It doesn't know what Bai's strength is, but the Tiger Clan is not easy to mess with, it is very clear about this.

As soon as he thought of this, the tauren decisively exerted strength with both arms, and his muscles as hard as granite suddenly bulged up. With a roar, the bronze battle ax in his hand slashed directly at the guy with a white face, "Here I'm going to die!!"

A powerful and heavy blow landed blatantly, and at that moment, the tauren only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a thick bronze shield suddenly blocked his eyes.

Faced with this sudden situation, the tauren is not panicked. It still recognizes the shield. At the same time, its idea is very simple. It's a big deal to cut the shield together!The natural strength of the tauren gives it this confidence.

A straightforward thought, a clean blow, and a dull whistling fell, slammed into the bronze shield fiercely.

Accompanied by a loud noise when metal collided, the expected scene did not happen, and the bronze shield in front of it did not move at all, but it was shaken by the force of the counter-shock. There was a pain in the tiger's mouth.

"Is it only this level?" Under the shield of the visor, Luo Yong's dull voice sounded, "I'm still an orc, how powerful!"

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yong's hand holding the shield suddenly exerted force, and a huge force lifted the bronze battle axe out on the spot. The giant one-handed battle axe, a slaying weapon, was raised high.

A slash without fancy at all, at that time, there was only a muffled 'boom' sound in the air, accompanied by splashing blood, the body of the burly tauren infantry was instantly broken into two pieces, only A face-to-face meeting ended up with a dead body!

This simple and rude blow caused an invisible terrifying pressure to spread to the army of orcs in an instant. The orcs who were roaring wildly at the moment seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, and the sound stopped abruptly. .

And Liu Meng, who also saw this scene, also thumped his heart violently. If he and Luo Yong had a one-on-one duel, the two of them would naturally have some fights. win or lose.

But if you dare to fight with Luo Yong head-on, hehe, a face-to-face outbreak can kill you, then you will know how unreasonable his power is!

Chapter 363, the brain is trembling

As soon as Luo Yong slashed his prestige, the black tiger flag fluttered in the wind. After a long period of hellish training, at this moment, the generals and soldiers of the Xuanjia Army rushed into the battlefield like a tiger out of its cage!It had the most direct impact on this battlefield!

What is equipment rolling?This is called equipment rolling!For this heavy infantry force he had invested in, Luo Ji can be said to have done his best to arm them to the teeth as much as possible. Before the end of the Bronze Age, the equipment of the Xuanjia Army is estimated to be very difficult to be obvious. of increased.

But the facts have proved that the effect is also outstanding. The kobolds' low-quality spears can't hurt them at all. A few strokes are no problem at all.

"Xuanjia Army, follow me to kill!!"

Luo Yong let out a roar, and the momentum of the five hundred Xuanjia troops was overwhelming. They held back for too long, and the battle axes in their hands could not wait to drink the blood of the enemy!

Led by Luo Yong, the five hundred Xuanjia troops rushed all the way to the gap in their own battle formation. The moment they confronted the intruding orc soldiers, they quickly swung their ferocious battle axes.

Immediately, large swaths of blood continuously splashed on their jet-black heavy armor, mixed with screams of screams and horror, a ruthless massacre kicked off...

Looking at the figures that looked like killing machines, many tauren and kobolds trembled unconsciously, and a look of panic appeared on their faces uncontrollably.

In the past wars between them and human beings, they have always slaughtered human beings. How could there be a time when humans slaughtered them?After all, are the black guys in front of me really human?

Not to mention those orcs, even the human soldiers, who were fellow human beings, watched the Xuanjia army slaughtering the orcs on the opposite side like chopping melons and vegetables, and there was a storm in their hearts.

At the same time, it was at this moment that the concept of 'elite troops' was truly established in the minds of countless soldiers.

And the Xuanjia Army led by Luo Yong once became the symbol of the strongest army in this era, making countless soldiers who joined the army yearn for it, wanting to put on this Xuanjia, stand under the banner of the black tiger, and become one of them!

Seeing the Xuanjia army killing all directions, Luo Ji, who was watching the battle from the rear, was naturally very excited. It was worth all the money and time he had spent!

If this was in the game, he would definitely cut a close-up shot every minute, and slowly appreciate the Xuanjia army who locked him. Unfortunately, this kind of thing can't be done on the battlefield here, and he can only barely make do with the binoculars.

On the one hand, Luo Ji could be said to be watching with great interest, and he almost didn't even dance. On the other hand, Li Yuanjie, who also discovered the situation here, couldn't be happier.

"Damn! This Nima is equipment crushing?!" Li Yuanjie was jealous when he saw the equipment of the Xuanjia Army. Its orc civilization has low technical skills, and it is impossible to create such sophisticated equipment.

Even the bronze armor on his body is still a loot from other players. To be honest, the clothes are still a little out of shape, but there is no way, the things that are snatched must not be tailor-made. Well, who said it couldn't make it without that technology?

After a burst of envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart, Li Yuanjie immediately gave his order viciously and asked the elephant man under his command to push it up quickly, and at the same time muttered sourly, "So what if you are equipped? I don't believe that you can still hold me. Elephant Strike!"

Who knows, just as it was muttering like this, there was a sudden roar of horseshoes in the distance, Li Yuanjie moved his ears, turned his head to look at the dust rising from the sky in the distance, and then his facial muscles twitched, "It's still hidden. A cavalry?!"

For its orc army, the threat of the cavalry charge was still a bit, but it couldn't just ignore it. As his thoughts flew, Li Yuanjie was about to send a team of soldiers to intercept it.

But I didn't expect that the cavalry that was rushing up suddenly made a detour and didn't rush up directly? !

This time, Li Yuanjie couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. What kind of trick is he trying to do?

With such doubts in mind, he quickly checked the detour direction of the cavalry unit. After repeated confirmations, Li Yuanjie couldn't help being amused. Did the opposite party lose his mind?Actually let a cavalry charge towards its elephant man?Isn't that suicidal?

For a while, Li Yuanjie was also aroused a bit of interest. He wanted to see how this cavalry died!

However, I don't know what the situation is. What happened recently seems to be a little different from what it thought. I saw that after the cavalry unit had narrowed the distance with the elephant man to a certain extent, that one by one The cavalry on horseback had new movements one after another.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanjie narrowed his eyes, "Is that, a long spear?"

Li Yuanjie's tone was full of uncertainty. After all, the posture of those cavalrymen holding their guns was a bit strange. That movement was as if they wanted to throw out the spears in their hands...

Just when Li Yuanjie was thinking this way, something that surprised him happened suddenly. He saw those cavalrymen exert their force suddenly, and accompanied by a burst of sound of piercing through the air, the spears were really thrown out just like that!

"Damn!" At this moment, thousands of words, transformed into the word "rely", blurted out from Li Yuanjie's mouth, his brain was trembling, he couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out at all!What is the other side trying to do?Actually let the cavalry throw away their weapons?

Is this an explosion of mentality?But it doesn't make sense, although I don't want to admit it, but the other side hasn't reached the time to explode their mentality yet.

However, the scene where the dense spears were thrown at the same time looked quite spectacular...

In the blink of an eye, the long spears that were thrown out had already hit one of the elephant men, and the penetration force was unexpectedly strong, almost tying the elephant man into a hedgehog on the spot.

However, Li Yuanjie didn't panic at all, he just looked scary.

Sure enough, the elephant man who was caught in the attack, after roaring angrily, slammed his body up and down, and the long spears that stabbed it were thrown out on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanjie immediately let out a sneer, showing a look of 'I knew it'.

However, before it could laugh for two more seconds, the Elephant Man, who was preparing to fight back with anger, suddenly uttered a mournful cry, and the other party did not see any movement. The blood that kept overflowing from his body almost instantly stained a large piece of Elephant Man's skin red!

The update is here, thanks to the book friend 'A fish doesn't spit thorns' for the reward!

Chapter 364, a wave of blood collapse

"Damn! What's going on?!" Elephant Man's hemorrhage undoubtedly shocked Li Yuanjie. The surprise came so violently that it turned into a shock in an instant.

At this time, Luo Ji, who was also observing the situation here through the telescope, had a satisfied smile on his face.

In fact, a long time ago, he had been pondering in his heart that although the cavalry archers were all-encompassing, they were quite good at fighting attrition, but they did not have explosive power. At the critical moment, they lacked the means to set the world with a single blow. This is really a flaw.

With this in mind, Luo Ji thought about it for a while. With the idea of ​​making up for this weakness, he made a new piece of equipment for Brigold's cavalry troop, and that new piece of equipment was the spear!

Of course, in order to increase the lethality, Luo Ji also carefully designed the shape and structure of this throwing gun after searching for information for a long time. While allowing it to have penetrating power, he also specially added two blood slots. , Letting the blood out is called a quick one.

At the same time, it was precisely for this reason that this new piece of equipment, which was not officially named, was casually and appropriately called the bloodletting gun by Luo Ji.

You can't beat you head-on, shall I let your blood go to the head office?Let's see if you can continue to be arrogant after losing too much blood.

With this in mind, each of their cavalrymen fixed two bloodletting guns on the left and right sides of the saddle, which would undoubtedly increase their load.

However, the cavalrymen carried spears, bows and arrows on their horses, plus two barrels of arrows. Their mobility was not as good as that of the light cavalry. Under this premise, would Luo Ji mind if they were slower?

Buri Gude and the others were by accident. Without knowing it, the first round of throws directly hit the elephant man who was recovering from a serious illness. It was a little weaker than the other three elephant people. Now this wave After the heavy bleeding, the entire face was ashen, and the huge body swayed for a while due to the instability of standing, and almost fell directly to the ground.

There was no time to worry about the elephant man. After a round of attack, Brigud took down the second bloodletting gun placed on the side of the saddle, and led his cavalry archers to rush towards the next target quickly. .

The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. One moment, Li Yuanjie was counting on the four elephant men under his command to break through the formation and kill all directions, but the next moment he was extremely happy and sorrowful.

Looking at the Elephant Man who started bleeding profusely after being attacked, Li Yuanjie jumped up from the bronze chariot and stomped his feet in anger.

At this moment, even a fool should see that the long spears thrown by those cavalrymen are extraordinary. However, what can it do?

With a body as big as a human being, it is destined to be unavoidable in the face of many attacks. At the same time, it is precisely because of this size that it is difficult to even get body armor.

Not to mention its low-productivity beastman civilization, even if it fell into Luo Ji's hands, the armor and weapons of the Elephant Man would still be a headache, after all, its size was too large.

The tragedy of the Elephant Man undoubtedly hit the morale of the entire orc army, and there was a vague feeling of collapse, so scared that Li Yuanjie quickly activated his skills to boost morale.

Although the situation was barely stabilized, Li Yuanjie knew in his heart that this was only temporary, and he never expected that in his impression, the almost invincible Elephant Man would be targeted by the opponent all of a sudden. The mentality is also a little close to explosion.

On the contrary, Luo Ji, after the initial excitement, quickly calmed down again, because he knew very well that there is no truly invincible unit in this world, no matter how strong the unit is, there will definitely be one. Weaknesses, and relatively, there must be means to restrain him, and at the same time, there are definitely more than one means of restraint.

At this time, Luo Ji could clearly feel that the scale of victory was tilting toward him, and the opening cards and the revealed layout were constantly tearing apart Li Yuanjie's army of orcs.

"Special civilization..."

Looking at the formation of the orc army that was constantly being torn apart, he seemed to be looking at a cake being cut. He would soon be able to taste the cake. Thinking of this, Luo Ji's heart also rose. Kind of impatient.

On the other hand, Li Yuanjie's whole heart sank to the bottom. Its orc army itself had no formation at all, and now that it was smashed to pieces, the situation obviously became worse.

Judging from this posture, this match is undoubtedly doomed. This Luo Ji is completely different from those players he has encountered before. His previous style of play is to rely on the advantages of the orc unit regardless of the opponent's tactics. , Just rushing up and doing it, a wave of strong attacks just hit the front, and directly pushed the opponent to the ground and kept rubbing.

But the one I encountered this time, no matter in terms of routine or strength, was much more ferocious than those players I encountered before.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanjie suddenly realized that he had to retreat temporarily, and then look for opportunities after regrouping.

The retreating horn sounded quickly, and the orc soldiers, who had no fighting spirit left for a long time, turned their heads and ran away as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, which made the already scattered formation even more unbearable in an instant. .

However, with such a good opportunity, how could Luo Ji just let go of this opportunity to defeat this army of orcs in one go?Resolutely raised the bronze spear in his hand, and shouted loudly at the same time, "The whole army charges! Whoever captures the head of the enemy alive will be named a centurion and rewarded with a thousand coins!!"

As soon as the skill was released, the morale of the army under his command was directly pushed to the peak, and the soldiers immediately rushed towards the fleeing orc army like wolves and tigers.

The only thing that makes people more regrettable is that Rayong's Xuanjia Army has to be absent from this killing battle. There is no need to say much about the mobility of the heavy infantry. Let them participate in the pursuit, no matter how you look at it, it is embarrassing.

Li Yuanjie, who escaped in a bronze chariot, turned his head and glanced at the four elephant people surrounded by human soldiers. Because of excessive blood loss, facing the encirclement and suppression of human soldiers at this moment, the four elephant people had no resistance at all. All of them were paralyzed on the ground.

At this moment, Li Yuanjie's whole heart was dripping blood. When the red fox archer was wiped out by a series of explosions before, it didn't feel so painful. If the werewolf warrior is its own son, then this The four elephant men are its lifeblood.

How many battles had there been before, and it turned from defeat to victory with the super strength of these four elephant people?It can't be counted on its own anyway.

It is no exaggeration to say that the combat power of each elephant man is worth hundreds of troops. Without these four elephant men, the combat power of its entire army of orcs would drop by at least [-]%.

However, now it doesn't have the strength to go back and save the four elephants. At the same time, it is too big to save. This wave of blood collapse made Li Yuanjie want to die.

Chapter 365

"General, the orc army has begun to retreat. Looking at the direction, I'm afraid they want to retreat to Iron Wall City." Putting down the binoculars in his hand, Liu Kai, who has now become the deputy general of Bai Ze, obviously took over to give advice to this light cavalry unit. His mission is now deeply trusted by Bai Ze.

Hearing this, Bai Ze nodded, and they were much more familiar with the route from Shangyuan City to Iron Wall City than these foreign invaders.

After quickly sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Bai Ze had already formulated the best assault route, and then lightly kicked the horse's belly, and the long-dormant light cavalry troops immediately moved quickly.

At the same time, on the main battlefield, the chasing and killing of large troops is still going on. However, human soldiers cannot outrun orcs with stronger physical fitness alone. After a long time, the distance between the two sides has been significantly shortened. open.

However, Luo Ji, who was riding Liaoyuanhuo, didn't panic at all. After killing a kobold with a single shot, he led his guards and quickly joined Brigude and others who had come round.

Luo Ji, who could be said to be proficient in bow and horse, was not at all inferior to the cavalry at the moment when he was moving with the horse archers. His outstanding riding and shooting skills attracted attention.

Relying on range and maneuverability to chase and kill all the way, for the cavalry archers, the style of play that can best bring out their advantages is undoubtedly fully highlighted at this moment.

After a few rounds of salvo, Luo Ji and Brigude clearly knew in their minds that it was Bai Ze's light cavalry unit that had arrived when they saw the dust rising in the distance.

Needless to say, with Brigude's simple gesture of raising his hand, the horse archers behind him replaced their weapons with long spears for close combat. At the same time, they no longer approached the fleeing orc army, but began to detour around the periphery stand up.

This is because the two cavalry units cannot confirm each other's specific charge positions during the war. In this case, if they charge the enemy from two different directions at the same time, there is a risk of colliding with each other.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, the cavalry unit that is closer must give up the initiative to the unit that is farther away, because the cavalry unit charging from a long distance is more lethal, and the cavalry unit that is close to the distance is more lethal. The troops just took this opportunity to readjust their positions.

Realizing that he was being flanked by enemy cavalry, Li Yuanjie's face was ashen. Looking back on the entire battle today, from the beginning of the fight to the present, the opponent's actions can be said to be one after another, while his own is completely Falling into that chain suit arranged by Luo Ji!

While thinking about it, the speed of the light cavalry unit that was attacking head-on had obviously soared to the limit.

Bai Ze glanced coldly, locked on Li Yuanjie who was riding on the bronze chariot, and stabbed out. At that time, only a sound of piercing the air was heard, and the shot, which was as fast as lightning, instantly turned into a bit of cold light. Straight to Li Yuanjie's throat.

At the very moment, a figure burst out of the sky, and with a piercing sound of '呲——', the crossed knives forcibly parried Bai Ze's fatal blow.

Li Yuanjie, who escaped from death, had his legs go weak, and sat down on the board of the bronze chariot on the spot. The moment of life and death, he almost lost control of it due to fright.

Li Yuanjie still had time to be afraid, but Li Ke didn't. I saw a cold gleam in Bai Ze's eyes, and I didn't see him make any big moves. With a flick of the spear in his hand, he took the shot in an instant with just a dexterity. The amazing triple stab directly launched a desperate pursuit towards Li Ke.

Li Ke was shocked when he saw this, and changed his tactics temporarily, but it turned out to be powerless. Bai Ze's two spears pierced through the parry of the two knives, and the third spear directly aimed at its throat!

The sense of oppression of the ever-approaching death made Li Ke's wolf hair explode. In the blink of an eye, it quickly tilted its neck to avoid the fate of its throat being ruthlessly pierced through, but it could not avoid the cold light of the spear on its neck. left a wound...

The blood slowly overflowing from the neck soaked the wolf fur around him, and Li Ke was frightened into a cold sweat. How could he stab four times in a row at that moment?And almost took its life?This human being is so strong that it makes his heart chill!

Maintaining a charging posture, the two figures quickly staggered past, and the cavalry unit that charged up behind Bai Ze mercilessly brought death to the fleeing orc army.

On the other side, after seeing Bai Ze's charge route clearly, Brigude waved his spear and decisively led his cavalry to crush him from the other side.

Luo Ji originally wanted to follow, but in the end, he was quickly stopped by a group of guards headed by He Liang. After all, they were guards, and Luo Ji's safety was the most important thing. They followed Bu Rigude and the others in a wave of pursuit. Forget about the battle, it would be too dangerous to charge up together, right?

Well, Luo Ji can be regarded as a self-conscious person. Although he was a little depressed, he still didn't make things difficult for his guards.

However, it might not be safe to stay behind honestly. After all, their current position is near the fleeing orc army. It is decisive that a few blind kobolds rushed towards them secretly holding spears.

From the corner of his eye, he quickly looked around. How could Luo Ji be vague at a time like this?He directly reached out to touch it, and took the crossbow hanging on the saddle in his hand.

The crossbow string had already been drawn in advance, and after quickly installing a crossbow arrow, I didn't see how he was aiming. After a precise shot, there was only a soft "swoosh" sound, and half of the crossbow arrow had already sunk into one of the kobolds' heads. .

Although the hand crossbow weapon could not be produced in a short period of time, and it was impossible for him to form an army of crossbowmen, it was more than enough to arm his guards.

The guards, who have undergone a certain amount of practice, are not at all unfamiliar with their use at the moment. They can shoot and kill the kobolds who tried to attack them in just one meeting!

Leaving aside the shortcoming of troublesome reloading, Luo Ji was satisfied with the excellent power and rate of fire. There was basically no pressure to shoot kobolds. It can be a lot easier.

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