Chen Yanjun:


However, even though Qiu Zhuo was injured that day, he still looked forward to seeing Murong Ye.

This sister-in-law is so unreliable, why is Qiu Zhuo so obsessed with her?

The night view of Daming Palace is still magnificent and magnificent, as if the stars of the universe are reflected here.

Soon, Murong Ye came to the Taiye Pool.

Taiye Pool is Penglai Pool, which was built in the late Tang Dynasty and Yuanhe 12th year. Because the name of the pool collided with Penglai Fairy City, it was later changed to Taiye Pool.

The area of ​​Taiye Pool is not small, it can be regarded as a small lake.

Murong Ye jumped into the water on his horse, the horse stepped on the sword energy, and ran on the lake, making a sound similar to stepping on the ground.

At night, Murong Ye rode too fast, Chen Yanjun didn't see it clearly, and followed him into the lake, almost fell into the water.

Fortunately, he reacted very quickly.

For a moment, Yushui Ling attached to the horse's feet, turned around from the staggering riding posture, and easily achieved the special effect of the horse stepping on the water.

However, it was much more difficult for Murong Ye to use Ninth Grade Sword Qi to achieve this.

Chen Yanjun asked her curiously:

"You have this level of sword energy, you can fly steadily in the sky by stepping on the sword energy, right? However, you are afraid of flying, but you are not afraid of water... What is the reason for this?"

Murong Ye raised his head and drank heavily, shook his head and said with a smile:

"Water is water, sky is sky, can it be the same?"

Chen Yanjun said solemnly:

"There is a poem saying that a boat on spring water is like sitting in the sky. Look at the moon out of the clouds, isn't it in the water?"


Murong Ye lowered his head and looked at the lake, the bright moon was under the horse's hooves, his eyes froze, his figure flickered, and he and the horse both fell into the water.

Chen Yanjun was dumbfounded, is this woman really afraid of being so tall?

How did a former third-rank cultivator become afraid of heights?

In the end, it was Chen Yanjun who dragged her out of the water and dragged her to the island in the middle of the lake.

Wet body under the moon... Chen Yanjun frowned, is this body really something that humans can have?

Different from the vastness and softness of the madam, this is a perfect proportion that seems to be carved by a ghost, like the fairy brush and ink that can only be found in heavenly calligraphy and painting scrolls.

However, as a brother-in-law, you should not look closely at your sister-in-law's figure.

Chen Yanjun only glanced at it, and then rode straight on the horse, no longer watching.

After landing on the shore, Murong Ye came back to his senses, and the sword energy was revived, and the water stains all over his body dried up, and he drank a ton of water, pretending that nothing happened.

Yinhu Hall is on the island.

In addition to the main building, the Prison Division, and the Prison Army Pavilion, there is also a department hall of the Twelve Zodiac Department.

The Twelve Zodiac Department is a secret special investigation department that mainly investigates major cases and important cases, and most of its departments are hidden underground or in the jungle.

Only the Yinhu Palace, directly on the island in the center of Taiye Lake, built a palace in a fair manner.

The whole body of Yinhu is made of wood, and the eaves of the roof are flying, stretching out nearly Zhang far, and it is almost a pavilion for sheltering from the rain.

The hall is not big, five stories high, like a pagoda, with flying eaves, although it looks like a tiger descending from a distance, showing a majestic sword spirit.

There are only five people in the Yinhu Department, but the main hall is five stories high.

One person, one flat floor, works as an office, so arrogant that he has no friends.

Murong Ye lived on the top floor of the fifth floor, the main floor.

The fourth floor, the investigation floor, is where Chen Yanjun will work.

The deputy is in charge of investigation.

The third floor, the combat floor, is a magic dojo.

The second floor, logistics layer, is in charge of logistics support.

The first floor is the residence of the minister.

Bucheng, that is, the civil servant who is in control of the Zodiac Department, must be at least five-rank, in order to supervise and check and balance the private power of the Twelve Bad Commanders.

Yinhububucheng, why don't you sleep? He has the habit of going to bed early, and he goes to bed when it gets dark.

Fortunately, the logistics floor on the second floor was brightly lit, but no one came down to greet them.

Murong Ye yelled towards the second floor:

"Go Wu, come out quickly, I'll bring you a handsome scholar, he can study with you."

The open doors and windows were quickly closed.

However, Murong Ye was even faster, grabbed Chen Yanjun's shoulders, and jumped inside before the door and window were completely closed.

The speed was so fast that Chen Yanjun almost threw up, barely stood still, shook his head and said:

"There's no need to force yourself not to be able to fly."

Murong Ye shrugged:

"As long as you're fast enough, it's just jumping."

Chen Yanjun glanced at it. The window grille just now was engraved with dense spiritual patterns, which seemed to be a spiritual window that could automatically close when it heard a shout.

Looking at the back-office floor, there are bookshelves on the supposedly empty floor, except for books and bookshelves, and a woman who is reading, there is nothing else.

What kind of back office is this?

Seeing Murong Ye and a strange man come in, the woman got up from the book, and politely cupped her hands:

"Master Buzheng!"

Chen Yanjun thought to himself, this woman was probably too fascinated by reading, and didn't hear Murong Ye's words at all.

Look carefully, this is a young woman with a stern complexion, not tall, wearing a green shirt.

At first glance, I thought it was a bob hair, but after a closer look, I found that her hair was tied in a bun behind her head.

The facial features and figure are all handsome, but it gives people a feeling of being too well-proportioned, so that it looks a bit rigid.

The face is originally cute, but the complexion and eyes are very serious, low-pitched, and there is a kind of aura of being a god who is so good at reading and not dying in the exam.

It is far from Dr. Tan Zhen's elegant and bookish atmosphere.

The cultivation base is only eight floors, and the talent is not bad.

Murong Ye put his hand on the woman's thin and tired shoulders, and introduced to Chen Yanjun:

"This is Song Quwu, who is in charge of the logistics. She was my junior sister in the Imperial College of the Imperial Academy. She is not a prisoner. She is good at using and repairing various magical weapons and military weapons... However, some of them are not doing their jobs properly, thinking about public examinations every day. , she should be very knowledgeable, she can help you solve any messy things you have."

Chen Yanjun nodded slightly.

Song Quwu... Quwucunjing is a good name.

"Chen Yanjun met Senior Sister Song."

Murong Ye then introduced to Song Quwu:

"This kid is my brother-in-law. Next is my deputy. Strictly speaking, he is your boss. It's not wrong to listen to him when I'm not around."

Song Quwu was very polite, and bowed deeply to Chen Yanjun, with a bit of Confucianism.

"Chen Zhenqing, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Mr. Buzheng, Detective...does everyone have to be promoted? The Shaoqing who is in charge of investigation is called Detective?

There is an insider taste!

Chen Yanjun guessed that this Senior Sister Song might be a top student in the crafting path, but she might be a scumbag in the Confucianism and Taoism path, with a worrying future.

Murong Ye suddenly remembered something serious and said:

"I called Ke Min just now to check on Fang Haiping's background, hasn't he come back yet?"

Song Quwu said seriously:

"Master Kemin kills and is not good at reconnaissance. Why doesn't Lord Buzheng investigate it himself?"

Murong Ye patted Chen Yanjun's shoulder.

"Stupid, I'm saving our new scout!"

After that, he said again:

"Right now, if you are idle, you are also idle. Wake up Lao He downstairs."


Song Quwu flew downstairs from the main gate on the second floor.

Take out four magic instruments like bamboo tubes, point them at the four windows on the first floor, and emit dazzling five-color lights.

Immediately, he took out another flute-shaped instrument and handed it to Chen Yanjun.

"Chen Shaoqing, come on!"

Chen Yanjun blew casually, but no sound came out.

Then he used Huajin, and then he blew out the sound.

It looks like a flute, but when it comes out, it’s Yiyi Yaya’s Nuo opera...

It was so ugly that even Chen Yanjun himself could hardly keep blowing it.

Murong Ye and Song Quwu both covered their ears.

The continuous Huajin was blown out, causing the window grilles on the first floor to shake back and forth.

A figure suddenly came through the broken window, and reached out to hold the flute hole.

The Nuo opera came to an abrupt end.

Yinhu Bubucheng, why not sleep, is a wrinkled middle-aged man, a fifth-rank Confucian teacher, wearing a purple-black official robe of a prison officer, wrapping his slightly fat body tightly.

If so, that bookish Confucianism is much more positive than that of Song Quwu.

Why don't you sleep with sleepy eyes, take a closer look, and you're shocked.

He was actually awakened by a rank nine martial artist!

As a minister, the one who has to supervise is Murong Ye, who no one can supervise. Why not sleep, I have to go to bed early every day.

He had to settle various trivial matters for Murong Ye every day, but he didn't even have a book boy.

Only when I get off work at midnight can I go home to accompany my wife and children, or go to Nanxianfang to be accompanied by someone...

Chen Yanjun hurriedly bowed his hands.

"Chen Yanjun met He Bucheng!"

He Bumian woke up, and lit a layer of candles while waving his hands.

Only then did he see clearly that Chen Yanjun was so handsome, and he sighed:

"It can wake me up... People can't be judged by their appearance, they can't be judged by their appearance!"

Excited, Murong Ye took a sip of his wine and said unequivocally:

"We have made a great contribution today, you go and find Si Zheng for me."

He Bumian frowned, thinking that he had heard something wrong.

"You said... to bring Mr. Sizheng here?"

Murong Ye nodded.


Why Bumian thought to himself, I know you have a good relationship with the eldest princess, but you can't use Master Si Zheng like this!

"You drink too much."

Then, he beckoned and whispered to Song Quwu:

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