"Uh, that, the patriarch?" Looking at Luo Ji, who was curled up and rolling around in the tent, Liu Chuan, who came to report the news, didn't know what to say for a while.

"Oh, Liu Chuan, what's the matter?" Luo Ji asked feebly while maintaining his plump image.

"It's the patriarch who asked me to come back every once in a while to report on the situation at the copper mine..." Liu Chuan said in a somewhat uncertain tone, after all, in his mind, their patriarch was always full of With his wisdom, Luo Ji couldn't possibly remember things wrongly. So, was he the one who remembered the date of the report wrong?

However, just as Liu Chuan was thinking about it, Luo Ji, who had been rolling around all the time, finally got a little bit of energy after being hit too hard, "I think about it, there is such a thing, let's talk about it, How is that kid Guo Jia?"

There is no ambiguity, from Guo Jia's ambush battle, which ended in failure, to all the actions of the recent period, Liu Chuan reported all of them to Luo Ji, but at the end he added a sentence of his own, "But the patriarch, I think he actually did it. It's not bad, and most of the mistakes were caused by the lack of experience of the few newbies in the team."

"Is it not bad?" Luo Ji muttered, "A good strategist should also take into account the possibility of newcomers making mistakes. His biggest mistake is that he didn't prepare both hands, so when one of them goes wrong, At that time, he didn't even have the chance to save and adjust."

"Are you going to tell him this?"

"No need." Luo Ji shook his head, "He can figure it out for himself, that tribe, you tell Guo Jia, tell him not to hurry, fight slowly, in a few days, outsiders may call again, then You stay there for a while and don't come back, bumping into people from outside the realm will be troublesome."

Chapter 127

After telling Liu Chuan a few words, sitting in the leader's tent where he was alone again, Luo Ji stretched hard. After being interrupted, he calmed down and looked around. After a lap, he twisted his stiff neck, "This 'world fragment' has also been used, but it doesn't seem to have changed at all?"

While thinking about it, Luo Ji opened the system interface and checked it. As expected, nothing had changed, but the 'world fragments' in the grid of the backpack had indeed disappeared.

Luo Ji, who had a face of disbelief, walked out of the tent again. After turning around inside and out, he couldn't help but become even more confused, as if nothing had really changed!

"Could it be that Gao Su lied to me?" Such a thought flashed through Luo Ji's mind quickly, "But it doesn't make sense, it's not good for him to lie to me, or this item can't be used directly by clicking on it. It takes effect, but is there a hidden trigger condition? Just like triggering hidden tasks when playing games before?"

With the rise of this speculation, Luo Ji's mood was also delicate for a while. This situation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that he doesn't have to worry about his special civilization being exposed in a short time, and the disadvantage is that if he delays If the hidden condition cannot be triggered, then this 'world fragment' is equivalent to a useless piece of waste...

"Alas!" Luo Ji sighed heavily, then shook his head again, "I don't want to, I don't want to, just let it be."

Returning to his tent, there are still many things waiting for him to do. For example, the food problem that has been plaguing him since the last invasion war, is it really easy to solve the food for nearly [-] people?The number of members of the fishing team has doubled, and the number of members of the hunting team has doubled. In this state, Luo Ji can barely maintain the level that everyone can eat in one bite. Before the crops are harvested, the life is really difficult. Not to mention that their Mingjing tribe will soon usher in the first fishing moratorium, when fishing is banned, life will be even more difficult.

But there are some things that make him a little happy. For example, some time ago, the reconnaissance team found the crop 'potato' when completing the map.

Potatoes are a good thing. For the current Luo Ji, the greatest value of potatoes is that they can be used as a staple food and their yields can withstand. The Ministry of Agriculture has already started a lot of planting. After the harvest, the food problems of their Mingjing tribe It should be resolved to some extent.

He quickly dealt with the questions submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture, and then Luo Ji spread out an animal hide and picked up a charcoal pen. He wanted to write down what he had previously written down in his mind about the business system.

However, the time was limited at that time, and Ye Qingxuan had sorted out too much content for him. He just memorized the generalization of the previous paragraph. Time is impossible, after all, the effect of his free card is about to end, so he has to wait until he has survived this wave of aggression.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji called in the assistant who was waiting outside the tribal camp, "Go and notify all departments, report the amount of arrows, stone bullets, spare weapons, armor, food, wound medicine, and various resources hoarded, right? Also, ask the construction team to inspect the city wall and carefully maintain the city gate."

Obviously, Luo Ji at this time has already started to count the supplies, maintain the city defense, and enter the final stage of preparations...

The last few days passed quietly, and outside the closed gate of the Jingjing tribe, a team of men and horses had a clear goal and rushed over with murderous aura.

Facing this group of attackers who came directly over, Luo Ji, who had been standing on the sentry stand for a long time, quickly made the shape of a horn with both hands, and then shouted, "That's too much, boss! You! This is for revenge!?"

Hearing this, Zhou Kai, who had just walked out of the surrounding woods, twitched his facial muscles. In this game, even players who often play invasion battles usually follow the rules. Negative, that's all based on your ability, don't blame anyone, but if you pick the same person one after another, it's a clear sign that you're going to have a vengeance.

Of course Zhou Kai understands this, but in the last invasion, he was smothered by Luo Ji from the beginning to the end. He fell into the pit and never climbed out. The archer troops directly planted half of them, and the shield and axemen also killed and injured many people. , He couldn't even pick up the weapons and equipment, and he was shot by himself. He really couldn't swallow this breath!But I don't want to have so many enemies...

So, Zhou Kai simply bite the bullet and shouted, "After this fight, everyone will be even, and we won't owe each other!"

"Fuck your mother's [-] serial stinky shit!" At this moment, Luo Ji resolutely scolded back the sentence Zhou Kai scolded him last time, "Equally? You are invading me twice in a row, I That's called self-defense!!"

As Luo Ji spoke, he quietly waved behind him. On the surface, he was arguing with Zhou Kai, but in fact, behind the ancient city wall of the Mingjing Tribe, there was no leisure at all.

I saw the interior of the entire tribal camp, it was like a precision machine running at high speed. Wave after wave of people kept moving the stone bullets hoarded in the warehouse to the back of the city wall, and the slingers in the hands of the slingers kept moving the stones. Suo was also spinning at a high speed, and the shield and axe troops were all poised behind the city gate, ready to rush out at any time, just waiting for Luo Ji's order.

At this moment, in the outer area of ​​Mingjing Tribe, Zhou Kai, who was completely speechless by Luo Ji, his entire face almost suddenly turned purple. What else is there to say?

In the end, he simply moved his hand without saying a word, signaling the troops to start advancing. Anyway, he was determined to regain face this time, and he still had a lot of confidence!

It has been said before that in a war, as the invader, the troops and ordnance under his hand are not casually brought. The more you bring, the more expensive the military expenses will be, so Zhou Kai, who didn't know Luo Ji's depth before, only When the other party was a rookie, with the mood of abusing vegetables, he brought thirty people over and planned to do whatever he wanted.

In the end, he didn't expect the blind eye to overturn the boat, but after taking a lesson, Zhou Kai also has a long memory, this time, he really moved!Directly sacrificed his own killer!

Accompanied by a sound like a wooden wheel turning, a figure that made Luo Ji's face change suddenly appeared in his line of sight in the woodland that was the outer defense line of the Mingjing Tribe, "That's..."

The bottom is composed of a few thick wooden boards and six wooden wheels that are obviously rough in workmanship and not round enough. The upper part is quite simple and has wooden rails nailed on the left and right sides. In the middle is a thick trunk of a big tree. The trunk was fixed on it, and one of the ends was extremely sharp, as if it could easily penetrate any defense line. In the entire era of cold weapons, things like this have a unified name, that is, a siege vehicle!

Chapter 128, Siege Engine

As a player whose original plan was to defend the city, it's not just stupid to farm in the city. You have to understand your biggest enemy, or something that can threaten you, that is, attacking City equipment!

As an experienced driver, Luo Ji has clearly studied this area. With the development of players, even in ancient times, it was not difficult to come up with some siege equipment. .

Among them, the simplest siege tool is the siege hammer, which is the thing that is held by a large group of people and then desperately hits the city wall. That is the most primitive siege hammer. To put it bluntly, it is a sharpened tree The backbone is very simple and heavy at the same time. On the chaotic battlefield, they usually haven't had time to get close to the city gate, and the unfortunate child who is in charge of holding the battering ram will be planted in the middle of the road because of the arrow in the knee. .

In order to overcome the cumbersome and slow shortcomings of the battering ram, the ancestors who discovered this defect later thought of building a small vehicle to transport the battering ram. So far, this battering ram has occupied an important position in the entire cold weapon era. City equipment officially debut!

As mentioned above, the overall structure of the siege vehicle is actually not complicated, but it does not affect the enormous pressure it brings to Luo Ji!Is his city gate strong, or is the siege vehicle more destructive?He didn't want to try it at all!

After confirming that Zhou Kai's advancing troops had entered the range of the slingers, Luo Ji waved his hand and directly signaled the slingers to start attacking. Heavy stone bullets swept through the air with a continuous whistling sound. The arc, then crossed the far ancient city wall, and smashed towards the invaders outside.

"Everyone raises their shields to advance!" As a player who likes to fight invasions, Zhou Kai is obviously no stranger to siege warfare. He was already prepared, and a row of shield axemen directly raised their shields on top, and even was responsible for pushing the siege city. The six fighters in the car are all in the posture of raising their shields with one hand, and they can be said to be experienced.

However, even so, he still has a miscalculation. A stone bullet hits the shield with a lot of weight. This kind of attack is completely different from the arrow attack. In the terminology of their game, it is a blunt weapon attack. The difference between piercing and piercing attacks, and blunt piercing armor!

Even if they were blocked by the shield, the heavy attack of the stone bullets had a significant impact on them. The dense impact made every soldier holding the shield feel like the hand holding the shield was about to lose consciousness, which greatly slowed them down. This is something that an archer can never achieve, and the slingers really let Luo Ji play a miraculous effect.

Looking at the intruders who were struggling under the suppression of his slingers, Luo Ji, who was standing on the sentry tower, had a happy expression on his face. That skill book mastered by the gold-level slingers was not bought for nothing!Just for this effect, it is definitely worth it! !

On the other hand, Zhou Kai outside the city. At this time, his face was full of disbelief. The long-range suppression of the gang of slingers on the opposite side was a bit fierce. It was completely different from the ones he had encountered before. There is a feeling of advancing under a hail of bullets, which is really a hell!

The strong long-range suppression made his troops hesitant to be beaten in the head, and the morale of the whole dropped to a certain extent, making Zhou Kai look ugly for a while, "Damn! Could it be that I'm going to be planted again? Planting it twice in the hands of one person, this What kind of international joke!?"

If the previous failure can still be attributed to the conspiracy of the other party, then this time, he was dignified and came to attack the city, and the other party was also fighting the battle to defend the city. If he loses again, he will This face really has no place to put it.

"Don't panic! With such an intensive attack, their stone bullets won't last long! Hold up your shield, protect the siege vehicle, and put it on top of me! After the city gate is broken, the mere stone slingers are nothing to be afraid of!" While soothing people's hearts, Zhou Kai decisively launched the 'moral booster' skill, which boosted a wave of morale.

At the same time, Luo Ji, who was standing on the sentry tower, was not idle. The command of the slingers was directly handed over to Zhao Pan. There was basically no need for him to worry. Luo Ji, who was free, quickly commanded the members of the archer unit to climb the stairs. Go to the tower.

In the battle of defending the city, as the city defender, if the opponent sends siege equipment, how should we deal with it?It's very simple, first use a large-scale long-range attack to suppress the advancing speed of the enemy's large army, and then use precise strikes to kill the siege equipment!

It's a pity that his three-bow crossbow hasn't been completed yet, otherwise, he will send them to a string with the car and the people, and everything will be saved.

"All archers, aim at the few people who are pushing the siege vehicle, and shoot them!" With an order, the archers who boarded the tower opened their bows and arrows.

Due to the limited space of the sentry tower, the ones who can stand up are basically the archers with the most outstanding archery skills. In addition, there are large-scale long-range suppression of the slingers to cover them. Now they are standing on a high place. Arrows didn't put too much pressure on them. A sharp arrow was mixed with the stone bullets in the sky and shot at the intruders who were pushing the siege vehicle!

After two rounds of shooting arrows, an intruder who was pushing the siege vehicle forward was hit by an arrow in the abdomen and fell to the ground. Zhou Kai's face was ugly for a while. There is nothing to do. This is the advantage of the defending side and the disadvantage of the siege side. "Archers! Where are the archers?! Let me shoot arrows and kill the archers on the opposite tower!"

After receiving the order from the leader, the archers under Zhou Kai stubbornly opened their bows. The environment they were in was not as comfortable as the archers on the other side. , before the arrows flew to the opposite city wall, they were smashed down by those dense stone bullets halfway, making Zhou Kai furious for a while, "Damn! How many slingers did that guy raise? He stocked them up again. How many stone bullets?!"

From just now, the slingers on the opposite side have been a little too strong!There is also this overwhelming rain of stone bullets, Zhou Kai feels that he is going crazy, he may not think about it if he breaks his head, at this moment, Zhao Pan, who is commanding the stone slinger unit to fight, has a gold-level man on his body. Slinger mastery skills.

Not to mention the number of stone bullets accumulated at the same time. In the previous two invasion battles, Luo Ji failed to fight the city defense battle as he wished. The more you hoard in a month, the more you expect them to be thrown away in a short period of time, it is best not to think about it.

Chapter 129

Who would have thought that the person standing opposite him would actually be a master of defending the city?He once forcibly coaxed out a super coward in the future with a city wall in various strategy games, and the most terrible thing is that this coward is not a simple coward, but the kind that is cowardly and strong, his cowardice, It is purposeful, and it is a strategy that has been formulated by itself, or it can be explained that he can make you helpless.

He raised his shield all the way and pushed forward frantically. Now Zhou Kai, who was already a bit difficult to ride a tiger, also had a ruthless expression on his face. Now, he must break through this city gate!

Luo Ji frowned as he watched the intruders who were attacking all the way and forcibly pushed in. This Zhou Kai was a bit more brainless than he expected, but unfortunately he didn't have the means to directly destroy the siege vehicles. As soon as the city car was destroyed, Zhou Kai should be in despair, but now, this guy is all about getting his face back.

Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer to the city gate, due to the angle of attack, the slingers as long-range arms gradually lost their threat to them.

There was no need to continue projecting the stone bullets that could not hit the enemy. Luo Ji raised his hand and signaled the stone slingers behind to stop and retreat, and let the shield and axe soldiers behind the city gate be ready to attack.

It's a pity that the ancient city walls of this era are too thin to carry the logs and sparring stones. Otherwise, even if the intruders escaped under the city walls, the logs and sparring stones that fell from the sky would be enough for them to drink a pot. .

After finally rushing to this relatively safe position, Zhou Kai obviously couldn't wait to smash open the closed gate of the Jingjing tribe, and then be shamed!The moment he heard the violent sound of the siege vehicle hitting the city gate, his whole body was shocked.

Luo Ji, who was standing behind the city gate, frowned deeply at this time. The power of the siege vehicle was even stronger than he had imagined. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the city gate was forcibly smashed open. He has to do something.

With such thoughts in mind, Luo Ji suddenly remembered, he suddenly thought of something that was basically impossible in previous strategy games!

"Open the gates!"

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the city gate were obviously stunned, and many people even wondered if they had heard it wrong. At this juncture, they took the initiative to open the city gate?Isn't that the same as letting the intruder rush in easily?

As if he had guessed what everyone was thinking at this time, Luo Ji waved his hand, "You heard right! The shield and axe troops took ten steps back and prepare to attack. Now, open the city gate!"

After the doubts in his heart were confirmed, Luo Ji's dominance and the loyalty of the tribesmen to him were unquestionably revealed at this moment. With the shield and axe troops retreating ten paces, the two strong men standing beside the city gate were decisive. Start turning the switch.

After the continuous impact of the siege vehicles, the heavy city gate slowly rose with a squeak like a groan of pain.

This situation obviously caused Zhou Kai, who was preparing to direct the siege vehicle to collide with the city gate, had a bit of an accident, and then quickly disappeared. He just thought that Luo Ji knew that he couldn't hide, so he planned to open the city gate and follow him. He will fight to the death, which is exactly what he hopes. As a fierce player, what he is best at is head-to-head fights!

He clenched the axe in his hand tightly, and when the city gate opened, Zhou Kai's speed exploded.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he and a few shield and axemen rushed into the city gate, Luo Ji swung his big hand down, and the two Hercules next to him who were turning the mechanism suddenly understood and released their hands...

At that time, only a loud 'bang' was heard, and the half-raised city gate fell in response!At that moment, it seemed that the whole world was blocked, and a large piece of hot blood splashed directly on his face. Watching the subordinates who were crushed to death on the spot under the city gate because they could not dodge in time, Zhou Kai stared blankly. About to split, the whole person almost went crazy, "Luo Ji! You are trying to trick me!!!"

In the face of Zhou Kai's incessant questioning, Luo Ji, who was standing at the back of his own army at the time, scratched his ears with an uncomfortable expression, and then said in an unsalty tone, "I said It's been several times, this is called self-defense, from beginning to end, you are invading me, okay?"

Forcing himself to calm down, with the situation in front of him, his large army was completely shut out of the door. With just the few shield axemen beside him, wanting to fight the entire army of the other side was simply a dream.

However, before the end of the road, the siege vehicle was also outside. As long as his subordinates reacted, they continued to use the siege vehicle to hit the city gate and completely destroy the city gate, and he would be able to escape from the predicament... …

Thinking of this, when Zhou Kai met Luo Ji's eyes, the smile on the other side's face made him inexplicably panic...

"Are you thinking that the siege vehicle is still outside, as long as the siege vehicle smashes through the city gate, you will be able to get out of trouble?"

Zhou Kai's heart twitched violently, and he glanced at the team of shield axemen on the spot. Even when Luo Ji was talking, that team of shield and axemen were not idle. Maintaining his shield stance, he kept approaching, which brought him enormous pressure.

A drop of cold sweat fell from the forehead, the situation was stronger than people, and Zhou Kai, who had calmed down a little, had a far-fetched expression on his face, "Hey, buddy, why don't we discuss something..."

"Oh? What to discuss?"

"Can you make your shield axemen retreat first? Then we'll talk slowly..."

"No." Luo Ji decisively refused, "If you have something to say, say it quickly, otherwise, you won't have the chance to say it later."

Zhou Kai's facial muscles twitched, and the shield and axemen on the opposite side were still approaching. At this time, his back was directly attached to the city gate, and there was no way to retreat...

"Okay! I said, listen to me! I'm a strong player, you should be very clear about this, now I'll tell you another thing! I'm very talented and capable, if I work hard, Your team of shield axemen has to be at least halved! It took you a lot of time and resources to raise this team of shield axemen, right? Why should everyone suffer? Let me go, I also promise you to write off this matter, and I will never invade you again in the future?"

After listening to this sentence, Luo Ji tilted his neck, and then nodded seriously, "Well, what you said makes a lot of sense. It doesn't seem to do me any particular good that a broken soldier will kill you..."

"Yeah, then we'll..."

"But I refuse!" Looking at Zhou Kai with a beaming expression on his face, Luo Ji's words blurted out in the next second was like a bucket of ice water, pouring it down on Zhou Kai's head, making him thoroughly wake up.

Afterwards, before Zhou Kai could react, Luo Ji stretched out his hand and said, "Cut him."

1 thirty chapters

With a single order, triggered by Luo Ji's 'Moralization Booster' skill, the shield and axe troops, which were already in high spirits, at this moment, the morale can be said to have climbed to the top all at once, maintaining the battle formation, and directly attacked. Zhou Kai and others who were driven to a dead end!

But how could Zhou Kai be willing to die?A thought flashed through his mind quickly, "Tear open the encirclement in one breath, take that surnamed Luo as a hostage, and then force them to open the city gate!"

Zhou Kai, who already had a plan in his heart, flashed a stern look in his eyes. The ferocious axe in his hand was a slaughter weapon on a battlefield where there were many enemies. As he swung it, he directly faced it with a violent offensive. The Shield Axe Troop that came up!

Originally, Luo Ji thought that no matter how fierce Zhou Kai's personal strength was, if he piled up twenty shield and axe soldiers, he would be able to kill him with the axe, but he didn't expect the opponent to be unexpectedly strong.

Players who love to play strategy games can be roughly divided into two types, one is those who stand in the perspective of God and rationally use all the resources at hand to maximize benefits and effects, while the other is those who put themselves in a certain role. A player who likes to concentrate resources on cultivating that character and regard that character as his avatar.

Zhou Kai, a fierce general player, obviously belongs to the latter group. It is estimated that most of the civilization points he earned in the invasion battle were spent on matching skills for himself.

I have to say that the combat power of a character created by deliberately concentrating resources is indeed amazing. There is quite a kind of stance of one against ten. Twenty shield and axemen were stunned and failed to take them down in a short period of time. This is really unexpected. Luo Ji's expectations.

However, while Luo Ji was surprised by Zhou Kai's ferocious personal strength, Zhou Kai was also shocked by the pressure these twenty shield and axemen brought him.

It was enough that the slingers hid behind the city wall for long-range suppression, but what happened to the team of shield axemen in front of them?The battle formation was placed there, and he was stunned to block all three breakthroughs in a row!This is just a bit wicked!

However, how could he know that, unlike him, who prefers personal heroism, Luo Ji's development idea has always focused on the improvement of an entire army, and at this time, these twenty shield and axe soldiers have no morale bonus. , they also have the double buffs of 'ruler' and 'national protection war', plus Rayong's 'shield and axe specialization' skill effect bonus, no matter how good Zhou Kai's combat power is, Don't even think about tearing apart the battle formation formed by the twenty shield and axe soldiers in front of you!

The other half of his troops, who had been turned away from the door, had already started to push the siege vehicles to continue ramming the city gate. However, the sound was completely unable to make Zhou Kai happy. The bastard surnamed Luo on the other side was too blunt to kill him. Now, he didn't even give him a chance to delay, he just started.

Now, even if it's him, a feeling of asking for trouble inevitably arises in his heart. He originally just wanted to get back a game and regain some face, and then it ended like this. It can't be said that he is confused, he can only Saying that the guy surnamed Luo on the opposite side is too irritating, I really can't swallow that breath.

However, he never thought that the siege force he was proud of would be planted here. A team of slingers, who were in the hands of other players and should have been eliminated long ago, faced his siege force abruptly. Played an almost unbelievable suppression force, and was taught to be a man on the spot...

Just when Zhou Kai had mixed feelings in his heart, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came, and he saw his ear move, the axe in his hand slammed, and accompanied by the explosion of the weapon when it hit, on the spot, it was with a ferocious shape. One-handed giant axes collided together!

"It's you again!" I saw that the person who was constantly exerting power on the weapon at the moment and he couldn't stand still was Luo Yong wearing a shield and axe equipment. Counting this time, the two had fought for the third time. It can be said that the enemy is particularly jealous when they meet!But this time, the other guy who used the tomahawk axe like him didn't seem to be there.

However, Zhou Kai was not careless. As his thoughts flew around, the two had already fought for several rounds. The continuous head-to-head attack caused several gaps in the blade of his axe, and the hands holding the weapon were even slightly more The numbness, he had already felt it before, the strength of this big man is simply too much!How lucky is that surname Luo?In addition to the guy who uses the same axe as him, there are actually two fierce generals in the tribe! ?

wrong!After Zhou Kai's gaze swept across Guo Zhen, who was standing beside Luo Ji like a bodyguard, his facial muscles twitched uncontrollably.The last one is the hatred he gave to that surnamed Luo Tila, motherfucker!So angry!

The chaotic thoughts in his mind caused him to reveal a flaw. Luo Yong saw the opportunity, the offensive suddenly broke out, and he used a fatal move on the spot. If it's chopped down, it's probably not enough to open the scoop. According to the strength of this big man, his entire head will probably explode like a watermelon, right?

At the critical moment, Zhou Kai controlled his body to forcibly change his movements, looking at the one-handed giant axe that was almost scraped from under his eyelids. The thrill of that moment made his entire back soaked in cold sweat, reminding himself repeatedly. To concentrate, do not be distracted!

The two here were fighting fiercely, but Luo Ji at the back was not worried that Luo Yong would suffer. After training and running in some time ago, as the commander of the shield and axe troops, Luo Yong had already been honed into a whole with the troops under his command. Now, in the current battle, it seems that Luo Yong is in a one-on-one duel with Zhou Kai. In fact, his every move is supported and covered by the surrounding shield and axe soldiers.

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