hope you can hit it once!"

As he spoke, Wu Wei handed the staff and 1000 charms to the elf, and at the same time gave him an affirmative and encouraging look.

"bring it on!"

Following Wu Wei's voice, come on, the little elf activated the skill inheritance of the [Clay Staff].

In an instant, the 1000 charms disappeared, and then the elf's body was shrouded in a faint khaki-yellow light.

This scene made Wu Wei's heart bleed!

You know, although he has some money in his pocket now, it's all hard earned.

Moreover, it is estimated that there is only one opportunity to make money in a short period of time.

It is impossible for the next party to earn so much in a few days.

How could Wu Wei not feel bad for burning the money he could only earn the day before?

What made Wu Wei even more distressed was that the earthy yellow light on the little elf's body soon disappeared.

At the same time, Wu Wei got two messages.

One is bad news.

The elf's inheritance failed this time.

And there is another bad news.

Because Wu Wei appeared in front of【1/50】

According to his understanding of his family's gold finger, the 50 should be the number of times.

In other words, Wu Wei had to spend at least 50000 talismans, that is, 500 contributions, in order for the little guy to obtain the inheritance of this meditation technique.

In this wave, more than half of Wu Wei's contribution just started will be lost, and Wu Wei's heart is bleeding.

"Well, maybe, it should, maybe its progress bar is the same as [Rune Formation Fundamentals], it doesn't come one at a time, maybe it will jump to 50 the second time!"

Wu Wei said nonsense that he didn't quite believe, praying silently in his heart.

"At the price of Huang Mao's 50 years of being single, I pray that the elf can hit the second time!"

Wu Wei's generosity to others is very cruel.

But it didn't work. The second use of the elf still failed, but the progress bar went to 2.

Seeing this, Wu Wei basically gave up struggling.

"Hey, five hundred is five hundred! No matter what, I've earned it!"

Afterwards, under Wu Wei's distressed eyes, the little elf used the inheritance again and again.

One time is 1000 charms, and one time is 1000 charms.

Soon, the 30000 talismans that Wu Wei exchanged were used up, so Wu Wei had to grit his teeth and exchange another [-].

The reason for exchanging more is to save some for later deployment.

With Wu Weiling's talisman pill replenished sufficiently, the little elf soon completed 50 inheritance combos.

And when it was passed down for the 50th time, the light shrouding the elf's body began to be different from any previous time.

Not to mention it became extraordinarily bright, there seemed to be a light spot on the elf's forehead.

At the same time, a few lines of writing appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

[Your second original summoned beast [Soil Elf] has successfully obtained the inheritance of the meditation technique [Heart of the Earth]! 】

[Your elf has obtained the inheritance of the meditation technique [Heart of the Earth], and has successfully mastered the meditation technique [Heart of the Earth], and its spiritual power has been increased by 3 points! 】

[Your elf has successfully mastered the meditation technique [Heart of the Earth], it gets a [-]% bonus to the effect of earth-type skills! 】


A few lines of words that appeared one after another, as well as the light shining on the elf's body, made Wu Wei realize that this wave of elf's benefits was not small.

But at the same time, Wu Wei also vaguely noticed that the elf's income seemed to be limited.

I don't know if it's intuition, or Wu Wei felt bad for spending 500 contribution points. He always felt that the little elves should gain more.

"Maybe it's because this little guy hasn't evolved yet!"

Speaking of which, Wu Wei started to open the attributes of the little elf, and saw the skill that the little guy just acquired.


[Heart of the Earth] (1/100)

Category: Meditation

Description: It can increase the spiritual attributes of elves, as well as other incredible effects.


Seeing this crude introduction, Wu Wei couldn't help curling his lips.

I feel like this introduction is almost meaningless.

Of course, he felt distressed because he spent 500 contributions in one go. When this thing was revealed, Wu Wei originally thought that he had saved hundreds of contributions, but he didn't expect to spend it in the end, and he spent so much. with.

What made Wu Wei even more distressed was that the elves could still be eaten.

In this case, it is basically impossible for the final destination of this divine weapon talisman to be sold, and it can only be eaten by the elves, which means that Wu Wei finally obtained an outstanding magical weapon.

Not only is there no gain, but the loss inside and out may exceed [-] contribution points.

How could Wu Wei endure this.

"No, I can't lose so much, I have to think of a way to see if I can make some money from it!"

What Wu Wei was talking about was the inheritance function of this divine weapon talisman.

"I don't know if its inheritance function can be used by others? If so, is there a chance for me to sell the inheritance function?

1500 talismans at random, 600 contributions if you are safe! "

Wu Wei is also considered a business genius, and it actually made him think of a way to make money.

As he said that, he also asked the elf to try to see if he could use it.

After getting a response from the elf that it was indeed usable, Wu Wei narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Then use it on me once!"

The little elf waved the magic staff in his hand, and was going to give Wu Wei obediently.

"and many more!"

Even though he already knew that praying with this thing is probably useless, Wu Wei put his hands together in front of Ah Huang, closed his eyes and prayed silently: "Ah Huang bless you, this time I am willing to trade my five years of being single for a chance to hit! "

After praying, Wu Wei waved to the elf: "Okay, come on!"

The elf didn't come right away, it felt that Wu Wei was quite interesting, so it also came to Ah Huang.

"Jiji" (Ah Huang bless you, Wu Wei will be single for the rest of his life!)

Then, the elf waved his staff at Wu Wei.

Then, Wu Wei's brain lit up...

Chapter 093 Earth Elemental Core

[You have obtained the inheritance conditions of the meditation technique [Heart of the Earth], and you can get the inheritance if you complete one meditation! 】

This line of writing flashed in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

At the same time, a massive amount of information flooded into Wu Wei's mind.

This wave of information made Wu Wei's head buzzing.

It took a while for Wu Wei to realize what had happened.

To put it simply, his current situation is similar to the situation when he obtained the [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake] before.

It is considered to have obtained the inheritance of meditation, but it is not considered to have completely obtained the inheritance. It is necessary for Wu Wei to get started.

However, even though he didn't get the inheritance directly, it's not bad to have such a harvest with 10 contributions.

As soon as Wu Wei thought that this thing might have been bought by him all his life being single, Wu Wei felt a little itchy.

Without further ado, he grabbed the little elf and beat him up.

"I said it was only five years, why did you add it to me for a lifetime? What if I can't find a partner for the rest of my life?"

The little elf who was beaten didn't panic at all, on the contrary, he was very curious about some knowledge.

"Jiji" (What is single? What is a partner? What can a partner do? Is it delicious?)

Wu Wei was taken aback, yes, what is the object?Is it important?

Does it smell good or is it soft to hold?Are skills important?

It seems not!

I heard that it seems to be quite troublesome. If you are not careful, you will get angry, and what's more terrible is that sometimes you will leak air.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the skill is still good.

"That's all right!"

The enlightened Wu Wei threw the little elf aside, and then began to study the meditation technique [Heart of the Earth].

I don't know if it's because of his experience in studying rune formations, it's easy for Wu Wei to study this one.

Soon, Wu Wei saw some tricks. Wu Wei found that the skill of [Heart of the Earth] seemed quite simple compared to Ah Huang's [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile].

As a meditation skill, the cultivation of this skill is no different from other meditation skills.

It's all about meditation.

Its purpose is to use mental power to construct a [Heart of the Earth] in the mind.

"Let me see, to complete the meditation, you need to absorb the aura of the earth attribute, the aura of the earth attribute, the heart of the crocodile should be fine!

Well, try it!

Come here, little guy! "

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