He Sihai let go of him after finishing speaking.

He Qiu immediately ran away and stood at a distance.

Tao Zi looked up at her brother in a daze, wondering what He Sihai was doing?

"It's okay, you play with yourself." He Sihai patted her little head with a smile on his face.

Taozi was still a child, so she didn't think so much, so she happily played house again, shaking her baby chicken.

He Sihai turned back to the house, and then waved to He Qiu who was standing in the distance.

When he stepped into the room, He Qiu who was originally behind was already waiting for him in the room.

He Sihai didn't care either, it's just weird, isn't it normal to be elusive?

"Tell me, I came back to hide from me that day, why did you take the initiative to come to me today?" He Sihai asked proactively.

After dispelling the ghosts one after another, he no longer had much fear, and today he grabbed He Qiu with one stroke, which made him more confident in his heart.

People's fear of ghost mainly comes from its elusiveness and untouchability.

As long as you can catch it, your fear of it will naturally decrease.

"Grandma asked me to come to you." He Qiu said.

"Grandma?" He Sihai froze for a moment.

Then he realized that he was talking about He Sihai's grandma.

Because He Qiu called He Sihai's grandma also called grandma.

"What did my grandma tell you?" He Sihai was a little puzzled and curious.

"Grandma said that Brother Sihai is a good person and will help me." He Qiu timidly looked at him expectantly.


"Okay, what do you want me to do for you?"

Since grandma said it, what else could he say? Even if grandma didn't say it, if He Sihai could help in a village, he would help.

Through He Qiu's words, He Sihai finally knew the whole story.

It turned out that when He Sihai came back to stop He Qiu that day, He Qiu was surprised and terrified that he could see himself.

Since his death, no one could see him anymore, so suddenly someone could see him, which frightened him instead. After all, he was still a child, so he turned around and ran away without thinking much.

But after walking far, information about the guide appeared in his mind.

He originally wanted to come to He Sihai, but he didn't have anything to pay He Sihai, so he hesitated.

So he has been wandering around He Sihai's house.

Until grandma passed away, grandma told him not to worry, his Brother Sihai would help him fulfill his wish.

So after finishing the funeral, He Qiu came to find him.

Fairly sensible.

He didn't come to He Sihai when he was having a funeral.

"Tell me, what wish do you have, I'll see if I can help you." He Sihai asked.

"Then can I use my swimming skills to give you as a reward? My swimming skills are very good." He Qiu said with surprise and anticipation.

"What a fart, you drowned yourself, and you still have swimming skills. I don't want it. Tell me quickly."

"But, you have to pay the guide?" He Qiu said distressedly.

"Is that so?" He Sihai was a little surprised.

"In this case, then use swimming as a reward. Tell me, what do you want me to say to your parents?"

Except for RMB, everything else is dispensable to He Sihai.

"Thank you Brother Sihai." He Qiu was happy when he heard that.

"I don't want to talk to my parents, but I want to talk to He Long." He Qiu shook his head and said.

This unfilial son...

Who is He Long?

In fact, He Long is a child of the same age as He Qiu, and also from He Family Village, and He Sihai also knows him.

There are not many children in Hejia Village, but many of them were taken out because they went out to work.

So the village looked very deserted.

And He Qiu is about the same age as He Long, so they naturally play together, and the two are very good friends.

The two made a bet that day because of one thing, and He Qiu finally drowned in the pond.

Afterwards, He Long became seriously ill and spent several weeks in the hospital.

He Long, who was originally lively and noisy, became taciturn and fearful of others.

Especially He Qiu's parents completely fell out with He Long's parents and had a big fight.

It was all He Long's fault that they lost their son.

This made He Long more convinced that He Qiu's death was all caused by him.

He Qiu saw it and was very worried about his little friend.

Chapter 13 Good Friends

"Wow, woof, meow, meow." He Long stood outside He Qiu's courtyard and yelled hard.

After a while, He Qiu tiptoed out.

"Stop barking, if you call my mother again, you will find out." He Qiu said in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a female voice in the room shouting loudly: "He Qiu, you are not allowed to swim in the pond, do you understand?"

"Understood." He Qiu replied subconsciously.

After answering, he realized that his mother had already found out.

"Hey, He Qiu, let's go play."

"where to have fun?"

"How about going to the grain drying field? Last time I found an egg in the haystack of the grain drying field." He Long said.


He Qiu immediately became excited when he heard the words. It doesn't matter whether the chicken is an egg or not, what is important is the process of discovering the egg.

Almost every household in the village raises chickens, and there are always some unintelligent chickens laying eggs everywhere.

Picking up eggs has also become a kind of fun.

Of course it's true, it's not broken, and my mother cooked it for me when I brought it back.

"Come on, let's go see if there are any more."

So at noon, under the scorching sun, the two boys burrowed around in the haystacks in the grain drying field.

After a while, the two of them were covered in sweat, and their faces were even more white and black.

As for the eggs, no chicken droppings were found.

"Stop playing."

He Long tugged at the clothes that were close to his body, and the straw plush made him extremely uncomfortable.

He Qiu was not much better.

"What are you playing then?"

There are too few friends in the village, and there is no one else to play with.

"Or let's shoot a slingshot, by the way, where is your slingshot?"

Speaking of He Qiu's slingshot, He Long was full of envy.

He Qiu's slingshot was made by his father He Da for him. It is of good quality and beautiful. He Long always wanted one, but no one made it for him.

"No." He Qiu refused immediately.

"If my mother knows that my slingshot is still there, she will definitely confiscate it."

It turned out that the last time He Qiu played with a slingshot, he broke a piece of glass at home.

He was so scared that he ran away at that time, and then secretly hid the slingshot outside.

Sure enough, when he came home, her mother angrily asked him to hand in the slingshot.

He lied and said he lost it, and his mother didn't ask any more.

In fact, He Qiu's mother probably knew what was going on.

"If you don't want to play, just give it to me. I'll exchange it with you with my elf contract card."


"Change, change."

He Long followed behind and kept begging.

"Tao Zi, what are you eating?" He Qiu suddenly called out to a little man in front of him.

The villain who was eating in front of him was startled.

Looking back to see He Qiu and He Long, he was relieved.

"Brother He Qiu, Brother He Long." Tao Zi called obediently.

"I'm eating a tomato, do you want some?"

She held up a blue tomato in her hand, and another blue tomato that had been bitten in the other hand.

"It's green, how can you eat it? Don't you know you have to eat red tomatoes?" He Qiu asked strangely.

"That's right, Qing's sour is deadly, and his teeth will be sour." He Long echoed.

When he thought of green tomatoes, saliva sprang from his mouth, feeling like his teeth were sour.

"But...but there are no red vegetables in the vegetable field." Taozi said in a daze.

She also doesn't like green tomatoes.

"Let's go, go to my vegetable field. I have it in my field." He Qiu waved his hand and took the lead.

Tao Zi froze for a moment.

"Hurry up, I want to eat too, I want to find a super big one." He Qiu turned back and urged.

"Oh, good." Tao Zi hurriedly followed with her short legs.

He Qiu's vegetable patch is not far away.

Coming soon.

This is basically the case in rural areas. The vegetable fields are usually close to the house, so it is convenient to eat vegetables, and it is impossible to plant them in the polders far away.

In He Qiu's vegetable patch, there are not only tomatoes, but also cucumbers.

The three little guys were squatting in the vegetable field, picking overripe vegetables.

Don't wash it, just rub it on your body and eat it directly.

So sweet and so delicious.

The three of them sat on the ridge and ate their fill.

"Taozi, come and play with us." He Qiu said.

Tao Zi shook her head, "Grandma asked me to go home early."

"Oh, then you can go back, but when will Brother Sihai come back?"

Tao Zi was at a loss when she heard the words, because she didn't know either.

Seeing Taozi's appearance, He Qiu didn't ask any more questions.

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