Instead, he rushed to the vegetable field again and picked a few tomatoes and two cucumbers.

Stuffing it into Taozi's arms, "This is for you to eat. If you want to eat it later, just come to me and I'll treat you."

He Qiu patted his chest generously.

"And me, my family also has watermelon, I invite you to eat watermelon." He Long said not to be outdone.

"Okay, thank you Brother He Qiu, Brother He Long." Taozi laughed happily, she was so happy.

Then with a lot of things in my arms, I went home happily and told my grandma.

Watching Taozi leave, He Long pestered He Qiu again about the slingshot.

He Qiu was so entangled by him that he couldn't help it.

Finally, I saw a pond on the side of the road, so I pointed to the pond and said: "We have a swimming competition, from one side to the other. If you swim past me first, I will give you the slingshot."

He is very confident in his swimming skills.

"However, your mother said before that you are not allowed to go swimming in the pond." He Long hesitated.

"You don't tell me, I don't tell you, how does she know?" He Qiu said indifferently.

Said and walked to the pond.

"He Qiu, let's forget it." He Long pulled him back and said.

"Do you still want a slingshot?" He Qiu asked with a smile.

The face is full of pride.

He Long hesitated after hearing the words, he thought about it for a long time.

The slingshot is one of the toys that boys dream of when they are young.

So after thinking about it, I finally agreed.

So the two took off their clothes and jumped into the pond with their buttocks bare.

Wear clothes that don't exist.

Rural children often go to the pond naked. As for swimming trunks, I have never heard of them. As for underwear, they don't even exist.

"I'll count to three, and then I'll start." The two stood in the shallow water, and He Qiu wiped the water from his face and said.

The cool pool water makes the summer heat go away.

"Okay." He Long heard the words and waited in full force.

"one three."

He Qiu rushed out directly.

"You're lying." He Long hurriedly waved his arms to catch up.


He Long in front swims breaststroke for a while, strokes sideways for a while, and backstrokes for a while...

It can be seen that his swimming skills are really good.

But good swimmers drown in water.

Halfway through the swim, He Qiu suddenly sank.

At first He Long thought that He Qiu was playing around with him.

Diving scared him.

"He Qiu, He Qiu, don't scare me, come out quickly, I don't want your slingshot anymore, stop playing..."

He Longyu was crying, searching in a panic.

At the same time, the rescue time was delayed.

When he hurried home to call the adults.

He Qiu drowned long ago.

By the time the pond was drained and the corpses were brought up, they were already whitish from the soaking, and they looked ugly.

He Long was frightened by this, and suddenly fell ill.

When He Sihai heard what happened, he was also in a cold sweat with fright. Fortunately, Taozi went home to find his grandma that day, so he didn't go with them.

Or peaches...

He dared not think about it.

Still, thank you for taking care of Peaches.

He Sihai reached out and touched He Qiu's head, and found that it was not much different from a real person.

Chapter 14 Friends Forever

"So, what do you want me to say to He Long?" He Sihai asked.

"I want to tell him that it's not his fault that I drowned. Don't listen to my parents talking nonsense. I don't blame him. Let him not be sad."

"Then do you know where he is now?" He Sihai asked.

"Well, I know, I'll take you there." He Qiu said, leading the way to the door.

He Sihai hurriedly followed.

"Taozi, I'll go out for a while, you stay at home and play." He Sihai greeted Taozi who was sitting under the shade of a tree.

When Tao Zi heard this, she immediately stood up, picked up the little fat chicken in the cradle, ran over, and then looked up at him with her neck up.

The meaning is self-evident, she wants to go together, don't even think about leaving her behind.

"Okay then, you come with me." He Sihai thought for a while, and was worried about leaving her alone at home, so he hugged her up.

Then, following the figure of He Qiu, he came to the grain drying field in the village.

There are several haystacks next to the grain drying field.

He Qiu went straight in.

He Sihai followed Taozi with his arms in his arms, and saw He Long hiding in the shadow of the haystack at a glance.

He sat there dumbfounded.

There are also several colorful cards in his hand.

Hearing the movement, he raised his head, and when he saw He Sihai and Tao Zi, he shrank his body slightly nervously into the shadow.

He Long was not like this before, he had a very sweet mouth, and when he saw He Sihai, he would call him Brother Sihai.

"He Long..." He Sihai didn't know how to explain for a while.

"Brother Sihai, Taozi." He Long stood up and called in a low voice.

Then he lowered his head and looked at his toes, as if he had made a mistake and was waiting for punishment.

"I saw He Qiu, and he told me that he doesn't blame you, so don't be sad."

He Sihai put Taozi down, walked over and touched his head with his hand.

But He Long didn't listen, but looked to He Sihai's left with a look of surprise.

He Sihai followed his gaze, and He Qiu was standing there.

"He Qiu."

He Long cried out, tears rolling down his face.

"Huh? Can He Long see He Qiu?" He Sihai was greatly surprised, and at the same time withdrew his hand from his head.

"He Qiu, He Qiu?" He Long immediately searched anxiously.

But He Qiu still stood where he was.

Is this weird?

Why can't I see it just now?

Is it...

He Sihai put his hand on He Long's head again.

Sure enough, he could see it again.

After several experiments, it was discovered that He Long could see He Qiu as long as he made physical contact with him.

But peaches are not good, no matter how you can't see it?

So, he can only connect the communication between the wish entruster and the wish object?

Tao Zi looked at her brother blankly, not knowing what he was doing with his strange movements.

He Long understood, and took the initiative to grab He Sihai's hand.

"He Qiu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, wow..." He Long burst into tears as he spoke.

"Okay, don't cry, you are a man, besides, I insisted on going swimming, I don't blame you." He Qiu came up and patted He Long on the shoulder, looking like a little man.

He Sihai discovered that as long as he is pulled together, people and ghosts can not only communicate, but also touch, just like living people.

It seems to be sharing his ability with the other party.

"But, but... your mother said..."

"Okay, don't listen to what my parents say, you don't play with them anyway."

He Long heard what he said was interesting, and laughed through his tears.

"By the way, this is for you." He Long handed over the elf contract card in his hand.

He Qiu shook his head, did not answer, but said: "I can't play this now."

"I'm sorry." He Long felt sad again when he heard the words.

"Okay, don't be sad, I gave you the slingshot, do you know where I hide?" He Qiu said mysteriously.

He Long shook his head.

"Hey, I let Taozi hide it in the hole of the big tree in front of her house." He Qiu said proudly.

I'm sorry, this little thing actually asked Tao Zi to help him hide things, and He Sihai was upset beside him.

"Later, you will ask Tao Zi to bring it to you."

"Okay, thank you, I'll take good care of it."

"So don't be sad. My death has nothing to do with you. Don't be sad. It is said that after death, people will be reborn as children. Maybe we will meet again in the future and become good friends."

"Yes." He Long felt even more sad.

He choked up and said, "Then...then I'll wait for you."

"Goodbye, from now on... I won't be able to play with you anymore."

He Qiu hugged He Long, a tear fell on his shoulder, and disappeared.

Everyone didn't care.

"Okay, I'm leaving." He Qiu let go of He Long and said.

"Do you have nothing to say to your parents?" He Sihai asked beside him.

He Qiu shook his head, but after thinking about it, he said, "I want to say sorry to my mother, but I didn't listen to her."

After speaking, he waved to He Long.

"Goodbye, He Long."

He waved to He Sihai.

"Goodbye, Brother Sihai."

He waved to Taozi.

"Goodbye Peaches"


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