Once this heart-wrenching fact is known to British men, Alan Wilson doesn't know what the consequences will be.Maybe you will come to Germany to help the poor as soon as you slap your head, man, what can't you do because of the little thing in the crotch?

At the wedding, Alan Wilson also squeezed in a few people to give speeches, nothing more than hoping that this marriage would become the starting point for reconciliation between Britain and Germany.The determination of the British soldiers to maintain love in this battle should be praised by everyone.

At the same time, it also clearly shows that there are indeed many occupation soldiers getting along with local women, calling on more soldiers to consider clearly whether they should be brave enough to take responsibility.

Although all this only attracted the attention of the German women at the wedding, and did not enter the ears of the German men who enjoyed free cigarettes, it can be said or not said are two different things.

The first public transnational wedding in the British-occupied area was absolutely spectacular, at least on the scene, with the exception of the cathedral, which seemed to come here to give blessings to the couple.

The transnational wedding became a hot topic on the streets of Bonn, and then it spread in the British-occupied area at an incredible speed, and finally spread back to the British mainland.

Chapter 143 The BBC will not bow to the government

In Bonn, Alan Wilson received journalists from his own country and communicated on the report. In fact, it was not a particularly important thing, but to make the report closer to the facts.

Soft text has the benefits of soft text, but wouldn't it be more intuitive if data is added.

In front of the reporters belonging to different newspapers, there was a statistical data, which introduced the statistical data of the Military Commission on the ratio of men to women in the British-occupied area. The figures were absolutely shocking.

At present, the proportion of men and women in Germany is 40.00%50.00 and [-]%[-] for all ages in the British-occupied area.Among a hundred people, there are eight more women than men. In fact, the problem is already very serious, but it seems that the problem is not serious when faced directly.

Then Alan Wilson took out another statistical report and distributed it to the reporters. This data is the statistics on the proportion of men and women aged 29 to 29 in the British-occupied area. The ratio of men and women aged 30.00 to 60.00 in the district is [-]%[-] and [-]%[-].

In other words, German men in this age group correspond to an average of sixteen German women.This is based on the premise that almost all the prisoners of war in the British-occupied area have been released, and there is still a large camp in the American-occupied area. I believe that the population imbalance in the American-occupied area will only be more serious than that in the British-occupied area.

"Dear reporters, this is a common phenomenon in Germany at present, so it is unnecessary to be harsh on soldiers of the occupying army. Soldiers are also ordinary people. In the face of this situation, it will not help to use military orders to prohibit them." While reading the data, he said helplessly, "Everything lies in a balance. If there are too few men, even women will make trouble. By the way, I heard that there has been a wave of divorces in China recently?"

Alan Wilson's inquiry made many reporters very embarrassed, because the divorce wave in China is very turbulent, and the divorce rate has skyrocketed five times compared to before the war. The first thing many soldiers returning home after the war is to get divorced. The civil affairs department has become the busiest department in London now.

At the beginning, civil servants even mediated the divorce. Later, as the crowds waiting for divorce swarmed in, it was completely beyond the capacity of mediation. Since the return of soldiers from the British Expeditionary Force, tens of thousands of soldiers have chosen to divorce.

In the final analysis, the United Kingdom used it as a springboard to counterattack the European continent during World War II. In this way, the United States sent 100 million troops to the British mainland.From the perspective of the macro situation, the benefits to Britain are very obvious. They can no longer worry about the invasion of their homeland, and the British troops sent out can fight outside with peace of mind.

But the British soldiers who went out to fight led to a shortage of men in the UK. Just like the current British-occupied areas, the US military has been stationed in the UK for a long time, and many American soldiers have lived with British women.

Many of these women are the wives of British frontline soldiers. Because the husband's life and death on the front line are uncertain, and American soldiers are guarding Britain in the country, the two sides have feelings for a long time.

In addition, the number of males in the UK is very small, so many British women choose to live with American soldiers.

Now that the British soldiers who went abroad to fight came back, of course they simply chose to divorce in the face of such a result.

However, Alan Wilson already knew about the wedding in Bonn, and the soldier who married the German girl was unmarried.

This is not unreasonable. I have no family, so I have no scruples in doing things. I would rather apply for discharge and be with the woman I love. Maybe it is really a very innocent love story.

"I believe that all journalists are sympathetic gentlemen. We should truthfully let our citizens know the plight Germany is facing. The accuracy of information has always been very important." Alan Wilson looked at the BBC reporter and said, "As the newspaper that citizens value most, the BBC should lead the way."

"Mr. Allen, you may be very young, and you may not be so clear about your work. Of course, the BBC has always maintained objectivity, neutrality and accuracy. This is out of the responsibility of media personnel, not political pressure. BBC I will not bow to the government's pressure." McHale, a BBC reporter in the British occupied area, raised his head slightly, expressing the integrity of a neutral media person.

Wow!Alan Wilson blew a whistle frivolously, asked his assistant Mark to type a stack of documents, and piled them up in front of McHale while flipping through them, introducing bit by bit, "How can a government that has always upheld the concept of freedom let The BBC is bowing its head, there is absolutely no censorship, McHale is overthinking."

"According to the summation from 150 to 35, there were [-] three reports on the BBC sympathizing with Hitler, [-] of which were after the Battle of Britain."

"Many people are worried about the BBC's hostile attitude towards the government. It may be because there are German spies in the BBC who have climbed to high positions. The investigation of the BBC has also aroused discussions among the government. Of course, we still believe that there is no such thing."

"This is nonsense at all. During the war, the BBC has always reported things in good faith to maintain the national interests of the British Empire." Political pressure?"

Snapped!Reaching out his hand to take out the MI[-] ID from his pocket and still on the table, Alan Wilson usually looked at the air in front of him and said indifferently, "I definitely didn't mean that..."

"Of course, from a professional point of view, accurate and close-to-implementation reports have always been pursued by the BBC. We want the public to see true reports." After seeing Alan Wilson's credentials, McHale said without embarrassment Rounding it out, "The role of the media is not to harm the public's right to know, so true reporting on the British-occupied areas is extremely important."

"It can also let the domestic public know how much painstaking efforts the trade committee and the military have spent on the reconstruction of the British-occupied area." The reporter of the Daily Telegraph sang one by one, "During this difficult period, the public and the government must tide over the difficulties together. .”

"Could it be to succumb to the pressure of the government?" Alan Wilson suppressed the contempt in his heart and asked knowingly.

"Pure nonsense, of course there is no pressure, and we will not bow to government pressure." All the newspaper reporters all spoke in unison, categorically denying it.

"That's good. I believe that all newspapers are in the interests of the British Empire. This is the case when facing a common enemy, uh, friends." Alan Wilson waved at Mark cryptically. These reporters Photos of business transactions with German women in the British-occupied area should not be shown.

These photos will destroy the tacit understanding between the government and the media, and they will be kept temporarily until the next communication with the media.

The report on this transnational wedding continues to be an explosive follow-up. After constructive discussions between the two parties, it was soon published in major newspapers, and many newspapers reported the matter with a sympathetic attitude.

Expressing that the war is cruel, a large number of German men, the initiator of the war, died in battle. In the age group from 29 to 30.00 years old, the ratio of men to women is 60.00% [-] to [-]% [-]. Ten men have to face [-] women of the same age.

"German women in this era are likely to die alone because of this war, and they will never find a life partner for the rest of their lives. The damage caused by the world war can be seen."

"With regard to the emotional issues between soldiers in the occupied areas and German women, purely military regulations will not help. As long as British soldiers can see German women, they will always be chased by local German women."

And the yellow tabloids even reported this wedding with an inspiring headline, "Obviously the gentlemen of the British Empire have the outstanding qualities that attract all German women, neither like American soldiers are brutal and vulgar, nor are they like French soldiers Love is not fidelity enough, British men deserve to be welcomed by occupied women."

On the surface, these reports sympathized with the price Germany paid for launching the war, but in the context of the current wave of divorces in the UK, the divorced men who read these newspapers only remember the ratio of ten to sixteen men and women. In the eyes of men who have lost their families, Germany is now no less than a man's paradise.

Perhaps these men who have just paid the price of their families because of the war can find spiritual solace in another place and get counseling on love again.

Alan Wilson hooked up with reporters in the British occupation area, of course, not just to confirm the neutrality and objectivity of the report.That's just one aspect, and the other aspect, what he, a senior keyboard man and pen holder, is doing is to open a map cannon.

In terms of moral concepts and behavior.In terms of morality and ethics, the prominent difference is that Europeans are more tolerant, while Americans are narrower; Europeans are reasonable, while Americans are only rigid and conservative.

Europeans are rich in knowledge and connotation, Americans are arrogant and ignorant, Europeans respect tradition, Americans seem to be in a wild period, and I will not say much about the fact that they are uneducated and unkempt.

At this stage, Alan Wilson found that the reporters of the major newspapers showed their professionalism all at once. He did not expect that there would be many crouching dragons and phoenixes in the small British-occupied area at the same time, which was really surprising.

I laughed at the fact that the United States was foolish and the Soviet Union lacked wisdom. They were able to be welcomed by European countries, and I returned to the British Empire.

Naturally, these map jokes will not appear in newspapers, but they will soon spread in the British-occupied area at an alarming rate.

"I'm going to Brussels to attend a meeting right away!" Alan Wilson touched Isabella Pokina's smooth back, feeling the wonderful touch, and leaned into the woman's ear and said, "Maybe I won't see you for a while."

"What do you want to say?" Isabella Bokina turned over and asked suspiciously.

"Actually, it's nothing." Alan Wilson was a little embarrassed, and secretly begged, "Can the three of you go together?"

Chapter 144 The Dream Comes True

"You can really say it?" Isabella Bokina laughed angrily, didn't the British official in front of her feel that she was going too far, as if everything was as it should be.

Alan Wilson's response was that the hands covering the full upper body increased their strength, and began to persuade in a tone that was too scumbag, "My dear, to be honest, I have always dreamed of a day when I will be with you sisters." , this is the real family, this is the way to be intimate, isn't it?"

At the same time, he also excused his behavior based on the current real situation in Germany, saying that although Germany will still insist on monogamy in principle, it will definitely turn a blind eye to the fact that there is one king and two queens, because the whole society This is the general environment of the family. If this is the case, it is very important to maintain family harmony.

Although Isabella is a sister, it is not enough to maintain a harmonious relationship. They should eat and sleep together, and be intimate, so that they are a family.

Alan Wilson, as an official in the British-occupied area, of course knew that everything was not for nothing, but who made Britain a victorious country, and it shouldn't be too much to get a little treatment from a victorious country here.

Not only is it not too much, it is simply sticking to the last kindness in my heart.

He didn't believe that other British people in the British-occupied area could do as much as he did to help the helpless Hellman family to achieve a class leap after the chaotic war.

"Emotions are mutual, and there should be rewards for what you give." Seeing that Isabella Pokina did not respond, Alan Wilson moved his mouth together again, reminding himself how much he cared about the lives of the two sisters.

"Okay, okay." Isabella Pokina tilted her head and finally nodded in agreement.It's just that my heart is pounding, as long as I think of that scene, I can't help but blush, but I can't do it if I don't want to.

Allen Wilson has already raised his gun and mounted his horse. After getting the approval, he is going to give a reward to the dragoon in his arms.

I am about to go to Brussels to devote myself to the British Empire. Is such a small request too much now?

It shouldn't be too much, and it can't even be said that there is a lack of personal morality. He is just trying to solve the immediate needs of the German dragoons. Is this a mistake?

"When will you come back from Brussels?" Isabella Pokina's breathing gradually calmed down, and she realized why Alan Wilson was in such a hurry. It turned out that she was going to Belgium, so she was anxious to fulfill her wish of killing two birds with one stone. Just don't know how long it will take.

"To be honest, I don't know whether I will come back or not. The higher-ups value me very much. I also have to provide enough working ability. The current British Empire is in an embarrassing situation, and the United States and the Soviet Union are eyeing each other." Entering the sage time, Alan Wilson recovered The wisdom of the imperial civil servants, "How to maintain the influence of the British Empire in Europe, but we have to talk about it."

"Oh!" Isabella Bokina's heart moved, and she followed the man's words and asked, "Is this a difficult task?"

"That's right! Whether we can maintain the independent voice of Western Europe depends not only on our hard work." Allen Wilson sighed, not at all guarded against the woman who was just filled with him, "At present, the Soviet Union's The threat is more direct, but as far as the colonies are concerned, the Soviet Union is unlikely to pose a threat to the British Empire within ten years. This meeting probably also discussed this issue. On the contrary, our suspicious ally, the United States, is the real enemy on the colonial issue. "

"What I am most afraid of now is the tacit understanding between the United States and the Soviet Union. Once the colonies of these European countries collapse, we will be finished. However, the Soviet Union also needs to be rebuilt in a short period of time. At present, the enemy of European countries on the colonial issue is the United States."

After the war, America’s biggest opponent was not the Soviet Union, but the old system. The obvious point was European forces. Why would Europe be willing to let the United States enter the European market under the Marshall Plan?

It is because the Soviet Union controlled Eastern Europe, which made Western Europe feel tremendous pressure. Starting from Europe, a financial system with the US dollar as the core began to be established. As long as this system is still in place, the United States will still be the most influential country in the world. .

The Brussels conference is about to be held, and Alan Wilson has prepared a lot of materials. He was doing this in Bonn in the last few days. He must first show that the Soviet Union is not as powerful as imagined.

There is a saying, strategic contempt, tactical attention, the Soviet Union is a behemoth to any individual European country, but it is not completely irresistible.

Alan Wilson used Germany's post-war facts to speculate that the Soviet Union would not end up much better than Germany in a war of the same intensity. The problem may not be as big as Germany, but there will be no substantial threat within ten years.

The strength of the Soviet Union can only be estimated by speculation. Alan Wilson can't just say that the Soviet Union killed 3000 million people. How does he explain the source of his data?The Soviet Union did not make it public?

But speculation does not require evidence. The interrogation records of German prisoners of war can be used to show that the Soviet Union was indeed severely damaged. At this time just after the war, it can be regarded as a kind of political correctness.

"Let's take a break?" When processing the materials the next day, Isabella Bokina came in with fruit, looked gently at Alan Wilson, and the manuscript prepared for the Brussels meeting in her hand.

"Okay." Brought over an apple that is absolutely treasured in Germany at this time, Alan Wilson took a bite and made a crisp sound, and said vaguely, "Honey, no matter where I am, as long as conditions permit, I will I will keep in touch with you often, there is a saying in the East that a husband and wife can enjoy a hundred days of grace, and I will remember the beauty of these days."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Alan Wilson feels that recently, Isabella Pokina seems to have become a little gentler, and Alan Wilson thinks that there may be an element of love for a long time.

Sure enough, Isabella Bokina said something that made Alan Wilson ecstatic, "I will sleep with Anna at night, if you want, come here."

Isabella Bokina has also made up her mind. If the self-hypnosis wasn't for the materials of the Brussels meeting, she would never give up her persistence and make such a big sacrifice.

"Really, Anna agreed?" Alan Wilson rubbed his hands, stood up and took two steps back and forth. It turns out that this is the feeling of dreams coming true. If I had known earlier, I might not have any resistance to returning to Europe. , suddenly came back to his senses and asked, "Where's Anna?"

Send information!Isabella Bokina said with a smile on her face, "Maybe I went to school. Now that there is a school in Bonn, classes are still open. Anna should go to school well. In fact, even I should work part-time and study. Learn to make up for it.”

As a student?Alan Wilson covered his mouth with his hand, blocking the fleeting obscenity, which was too exciting.

An apple was eaten up very quickly. At this time, Alan Wilson couldn't let go of any opportunity to supplement nutrition.After all, if you want to take on hard work, you can't live without a good body.

Just like a car, its warranty period has expired, and some things cannot be made up for by car skills.Although he thought he was just a novice on the road, he still had to take care of himself.

It's a pity that when he came back from British India, Alan Wilson was so full of himself that he had done a good job, so he didn't bring back any special products.

This night in Bonn was extraordinarily long. Alan Wilson himself had devoted himself to the British Empire, and he deserved such a reward. He would devote a hundred times more energy to his new work in the future.

The moon slowly hid behind the clouds, and the battle of Bonn continued, and entered the most intense stage.

"I'm so lucky!" Alan Wilson, who was lying in the middle of the big bed, looked at the golden hair on his shoulders, and couldn't help sniffing lightly, feeling satisfied after seeing his dream come true. Said, "I regard you as my wife."

Alan Wilson slept deeply. When they got up in the morning, the two sisters had already woken up. Anna disappeared again, and Isabella Bokina's explanation for this was, "Go to school."

"Going to school is good, going to school is good. In fact, I also miss the time when I went to school. At that time, I had to learn foreign languages. Is it true that Oxford University can be entered casually?" Alan Wilson laughed straight, and moved with Isabel Rapodina ate a close-to-lunch breakfast before continuing to prepare her speech for the Brussels meeting.

The more necessary materials are prepared, the better. Only in this way can there be a blockbuster effect and lay a solid foundation for future progress.

After all, Alan Wilson is still a civil servant who wants to make a difference. Thinking about it carefully, after arriving in Europe, in addition to harvesting a pair of dragoon sisters, a few out-of-print cars, and some insignificant gold that cannot be compared with 20 lives, 45 Apart from a classical piano, seventeen Leica cameras, a trunk full of jewelry, and some souvenirs that cannot be counted, there is actually nothing else.

Compared with his efforts for peace in Europe, the hard work he paid to save 20 Yugoslav refugees, and even solved the rampant black market transactions in the British-occupied areas and lowered the price of cigarettes, this negligible gain is far less than his pay at work.

Then this gain is logical, and Alan Wilson feels that he deserves it.

It's not that he insists on these extraneous things, but that this environment is like this. He doesn't have the ability to change the general environment, so naturally he can only go along with it.

"Hehe, those Western European countries are only focusing on the interests of the colonies." A chuckle from the Kremlin suddenly sounded in the office, and then he said to himself, "But let's see if these countries can take advantage of the United States?"

I can't do it, I can only ask for leave

At ten o'clock, the cat at home turned into a red light. I was anxious, and ended up breaking the network cable and network interface on the back of the case. Now the network cable does not light up when it is plugged in, and there is no network, so I can't code.

I have never used mobile codewords, and I can't update them today.As far as the words explained at this point, there are four typos, which are still corrected now.

Get someone to fix it tomorrow and see if it can be fixed.

Chapter 145 The Flexibility Struggle

"But?" Stalin put down the documents in his hand, glanced at the waiting Beria and asked, "Comrade Beria, what is the target's secrecy level?"

"In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, apart from myself, only the first-level political commissar, General Merkulov, knows." Beria quickly replied, "The level of secrecy is still quite high, and the underground workers next to the target are all directly Contacting the first-level political commissar directly, there is absolutely no possibility of exposure."

"Don't say anything absolutely." For some reason, Stalin had reservations about the statement that there was absolutely no possibility of exposure, which made Beria suddenly fearful.

For example, if someone who is a senior security cadre is not trusted by the highest level, it is quite a terrible thing.Could it be that Stalin is already tired of General Merkulov, the first-level political commissar?Or do you have distrust of the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs?

When Beria was thinking a lot, Stalin said with ease, "In this way we can determine a very important thing and change the way of fighting. In this devastating war, the only country that is out of the way is The United States, Britain and France have all been hit hard to varying degrees, and these countries in Europe are in urgent need of colonial blood transfusions, and the biggest problem they face is reconstruction, which is the same as our Soviets."

"Comrade Stalin's views on this matter are consistent with the intelligence feedback." Beria agreed unconditionally, "We have received news that the military forces of France and the Netherlands have returned to Asia, trying to restore colonial rule in Southeast Asia. There is no apparent opposition from the United States."

"Then the attitude of our Soviet Union is to oppose it openly!" Stalin expressed his attitude concisely.

"Then, Comrade Stalin, what level of support and assistance is appropriate?" Beria immediately asked after hearing this, and the right to decide this kind of matter is still in the hands of Stalin himself.

"Give all moral support, except for help and assistance." Stalin said with a chuckle, "Solidarity is free, but fighting the Americans requires cost. We have to go further and ask the Americans to divide and occupy Japan. Of course Americans will not agree, but we just want to mention that Hokkaido will be separated from Japan forever, and the Japanese will no longer see Hokkaido, just like they can't see their own ears."

Of course Stalin knew that the Americans with the nuclear bombs in their hands are defiant, but the good news is that Britain, France and the European colonial countries do not seem to want to get involved in this troubled water.

Europe and the United States are not of one mind, is there any benefit?This is of course, at least in a short period of time, Europe will not follow the United States to launch World War III.

The topic of the Third World War was not a taboo topic in various countries in [-]. Many people believed that a world war would break out sooner or later, and there were many such voices in the Soviet Union.

In fact, even Stalin himself is not completely at ease about the current situation in Europe. He believes that the possibility of a world war may exist, especially after the United States holds nuclear bombs, this threat is more intuitive.

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