Quickly drew a small oval circle on the middle of the hide with a branch stained with juice, "This circle represents Mingjing Lake..."

After finishing speaking, Luo Ji quickly drew a few rather rudimentary small houses beside Mingjing Lake, "This represents our tribe, and our tribe is surrounded by woods..."

While speaking, Luo Ji drew some tree-shaped patterns on the periphery, and then circled a piece to represent that the whole area was a forest area. While he was drawing these patterns, the sound of the system sounded in his mind. sounded.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for triggering the cultural item 'Cartography', obtaining [-] civilization points and [-] cultural points.

Luo Ji looked calm at the system prompts in his mind, obviously he had expected it. At this moment, his attention was more on Luo Jin. Facing his simple and clear operation, Luo Jin understood it very well. Quick, after all, his own intelligence limit has four stars, it is impossible to understand this.

While showing Luo Jin how to draw a map, Luo Ji also came up with the concept of 'southeast, northwest', which is not difficult to explain. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. After one point, the entire concept of direction will naturally become clear, and in the time period when the position of the sun cannot be confirmed, the direction position can also be judged by observing the tree rings.

After handing all these simple and practical knowledge to Luo Jin, Luo Ji handed over all the maps, branches and dyes in his hand, and then asked, "I have already painted this part of the tribe, and then I will move on to the surrounding areas. It is up to you to carry out investigation and then draw it on this map, if there is anything you don’t understand, please bring it up quickly.”

"No! Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Hearing Luo Jin's firm and confident tone, Luo Ji nodded in satisfaction, then quickly found two warriors who were quite clever and had three stars in the upper limit of bravery, and gave each of them a stone. After the spear was used as a weapon, the first reconnaissance team of the Der Spiegel tribe was born here.

After all, he is going to explore outside. Luo Jin's valiant value is limited to two stars, and the risk is obviously too great.

After watching the reconnaissance team set off, Luo Ji did not rush to check his attribute panel, but called the old man of their tribe over. The very leisurely old man has always been very attentive about naming things, and even a little bit of fun, and named himself Zhao He.

As the oldest old man in the tribe, I have to say that Zhao He has quite a lot of skills, although most of these skills are useless. For example, fighting skills, with the increase of age, Zhao He's skills Brave has almost been unable to maintain a star, and has basically entered a state of no combat power, and as the combat power continues to decline, the combat skills will naturally be useless.

However, there are also a lot of life skills. In Luo Ji's opinion, Zhao He's most useful passive skill is 'Basic Herb Recognition'.

In this era when medical development is basically zero, Luo Ji realized the importance of this skill the moment he saw it. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and their tribe's medical development depends on this!Definitely pass on this passive skill of herbal identification!

To this end, Luo Ji specially found five tribesmen whose intelligence limit reached three stars, and asked them to follow Zhao He to pick herbs nearby. The three-star-capped warrior is specifically responsible for protecting their safety, which is enough to show how much he attaches importance to medical care.

Of course, while explaining this matter, Luo Ji also added some content about the surname system. 's surname, and then triggered the system prompt without any accident, the development project 'surname system' grew +2, and gained two culture points and a little civilization point.

Luo Ji, who had given out a lot of tasks early in the morning, stretched hard. Just when he was going to find a place to drink water and rest for a while, Luo Yong found him quite unexpectedly.

Looking at Luo Yong who was hesitating and hesitating, Luo Ji couldn't help but flash a hint of surprise in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Patriarch, don't you have any tasks for me?" Luo Yong scratched his hair in embarrassment as he spoke. In the past, he would lead people to do things like hunting, but today Luo Ji However, he said that the hunting team will be responsible for all hunting in the future. There is no problem in itself, but the point is that the hunting team did not add him!

Seeing that the logging team was in full swing cutting down trees, the hunting team also went out to hunt, and all those in charge of fishing started working on the ice lake. Even that kid Luo Jin took his reconnaissance team out to scout the terrain, and The women and children are either weaving fishing nets or digging bait, and they come and go, and it feels like he is all alone!

After a short period of recovery, Luo Ji obviously came to his senses, only to hear him laugh, then patted Luo Yong on the shoulder and pulled him aside, "You are the number one warrior of our tribe, your current chief The task is to protect everyone's safety and improve their own strength, and..."

While speaking, Luo Ji glanced at the direction of their tribe's new population camp, and then lowered his voice a little, "After all, they have just joined in, although they will be their own people, but they can't relax in a short time, understand. ?"

The meaning of Luo Ji's words is obvious. Luo Yong is not an idiot. After hearing these words, his whole expression immediately became serious, and then he nodded seriously, "I understand, Patriarch."

Chapter 18, Luo Ji Wants To Cry But But Doesn't

What Luo Ji said just now is not a joke. Although the meal last night made him gain a lot of loyalty, there are still some people whose loyalty has not reached [-]. Therefore, for this newly recruited population , Luo Ji still wasn't completely at ease, so naturally he had to be a little bit guarded, lest the extreme of happiness turn into sadness.

After appeasing Rayong, this time, he could finally rest for a while, sat down by the fire, scooped himself a bowl of hot water from the pot of boiling water, and then sorted out the next steps in his mind. The thing to do, while quickly clicking on his property panel, he intends to confirm the 'cartography' item that he had triggered earlier.

Quickly click on the cultural development. The cultural points are the most points in addition to the civilization points. Luo Ji has been very depressed before. Why is there only one 'surname system' item in this column that allows him to produce and sell himself. , and nothing else more practical, and now it's finally a cartography.

Cartography (level 0): The efficiency of drawing various blueprints is increased by 10%. With the corresponding blueprints, the success rate of making corresponding items, equipment and props is increased by 10%.

Looking at the bonus effect of this 'cartography', Luo Ji suddenly felt his eyes lit up. I don't know the specific use of improving the efficiency of drawing various drawings, but the success rate bonus at the back is obviously very useful. !

And after thinking about it carefully, Luo Ji also found it very reasonable. For example, if he wants to make a piece of equipment, he must first draw a design drawing. On the drawing, he clearly draws the structure of the entire equipment and the structure of important parts. Once the thoughts are straightened out, and then you start to make this device, there is no doubt that the success rate will definitely increase.

On the other hand, if you start to make it based on a general idea in your mind, you will inevitably encounter difficulties in the middle, and the success rate will definitely be much lower. Simply put, it is the difference between planning and not planning.

Taking a look at the remaining points of cultural development, there are [-] points, which is still plenty. I will decisively consume [-] cultural points and [-] civilization points, and then upgrade this cartography item to the first level.

After the upgrade, Luo Ji didn't rush to draw blueprints, because he didn't think about what equipment and props he would build next, and he couldn't make things that were too complicated. After all, he didn't learn this. , I'd better follow the original plan and finish today's work.

With a few new fishing nets made by the women, Luo Ji walked on the frozen lake. While inspecting everyone's fishing work, he also planned to find a few places to open a few new ice holes.

I don't know if the 'fishing' project, which was upgraded to the first level, played a role. There was already a live fish caught in the wooden basin beside him, and even one of them had caught a third fish. Luo Ji was really surprised, and after taking a closer look, he suddenly remembered. .

Wasn't the middle-aged man who caught three fish in such a short period of time the first designated fisherman?This man caught the first carp. According to his experience, he was probably the most experienced fisherman.

"By the way, I don't think I've seen his attribute panel yet..." Squatting next to the ice surface all day without moving is also a physical exercise. The physical exhaustion from morning to night makes this man in these few days. Tianji basically went back to the tent to sleep after dinner, and most of the time he confirmed the tribe member's attribute panel was at night. Check this person's panel properties.

While thinking about it, Luo Ji casually opened the man's attribute panel, and in the next second, his heart twitched uncontrollably on the spot, "Damn! What the hell am I doing?"

At this moment, a string of quite astonishing data was displayed in front of his eyes so bluntly...

Name: none

Sex: Male

Age: 31

Status: calm

Loyalty: 96

Bravery: ★★

Intelligence: ★★☆☆

Spirit: ★★★☆

Stamina: ★★★☆

Command: ★★☆☆

Talent: Unmoving as a mountain: His calm character will not be easily shaken in any state, and the 'morale value' of the soldiers under his command will never drop below 60. When participating in the defense of the city, as the defender, all the soldiers under his command will not fall below 20. The combat power is increased by 20%, and the morale of all enemies on the siege side has a [-]% chance to drop by one level (this talent is directly affected by 'command').

Although there are only two stars for bravery, the four growth caps of intelligence, spirit, endurance, and command have all reached the level of four stars!It is currently the highest comprehensive growth limit of all his subjects!Coupled with the talent of 'moving like a mountain', this is a proper defender of the city!

However, at this time, Luo Ji had the urge to hit a wall and die, and he didn't dare to look down, even though he had already seen it...

I saw that on the skill bar below the talent, an unusually eye-catching, yet full of life skill icon was displayed, fishing...

A dignified general-level character, because of his negligence, he actually became a fisherman. He also learned the 'fishing' skill. Luo Ji wanted to cry without tears. At the same time, he was also a little worried. Understand, what if such a dying character with a comprehensive growth cattle is abolished because of this life-filled fishing skill?

Before he could think about it, Luo Ji shoved the fishing net directly into the hand of the man next to him, and then dragged his defending general to the shore, come on!I can't catch fish anymore, what if I learn a life skill again?This skill tree must not be crooked again!

"Patriarch, did I do something wrong?"

The other party's calm and deep voice sounded behind him. From this voice alone, Luo Ji could already feel the calmness that came out of his bones.

Although this man was a little strange about the fact that he was suddenly pulled away by Luo Ji, he didn't panic at all, which made Luo Ji even more annoyed. Why didn't he find out sooner?

He decided that he would definitely find an opportunity to look at all the fallen people one by one again!In case another general was overlooked by him and ended up being a peasant, fisherman or something, he wouldn't have to vomit blood and vomit to death?

After coming back to his senses, feeling the suspicious gaze of the other party, Luo Ji felt that he needed a reason, or an explanation, and thought about it, and then he fell into a deep entanglement...

It was you who let the other party fish before, but now you suddenly tell him that you are not the material for fishing, and that you are suitable to be a city defender!It always felt like something was wrong.

After struggling for a long time, Luo Ji, who was a little nervous in the end, suddenly shook his head vigorously. He figured it out, or he came to a realization, "My patriarch, do I need a reason to change positions for the people of my tribe?"

Chapter 19, this panel, the opponent will call the police

"My dignified patriarch, do I still need a reason to change positions for the people of my tribe?" With this thought in mind, Luo Ji felt that his whole person was much more relaxed, and then said with a serious face, "You did nothing wrong, only However, I feel that you are more suitable to be a warrior who protects the safety of the tribe."

"Me? Be a warrior?" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed a hint of incredulity, "But the patriarch, I don't have excellent fighting ability, let alone Rayong, it is estimated that any warrior in the tribe can easily defeat me."

At the end of the day, even the middle-aged man, who has always been quite calm, couldn't help but flash a trace of depression in his eyes. In this era of supremacy of strength, his weak fighting power undoubtedly hit a man hard. of self-esteem.

Hearing this, Luo Ji waved his hands indifferently, "You are different from Luo Yong, your fighting ability is not reflected in the charge, you are suitable for leading everyone to fight together."

Two-star valour, but he doesn't even have any combat skills. When it comes to fighting, Luo Ji feels that he can beat him, but the problem is that his specialty is not there. He is a commanding type who is suitable for the rear Talent!

In the past, there were only a few warriors in the tribe. There was no tactics to talk about in the battle, and no command was needed. Naturally, there was no room for commanding talents. However, this situation came to this world from him and became this From the moment of the tribe's patriarch, it was different!

The intelligence, spirit, stamina, and command of the four-star cap is already a very perverted panel. If Brave adds another star, Luo Ji feels that his opponent will call the police in the future.

As a person with a four-star intelligence cap, even if he only has two stars now, it doesn't mean that he is an idiot. After hearing Luo Ji's words, a thought flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and then, There was a hint of hope in his tone, "I, can I really?"

"I said yes, you can!" Luo Ji's tone was extremely firm after reading the panel. He is also a top five-star commander. Sometimes, simple actions can be used for his own sake. The warriors under his command and the people of the tribe had an obvious influence. At this moment, his firm tone undoubtedly greatly encouraged the self-confidence of the middle-aged man, and made his fighting spirit ignited a little spark again!

"All in all, you should train with Luo Yong first. Although you are good at commanding battles, you also need to practice your own strength. I will organize a training plan for you later." After speaking, Luo seemed to remember something. Ji suddenly asked again, "By the way, you don't seem to have a name yet?"

"Well, I haven't had time to do it." The middle-aged man seemed to realize something, and there was a hint of excitement on his face, but at the same time he was a little uncertain.

"How about I get you one?"

When this sentence came out of Luo Ji's mouth, the middle-aged man clearly felt his heart beat twice, "But, but this name..."

Although the words were not finished, his meaning was obvious, that is, the name given by Luo Ji already represented the highest honor of their tribe, and what did he do?He only caught a few fish, why does he have this name?At the same time who will be convinced of him?

Seeing the middle-aged man's concern, Luo Ji smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "You need a chance to prove yourself, I'll give you a name, but when it will be made public is up to you."

Just as Luo Ji could see his worries, the middle-aged man also understood what Luo Ji was saying. His slow breathing was obviously quickened at this moment. This was a wonderful feeling, which made him clearly Feeling Luo Ji's trust in him, the man in front of him whom he respects from the bottom of his heart is now firmly believing that he can prove himself and respond to his expectations!

Looking at the middle-aged man whose composure had been completely broken, the corners of Luo Ji's mouth curled up slightly. Just now, he checked the attribute panel of the middle-aged man again, and the loyalty of the other party had directly increased from 96 to the full value of [-]. !

At the same time, Luo Ji also said the name he had long thought of, "Zhao Pan! From now on, your name will be Zhao Pan."

"Zhao Pan?"

"Yes, Zhao Pan." Luo Ji nodded seriously, he didn't let Zhao Pan have the same surname as himself, after all, he never felt that his surname was anything special. 'This surname is just one of the very common public surnames, and there is nothing special about it. Besides, with his surname, wouldn't it become Luo Pan?Luo Pan, a compass?If this name is placed in the original world, it will definitely be molested by others. Resolutely reject it!

Before Zhao Pan could react, Luo Ji explained it himself, "The word "pan" means rock. I hope your will can be as tenacious and hard as a rock! Don't let me down."

"Patriarch, I will definitely not let you down!" He said these words loudly and forcefully, because his emotions were so excited that his entire face turned red, and the urge in his heart to prove himself had never been seen before. As strong as this moment has been!That's right, he has to prove himself, he has to respond to the expectations of the patriarch, and prove that the patriarch has not misunderstood!

"Well, I'm looking forward to your performance." After encouraging Zhao Pan a little more, Luo Ji hurried back to his tent, opened his friend list, and opened the chat window with Gao Su. Wrong, about skills, he planned to send a message to ask Gao Su directly.

I have said before that sending a message costs civilization points, and a message needs to consume ten civilization points, and it is quite absurd with a character limit, but he has earned a lot of civilization points now, plus another In an extraordinary period, it is related to a general under his command, not to mention dozens or hundreds of civilization points, even if it is a few thousand, he will never frown!

After rationalizing his thoughts, he quickly explained the situation on his side in a succinct and clear manner, and then clicked "Send Message". Luo Ji originally thought that Gao Su's reply would have to wait for a while. Although he was too impatient, he could only suppress that impatience and do something else to distract him.

However, what he didn't expect was that Gao Su's reply came unexpectedly fast. After he sent the message, it took about a minute or so before the other party's reply was sent. Luo Ji hurriedly opened the message and took a look. , when he saw the content, the corner of his eyes twitched on the spot...


That's right, that guy Gao Su just sent a '...', and through these three small points, he fully expressed his understanding of someone throwing a talent with the potential of a general into fishing. Speechless about the 'fishing' skill, in other words, are you kidding me?

Chapter 20. Training items

As an old player who was definitely more senior than Luo Ji, Gao Su obviously had a lot of civilization points, and he didn't care much about the points consumed by sending messages.

But the problem is that Luo Ji is in a hurry!Where can I watch his little bit?Just when he was about to send another message to tell the guy to stop talking nonsense and answer his question quickly, Gao Su's second message was already sent ahead.

"After developing the military and unlocking the 'Military Academy' project, you can spend military points and civilization points to wash skills. However, after the skills are washed, the new skills obtained are also random, and the more the same skills are washed, the more the consumption will be The bigger it is, it will increase exponentially, you should not toss it now, no matter what"

The reply was suddenly interrupted here, apparently reaching the word limit. The second message from Gao Su was quickly sent over, followed by the previous content, "Whether it's building a 'military academy' or washing skills, for you For a newcomer, it is a waste of money and labor, and it is easy to go bankrupt if you are not careful, and you can slowly toss this matter when you develop it later."

"As for the number of skills, it's very simple. Look at the star rating. For example, if your bravery reaches three stars, then you can comprehend three skills that are affected by 'valor', and so on. The others are the same."

"So that's it." Luo Ji secretly sighed in relief, no matter what, he could just wash his skills, "If I remember correctly, the 'fishing' skill should be affected by 'stamina', and the early effects should not be affected. Big."

However, since they had already started talking, Luo Ji would just take this opportunity to ask all the things that he still didn't understand.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji immediately sent another message, "Anything about 'morale', is there any bonus effect?"

This time, Gao Su didn't talk nonsense, and the reply was quite straightforward, "The highest morale value is [-] points, [-] points is the qualifying line, there is no gain or debuff effect, and if it reaches more than [-] points, you will get In a state of 'high morale', each point of morale will receive a [-]% bonus to combat power, which lasts until [-] points."

"And after the morale value reaches 81 points, the state will be upgraded to 'momentum like a rainbow', and every point of morale value will get a [-]% combat power bonus, and once the morale value reaches the full value of [-] points, the state will be It will be upgraded to 'Constant Victory and Undefeated', directly gaining a [-]% combat power bonus."

"The reverse is also the same. Once the morale value drops below [-] points, it will enter a state of 'low morale', the combat power will also decrease, and there may also be deserters. Once it drops below [-] points , that is 'the army will be defeated', basically lost the will to fight, and there is no way to fight."

There is a morale guide given by the old driver Gao Su. After reading it over and over, Luo Ji easily understood the problem of 'morale value', and at the same time further realized that Zhao Pan's 'moving like a mountain' The power of talent.

After digesting the intelligence information in his mind, Luo Ji let out a long breath, then sent a message to thank Gao Su, "Thank you, it's all right for now."

In the face of his thanks, Gao Su on the other side did not send another message. Obviously, this time, the brief conversation between the two ended here.

Luo Ji, who had closed the message window, did not relax. He also said before that he wanted to come up with a training plan. Although he had absolutely no experience in military training and other things, exercise methods such as sit-ups and push-ups would not help. He still knew a little, how it was much more efficient and more scientific than the original exercise method of this era.

As for the training of going forward, Luo Ji has no plans to let the soldiers of his tribe practice this for the time being. Going forward training is a time-consuming and laborious training, and the focus of this kind of training is to train the discipline of an army. , but he doesn't need this right now, the tribal fighters add up to only 30 people, he can manage it, not to mention the guarantee of high loyalty, so what he needs now is to upgrade the tribal warriors as quickly as possible. The strength of the soldiers, when there are more people and the tribe is stronger, there is still time to do this training.

After sorting out all the training items he could think of, he quickly found Luo Yong, who was sharpening two stone axes, and Zhao Pan, who didn't know how to train for a while. Luo Ji planned to use these exercises first. way to teach them, and then they go to teach other warriors in the tribe.

Regarding training with tribal warriors, Luo Ji felt that the best candidate should be Zhao Pan. After all, Zhao Pan's intelligence and command cap have four stars. Logically speaking, in terms of training warriors, he should also be trained. He would be a good player. However, the situation is not right now. Zhao Pan's qualifications and identity obviously cannot convince the other warriors in the tribe, so Luo Ji called Luo Yong again.

A few simple exercises are not complicated. After Luo Ji gave a few demonstrations and talked about the key points, Zhao Pan, who is not low in intelligence, quickly learned it. He was also meticulous, and every movement looked abnormally standard, which made Luo Ji, who was in charge of the demonstration before, feel a little ashamed, as if he was doing more standard than him.

At the same time, the system prompt also sounded quite timely...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for triggering the 'Military Training' project, to get [-] Civilization Points and [-] Military Point.

Ignoring the system prompts, Luo Ji remembered very clearly that his original remaining military points were [-] points. Even adding this, it was only [-] points. If he still couldn't upgrade anything, it would be nothing to see, so he paid attention. The power was still concentrated on Luo Yong and Zhao Pan in front of him.

Compared with Zhao Pan, Luo Yong is a little slower in learning. Although it looks decent at first glance, in some small details, it is not particularly standard.

Luo Ji could see it. His actions of praising Zhao Pan obviously aroused Luo Yong's competitive spirit. Of course, as one of the original tribe members, Luo Yong didn't have any ill will towards Zhao Pan, but was simply more aggressive.

He didn't mind this kind of healthy competition at all, and at the same time there was a trace of bad water in his heart, and he patted Zhao Pan on the shoulder, "I still have something to do, I'll leave it to you to correct Luo Yong's movements."

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