However, at this time, just relying on its roars is obviously useless. The Elephant Slinger is not invincible. Standing 300 meters away, it can smash a huge boulder on the wall of the opposite city wall. It is already a very powerful force.

And after this boulder is released, it will definitely fly lower and lower due to its heavy weight. It is a dream to hit the three-bow crossbows placed on the wall.

Unless they narrow the attack distance to a position of 200 meters, but once you reach that position, you have to face two other realities...

A reality is that the attack accuracy of the Elephant Man throwing stones is actually very poor. Even the three-bow bed crossbow in Luo Ji's hand dare not say where he is 100% pointing, let alone the Elephant Man throwing boulders with his bare hands?Not to mention that these boulders are too large to be polished, resulting in grotesque shapes, and the accuracy is very difficult to control.

Another reality is that after the distance is shortened to a position of 200 meters, the five three-bow beds on the wall will hurt you very much.

After taking a deep breath, Li Yuanjie, who had calmed down a little, was obviously aware of this. Of course, he was also aware of the weakness of the Elephant Slinger, but at that moment, his mentality exploded a little.

At this point, it is impossible to retreat. At this point, the price has been paid. It is impossible to justify without grabbing a wave of human slaves and resources to go back.

Of course, another important reason is that the orcs worship the strong, and consecutive victories can greatly increase their loyalty to you. This increase is far greater than that of humans, but if they fail, their loyalty will also be lost. very violent.

What follows after that is often a rebellion, and in order to consolidate its rule, even if it is a tragic victory, it will definitely be defeated in this one!

The update is sent, thanks to the monthly ticket of the book friend 'Zi℃yejian@ghost' and the reward of the book friend 'Assault Cannon Fodder' and 'Book Friend 20180814170947835'!

3 Chapter sixty, the mourning soldiers must win

As an army that is good at the front, no one can deny the propulsive force of the orc army. In the face of such amazing firepower suppression on the side of Shangyuan City, they pushed them all the way, and they can't use human standards. to measure these orcs.

Seeing that the army of orcs was about to push under the city wall, Zhao Pan had already begun to direct the soldiers to throw logs and smashing stones.

Seeing this, Luo Ji also stretched his muscles and bones, and then said, "Zhao Pan, the city wall will be handed over to you."

"The last general takes orders!"

Even if it was a city-defense battle, it wasn't just a one-sided defense. Going out of the city to fight against it was also part of the city-defense battle. Zhao Pan, Zhou Ming, Liu Tao, and Zhang Lue were ordered to continue commanding the defending troops on the wall, while Luo Ji himself He led Luo Yong, Liu Meng and Zhou Yi towards the city gate. There was no doubt that he was going out of the city to meet them!Otherwise, unilaterally defending the city wall will be too passive, and the city wall will not be able to hold up sooner or later.

Behind the city gate, the army had already assembled, and Luo Yong, Liu Meng, and Zhou Yi quickly commanded their soldiers to set up the long-discussed formation behind the city gate.

At the same time, the battle on the city wall still did not stop. The soldiers were clinging to the top of the wall. Pieces of beating stones and rolling logs kept smashing down to resist the invasion of the orcs, while Zhao Pan's sight stayed on a farther position.

He has been paying attention to the movements of the four elephant men from beginning to end, because he is very clear that the greatest threat to the city wall of Yuancheng is the four elephant men!

Although the other orcs are also strong, at least they cannot directly pose an effective threat to the city wall, and once the four elephant people go under the city wall, the city wall of Shangyuan City will be in danger.

As his thoughts flew around, looking at the Elephant Man in the distance, who had resumed action after a while, Zhao Pan waved his hand and signaled the messenger beside him to sound the horn.

Hearing the sound of the horn from the top of the wall, Luo Ji got on his horse and touched the mane of the blazing fire, only to hear him shout, "Open the city gate! Go out of the city to meet!!"

After a wave of morale, Luo Ji immediately brought the morale of his army to near full value. Following the slowly rising city gate, Zhou Yi also pulled out the long bronze sword from his waist." A strong attack formation to meet!!"


A low growl, showing determination!The soldiers who retreated from Iron Wall City vowed to wash away the shame brought by the fall of Iron Wall City before this moment!

The Macedonian phalanx almost blocked all the activity space at the city gate, and ruthlessly gave the orc army a head-on attack!

Faced with the spear formation that filled the entire city gate space, at this moment, even the rough-skinned tauren had to persuade a wave. Back off.

The aggressive spear formation opened an activity space outside the city gate in a short time, and after that, the sword and shield soldiers on both sides quickly surrounded it.

The extremely fast switching of formations fully demonstrated the well-trained training of these soldiers. In the blink of an eye, the entire formation had been switched from the Macedonian phalanx to a more classic 'contradictory combination'.

Obviously, they did not intend to use the Macedonian phalanx to attack the orc army. It was said before that the Macedonian phalanx was not flexible enough, and the flanks and rear of the battle formation were weak points.

In the previous night raid on Tiebi City, they basically only needed to deal with the kobolds, and they could usually handle it by sending a few teams of large shield soldiers to the flanks and rear.

However, now, the Tauren on the opposite side looks very ferocious. It is estimated that that layer of defense cannot be held at all. It is better to simply change to a more stable formation.

The moment they pushed out the city gate, the soldiers who maintained the battle formation collided with the orc army outside on the spot, leaving aside the previous night raids and several rounds of defending the city wall, this is probably the real human and orc. The first head-to-head confrontation in the sense.

The sound of killing shook the sky, and there is a saying that mourning soldiers must win. The soldiers full of grief and anger overwhelmed the opponent in an instant in terms of morale.

"The first team and the second team pay attention to cover, the third team and the fourth team pay attention to keep up, and push out in one breath!!"

"All hold shields, defensive formation! Pay attention to the attack on the opposite side!"

At the rear of the military formation, Zhou Yi and Liu Meng, one commanded the spear troops and the other commanded the sword and shield troops, maintaining a contradictory combination to continuously impact the formation of the orc army on the opposite side.

At the same time, on the other side, somewhere on the periphery of the battlefield, with the vision provided by the binoculars, Guo Zhen saw that the gate of the city was already fighting, and with a wave of the bronze battle axe in his hand, he was ready to lead his troops to kill, waiting for so many days , he was already a little impatient.

As a result, just as he made a move, he was grabbed by Guo Jia next to him, "Wait, it's not time yet."

"It's not time yet? The fight has already started. We can't possibly shrink here to watch the show, right?!" At the juncture of life and death, Guo Zhen's tone was also a little anxious.

"Don't worry, it's just the beginning. At this time, they are at the gate of Shangyuan City. They can attack and defend. What can happen?" Guo Jia, who was also observing the battle, still had a calm expression on his face.

"Now is the most unstable time in the whole battle situation. If we go out without seeing the situation clearly, it will only add to the chaos. Let's wait for a while, and wait for the opportunity to move when the situation is a little clearer."

For his younger brother, Guo Zhen felt aggrieved in his heart, but he had to accept it, because countless facts proved that when he and Guo Jia disagreed, Guo Jia was right every time...

In this way, the army led by the brothers Guo Jia and Guo Zhen continued to dormant, and now the perspective turns to Li Yuanjie's side...

The army of orcs under his command, which has always been invincible, was extremely difficult to fight after facing Luo Ji. At this time, Li Yuanjie was in a good mood.

Seriously, this invasion war is really a hell, it's just as uncomfortable as the top [-] bitches in the bronze rank.

Looking at the anxious battle at the gate of Shangyuan City, Li Yuanjie frowned more and more tightly. He was used to relying on the advantages of the orc army, and Li Yuanjie, who faced every opponent with a wave of stubbornness and forcibly knocked people out. Now let him think of some tactics, and he really can't think of it.

But in the current situation, it is obviously necessary for the Great Chief to do something, otherwise, the battle is estimated to be a little overhang.

Its army of orcs will lose to humans, what a joke! ?As his thoughts flew around, Li Yuanjie, who was about to rack his brains, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "There is..."

Updates are sent, thanks to the monthly passes of book friends 'Sky Travel' and 'Wenzi Liu'!

Chapter 361 , move, accept move


The dull sound of horns echoed on the battlefield, and the army of orcs who had been madly attacking the gate of Shangyuan City began to slowly retreat at this moment.

Luo Ji raised his brows slightly when he noticed the other party's move. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly knew something...

The advantage of the orc army is that they are fighting head-on, and they are crowded in the city wall. Due to the problem of space, they are fighting with their hands and feet. On the opposite side, Li Yuanjie wants to play with one hand and retreat to advance.

But it doesn't matter, his plan for this battle was originally intended to compete with this army of orcs. Luo Ji really couldn't believe it. The well-trained and well-equipped army under his command couldn't do it. A bunch of orcs who only know how to hack and dash?

"Maintain the formation and push it out!"

With an order, and with Luo Ji's permission, Zhou Yi and Liu Meng immediately commanded the army under their command to advance all the way.

And seeing this scene, Li Yuanjie suddenly let out a sneer in his heart. Just now, he suddenly thought of a method that the opponent used in the previous night raid, using retreat as advance, the opposite can use it, It can also be used.

Its army of orcs is best at being tough on the front, first retreat a certain distance, then the army on the opposite side will be lured out, and when the two armies are fully fighting together, it is definitely more dominant for its army of orcs!

From the current point of view, its strategy has been implemented quite smoothly. The humans guarding the city on the opposite side have already chased them out. Thinking of this, Li Yuanjie couldn't help but feel more and more complacent, "Hahaha, stupid human beings."

After seeing that the distance was almost close, Li Yuanjie let out a grim smile, and decisively signaled the messenger beside him to sound the horn again, signalling the retreating orc army to turn back to meet him.

The counterattack from the other side was exactly what Luo Ji had expected. Naturally, he couldn't make him panic. The formation of the Sword and Shield troops remained the same, and they attacked strongly. The spears that continued to pierce afterward were madly suppressing the orcs. The momentum of the attack, another round of fighting was staged again.

Looking at the battle situation ahead, Li Yuanjie motioned to the werewolf warrior who was in charge of driving to control the bronze chariot to step back. It didn't want to be involved.

After all, the upper limit of its own bravery is only three stars. It cannot be the five scum of war, but it has basically nothing to do with the word "violent general". Therefore, every time there is a big battle, it basically shrinks back and commands, and rarely goes to the front. .

The straightforward point is that it is afraid of death. Of course, if you think about it from another angle, it is a player. Once it dies, wouldn't the entire civilization be completely over?

In this way, protecting one's own life is to some extent a compulsory course for a player, and the easiest way is of course not to go to the front line, and even if you do, try not to rush forward.

Then add a escort force for yourself, and you must take good security measures. Many players do this, and it is not worse than Li Yuanjie.

The change in the situation here undoubtedly caught Guo Jia's attention. The discipline of the orc army was very poor. Although the retreat just now was considered to be executed, during the retreat process, the formation itself was quite loose. It was a mess, and even the front line with an entire army was dragged for a long time.

Guo Jia, who saw this scene, said quickly, "The time has come, let's do it! Rush to the middle of the opponent's front line, and split the army of the orcs in half in one breath!"

Hearing this, Guo Zhen's whole body was instantly refreshed, without any nonsense, he waved the bronze battle axe in his hand, "The whole army raids!!"

The ambush soldiers who had been dormant for a long time on the periphery of the battlefield quickly rushed out, and Li Yuanjie, who was in the rear, was shocked and exploded on the spot, "Grass, you still have a hand?!"

In the blink of an eye, the powerful army under Guo Zhen's hand had already slammed into the middle of the opponent's entire front in accordance with Guo Jia's instructions. truncate.

Looking at the battlefield that seemed to be divided into two by the opponent, Li Yuanjie, who had calmed down a little, recovered a little bit of composure.

Although its orc army is not good at implementing formation tactics due to discipline issues, it doesn't mean it hasn't seen it before.

There is a good saying, if you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?This wave of play on the opposite side is a classic play of annexing the enemy's large-scale forces.

To put it bluntly, it is a big cake, if you can't swallow it in one bite, then cut it into several pieces and eat slowly, and the other party's approach at this time is similar.

"Want to swallow Lao Tzu's army of orcs? Don't be afraid of being held to death!" This kind of play has not been used by anyone before, but it's a pity...

As his thoughts flew around, Li Yuanjie let out a grim smile, "Elephant Man! Break them down for me!"

The Elephant Man who received the order suddenly let out a roar, a simple kick, but it directly caused devastating damage to Guo Zhen's troops.

At the same time, this elephant man moved his feet and could hardly distinguish between enemy and me, and even the kobolds with a few of their own were ruthlessly affected, and the terrifying power instantly kicked a large group of people out, and the mouth and nose continued. The gushing blood proved that they had no chance of surviving after this kick.

Seeing this scene, Guo Zhen's eyes were completely split, and then he roared and charged towards the elephant man, "Beasts will die!!"

Guo Zhen, who is known as a human-shaped bear, looks a little 'skinny' when facing the ten-meter-tall elephant man, but this does not affect him from venting the raging anger in his heart.

The special bronze battle ax in his hand slashed on the elephant's thick elephant leg like a stone pillar. With Guo Zhen's strength, when the ax went down, more than half of the ax blade almost fell into the elephant's leg. Zheng of flesh and blood

At this time, the bronze battle axes used by Luo Ji's army were specially made in shape and structure. The wounds of the enemies hit by these battle axes would definitely not heal easily, and at the same time, a wave of bloodletting would be completed in an instant!

However, this was not over yet. After the ax fell, Guo Zhen clenched the handle of the ax with both arms, and then pulled it violently. With the splash of blood, Guo Zhen left a torn wound on the elephant's leg and foot on the spot!

Regardless of his size, Guo Zhen's angry blow definitely caused the Elephant Man pain, and even the blood was still overflowing from the open wound.

The violent wailing kept impacting the eardrums of the people, and the elephant man's elephant legs kept trampling on it, as if he wanted to trample Shan's own human being to death.

But as a fierce general who could rush back and forth on the battlefield with thousands of troops, if he couldn't dodge such an obvious attack, he would have died on the battlefield long ago.

Guo Zhen dodged left and right to fight with this behemoth that almost made ordinary soldiers feel hopeless. However, his actions were not enough to change the situation on the battlefield, because in the army of orcs, such a behemoth had enough There are four! !

Chapter 362 Human?

Leaving aside the elephant man who was entangled by Guo Zhen, the other three elephant men frantically destroyed their formation with the momentum of destruction, unabashedly showing the destructive power of the elephant human arms on the battlefield, The corners of Luo Ji's eyes twitched as he watched from behind.

"Isn't it here yet?"

I already knew that there were so many rough-skinned and thick-skinned giant units on the opposite side, how could Luo Ji not be prepared?And it seems a little late for this preparation?

Just as he was thinking this way, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the distance, dazzled him a bit, subconsciously raised the binoculars in his hand to confirm, but found that his sight could not catch up with the golden light at all.

"It's Gege, Brigude is here!" Realizing this, Luo Ji's face was overjoyed, and then he opened his trump card without hesitation!

The heavy footsteps fell, and there was an orderly and dull sound. Along with the footsteps, an invisible sense of oppression was slowly spreading on the battlefield.

The movement behind him unconsciously affected the thoughts of every soldier in the front row. One of the soldiers subconsciously glanced behind him when he heard the movement.

Distraction is a big taboo on the battlefield. The soldier's glance directly made a Tauren infantry on the opposite side seize the opportunity, and a dashing charge knocked him off his back.

The two spearmen who were guarding the back were quick-witted, and they quickly stabbed out the spears in their hands, trying to stop the crazy tauren.

However, the tauren had rough skin and thick flesh, and the two spears failed to hit the key points. On the contrary, the pain after the injury was grateful for its ferocity, and the bronze battle axe in his hand slashed wildly, directly slashing the two spearmen. fell to the ground.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this that there was a gap in the original complete formation, and a large number of tauren and kobold in the rear rushed up to see the opportunity, causing Zhou Yi and Liu Meng, who were commanding these two troops, to change one after another. face.

"Don't panic, stabilize the formation! Push those orcs back!!" At the critical moment, Zhou Yi quickly dropped a 'moral boost' skill to stabilize the morale of the soldiers.

And Liu Meng was even more straightforward, directly putting into action, waved the bronze saber in his hand, and killed himself in an instant!

Liu Meng himself is also a four-star valiant general, and aside from the few newly replaced recruits, the soldiers of the two units can be regarded as well-trained.

If it was replaced by an ordinary enemy, this formation would have been repaired long ago, but the problem is that the opponent is not an ordinary enemy!Not even human...

The tauren and kobolds are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and their physical fitness is even stronger. Originally, human soldiers had to rely on the cooperation of equipment and formation if they wanted to deal with these ferocious orc units.

Now that the formation is broken, and these orcs rush in in one breath, there is no doubt about how bad the situation is.

Liu Meng slashed wildly all the way, trying to turn the tide. However, no matter how fierce his personal strength was, he couldn't stop the hordes of orcs from pouring in from the gap, and even the gap was still torn apart. trend.

Seeing a tauren breaking in and thinking of Luo Ji who was standing behind him at this time, Liu Meng's expression changed suddenly, and he wanted to turn around to intercept him, but he was entangled by a large group of orcs, unable to get away at all, so he could only shout loudly. Roar, "Escort! Hurry up!!"

Liu Meng's loud roar, which was obviously a little panicked, made the tauren infantryman who broke through into a state of excitement, "It seems that my old cow is going to make a great contribution today!"

Just when it was thinking about it, it only heard a muffled 'bang', and a burly figure stepped out step by step, directly running in front of it.

At that moment, an inexplicable sense of oppression rushed over, and its crisis instinct as an orc was frantically sounding the alarm!

"Humans? No, humans don't look like this!"

This idea flashed through the tauren's mind, just like when humans see creatures such as cows and sheep, they feel that they all look similar, and the orcs feel the same when they look at humans.

From the Tauren's point of view, the black guy in front of him doesn't look like a human, but it gave him a strong sense of crisis!

No time to think about it, the Tauren swept his gaze, and directly locked on the one who looked different from the other guys. The other guys had black faces, and they looked a bit like the tiger clan among their orcs, but only this one face is white.

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