Chapter 317 A gentleman is like jade, precious and elegant

"A gentleman is like jade, noble and elegant..."

At this moment, outside the jade shop in Mingjing City, a young man in a white robe softly read out the slogan that Luo Ji helped the jade shop. With a slight smile, "I really need to take a good look at this."

"Welcome!" Looking at the young man in white robe who walked in, the little shop clerk of the jade shop suddenly lit up. After a period of time as the shop clerk, he could be considered to have some basic ability to recognize people. It was the white robe made of silk, which was already very valuable, which made him obviously raise his spirits a bit.

And the young man in white robe, the moment he entered the store, his attention was instantly drawn by the exquisite jade pieces. The little shop assistant saw the opportunity and hurriedly started talking. Forgot to put on the special silk gloves for himself, and then carefully took out the jade article, "Young master has a good eye, this jade jade brand can be said to be one of the best quality jade in our shop, plus the jade craftsman. This craftsmanship is definitely worth the money, and this jade is spiritual, there is a saying that people raise jade for three years, and jade raises people for a lifetime..."

Hearing the incessant introduction of the clerk, Mr. Baipao was not bored, and he didn't even think that such an ordinary-looking clerk could be so articulate, and would occasionally pop out a few words. Something interesting to say.

"People raise jade for three years, jade raises people for a lifetime? What kind of saying is this?" Halfway through, the white-robed young man couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Young Master, you must have asked the right person..." Luo Ji obviously asked all the clerks of the jade shop to memorize similar knowledge. Now, it is a set of words for ordinary laymen. Impossible to ask him.

"Is this jade really so magical?" After listening to the explanation that people have raised jade for three years and jade has been raised for a lifetime, the white-robed gentleman couldn't help but become more curious, even though the jade jade brand's gentle touch felt even through silk gloves. Under the premise that he couldn't put it down, but the clerk's remarks were a bit mysterious, and it was inevitable that he would not believe it.

"Of course, let's not talk about it from afar, His Majesty the Emperor of Ten Thousand Worlds Civilization, the black jade carp and suet white jade ring finger worn on the body are the best jade in ten thousand miles!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, the white-robed son's eyes lit up, "I wonder if there are that black jade carp and suet white jade wrench in the store?"

"Young master, you are joking with me, you say that it is the best jade in ten thousand miles, and the jade seeds are all top-quality Hetian jade, which can be called the best of the best. Yes? The jade card in your hand is already a first-class fine jade."

While talking like this, I found Shen Jun at the entrance of the jade shop all the way. Looking at Lu Yang, who was standing in the shop, rubbing a jade card with a face full of love, he walked up in two steps rather simply, "Why? ? You want to buy it?"

While speaking, Shen Jun glanced at the price, and he looked like he was rich and powerful. However, this aura didn't last long. The moment he saw the price, he was a little cowardly, and he felt in his heart for a while. He clicked his tongue, "Although I have heard that the price of this jade is astonishing, this is a bit too amazing, right?"

Shen Jun, who originally wanted to buy a piece of jade to play with, instantly dismissed the idea. It wasn't that his Shen family couldn't come up with the money, but he would have to spend money to open a shop later. After all, he quit long ago. Official families, family money, is basically the savings of ancestors, spend a little, a little less, it really can not afford such a luxury.

Just when Shen Jun was thinking so, Lu Yang, the white-robed young man beside him, said, "Shen Jun, how much money did you bring with you when you came to Mingjing City this time?"

"Isn't it? You really want to buy it?!" Shen Jun was taken aback.

"Let me borrow some first, and return it to you after returning to Dazhou City." Lu Yang had a serious expression on his face, because he found that after rubbing it smoothly, he couldn't put down the jade card in his hand...

"Okay, okay." After all, he is a friend who grew up together since childhood, so it's all said and done, so there's no reason not to help?

After listening to Shen Jun answering twice, he directly took out a stack of money bills from his arms and put them on the table, "These should be enough."

After paying the money, Shen Jun walked out of the jade shop with a sore face as the little shop assistant shouted 'Welcome next time'. His arms were empty and his heart was stuffed.

Turning his head and looking at his friend, he saw that at this moment, from the time he came out of the jade shop to the present, Lu Yang had never stopped playing with the hand that was playing the jade card. At this moment, Shen Jun himself felt I can't help but become curious. I was frightened by the price before, but I didn't take a serious look at the jade in the shop. Now I turn around and look at it again, and I feel a little twisted. On this friend's body, "Lu Yang, let me play with your jade card."

"No." Lu Yang didn't even think about it, and refused directly. The one who capsized the boat of friendship was a simple one.

"Hey, I paid for it!"

"I'll pay you back when I return to Dazhou City." Lu Yang replied with a serious face, while he continued to play with the jade card in his hand. After taking off the silk gloves, the warm feeling of the jade card was really is getting better.

"Just touch it, and you won't lose a piece of meat!" The more Lu Yang was like this, the more Shen Jun wanted to touch it, and the more curious he became about this jade.


"Lu Yang, we have known each other for more than ten years..."

Seeing Shen Jun's unstoppable appearance, Lu Yang couldn't help sighing. Just when Shen Jun thought that Lu Yang had finally regressed, his friend just listened to it with such a calm expression. The rhetoric that came was taken out, "People raise jade for three years, and jade raises people for a lifetime. I am holding this jade card in my hand, and I am using my essence to nourish it. When you touch it, this qi will It's messed up, so this jade is basically not allowed to be touched by others, didn't you see that the clerk and I both wore silk gloves when we were in the jade shop?"

"So mysterious? I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not." Lu Yang replied indifferently, "Compared to this, aren't you being received by His Majesty the Emperor? How do you feel?"

As soon as this business was mentioned, Shen Jun's attention was also taken away from the jade card, "I can't see it through, and I can't guess it..."

While speaking, Shen Jun explained the entire meeting between himself and Luo Ji, and even repeated every sentence of the conversation with his friend.

After listening, Lu Yang pondered for a while, and suddenly said to Shen Jun seriously, "Your Majesty the Emperor, is he kidding you?"


After speaking, Lu Yang directly ignored Shen Jun who was dumbfounded on the spot, and then walked away on his own while playing with the jade card in his hand, "This is interesting."

Chapter 318, Encounter

At the same time, on Luo Ji's side, after Shen Jun withdrew, Luo Ji, who was leaning directly on the chair, clearly felt the discomfort of his body, "He Liang..."

"Your Majesty?!" The guard whose name was called looked at Luo Ji's pale face, and his heart suddenly panicked.

"Go and call a doctor, remember not to be too public, you know?"

"This subordinate understands!" After answering, the guard whose name was He Liang hurried in the direction of the medical department.

The person who came was Zhang Sheng, the director of the medical department. It can be said that he is the most experienced person in the medical department. After a serious diagnosis of Luo Ji, Zhang Sheng was slightly relieved, "Your Majesty, you are overworked. If this goes on like this, I'm afraid I'll get sick from overwork, and I have to take a good rest for a while."

"Want to rest for a while?" Luo Ji muttered this sentence in a subtle tone, "I have to rest too."

Hearing this, Zhang Sheng also had a wry smile on his face. Of course, he also knew how busy the emperor's government affairs were. At present, the entire civilization of the world is developing rapidly, and how many important reports are there every day, etc. With him to review?How many important decisions are waiting for him to make a decision?

In this matter, even Zhang Sheng, who has always been stubborn, has to make concessions, "But at least please Your Majesty to rest for two days, and then the old minister will give His Majesty some medicines to recuperate your body slowly for a while, it should be can get better.”

"Let's do this for now." Luo Ji nodded, but if he just rested for two days, he should be able to come over. "Remember to keep quiet about this matter."

"The old minister knows."

After Zhang Sheng stepped back, he looked at the remaining reports on the desk, all of which were marked with a yellow level. According to the previous arrangement, the reports of this level were to be reviewed by him personally, but today he is really Without that energy, after thinking about it for a while, he decided to hand it over to the two secretaries under his command, and he himself went to bed early after eating a light meal.

Luo Ji, who was determined to rest for two days, slept until noon after a long absence, but still didn't feel full, but Luo Ji knew that he couldn't sleep any longer. The feeling could be eliminated, so he put a black silk robe on himself at will, and Luo Ji asked Liu Ye to bring some food over.

After simply having lunch, and drinking the medicinal soup sent by Zhang Sheng's police officer, Luo Ji stretched and decided to go out for a walk, get some air and relax, which would also help relieve his mental fatigue. .

It is definitely impossible to go to places with a lot of people, so Luo Ji chose Mingjing Lake as the place to relax. This month happened to be during the fishing moratorium. After the fishing team was banned from fishing, there was basically nothing on the surface of Mingjing Lake. Man, it is pure.

In this way, Luo Ji just crossed Erlang's legs, lying on the raft, and then let the raft float on the lake, with a fishing rod on the side, regardless of whether the fish was hooked or not, what he pursued was such a state and artistic conception.

In fact, the fishing rod was indeed forgotten by him. Luo Ji, who was lying on the raft, was habitually playing with his black jade carp in his hand, and he inevitably thought about some things in his mind. In terms of development, there is no way out. The professional habits that have been developed over the years are really not something that can be changed.

However, what he was thinking about at this time was not too complicated. To put it simply, it was about the grading of some reports. At first, he divided the reports into green, blue, yellow, orange and red according to color. Five levels, green the lightest and red the heaviest.

Originally Luo Ji thought that five gradings should be enough, but recently, he has become more and more aware that this grading is not rigorous enough. Let's take the report with the important grade of yellow as an example. There are some things in this grade. It really needed Luo Ji to personally review it, and some things were actually not that important, and the two secretaries could handle them completely.

So, in the final analysis, the grading of these five levels is not rigorous enough, and some reports with more subtle grading are classified into this middle level. In this way, Luo Ji thought about it and planned to use Arabic numerals. The importance level of the file report is divided into one to ten, ten levels, the first level file is the most important file, and the tenth level is the lightest.

As for what level of affairs corresponds to what level, Luo Ji will have to make a detailed classification later. At the same time, the authority of each city's sub-city lord and his secretary can handle what level of document reporting, this point has to be carefully considered. Just do it.

In addition, after this incident, Luo Ji also realized more clearly that he had to take care of his body. After coming to this other world, he didn't know if it was because he fought more and became stronger. Because of this, he basically never got sick, and it was precisely because of this that he became careless. This time, he almost fell ill from overwork, which was a wake-up call for him.

Although as His Majesty the emperor, there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with every day. If he really wants to do it, he estimates that it will take 360 ​​to five days, all year round...

But he is not an iron machine. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but this time, he is determined to give himself a fixed rest day. Not only him, but also the city lords and generals who defend the city under his hands. Just arrange it well.

Twelve months of the year, except for some of the holidays set by him, working for half a month and taking a day off is not too much, right?However, what Luo Ji didn't know was that as early as the Western Han Dynasty in his Celestial Dynasty, officials at that time had a system of 'one rest for five days', but in the Tang Dynasty, it was changed to "one rest for ten days".

To put it bluntly, that is the difference between 'in five days, work for four days, and rest for one day' and "in ten days, work for nine days and rest for one day", and compared with the system of these two dynasties, he worked half a day. Only one day off a month, it is too much diligence.

However, just as Luo Ji was pondering this, the raft, which seemed to have hit something, suddenly shook with a soft 'bang', and the fishing rod he was resting on the side was shaken. When he looked up, a warm and slightly panicked voice entered Luo Ji's ears...

"It's the first time I set up this raft and disturbed Xiongtai, I'm really sorry!"

Hearing this voice, Luo Ji subconsciously got up and turned his head to look in the direction from which the voice came from. Suddenly, a young man in white robes who was holding a long pole and looked rather embarrassed appeared in his sight. inside.

Chapter 319, Jiang Taigong Fishing Wishes Take the Bait

"It's the first time I set up this raft and disturbed Xiongtai, I'm really sorry!"

"Brother?" The corners of Luo Ji's mouth curled up when he heard this title, and he subconsciously looked at the white-robed young man, and saw that the white-robed young man was being tossed by the raft and the long pole in his hand. He was embarrassed, but in his gestures, he carried a temperament that was somewhat different from that of most people in this era. If he had to say it, he was like a scholar.

Different from those scholars in his current civilization who focus on efficiency, this one exudes the elegance of traditional scholars.

"Silk white robe, and this jade card..." Luo Ji dared not say that everyone in the civilization of the world knows him, but if he is a resident of Mingjing City and doesn't know him, then he Strange, and the other party just called him 'Xiongtai', obviously did not recognize him, in other words, he is not from Mirror City.

Instead of being a resident of Mingjing City, he has the ability to wear silk and white robes and can afford jade jade cards. Isn't the identity of this white-robed son ready to be revealed?

As his thoughts flew around, Luo Ji flicked his fingertips, and calmly clicked on the white-robed young man's attribute panel. Looking at the attributes on the panel, his pupils suddenly shrank...

Name: Lu Yang

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Loyalty: 77

Bravery: ★★

Intelligence: ★★★★☆

Spirit: ★★★☆

Endurance: ★★☆

Command: ★★☆☆

Talent: Wang Zuozhi's talent: When he takes the corresponding position and assists the monarch, the development speed of the whole civilization increases by 40.00%, and the work efficiency of handling internal affairs increases by 40.00%

Skill: Affairs Arrangement (Passive): The efficiency of work affairs arranged by it is increased by 30.00%

Be resourceful and decisive (passive): When dealing with government affairs, the probability of making mistakes is reduced by 40.00%

Tactics: none

"It's okay, Xiongtai doesn't need to mind." Luo Ji waved his hand while speaking, and while closing the attribute panel, he also thought to himself, "Can I be considered 'Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteer hooked'?"

Glancing at his crooked fishing rod, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing. He floated on the lake to take a nap and was lazy, all of which allowed him to catch a big fish, which was really surprising... …

However, his smile caused the misunderstanding of Lu Yang, who was punting the boat. He only asked a bit of embarrassment, "I don't know why Xiongtai is laughing?"

Seeing Lu Yang's anger turned into anger, Luo Ji instantly understood that the other party had mistakenly thought he was laughing at him, thinking of this, he couldn't help but reply in a sullen manner, "Looking at the anger on the face of my brother, I think it was a misunderstanding. "

"Why is there a misunderstanding?"

"This misunderstanding will be explained later..." Luo Ji changed his words slightly, "But before that, I have a question, and I want to ask Xiongtai."

"what is the problem?"

"Xiongtai, have you read the four books, "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", and "Mencius"?"

"A little dabbling."

"Xiongtai is humble." Hearing this, Luo Ji's eyes flashed a little bit of clarity. Of course, he didn't come up with these four books, but when Zhou Dongnan was working on the Four Treasures of the Study, he came up with it. The purpose was probably to think Get the entire cultural development in place in one step, and then use this method to see if you can catch a few outstanding civil servants for yourself.

It's a pity that when he was doing this, he obviously didn't think much about it, and he just copied the four books in his ancient Four Books and Five Classics of the Celestial Dynasty, but the question is, are these four books that ordinary people can read in a while?Apparently it was a little too beautiful.

Moreover, at that time, those who had the ability and time to study these were always children of aristocratic families, which was indeed very similar to his ancient times.

As a result, Zhou Dongnan's wave of cultural promotion ended dismal. After that, he didn't seem to be in the mood to engage in cultural projects, and he immediately became a complete war mad. No matter what happened, one word, hit!

On the court of the Great Zhou Kingdom, the few civil servants whose status was not high in themselves, since then, their sense of presence and right to speak have plummeted, and in the end they are almost reduced to decoration.

This is probably one of the main reasons why Lu Yang and Shen Jun and the others have stopped serving as officials since their fathers.

And this time, with nothing to do and no worries about food and drink, Lu Yang and his parents couldn't just sit at home every day in a daze, right?In this way, reading has become their main means to pass the time. As a result, after so many years of optimism, they really let them see something, and it directly affects the next generation, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy. Now, Obviously, Luo Ji is going to be cheap again...

"Brother, how about listening to a story?"

"What does this have to do with that misunderstanding?"

"After listening, the misunderstanding is resolved."

"Then brother, please speak, and I will listen carefully."

While speaking, Luo Ji sorted out the thoughts in his head, made some adaptations of the story of Jiang Taigong's fishing, and said it. After listening, Lu Yang frowned slightly, "The fish in the Xiongtai story, is it possible that Do you mean down?"

"Of course." Luo Ji shook his head and replied, this article has been written for a long time, but it is inexplicably a bit fun and addicting.

According to Lu Yang's intelligence, it is naturally impossible to understand the meaning of Luo Ji's story. For a while, his eyes changed as he looked at Luo Ji, the black silk robe and the jade wrench on his thumb. It's enough to prove that the other party is either rich or expensive, but this identity...

Just as Lu Yang was thinking about this, another raft quickly came over in the distance, and at the moment of approaching, three guards with knives quickly jumped up and protected Luo Ji behind him, "Your Majesty , are you alright?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?!" Lu Yang's expression changed instantly when he heard the title, and then he immediately knelt down and saluted, "Caomin Lu Yang, see Your Majesty! I have offended you just now, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive you!!"

It's not that he's stupid, but who would have thought that His Majesty, the dignified and civilized emperor of the world, would be so idle that he would lie on a raft and take a nap with his legs crossed? !

Seeing this, Luo Ji felt a little bad water in his heart, and then pretended to be sullen and said, "You dare to ram my raft and then question me, you are really the first..."

Following Luo Ji's words, the three guards with knives looked at him with obvious killing intent, and even one of them pulled out the bronze sword from his waist. for a while.

As a son of an aristocratic family, how has he ever faced such a battle?There is no blood on a face. After all, he is still young, and he has talents. However, in the face of such a sudden situation, in many cases, what is needed is experience.

Just when he was thinking about whether to give up his family property to save his own life, Luo Ji, who was standing over there, suddenly changed his conversation, "However, for the sake of your knowledge, Give you a chance to atone for your sins, so, are you going to take the bait?"

At the end, Luo Ji's tone has obviously brought a bit of playfulness. Listening to the change in tone, and thinking of the previous story of 'Jiang Taigong's fishing wisher's bait', Lu Yang still doesn't know that Luo Ji is this Are you teasing him half-jokingly and half-seriously?However, he still couldn't relax. After thinking about it for a while, a flash of determination flashed in Lu Yang's eyes...

"Caomin Lu Yang, I would like to help your Majesty!"

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