Alan Wilson felt that he had nothing to do with old men, at least not in terms of physical age.

"Brother-in-law...don't do that." Anna kept avoiding Alan Wilson's intrusive hand, and her buttocks moved little by little, trying to distance the two of them, but she seemed to know that this man was not easy to mess with , can only carry out this futile struggle to delay the arrival of that moment.

Alan Wilson directly hugged Anna by the waist, and comforted him softly, "I must be as good to you as I am to your sister."

How can this kind of passive resistance work? It will only make the dirty imperial civil servants even more unscrupulous.

The moment she was hugged, Anna breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't completely relax. She hugged Alan Wilson's neck and said with fear, "I haven't experienced it yet, so I'm a little scared..."

Who can bear this!I found Alan Wilson, who is the essence of the work for the British Empire, and had a frank exchange with the new German teacher, and gained a deep understanding of each other's bottom line. The process reflects the long-standing special relationship between Britain and Germany.

When Isabella Pokina came home in the evening, Alan Wilson was already waiting with a satisfied look on his cigarette, and asked the tobacco factory how fast it was.

"Where's Anna?" Seeing Alan Wilson's expression, Isabella Pokina knew that she must have got what she wanted, and asked angrily, "Aren't you gentle?"

"You are still in the house, go and comfort her." The consequences of the fait accompli have been caused, and while Alan Wilson has a sense of accomplishment, he does not forget to deal with the aftermath, "I will go to the British Army Command and come back at night. You have a good talk with her."

The imperial civil servants with their trousers up are tough, and their suppressed IQ has finally regained the high ground.

Isabella Pokina kept watching Allen Wilson leave before turning around and entering Anna's room. The room was in a mess, indicating that the previous battle was fierce. The nominal sister's hair was disheveled, and her expression seemed to be wronged.

"You're gone, don't pretend." Isabella Bokina rolled her eyes, how could the students in Gazna be so fragile, and they knew in their hearts that such a day would come sooner or later.

"I'm inexperienced!" Anna muttered dissatisfied and stood up, exposing her perfect figure in front of Isabella Pokina's eyes, "I don't go out, isn't it more in line with the feeling of being hurt, so the British may Some guilt."

"I didn't have it before." Isabella Pokina was furious when she heard it. No matter how she heard it, she seemed to have experience.

Being an agent requires a lot of sacrifices. The two dragoons who Alan Wilson saw as weak and deceptive, and who can be manipulated casually, have long been psychologically prepared for this day.

"Where did he go?" Anna asked as she put on her clothes, "Isn't it a little too much to leave after the business is over?"

"We are ordinary women who have nowhere to go in the defeated country. Go out and have a look. There are a lot of German women who are hanging out with British soldiers." Isabella Pokina waited until Anna finished her clothes and said, "Now We have a firm foothold in Bonn, and with the help of this trade council official, we can live well. The days are long!"

Let the sugar-coated bullets come more violently. Alan Wilson learned from Tim Brand that because of the severe damage to the city of Hanover, the Trade Commission wants to temporarily locate its headquarters in Bonn.

Isn't such an obvious excuse just to keep the tobacco factory within sight?However, Alan Wilson still expressed his approval. There are not many places in the British-occupied area where the damage is not serious, and Bonn is the most suitable.

"I might go to Brussels in September." Allen Wilson said to the two deputy secretaries-general. He took the initiative to tell the truth with two meanings. The first meaning was that he would not live in Bonn permanently, so he didn't have to worry about being in Hellmann. Manipulating the accounts of the tobacco factories.

The second meaning is that he, Alan Wilson, is valued by the head of the London civil servants and has to attend particularly important meetings.Although I won't eat alone, I won't suffer a loss either.Civil servants in British India are all waiting for dividends.

"Alan, you can go to Brussels to explain how much you are valued by the higher authorities." Harold promised, "Things in the British-occupied area will not change because of where you are, that's for sure."

"You are one of us, and we never deny that." Tim Brand also admitted, "The reason why the British-occupied area has made a good start has a lot to do with your hard work. "

Of course, Alan Wilson felt that the two deputy secretaries-general were right. He was indeed working hard for the British Empire all the time, and he was almost overworked.

"By the way, I discussed with Tim. In fact, the black market is rampant now, and it is not just a problem of tobacco. Apart from tobacco, it is essentially the German value system that has collapsed. When the time is right, we will find a way to restore it. Or establish a new value system." Harold told the whole story of the two people's discussions, "Only in this way can the British-occupied area be truly stable."

When is the right time?Alan Wilson grasped the point, when is the right time?This is an important question.

Faced with Alan Wilson's question, Tim Brand gave an answer, "When the time is right, it means that under the natural adjustment of the market, the price has a certain stability, and some items are no longer rare goods. When the time comes The Trade Commission will set up an identification center to confirm or protect the value of valuables belonging to Germans in the British-occupied areas, and restore these valuables to their original value."

oh?Alan Wilson understood that some items that are not rare goods should be tobacco.Once the tobacco factory is fully operational, the value of tobacco will naturally slowly return to its original value.

When the tobacco factory no longer has huge profits, and there will be no such thing as exchanging a pack of cigarettes for a classical piano, or a diamond ring, it will be the time when the Appraisal Center, an institution that stabilizes prices, will be established.

"I think the Germans will definitely appreciate our efforts for the revival of Germany." Alan Wilson, who has insight into the inside story, agreed, "Of course, nothing can be rushed. It must be fully understood and investigated, otherwise it will be intervened suddenly. It could backfire."

"This is also what the two of us are worried about, so it's just an idea now, and we are in the stage of establishing an internal consensus." Tim Brand and Harold looked at each other, tacitly expressing that the time is not right now. Mature.

"Speaking so openly, isn't it for a more secure profit?" After returning to Hellman's house, Alan Wilson couldn't help talking nonsense in front of a group of sisters.

Without two testicles falling down, the desire to go to heaven is annoying, but it is to others, Sister Isabella is very self-effacing, "Then what should we do?"

This us!Alan Wilson cheered up for a while, and said conceitedly, "Don't delay the value of tobacco now, and I will naturally point out a route to improve your life for you sisters. Follow me, and the accumulation of wealth will come naturally."

Chapter 141 Symptoms of International Marriage

"With the existence of the tobacco factory, the citizens of Bonn will also enjoy the benefits. The goal now is to make Bonn the first city in Germany to fully resume school." Alan Wilson moved his hands and feet at a pair of dragoons, eager to try at the same time It also has the purpose of guiding the Germans to the right track, "so that London can even more regard Bonn as a model. If this is done, the London government will be honored and the Germans will also benefit."

Alan Wilson, who originally wanted to get even exposure to rain and dew, felt Anna's faint avoidance, and gradually moved his hand towards his sister's inner thigh, which seemed to make Anna understand that she should cater to rather than resist her own existence.

Just as the Germans must accept the status quo of the four-nation occupying forces, Sister Isabella must also accept the fact that Alan Wilson is the man of the two of them.

Revenge ensued, and Allen Wilson was sweating profusely that night. With the bonus of the imperial civil servants, he also wanted to subdue this unwilling little goblin, and after the war, he would thoroughly liquidate the crimes committed by Germany during the war.

Alan Wilson, who was sluggish, went out to contribute to the recovery of Germany after the war. Isabella Bokina, who also didn't sleep well all night, then came to Anna's room, quite dissatisfied with the behavior of her comrades-in-arms, "You should be less showy."

"I didn't perform. I even kept my mouth shut and didn't make a sound." Anna couldn't help laughing while her upper body was bare.

Recalling Alan Wilson's angry vent, Anna couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. Although she acted uncooperative, psychologically she was more involved than Isabella Pokina.

"It's true that you didn't make a sound, so do you still need to make a sound?" Isabella Bokina's face was full of taste, and she was not deaf. Could it be that she couldn't hear the impact sound?

In her opinion, Anna did it on purpose. The idea of ​​using her body as a weapon was brought into full play.On the surface, the lack of cooperation was just to arouse the desire of the officials in the occupied area of ​​Allen Wilson to conquer, and the intention was very big.

"Sister, the two of us will be together at that time. I don't believe that he can find the treatment we have here in other places." Anna straightened her back with joy, and the burden on her chest jumped Jumping, what she said made Isabella Bokina blush.

"The real situation is much more comfortable than what the school said." Hearing Anna's words, Pokina walked out of the room with a cold face, her earlobes turned red under her short hair.

Since arriving in Europe, although Alan Wilson did not dare to say that he was devoting himself to the rise and fall of the British Empire, he also believed that he did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Everything he did was to make the environment beneficial to Britain.

Alan Wilson is very sure of this, but until recently, he did not really clarify the relationship between personal interests and national honor and disgrace. If he was not an official in the British-occupied area, how could he do whatever he wanted with two beautiful sisters?

In the final analysis, it is because of the existence of the occupying army of the British Empire that he can have the capital to do whatever he wants with the beautiful sisters. It was the British Empire that won the war that gave him the environment to run rampant in the defeated country.

Therefore, Alan Wilson, who has unlocked the achievement of killing two birds with one stone, has an incomparable desire to maintain the British Empire. The ancients said that there is a certain reason for self-cultivation, family governance, country and world.

Once Germany has passed the most difficult time, it will naturally become the economic opponent of the British Empire.In terms of specific measures, two things have been done: the accumulation of counterfeit and counterfeit British products, and the large-scale development of basic industries and then other plans.

Alan Wilson, who was dazzled by eroticism, seemed to have sharper thinking than usual once he entered the time of the sage.

Can the British Empire compete with the rebuilt Germany? To be honest, it is very difficult. The United Kingdom has returned to its pre-war level and has begun to export industrial products to neighboring countries. Then Germany’s initial industrial products for foreign trade in the European continent are still It is imitated from British and French products. Through process upgrading and cost control, the price of products is lowered to compete in the mainland market.

This kind of counterfeiting has become a latecomer advantage in Gerschenkron's definition.Late-mover advantage nominally uses existing technology to promote technological progress, but in essence it means imitating and plagiarizing existing scientific and technological achievements, and then forming an industrial group to digest and innovate into its own brand.

Made in Germany was promoted by the British on the fake and shoddy imports from Germany, not to mention that it was all 70 years ago, and the foundation of Germany now is much better than that of the newly unified German Empire.

It is really difficult to rely on the UK's local capabilities to fight against German manufacturing. Alan Wilson thought for a long time, before Germany recovered, he should find a fund to invest in these German companies that have been at the bottom of history.In this way, if the British Empire loses money, it can guarantee that it will not lose money.

"A soldier wants to have a wedding with a German girl!" In the British Army Command in Bonn, Colonel Malcolm said something annoying when he received Alan Wilson as a guest.

After the "Letter to the German People in the British Occupied Areas" in June, Field Marshal Montgomery gradually relaxed the regulations that strictly prohibited soldiers from interacting with Germans.

At the beginning, Montgomery strictly prohibited soldiers from talking to the Germans at will, from entering their residences or dancing with girls.

This order was later relaxed to allow soldiers to talk and play with children. Last month, the army further relaxed the restrictions, allowing soldiers to talk to Germans on the streets and in public places, but it is still forbidden to enter German residences.

Marshal Montgomery proposed to cancel the ban on intercourse with Germans at the Control Committee, which was unanimously approved by the British command.However, two provisions remain, that is, members of the armed forces cannot live with Germans and cannot marry Germans.

At present, these two agreements are still in effect, but the soldiers of the troops under their jurisdiction propose to marry at this time, which makes Colonel Malcolm very embarrassed. This is against the regulations of the Military Council.

"Colonel Malcolm, in fact, almost everyone is well aware of the current situation in the British-occupied area. I don't say how many people are involved in the close relationship between the soldiers of the occupying army and the German girls. But it is certain that this number will not Less."

Alan Wilson looked relaxed, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, "Since intimate contact is already a common phenomenon, the so-called rule that you can't marry German women is not a non-existent thing." What about it? If a British soldier is really in love with a German girl, why can't the two be married?"

It's not because of his factual relationship with Sister Isabella that Alan Wilson speaks well for the soldier involved in the issue of cross-border marriage. He has never planned to marry Sister Pokina. a marriage?

Not to mention that Alan Wilson is still looking forward to a bright future and pursuing career advancement.He is not the only one pursuing progress, he is also helping Bokina to pursue progress.

"The Supreme Command of the Allied Forces has been disbanded for a month, and now the occupied areas of each country are managed by themselves. In the High Command of the Allied Forces, it is no longer necessary to show that there is no crime. Isn't it?"

"Allen, even though that's what you said, we have to admit that military regulations are military regulations, and if they haven't been cancelled, they haven't been cancelled." Colonel Malcolm said with a wry smile, "Sometimes military regulations just don't make sense."

"If you can contain it, this problem shouldn't be your trouble. It can be seen that the problem has not been solved." Alan Wilson changed the subject, "Is that so?"

"That's right, that soldier wants to leave the army and marry a German girl." Colonel Malcolm told the truth of the matter. He didn't know whether he admired the innocence of this transnational love, or felt a headache because of this incident.

"It seems that the matter has become a foregone conclusion." Alan Wilson wondered whether he should make this matter bigger.

If there is a large-scale intermarriage between Britain and Germany, will it be beneficial for the British Empire to establish influence among the German people if there is an extra layer of civil fetters?As for whether the German men objected, it was not a matter of consideration.

Now German men have nearly [-]% less money than women, and the proportion of men at the age of marriage and childbearing is even exaggerated.Otherwise, the occupied areas of various countries will not appear, and the fact that soldiers can easily attract German women.

German men will definitely be in the troubles of happiness for a period of time in the future. It is normal for a man to have two, or even several women to love. In this case, why can't they give some to the British occupying forces.

"Make a suggestion to the Military Council, conduct a survey, how many soldiers have applied to marry German women." When Alan Wilson met the two deputy secretary-generals, he mentioned what Colonel Malcolm said, and asked Tie Whether the matter of Mbrand and Harold is feasible.

"Can't it be stopped?" Tim Brand frowned. "Once the opening is torn, will things be too big to deal with? After all, soldiers are human."

"It involves soldiers who would rather hold a wedding after leaving the army. What else can I say?" Alan Wilson shrugged helplessly. "It seems that this matter will be resolved immediately. I'm still planning to attend this wedding, and I guess reporters are very willing to report on it."

"That's true. Reporters like all reports that attract attention." Harold agreed deeply with this matter, "Alan, you don't want to marry a German woman, do you? From a personal point of view, I don't think you should Have this idea."

Chapter 142 Breaking Through the Worldly Love

To be exact, it was two, but of course Alan Wilson couldn't admit it, and confessed categorically, "Of course I can't do this. I have clean hands and a clear conscience. I think I have the good conduct of an imperial civil servant."

"Oh?" The two deputy secretaries-general, Tim Brand and Harold, nodded meaningfully, and their eyes were full of my belief.

Then the matter is simple. This is a problem of the military. In principle, it will not tarnish the glorious and stalwart image of the imperial civil servants. Of course, the military regulations of the military committee exist, and the objective facts of the British-occupied areas also exist.

What the final result of this matter will evolve into has its own reason. "Of course we cannot deny the objective facts that exist under the current special conditions, but there is also a certain reason for the military regulations of the army. However, since the incident involved Many soldiers have already proposed to be discharged from the army and want to marry a German girl. In principle, there may be many different results."

"And our concern is whether this will create hatred among the Germans towards the British occupying forces, which will not be conducive to the bright future of Germany getting back on track. This may need to be discussed in detail before there is a result."

"Of course, since things have happened in principle, we should also accept the possible results calmly. After all, whether it is a soldier or a German girl, they are all young people. When dealing with young people, the tolerant British Empire should adopt an inclusive attitude. , handle similar issues carefully and prudently."

"So? What do the two deputy secretaries-general mean?" After listening to the words of the civil servant for a long time, Alan Wilson stretched out his hand and scratched his scalp, and asked without changing his original intention.

"Wait and see what happens, it depends on the current thoughts of the soldiers in the army." Harold said reservedly, "If holding a wedding is a positive influence in the army, I believe it will be very natural to take advantage of the trend to cancel the rule that you cannot marry Germans."

"As I said before, it is almost common for soldiers to establish intimate relationships with German women. But we still need to evaluate the results of official marriages." Tim Brand said a lot of clichés, which fully demonstrated what Said everything, but said nothing at the same time.

"Of course, we don't have to ask about the holding of the wedding. But if the Germans especially welcome this matter, we also can't interfere." Harold added from the side, "Acquiescing to the emergence of facts."

This means that the trade committee can only assist in this, and will only take action after receiving sufficient public opinion feedback. This is to look at Alan Wilson's face and maintain the relationship between the tobacco factory and the British Indian civil servants. Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't have said that at all.

"In other words, the Germans are eager to bless the emergence of cross-border weddings?" Alan Wilson finally understood what the two of them meant. It was exhausting to talk like this, and a solution could be proposed very simply.

This does not seem to be difficult, as long as the Bonn occupying forces give a certain degree of inspiration, or not.By acquiescing to the emergence of this great transnational love that breaks through the world, Alan Wilson will be able to find enough supporters, such as free cigarettes at the wedding.

Media follow-up reports are also necessary. For example, in order to make a promise to a German girl, British soldiers would rather leave the army than give their beloved woman a future.Maybe Britain will lose a general in the future...

There are always some idiots who will shed tears in how to write soft texts. With the current number of German women, there may be quite a few idiots.

Alan Wilson has never considered it a wrong thing to solve the problem of the imbalanced ratio of male to female adults in Germany. We must not let these German women die alone.Although it cannot be said to be all, but as much as can be solved is how much.

Before going to Brussels, Alan Wilson decided to take this international wedding as an important matter, break through the pedantic military regulations and secularism, and open the door for international marriages.

He believes that British men will not object. After all, from the perspective of supply and demand, the room for choice has become larger. Who would object?Will Alan Wilson object to Sister Isabella while relying on herself?Absolutely not, on the contrary, I am very happy here!

"Honey, what do you think of the intermarriage between Britain and Germany?" After leaving the trade committee, Alan Wilson asked Pokina during the meal.

I stand and watch!I'm not German!Even though she thought so in her heart, Isabella Bokina said shyly, "Allen, are you going to marry me? I'm not ready yet."

Immediately, the offense and defense were out of position, coughing with embarrassment, Alan Wilson changed the subject, but emphasized the current difficulties and the restrictions of the general environment, which blocked the love between Yingde.Naturally, the limitations of this general environment also restricted Alan Wilson and his two sisters from entering the marriage hall.

If it wasn't for Alan Wilson's hand reaching out to Anna, Isabella Bokina would have said a few words to him, and hurriedly said, "You are a serious person, aren't you talking about business now? Anna is afraid You can't see it."

I don't!Anna slandered in her heart, but it was difficult to speak out the lustful power of Isabella Bokina.

"I'm also talking about business." Alan Wilson pulled his hand back with embarrassment, whispered, "Keep down, don't let your mother hear, we have to restrain ourselves, right?"

Since moving to Bonn, Mia has lived in another house and vacated this house as a residence for her two daughters. Of course, the cheap one is Alan Wilson who has been at the scene of the crime for a long time and has been reluctant to leave.

"I can organize women to attend the wedding and provide free cigarettes at the wedding venue." Isabella Pokina came up with the idea after recovering her indifferent look, "It should be all right, hey, I feel like I am a Virtue."

"No, no." Alan Wilson finally took on the role of a man, hugged the woman into his arms, and the oppression from his chest almost made him hum.

Although he knew in his heart that this was a traitorous act, how could he say it out? The future Federal Republic of Germany will still be a human shield against the pressure of the Soviet Union, and speaking out would hurt the feelings of the allies too much.

In the eyes of many people, a British soldier and a German girl are very brave. At the same time, this marriage, which is considered to be a bridge of friendship between Britain and Germany, broke through the wedding of mutual hostility and prejudice among European countries. Some people fueled the flames and the social environment Under the common factors, it officially started in September when the weather turned cooler.

The wedding took place at Bonn Cathedral, a Roman Catholic church in Bonn.Bonn Cathedral is one of the oldest churches in Germany, built in the eleventh century.The Bonn Cathedral was once the cathedral of the Catholic Cologne Archdiocese and is of great significance.

The church is old and sacred. On the small square behind the church, there are two statues of human heads.It is the two Christian saints Cassius and Florentius who were martyred here in the 3rd century.

During the war, the Bonn Cathedral was also bombed. Because of the collapse of the German economy after the war, food for the Germans became a problem. The church has not held grand ceremonies and ceremonies for a long time.

Although Alan Wilson is British, he doesn't have a deep impression of the UK, and he never attended a wedding ceremony when he was in the UK.I went directly to the Far East, and later arrived in British India. In fact, I don’t know if a church of the level of Bonn Cathedral will be used as a wedding ceremony.

However, considering that Germany is now a defeated country, it seems that there is no need to consider other issues.Now everything in the British-occupied area is decided by the military committee and the trade committee. What happened to requisitioning a church for a wedding?

Although in a sense, this wedding can be called simple, for example, the hero is still wearing the uniform of the British army, and the German girl is not wearing a wedding dress, but wearing ordinary clothes.

Alan Wilson judged from the appearance. German girls can be said to be in the upper middle position among German women. As for the British soldiers?It's very oblivious to everyone, just ordinary stuff.

Compared with the simplicity of the hero and heroine, the Bonn Cathedral is very lively. The church is full of seats, and even the streets outside the church are full of men and women who came to congratulate.

This kind of lively scene was all recorded by the British media reporters who were eager to make a big news. These reporters in the British-occupied area received money, and they would naturally sing about the epic love story in the subsequent reports.

Of course, there may be some private goods in the report. For example, the war also brought great suffering to Germany, which was the initiator, and caused the fact that the ratio of men to women in Germany was out of balance. mate facts.

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