The eagle's claws were obviously stained with blood. It seemed that he had eaten by himself. After Luo Ji touched its black eagle feathers, he raised one arm slightly. Spreading his wings and flying high into the sky, the speed is simply staggering.

Looking at the fleeting image that flew away in the blink of an eye, Guo Zhen's eyes were full of envy, and at the same time he couldn't help but muttered, "That guy Bai Ze, are you looking for me?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't know if he's feeling it or not. Bai Ze, who was far above the grassland, sneezed suddenly, and then rubbed his nose forcefully, "Have a cold? No way?"

Just as Bai Ze was muttering like this, Zhao Chuan had already rushed over with a group of cavalry in the distance, "General, I found the traces of the horse thieves!"

"Okay." Hearing this, Bai Ze's whole body was shaken with decisiveness, "I told the brothers to cheer up, one team feigned to contain the front, and the other went around to flank them, breaking their back path, don't do this this time. Let them run away again and dare to rob our horse herd, these horse thieves are really tired of living!"

With an order, the light cavalry troops behind Bai Ze took action one after another, and on the grassland side, Bai Ze vowed to dispatch troops and prepare to destroy a group of horse thieves who were tired of living. At the same time, on the other side, south of Xiyuan City Outside of the woods, Luo Ji discovered his goal this time quite easily...


The tiger's roar shook the sky, scaring the surrounding horses under the crotch of the guards to become a little restless.

"What a beast, so arrogant?" An ordinary war horse would be frightened by the roar of this vicious tiger, but the prairie fire under his crotch was not afraid at all, not affected at all, and even snorted in disdain. , as if to say 'I have seen the big scene of thousands of troops, who are you scare sing? '.

As if feeling the emotions of his beloved horse, Luo Ji let out a laugh, kicked the horse's belly lightly with his left foot, signalling Liaoyuan Huo to cheer up, and then walked slowly forward while maintaining his speed.

After practicing for so long, Luo Ji's horse-and-shooting skills can't be said to be able to compete with Brigu Derby, but with the blessing of the skill effect, it can be considered a decent performance. Luo Ji took off the longbow behind him with a backhand, and between the bow and the arrow, at that time, he heard only three sounds of '咻咻咻', and he shot the arrow with one hand!

The beautiful hand made the guards in the rear cheer loudly, while the brothers Guo Zhen and Guo Jia who followed together, as well as the twenty soldiers accompanying them, were stunned for a while.

"I didn't even know that His Majesty had such a hand..." Guo Zhen murmured with a confused expression. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of hunting and come out to have fun, but looking at this posture, why does it feel like he has nothing to do with him?

It is no wonder that the reactions of these two groups of people are so different. For the guards, their majesty, or their patriarch has always been a warrior who can kill a hungry wolf with a stone spear, but when Guo Zhen, When Guo Jia and the others joined in, Luo Ji no longer needed Luo Ji for many battles. He appeared on the battlefield more as a commander, so people at different stages had different impressions of Luo Ji. are all different.

Just as the thoughts of a group of people were flying, another tiger roar sounded. The physique of this evil tiger was obviously very strong. The three arrows failed to hurt its life, and the fierce tiger was provoked. He madly rushed towards Luo Ji's direction!

Facing such a battle, Luo Ji, who was riding a prairie fire, had a calm expression on his face, but Guo Jia in the back was so frightened that he turned pale with fright, and then shouted, "Be careful, Your Majesty!!"

The gap between the civil servants and the military generals is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. There is a saying that it is good to say that experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the fun. In terms of strength, Guo Jia is obviously a layman who watches the fun.

Rarely showed his majesty as a big brother, Guo Zhen grabbed Guo Jia and said aloud, "Be quiet, you will disturb Your Majesty like this."

"Is this the time to talk about this?!" Concerned about Luo Ji's safety, Guo Jia said that he could not calm down at all.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty is quite capable now, don't believe me." While speaking, Guo Zhen stretched out his hand.

Sure enough, Luo Ji didn't panic at all at this moment. While signaling Liaoyuanhuo to speed up and run, three arrows were fired, and with his outstanding archery, he kept slaying the vicious tiger.

Relying on his ability to mount and shoot, after dealing with the evil tiger for a few rounds, the evil tiger seemed to have sensed Luo Ji's range advantage. He turned his head and fled towards the woods behind.

Seeing this, Luo Ji resolutely rode his horse to chase after him. The prairie fire that ran at full speed was like a raging flame, and Guo Zhen, who was watching behind him, was envious again.

After chasing for a while, seeing that the distance between the two sides was rapidly shortened, Luo Ji gently pulled the reins and understood the master's meaning, and Liaoyuanhuo began to slow down.

Who would have guessed that at this moment, the evil tiger running in front suddenly turned around and rushed towards him with a bloody mouth!

"What a bastard! You actually know how to play tricks with me?!" Luo Ji was startled, but he was someone who had been on the battlefield and had seen big scenes, but at this moment, he was still calm.

Just when he was about to make a move, accompanied by a rapid eagle chirping, a black shadow that swept past unexpectedly attacked from the air, blinding the evil tiger with one blow!


Blood splattered!The furious tiger roar kept hitting Luo Ji's eardrums, almost making him deaf. In comparison, the prairie fire with special earplugs was better at this time, and a pair of spiritual eyes glanced at the rapidly rising sky. Glimpse, as if to complain that it is nosy.

Afterwards, I saw it turned around, kicked the horse's hoof, gave a severe blow, and stomped directly on the huge head of the evil tiger. There is no doubt about the power of the horse's hoof nailed with the horseshoe. It was almost to make the evil tiger burst into blood on the spot.

The vicious tigers, which had been severely wounded one after another, had a bit of sternness in the tiger's roar. Luo Ji saw the opportunity and launched a precise shot. He shot an arrow. middle.

Afterwards, Luo Ji didn't need to say more, while he was closing his bow, Liaoyuanhuo suddenly accelerated and completely pulled the distance away...

Chapter 314, news dissemination

The howling tiger, the huge tiger body fell heavily to the ground, Luo Ji's last arrow shot directly into the tiger's mouth, forming a fatal blow, scarlet blood from the fatal wound. Slowly overflowing, a pool of blood soon formed.

After a while, after confirming that the evil tiger was dead, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that with his weapons and horses, coupled with his current strength, he should be able to win relatively easily, but he didn't expect it. After an unexpected thrill, it seems that the threat of beasts to humans should not be underestimated. It is really careless.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up at the silhouette that was hovering in the air, and then quickly rolled up the cape so that the silhouette could rest on his forearm for a while.

"Thank you very much this time." Luo Ji combed Lve Ying's feathers and said with emotion all over his face. Lve Ying's act of flying down and catching the eyes of the evil tiger really surprised him. Being able to catch some small prey such as rabbits and birds, perhaps it is true, as Bai Ze and Burigude said, that Lve Ying is a descendant of the Condor on the grassland.

Hearing this, the prairie fire under the crotch snorted directly, expressing its protest, as if to say that even if Glan Ying didn't do much, it could handle it.

In response, Luo Ji also laughed twice, and then touched Liaoyuan Huo's mane as a gesture of comfort, "Thank you too, good friend!"

In the time they were talking, Guo Zhen and the others had already galloped up all the way. After seeing that Luo Ji was not injured, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. The moment the vicious tiger counterattacked just now was really a thrill for them.

Of course, aside from that, the battle that happened and ended almost in one breath was indeed a wonderful one. Luo Ji's deadly arrow, the whole process was almost completed in one go, it was an eye-opener for those who watched the battle, and at the same time, Guo Zhen's eyes looking at Liaoyuan Huo and Glancing Ying became even more envious.

The biggest prey has been hit. After the evil tiger has taken over the vicinity, it is estimated that there will be no other animals. They ordered the soldiers to carry the body of the evil tiger, and the group returned to the city with such a swagger.

Some ancient emperors, even if they didn't do any great feats, had to brag a few times, but this time Luo Ji actually shot and killed the evil tiger outside Xiyuan City, except for the people of Xiyuan City. If I didn't properly publicize the last wave, I just took this opportunity to further appease the emotions of the people of Xiyuan City and win people's hearts.

However, if it is said to be propaganda, in fact, there is no need to do much. As long as you carry the body of the evil tiger back to the city, the matter will naturally spread.

In just one day, the story of Luo Ji's shooting of the evil tiger has spread throughout the entire Xiyuan City, and it has become an important topic of discussion among the people of Xiyuan City after dinner.

This is how this era is. Everyone is living a bit more comfortable now, but in fact, after a day's work, there are basically no decent entertainment activities, so you can only get together in a group, and then drink tea and chat. Bragging.

After Luo Ji's successful research on printing technology, he actually thought about publishing newspapers in the entire civilization of the world. Newspapers are a good thing. It can be said that they are an important carrier of information dissemination in an era, and more importantly, they are To a certain extent, it can reflect and guide some social public opinions.

For example, let’s say that a war was fought with the enemy in a stalemate, which made people panic within the civilization. At this time, if a few mischievous people jumped out and played the rhythm, saying that we are going to be finished, The enemy is going to come in, we can't defeat those enemies, there is no doubt that the situation in the civilization will definitely get worse.

In the face of such a situation, with newspapers available, you can immediately send a few representative generals out for an exclusive interview, and tell your people clearly that they have plenty of troops and are fully confident that the enemy cannot break them. Civilized border defenses, that's one way.

But then Luo Ji thought about it seriously and realized that the timing was wrong, because in his civilization, only a small number of people can read and write at this stage. Under such circumstances, publishing a newspaper would be difficult to achieve a significant effect.

He has now put the focus of cultural popularization on the next generation, so some time ago, he was either busy building a school or printing books. As for the method that can be implemented at present, after a turn of his mind, he really came up with it. One.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the words, but can you understand it?At this moment, Luo Ji thought of one of their ancient occupations, that of storytellers!

As soon as this turn in his mind was turned around, Luo Ji could be said to be more and more right. On the one hand, listening to books can be regarded as an entertainment activity, which can pass the people's leisure time to a certain extent and enrich their daily life. Improve the livability a little, and on the other hand, he can use the storyteller's mouth to convey the message he wants to convey.

For example, some time ago, he spread the rumor of his immortality. If he could have a group of storytellers for him at that time to tell the story of immortality through the mouths of the storytellers, it would be more efficient than Der Spiegel in spreading the news.

At the same time, this time he shot the evil tiger outside Xiyuan City, it can also be turned into a story, which will help him to establish an image as His Majesty the Emperor, and even Luo Ji wants to create a few heroic martyr stories to encourage him in civilization. If a young man joins the army, it may also play a certain role in improving his current dilemma of recruitment difficulties.

By the way, let's spread the ideas like "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" and "the life and death of the country are based on the interests of the country, so it is better to avoid them because of misfortunes and blessings", so that his people can learn from these spirits.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji's entire plan and steps were clear in his mind. After quickly writing it down on the paper, he explained the matter to Luo Jin, and let Luo Jin choose a storyteller. Picking, after picking, he will open the attribute panel to take a look at it in person, which can basically ensure that nothing goes wrong.

In addition, as Luo Ji's trophy, what to do with the corpse of the vicious tiger is obviously up to him. However, in this era, when a beast is hit, it seems that there is nothing else to do except eat it. the way to deal with...

In this way, the meat is eaten, the fur is made into a coat, and the bones are used to make tiger bone wine according to his wishes. Although Luo Ji himself is a non-drinker, when he has nothing to reward in the future, he will You can give this tiger bone wine to your subordinates and courtiers, and you can solve a headache all at once.

Chapter 315, interview

"Your Majesty, the report just sent by the Commercial Management Bureau."

"The Bureau of Commerce?" Luo Ji raised his brows slightly. In his impression, after the Bureau of Commerce was on the right track, there shouldn't be anything to report to him. Generally, the important level of reports are green and blue. His secretaries can handle it, and as His Majesty the Emperor, only important reports whose importance levels are marked in yellow, orange and red are sent to him.

After taking the report handed over by the secretary, Luo Ji glanced at it. It was marked with a yellow mark, which was really strange. With such thoughts in mind, Luo Ji opened the report and then suddenly burst into laughter, saying: Really, the content of this report is only a small matter in his opinion, but for the people under him, it seems to be a big event unexpectedly.

To put it simply, someone applies to open a store. You see, how small it is, but the problem is, the store to be opened and the person who will open the store!

The other party applied to open two stores in one go, one is a tea shop and the other is a restaurant, but you must know that within the entire civilization of the world, only Luo Ji has opened a tea shop and a restaurant, in other words , he is equivalent to monopolizing the catering industry of all cities in an entire civilization.

But now, there is a person who wants to take a share from his majesty the emperor. This plot is much more serious than the tiger's mouth. The director of the Commercial Management Bureau is not a fool, and his brain is not flexible enough. If he couldn't sit in that position, before asking Luo Ji what His Majesty the Emperor meant, would he dare to approve this application without authorization?Obviously not.

But this is also the reason why Luo Ji burst into laughter. As the director of the Bureau of Commerce, he typically thinks too much. In fact, Luo Ji himself has no intention of monopolizing it. Such a big cake in the catering industry, even as His Majesty the Emperor It's impossible for him to eat alone.

Moreover, various government affairs reports are usually enough to keep him busy. Luo Ji is actually not in the mood to do business and make money. It's just that commercial development in civilization needs to be promoted by one person, but this juncture If he can't find a suitable candidate with sufficient ability and financial resources, he can only do it himself.

But having said that, the person who opened the shop still managed to attract Luo Ji's attention, "The name seems to have a bit of an impression..."

While muttering to himself, Luo Ji wrote these two names on a piece of paper, and then handed them to the guards beside him, "Send it to the Mirror Division and let them look up the name."

The Mingjing Division's work efficiency is very high. Before lunch time, a detailed document has been delivered to Luo Ji's eyes. At a glance, Luo Ji's eyes suddenly flashed a hint of clarity, "I remember correctly. ."

Luo Ji's memory is actually very good, but no matter how good his memory is, he can't bear to see so many work documents and such a large workload every day. I have to say that the person who applies for opening a restaurant and a tea shop this time has an identity. It really surprised Luo Ji, because this was a Great Zhou aristocrat, or a former Great Zhou aristocrat...

In the previous incident, Luo Ji almost killed the nobles who wanted to do things, but in the end, there were still a few who were not implicated.

At the beginning, Luo Ji thought that the remaining few were hidden too deep, so he specially called the people from the Mingjing Division to check it again, and then specially asked Zhou Yi to ask.

Then it was a little surprising to find that, compared with the group of nobles who were killed by him, although they did not do any good deeds, the more important thing is that they did not do any bullying. Evil, thanks to the background of their peers, the reputation of these aristocrats who keep their own laws among the common people is surprisingly not bad.

Their grandfather's generation should be the first batch of veterans who followed Zhou Dongnan, so they basically have such a title on their heads, but after the death of the previous generation, this generation unexpectedly did not enter the court as an official , but guarded his small mansion with peace of mind, and became a rich man with a comfortable life.

At the time, they were undoubtedly labeled as 'not enterprising', but Luo Ji saw something different...

If Da Zhou is compared to a big tree, then estimate the time. At that time, the roots of this big tree have basically started to rot. Under the circumstances, it would be a wise choice to get out before the big tree rots away. In other words, these former Da Zhou nobles who are keeping their guards well know how to protect themselves.

"Let me know, I want to see this person." If this person's behavior is not a blind cat and a dead mouse, then it must be a good talent, or there is an expert to give advice, no matter what it is Article, he has to meet!Maybe he can find another talent again. With more and more sites under his hands, Luo Ji is now a little bit thirsty for talent.

However, this person was obviously in Dazhou City at this time. It would take a day to rush from Dazhou City to Mingjing City. During this time, Luo Ji naturally couldn't be idle. All have to be done.

After reviewing one report after another, the whole time passed quietly. Putting down the last report, Luo Ji let out a long breath and leaned back on the chair with one hand on his forehead. There was a trace of exhaustion that could not be concealed, and vaguely, it seemed that someone was calling him...

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty..."

"Huh?!" Luo Ji suddenly recovered and shook his head vigorously.

"Your Majesty, if you don't meet that person, leave it for tomorrow. It's better to rest earlier today..." The guard next to him said with a worried look.

"Interviewer? Who?" Luo Ji glanced at the sky outside the window in a trance. The sun had not yet set outside, so it was obviously not time to sleep and rest. After the reflex arc, which was more than 01:30, finally came to his senses, Luo Ji immediately asked someone to scoop up a basin of cold water, and washed his face with cold water.

During this period of time, he was really tired and dizzy, which made him feel a little dazed now. The things he ordered the day before yesterday have been forgotten now.

"Huh—" After washing his face with cold water, Luo Ji, who was somewhat refreshed, took a sip of tea, and then said to the guard beside him, "I'm fine, bring him in to meet me."

After getting Luo Ji's permission, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a figure walked in unhurriedly under the guidance of the guards...

"Caomin Shen Jun, see His Majesty the Emperor!"

Chapter 316: Meeting Shen Jun

"Caomin Shen Jun, see His Majesty the Emperor!"

Hearing the voice, Luo Ji raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the man who walked in. He could be called a handsome face, and at the same time, the expensive silk robe fully proved what a thin dead camel was. Bigger than Ma, to put it bluntly, even if he doesn't do anything, he can live a long and comfortable life with his family's savings alone.

As his thoughts flew around, with such a first impression, Luo Ji casually raised his hand, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Looking at Shen Jun who got up, Luo Ji said that he was a little refreshed, but his tone was still a little tired, "Some time ago, it seemed that you sold all the bronze ware in your home. I am curious about what you think, so I sent someone to call you here because I want to hear your thoughts."

For Luo Ji's rather straightforward question, the young man named Shen Jun was also stunned for a moment, and after a while, he heard him speak slowly, "Caomin dares to speak bluntly, if there is something wrong, he will also Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Don't be too nervous, you can speak freely." While speaking, Luo Ji opened Shen Jun's attribute panel, and then glanced at him, "Intelligence and spirit have double four-star ceilings, and he has a talent for business. This is indeed a businessman, with a loyalty of 76 points, which is not bad."

Just as Luo Ji was thinking about this, Shen Jun, who was standing below, also said, "There are two main reasons why Caomin wants to do business and open a store..."

"The first reason is because the Caomin's family has some savings, enough for the Caomin to eat and wear for a few years, but the question is what happens after a few years? Prepare early when there is still energy left, instead of regretting the moment when the event is imminent."

"As for this second reason..." Having said this, Shen Jun paused for a while, and when he spoke again, there was already a bit of nervousness in his voice, obviously this second reason was very important, "This second reason The reason is to follow His Majesty's wishes! I want to leave a good impression in His Majesty's heart, or to restore the bad impression from before!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Luo Ji's expression couldn't help but bring a hint of playfulness on his face, "How do you say it?"

Luo Ji's reaction and attitude were really incomprehensible. This made Shen Jun, who thought he was good at observing words and expressions, feel a little bit of pressure in his heart. However, when things came to an end, there was no way out. In the end, he just bit the bullet and continued to speak. "In the past few months, His Majesty has successively opened a large number of shops in Civilization. Although the business is booming, in fact, each shop can receive a limited number of customers in a day. Take the tea shop as an example. Suppose the tea shop One hundred guests can be received every day, but in a city, there are definitely more than 100 people who want to go to a tea shop to drink tea, and this number may be 200, or 400, or even more. There is no doubt that all the gains that come from this are lost..."

"But under this premise, His Majesty has absolutely no intention of opening a second tea shop in the city, so Caomin ventured to guess that His Majesty's move was not to make money, but to promote commercial development within civilization. , but other people didn't realize His Majesty's intention, maybe they did, but they didn't know what to do, so they didn't dare to stand up and be the first bird, so at this time, one must stand up and lead the way. For those people, Caomin admits that they still have some skills, so they dare to recommend themselves here!"

I have to say that Shen Jun's remarks are quite comprehensive, and he is indeed aware of Luo Ji's intentions. As for restoring the bad impression before, everyone is not a fool, everyone knows that bad impression. Luo Ji didn't actually take it to heart. After all, the innocence of the small group of nobles in Dazhou City had already been clearly confirmed in the information provided by Mingjing Division and Zhou Yi. Luo, who was sitting in front of him, never liked to play cards according to common sense...

"Finished?" Looking at Shen Jun who was kneeling with his fists clasped again, the curvature of Luo Ji's mouth was somewhat meaningful.

"Say, it's over..."

"Then do you think you guessed right?"

Luo Ji's reaction and the casual question made Shen Jun's forehead sweat as large as a bean. The confidence that was originally quite enough, at this moment, went down in a straight line, and he didn't know how to deal with it. Or it would be better to answer, but I couldn't read it and didn't understand. This feeling made Shen Jun's whole heart hang in his throat, and all kinds of thoughts kept flashing in his mind. The voice rang out again...

"Looking at your appearance, you must be thinking of retreating?"

Shen Jun, who was completely seen through his thoughts, froze decisively, but Luo Ji looked like it didn't matter, "So, have you made up your mind?"

"If it really gets to that point, Caomin is willing to donate all his family property, just ask Your Majesty to leave Caomin a little life." As he spoke, Shen Jun lowered his head deeply again, the matter has developed to this point, it has already exceeded He initially expected that the man in front of him was not something he could comprehend at all, but now, Shen Jun has given up his struggle, and rather simply had a showdown with Luo Ji.

Seeing this, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing, "Congratulations, your property has been saved, I have allowed you to open a store, within the scope permitted by the laws of my Wanjie Civilization, you can do it with confidence. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."

"The grass people thank your majesty!!"

One thing came to an end for a while. Shen Jun, who left the office with Luo Ji's warrant in his hand, finally relaxed after walking away. Only then did he realize that his entire back It was completely soaked in cold sweat!

Taking two deep breaths, Shen Jun, who was finally relieved, turned his head and glanced at the servant who was waiting for him, and then asked strangely, "Where's Lu Yang?"

"Reporting to the son, Master Lu said that he would go to see the famous jade shop in Mingjing City."

"He's relieved, but it hurts me!" Hearing this, Shen Jun couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then he couldn't help sighing as if he remembered something, "Forget it, it just so happens that I also want to see The prosperity of this bright mirror city, go, go to the jade shop to find him!"

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