After saying this, Luo Ji turned around and left, and Zhao Pan naturally complied with the order of the patriarch with a serious face, but Luo Yong, who also heard the words, twitched his facial muscles and was doing push-ups. It was also a twist, originally it was nothing, but it happened to be seen by Zhao Pan...

"The action is deformed."

"I know!"

"Don't be so fast, the patriarch said, keep a good rhythm."

"So, I know!"

"Then you did it so fast."


Chapter 21, Luo Ji, with a satisfied face

The strange behavior of Luo Yong and Zhao Pan obviously attracted the attention of many people. However, due to the majesty of the patriarch, everyone did not dare to put down their work and gather together. Now that Luo Ji left, a large group of people immediately surrounded Luo Yong and Zhao Pan.

At this moment, the difference in character between Luo Yong and Zhao Pan was once again reflected. Surrounded by such a large group of people, Zhao Pan felt a little uncomfortable, but the whole person was still very calm, even every push-up. The rhythm hasn't changed much, but looking at Luo Yong, feeling the sights falling on him, he just slowed down and his push-up speed suddenly picked up again...

"Too fast." Glancing at Luo Yong's speed, Zhao Pan spit out three words in a calm tone.

"I know!" While speaking, Luo Yong's hands stopped for a while, then jumped up from the ground, and looked at the crowd of onlookers fiercely, "What are you doing standing here? Don't you have to work?!"

Those who dare to watch the first warrior of the tribe, Rayong, are basically one of the original members of the Mingjing tribe. Of course, they will not be frightened by Rayong's angry posture, and some even look at him. Appearance, he laughed out loud, but Luo Yong's words did remind them that there was still work to be done.

Looking at the crowd who dispersed after remembering that there was still work to be done, Luo Yong felt a little relieved, and then subconsciously glanced at Zhao Pan next to him. A specific rhythm, one after another doing push-ups.

At this moment, looking at Zhao Pan with a calm and determined expression, for some reason, Luo Yong's heart was inexplicably raised with admiration, and then he put his arms up and competed with him again.

At the same time, in the tent, Luo Ji, who sat down again, opened the attribute panel, intending to confirm the effect of the 'military training' project. Even if the military points are not enough to upgrade, it is better to let him know first. .

Military Training (Level 0): The training effect of the warrior of this civilization is increased by 10%, and the training efficiency is increased by 15%.

Concise and clear, it is no exaggeration to say that the current three items of military development are very practical, and he wants to upgrade them, but unfortunately, the military points are not enough.

Rubbing his brows, Luo Ji thought about ways to earn military points. The most direct one was obviously fighting. If he won, he would be able to grab the population and earn military points.

But fighting is risky, especially in this era when the medical level is extremely backward. He upgraded the 'medical health' program to the first level. Although the probability of wound infection and inflammation was reduced by [-]%, it was not enough insurance after all.

Moreover, he had just finished a battle and swallowed the population of a tribe. Before the population was completely digested, Luo Ji obviously had no plans to act rashly. As a player who likes farming and development in strategy games, he Always like to play steadily, rather than quick success.

In this way, the most direct way to earn points won't work, take a step back and think about it, that is to make weapons and equipment!

"Speaking of which, although there are weapons, there seems to be no armor in this era?" What are the ways to reduce the chance of being injured in battle?Wear armor!If you can wear a suit of armor, the chance of injury will obviously drop significantly.

With this thought in mind, Luo Ji glanced thoughtfully at the huge wolf head that was placed in his tent. Obviously, this wolf head was the one who led the wolf pack back then, and Luo Yong was killing it. After his death, the Alpha Wolf's body was dedicated to him.

As a symbol of the loyalty of the first warrior of his tribe, the patriarch Luo Ji is naturally not easy to refuse, but there is no such thing as preservatives these days, so it cannot be made into a specimen, and such a bloody wolf head is placed in the tent. It was really infiltrating, and the smell was not good, so he had people skin the wolf, cut the flesh, and then washed the wolf skull and put it in his tent as a decoration. .

Not to mention, this wolf skull with a milky white color after washing it looks really majestic, and Luo Ji unexpectedly likes it very much.

The size of this wolf skull is much larger than the wolf in his original world. Thinking about it carefully, this should be regarded as the ancestor of the wolf, but it doesn't matter, it's just a name, and he doesn't bother to worry about it.

He held the wolf skull in his hand and gestured. Immediately, a flash of light flashed in Luo Ji's mind. He found a stone axe, and was about to start it, but he didn't even pick up the stone axe, as if he remembered something. With a slap on the forehead, "Don't worry, don't worry, what is cartography used for? It's used at times like this!"

Since he had been working on drawing maps before, there were animal hides and dyeing plants, as well as twigs used as pens in the tent. After simply mashing those plants to get the juice, Luo Ji picked up a stick with the right thickness. I dipped on the branches that were handy, and then, while referring to the wolf skull, I scribbled and corrected it on the blueprint.

As soon as he drew this blueprint, he realized that what he had thought in his mind was too simple. If he started in a hurry, his good wolf skull would definitely be ruined.

These days, the hordes of hungry wolves are not that easy to fight. Even if he has already won once, Luo Ji doesn't want to take the initiative to provoke those beasts again, so he must cherish the limited precious resources.

After a while, along with the last stroke of the painting, the system prompt sounded in his ear...

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for completing the first design drawing, obtaining 1 civilization points, [-] culture point, [-] production point, and cartography progress +[-].

The system prompts were surprisingly rich, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but the focus was still on the back. He took a breath of warm air into his palms, and Luo Ji rubbed his slightly frozen hands, then sat cross-legged in the tent. On the animal skin, he opened the lower jaw of the wolf skull and fixed it with his feet. Then he raised the stone axe in his hand and moved his hand when he saw the jaw joint of the wolf skull.

After the crackling movement, I wasted a lot of energy, and finally removed the jawbone. Then I found a stone, slightly polished the sharp edge, and smoothed it out. Pick up the animal tendons that were prepared long ago, pass them through the eye sockets on both sides, and tie them with dead knots.

"Completed!" Holding the finished product in his hands and admiring it for himself, Luo Ji grinned, showing a look of satisfaction, "Ah, yes, that's the sense of accomplishment! It's hard to stop!"

Chapter 22. Wolf Bone Mask

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully crafting the first piece of equipment, do you want to name it?

"It's called 'Wolf Bone Mask'!" Obviously, he had already thought about the name when he drew the design drawings, and he didn't struggle at all. Then, the moment he successfully named it, the system prompt sounded again...

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for successfully crafting a 'Wolf Bone Mask', and triggering the 'Equipment Crafting' project, to obtain 1 Civilization Points, [-] Military Points, and +[-] for the progress of the 'Equipment Crafting' project.

Hearing this system prompt, Luo Ji grinned gleefully, apparently still immersed in his full sense of accomplishment and unable to extricate himself, the feeling of doing it by himself was different!It took a few minutes before he finally recovered.

Originally, his brain flashed, and the first idea was to make a wolf bone helmet, yes, a helmet, and his thinking was very stupid and naive. Just put it on your head and you're done!

It turns out that it doesn't exist!The wolf skull is relatively flat and long. Although the wolf in the ancient times was larger, it was impossible to wear its skull on the head like a helmet and hat.

When he was drawing the design, Luo Ji, who realized this, decided to change the design. He changed the helmet into a mask, and then added an animal tendon to fix it.

In this way, although the back of the head is still exposed, at least the front face can be protected, right?At the same time, it can also avoid the risk of being opened by the enemy's forehead.

Moreover, because of the change to the mask, the distance between the eyes and the eye sockets of the wolf bone mask has been shortened, but the impact on the field of vision has been unexpectedly reduced. Thinking of this, Luo Ji fiddled with the completed wolf bone mask and put it I put it on my face, wanting to actually feel it.

But after all, this is an ancient craft, wearing it on the face, saying how comfortable it is, it must be false, but it is not uncomfortable, not to mention, safety first, isn't it?

However, what Luo Ji didn't expect was that the moment he put on the wolf bone mask, the system prompt was triggered again...

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully triggering the special units in ancient times, do you want to name it?

"Huh?!" At this moment, he was shocked when he heard the prompt from the system, and his breathing became a little short. As a strategy game lover, when it comes to 'hidden arms' or 'special arms', etc. words, he said that he had no resistance at all!

He quickly dropped his gaze to the introduction panel that jumped out with the system prompt, and saw the words on the panel...

Arms name: none (unnamed)

Special Abilities: Bravery, Deterrence

Troop introduction: In the ancient times of crisis, the warrior who can challenge the wolf pack and make his skull into a 'wolf bone mask' and wear it on his face has undoubtedly proved his strength!Their posture and faces are destined to become a nightmare in every enemy's heart!

There's not much to say about the troops introduction, Luo Ji's attention is more focused on those two special abilities...

Bravery: The protection given by the wolf bone mask makes the battle of this special unit more brave, and the default morale is +5

Deterrence: Their stance terrifies the enemy, and enemy units engaged in this special class have a default morale of -5

Taking a deep breath, Luo Ji only felt his heart beat faster. Having already figured out the importance of morale, he of course realized the power of these two special abilities. The double BUFF of the unit!

"Let's call it the 'Wolf Warrior'..." Resisting the excitement in his heart, Luo Ji gave this special unit a relatively appropriate name, and then the system prompt sounded again...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully triggering the special arm 'Wolf Warrior' in the ancient times, gaining [-] civilization points and dozens of military points.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing out loud, this good thing is coming one after another!As soon as he finished making the wolf bone mask, he triggered the special unit, and just after triggering the special unit, he earned another ten military points. Could it be that he has a good character today?

The only thought in my mind at this moment is to make all the wolf skulls in the tribe into wolf bone masks!After forming a team of wolf warriors, he has the feeling that he can do whatever he wants.

He got out of his tent, and before he could ask someone to bring all the wolf skulls over, a sharp scream rang in his ears, Luo Ji looked up subconsciously, and saw one of their tribes The woman, at the moment, is looking at him with horror on her face.

At the same time, her exclamation attracted all the surrounding tribe members, including Luo Yong and Zhao Pan who were training.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Everyone be careful, don't get close!"

"Women and children retreat to the back!" With a loud roar, Rayong, holding a double axe, walked out of the crowd slowly. Although there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at the monster, he did not intend to retreat!As a result, before he could take any further action, he was stopped by Zhao Pan, who was following him.

"Wait! This seems to be the patriarch..." Zhao Pan's tone was a little uncertain, but with a calm personality and a calm mind, he recognized Luo Ji's attire, plus where he was now. It happened to be outside Luo Ji's tent, which made him make such a judgment.

And along with Zhao Pan's words, Luo Ji also came back to his senses, realizing what happened, Luo Ji not only did not get angry, but laughed out loud, and while laughing, he took off the wolf bone mask on his face. , He came out too hastily just now, forgot that the wolf bone mask was still on his face, and his hideous appearance obviously frightened the people of his tribe.

Looking at Luo Ji as he took off his mask, some of the tribesmen who surrounded him looked blank and didn't know what was going on. His face was astonished, and his eyes swept over the strange object in Luo Ji's hand from time to time.

Putting out the wolf bone mask alone, everyone quickly realized that it should be the skull of a wolf, but once it was worn on the face, it would be a bit scary, it was a humanoid monster at all, and no one in this era had Think of such a thing as wearing a skull on your face.

Obviously he didn't have the idea of ​​a prank, but by accident, Luo Ji felt a sense of prank success in his heart. He didn't plan to keep this wolf bone mask, but threw it directly to Luo Yong. After all, resources should be used. Efficient use, let alone this limited resource.

"Luo Yong, this wolf bone mask belongs to you, it's your reward for killing the alpha wolf!"

"Wolf bone mask?" With this unfamiliar word in his mouth, Luo Yong recalled what Luo Ji looked like before, and then imitated the wolf bone mask and put it on his face.

At the moment when the wearing was completed, the surrounding people exclaimed in surprise, but this time everyone knew very clearly that the person under the mask was Luo Yong, so they were no longer frightened.

At the same time, Luo Ji also explained in a timely manner, "This is a newly developed armor that can protect the head and take part of the damage. It is made of wolf skulls. From now on, only those capable of killing hungry wolves will be available. Only warriors are qualified to wear it!"

Chapter 23. Wolf Warrior

Luo Ji's words clearly set the threshold for becoming a 'wolf warrior'. As mentioned in the introduction of the troops, a warrior who has the ability to challenge wolves and kill hungry wolves has undoubtedly proved himself. Powerful, and people of this era obviously know the horror of wolves better than anyone else. After hearing this threshold, they all exclaimed.

On the other hand, Luo Yong, who had already put on the wolf bone mask, raised his chin subconsciously. Before, he felt unaccustomed to wearing the wolf bone mask on his face, and was about to take it off. However, because of Luo Ji's After saying these words, his hands stopped decisively. Well, after wearing it for a while, it was still quite comfortable...

Feeling the envious glances from other warriors in the tribe, Luo Yong couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart. He originally hated being surrounded by a large group of people, but now he can't wait to let all the fallen people come around and let him take good care of him. Show off.

Looking at Luo Yong, who was wearing a wolf-bone mask, smugly wandering around the tribal camp, Luo Ji shook his head amusedly, "Okay, in the previous battle, the warriors who killed the hungry wolf all killed you. Bring the wolf skull."

The warriors of this era did not have the habit of making skulls into helmets and masks, but they had the habit of collecting trophies. The stronger the beast, the more valuable it was as a trophy. The hungry wolf was obviously one of them.

After peeling off the wolf's skin and removing the flesh and blood as food, the wolf skulls were taken back to their tents by those warriors as trophies.

Hearing Luo Ji speak now, the warriors with the wolf head trophies rushed back to their tents. In a blink of an eye, the seven wolf skulls were placed in front of Luo Ji.

Seriously speaking, one of them is his. After all, in that battle, he killed a hungry wolf with a single spear, which is obvious to all, but later, Luo Yong dedicated the corpse of the head wolf to him. , Luo Ji, who didn't plan to put two wolf skulls in his tent, gave one of them to Zhao He, to make the old man in the tribe happy, and now, Zhao He obviously sent the wolf skull back.

Luo Ji did not refuse. After all, the moment the wolf bone mask was made, the wolf skull was already a strategic resource for their tribe.

With the experience from the previous time, and the bonus of the success rate of the design drawings, Luo Ji made the remaining seven wolf bone masks very smoothly, and then there were seven more wolf bones in their tribe camp. The funny ratio of the mask wandering around...

In this regard, Luo Ji laughed for a while and then went with them. At the same time, the wolf bone mask that belonged to him was also kept. The threshold for becoming a 'wolf warrior' was set by himself. Can you punch yourself in the face?

Moreover, with the two combat skills of 'Moraling Up' and 'Weakness Pursuit', he can be regarded as an important fighting force in the tribe now. He cannot ignore the development of bravery just because he wants to transform into commander in the later stage.

Sitting in the rear, dispatching troops, that is after the development of civilization, and now the number of Mirror Tribe warriors is not many, when it comes to war, he also has to charge along with him, there are two effects of the wolf bone mask. , after all, it is an extra layer of protection.

Going back to his tent, before dinner, Luo Ji plans to upgrade his military projects. Currently, he has four military development projects, namely 'weapon polishing', 'equipment production', 'conquest of barbarians' and 'military development'. train'.

By the way, after reaching the first level, the effect bonus of the item 'Equipment Production' is to increase the production success rate by 20.00% and the production efficiency by [-]%.

This effect is quite useful, but Luo Ji doesn't need it for the time being, because he doesn't have much equipment to make at the moment, and if the 'military training' project wants to show its effect, he estimates that it will take a month to finish. It works too slowly.

As such, Luo Ji unsurprisingly prioritized the upgrade of the 'weapon polishing' item. With a single click, his newly enriched military points suddenly only had nine points left.

The 'equipment production' project has gained a bit of progress before, that is to say, his remaining nine military points are enough to upgrade the equipment production to the first level, but Luo Ji does not intend to do so, the reason has been said before, He doesn't need it for the time being. According to the order in his heart, 'military training' is the priority of 'equipment production'.

It's a pity that the upgrade of the 'military training' project requires ten military points, which is still a little short, but he already has an idea, and there are more than one.

He stretched vigorously, and just as Luo Ji was thinking about what to do before dinner, a distant exclamation came from outside.

"Enemies! There are enemies!!"

Hearing the exclamation, Luo Ji's heart skipped a beat, grabbed the wolf bone mask that was at hand and put it on his face, then quickly rushed out of his tent.

Looking at the direction from which the voice came, I saw a few strange figures flashed by in the distance in the woods. There is no doubt that they are definitely not from their tribe, or else they don't need to be so sneaky.

The defense facilities have not yet been established, and the appearance of the enemy has caused a certain degree of panic among the women and children of the Jingjing tribe. At this moment, the difference between loyalty levels is immediately reflected.

Those whose loyalty was less than [-] hid in the tent almost directly, while those whose loyalty reached [-] or more did not flinch although their faces were panicked.

As for those with a loyalty of more than [-], they simply picked up the stick or tool at hand, with firm eyes, as if they wanted to coexist and die with the tribe.

Luo Ji rolled his eyes quickly, and didn't have time to worry about it, so he shouted, "All the wolf warriors follow me! Everyone else stays in the tribe!"

The situation is urgent, and the barbarians who are wandering in the woods must not be allowed to escape. Those barbarians may not know which tribe they belong to. Once they escape, the location of the Mirror Tribe will be exposed.

Including myself, a total of eight wolf warriors, armed with weapons, killed several barbarians in the woods like a pack of wolves pounced on their prey!

Under the wolf-bone mask, Luo Ji's face was quite ugly. The feeling that he wanted to farm safely, but the barbarians from other tribes just came to provoke you, really made him feel irritable.

At the same time, the few barbarians who accidentally broke into the scope of the Jingjing tribe, their hearts are also collapsed at this moment, watching the wolf warriors who are about to rush in front of them in the blink of an eye, one by one They were all full of panic, and one of them was so frightened that his legs were weak, he fell to the ground, and then ran with his hands and feet, rolling and crawling, "Monsters, there are monsters!!!"

Chapter 24, Red Fox Tribe

"Chase!" I don't know if it was because of the mask, but Luo Ji's voice was a little low at this time, and the wolf-bone mask's extremely ferocious appearance added a bit of horror to his whole person.

Eight monsters with inhuman faces were chasing them, and the three savages who escaped probably had the strength to suckle, and they ran away desperately, desperately!One by one, they are all rushing with their heads down, and they don't dare to look back at all!The previous glance scared the three of them, thinking that they had bumped into something like a ghost and evil spirit, for fear that once their eyes met, they would be killed by those eight monsters.

However, at this moment, as the chasing party, Luo Yong, who was also wearing a wolf-bone mask, controlled his speed and quickly approached Luo Ji's side, "Patriarch, those three guys who escaped in front of me, I'm a little confused. look familiar."

"Which tribe are they from?" Luo Ji asked aloud while chasing without slowing down.

"If I remember correctly, it should be from the Red Fox tribe."

"Red Fox Tribe?" Luo Ji obviously didn't have any impression of this name. The system settings that first appeared in his mind did not describe this so-called Red Fox Tribe.

"It's a small tribe with a population similar to ours before, and its strength is estimated to be inferior to us." Having said that, Rayong thought for a while and then spoke again, "At that time, our two tribes were quite close, and they estimated that It was also caught in the previous blizzard, so it was around here."

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