"Go to Wu, take Mr. Buzheng to sober up!"

Murong Ye only cared about drinking, the smell of alcohol coming out of his nose was as arrogant as a sword.

"The Tibetan poems on the Five Elements of the Guozijian have been deciphered today."

Why Bumian was taken aback, he didn't quite believe it, after all Murong Ye had tried to solve it secretly no less than ten times, but none of them succeeded.


Murong Ye snorted coldly, and said without shame:

"It is said that my brother-in-law is half of my sister-in-law... Let's count it as half of me."

The resonance of the Nuo opera just now was extraordinary, as if there were real ghosts...

Brow wrinkled.

"I'm here to find Si Zheng."


I haven't finished writing, put it up, and then polish it

Chapter 0061 Abnormal Cultivator Research Center [Adjust work and rest to stay up late! 】

Unravel the Tibetan poems on the Five Elements Plain of Shu Dao Academy?

Song Quwu was startled, his eyes moved slightly, he quickly took out a white cotton towel, covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

Immediately, his expression was slightly concentrated, and he stared up and down at Chen Yanjun for a long time.

Speaking of which, what she dislikes the most is the handsome sick scholar.

Because, that would make her sad, and she couldn't help but think of herself: a useless sick and weak woman.

She was born in a civil servant family of the ninth rank, and was influenced by her father's Confucianism since she was a child. She felt that knowledge and status were the most important things in a person, and she couldn't get on the stage with extraordinary skills.

But she did not underestimate Chen Yanjun because of this.

She never questioned the candidates for the minister!

When she entered the town prison by herself, she didn't even enter the ranks, she was just a student of Confucianism and Taoism.

Once, when she was taking an elective class for craftsmen, she was discovered by senior sister Murong that she had the talent for craftsman. A few years later, she was forcibly dragged into the prison guard as senior sister Murong's junior sister.

When he came to the prison, he found out that his talent as a spirit craftsman was far beyond ordinary people, and in just a few years, he used a special inner armor method to continuously upgrade his cultivation to the eighth rank.

Even, now only [-]% of the time is needed to deal with work every day, and the rest of the time can be immersed in public examinations.

She firmly believed that Chen Yanjun, the ninth-rank martial artist, definitely did not rely on connections to become the prison guard.

Must have real talent!

The question is...is it strong enough to unravel the Tibetan poems on the Five Elements Plain of Shu Dao Academy?

You must know that the Tibetan poems on the Five Elements Plain have not only been deciphered by powerful people from all walks of life, but even the great Confucians of the Imperial College have tried their best to decipher them.

In the end, even Master Jijiu, the son of the most Confucian scholar in the world, could only destroy the magic pattern himself in a rage of incompetence.

This means that either there is no Tibetan poetry.

Or, only those who truly understand the Dao of heaven and earth, who are born with a Confucian mind, and who are perfect and pure, can interpret poetry.

This kind of person should be the kind of born simple, natural, unpolished jade...

How come he looks so handsome, like a frail little boy?

She can't take it!

Song Quwu remained calm and curiously asked the new Chen Detective:

"What poem did Chen Zhenqing decipher?"

"Old He promised to keep it secret..."

After finishing speaking, Murong Ye was slightly taken aback.

She suddenly discovered, and she didn't know it, that she was not interested in poetry, but she didn't want to be kept secret.

"By the way, what kind of poem is that!"

It was only then that Chen Yanjun realized that this group of people had no sense of secrecy at all, or in other words, within the Yinhu Department, they were a group of people who trusted each other.

Do as the Romans do, Chen Yanjun had no choice but to speak out the whole poem casually.

"It's nothing, just a poem about chrysanthemums: When autumn comes and September [-]th, my flowers bloom and the flowers will kill. Chang'an is full of fragrant fragrance, and the whole city is full of golden armor."

"That's it?"

Song Quwu held his breath and concentrated, but the more he listened, the more he had a headache, and his disappointment was beyond words.

Indeed, in terms of standard, compared to the level of poetry in the Tang Dynasty, this poem can only be regarded as mediocre.

But if the writer of the poem really did what the poem said afterwards, that would be awesome.

Huang Chao in history really did it, that's why this poem looks awesome!

Murong Ye sipped his wine and pondered for a long time before realizing that this was an anti-poetry.

"Haha, such an anti-poetry was hidden in the Imperial College for 50 years before it was released. Not to mention that the Imperial College will be disbanded from then on, I think the Tang Dynasty is about to collapse!"

Chen Yanjun shook his head when he heard this, there is nothing wrong with the logic of this statement...but you really dare to say it!


Song Quwu covered his mouth and coughed again, blood was coughed up from the cotton towel.

It was only then that Murong Ye remembered that the whole family of this little junior sister was a loyal fan of the Tang Dynasty and wanted to serve the country as an official.

He quickly changed his words:

"Haha, no way, no way, I'm talking nonsense, don't take it seriously!"

However, Murong Ye's intuition is too accurate... That's why her words are lethal.

So much so that Senior Sister Song coughed up blood.

Chen Yanjun was a little curious, looked at the body of the senior sister, frowned slightly, and then quietly launched the resonance consciousness to penetrate deep into her body.

Only then did I understand!

"Don't be nervous. What senior sister coughed up just now is actually bone blood. Coughing up more blood can improve the ability of hematopoiesis. It is equivalent to washing the marrow and exchanging blood all the time. If there is a bone armor with spiritual pattern implanted in it, it can even increase the cultivation level."

Murong Ye:


What Chen Yanjun said seemed to be comforting, but in fact it was all the truth.

This Senior Sister Song looks like a sickly girl who studied the scriptures hard, but in fact, the carved bone armor is implanted in the vertebrae, which connects to the dantian... Although the senior sister is in charge of logistics, her combat power must not be underestimated!

He finally saw it.

The Yinhu Department established by Murong Ye doesn't care about cultivation at all, and they are not looking for normal people, maybe it is the research center for abnormal cultivators.

Murong Ye couldn't help frowning, and tilted his head to look at Song Quwu.

Speaking of it, she really didn't look carefully at the origin of her coughing up blood, and thought that her coughing up blood was the result of forcibly improving her cultivation with the inbuilt spiritual armor, but she never expected to improve her cultivation by coughing up blood.


Song Quwu stared at Chen Yanjun, his delicate face became more and more gloomy.

Although she doesn't like her image as a sick and weak girl, it's still ten thousand times better than half human and half armor... She still wants to be an official!

The only good feeling she had for Chen Yanjun dissipated.

Suddenly said calmly:

"Our Yinhu Department focuses on investigating major and important issues related to alien beasts. Right now, the investigation team is in urgent need of a genius animal master like Xu Shaoqing. I think Chen Detective is good at medicine, handsome and fearful of death." , why don't you change it with me... How about you take care of the logistics?"

Chen Yanjun was not angry either.

Just now, it was indeed his doctor's thinking that caused him to instinctively want to see a doctor when he saw hemoptysis.

Then he smiled and said:

"If there is a sky-high medical skill, maybe this Xu Shaoqing won't have to die."

Song Quwu said expressionlessly:

"She might not be dead yet!"

Murong Ye's expression darkened, he waved his hands and said:

"Okay, okay, Zheng Ke and Lao He haven't come back now, so I took the time to spread the knowledge of alien beasts to the newcomers... It just so happened that I almost forgot about it."

Song Quwu nodded.


The three of them walked into the first floor, did not enter the inner door, and went up the stairs along the spiral hanging staircase in the outer corridor.

When we reached the third floor, we entered the inner door.

The third floor is a dojo.

Because Zheng Ke, who is in charge of combat and training, spends most of his time outside, the third floor is clean and empty, not even a bed.

And because the third floor is located in the middle of the fifth floor, it has become a gathering place for the Yinhu Department to gather for meetings and meals.

The wooden boards are spotless, with a large bamboo mat placed in the center and several small cattail mats around it.

On the eucalyptus by the window, there are some fruits.

Murong Ye sat down on the eucalyptus, picked up a white pear, and started to eat it.

"Go Wu, come and explain the secrets related to alien beasts to newcomers!"

Song went to Wu.


Immediately, Murong Ye casually grabbed a big white pear, wiped it with sword energy, and threw it to Chen Yanjun who was beside him.

"Try this, Tianmu Mountain Sydney, plump and juicy, sweet and refreshing, a bit like Miss Yourong!"

This is so...it's hard not to think about it.

Chen Yanjun was holding the big white pear, and he had to say that its color and shape were indeed somewhat similar to his wife's.

Sitting cross-legged on the mat near Murong Ye.

Bite down the Tianmu Mountain Sydney pear, and the clear and sweet juice pours into the blood vessels and stomach pouch.

Chen Yanjun's face immediately glowed, his face was moist and plump, like a baby, almost reaching the state of overflowing water...

[Cultivation base +1, progress 51/100 (ninth rank martial artist)! 】

【Cultivation base +1...】

This is a beauty product!

I'll take a few more and bring them back to my wife for a taste.

Song Quwu stood on the big square bamboo mat in the center with a Confucian air, glanced at the two of them, and felt like two classmates who were stealing food in class.

With a gloomy loli face, she took out a new cotton towel, covered her mouth and coughed twice, and began to explain the common sense of strange beasts to Chen Yanjun.

It's not completely dictation, holding a slender brush, writing and drawing in the space in front of your eyes, like Chen Yanjun's previous teacher writing on the blackboard.

However, this is a three-dimensional blackboard book, and the nib leaves a suspended ink shadow in the air, which looks very cool and full of fairy spirit.

"Seeing that you have never learned beast control, let's start from the most basic."

Song Quwu splashed ink and danced his brush, and spoke slowly.

"Spiritual beasts are beasts that absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth and the essence of the sun and the moon to cultivate themselves like a cultivator."

"The root bones of beasts are the same as human beings, and they are also born with five elements."

"However, its dantian is a beast spirit as solid as a stone. In addition, beasts have no spiritual intelligence, simple minds, and the talent for absorbing spiritual energy is usually higher than that of humans."

"Generally speaking, after a beast is imported, its size will become larger and its strength will become stronger, but it will still look the same as before, and there will be no more strange organs."

Saying this, Song Quwu waved his brush and drew a giant panda with its head protruding from the bamboo forest, eating bamboo like grass.

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