As for the other party's self-proclaimed senior, Luo Ji also acquiesced. After all, he was also a student of Z University, so there was nothing wrong with the other party's claiming to be senior in front of him.

"To be honest, I'm currently facing a very headache problem, so the content of this book is also very important to me..."

After hearing this, Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed with disappointment, but unexpectedly, Luo Ji changed his subject in the middle of the sentence, "But since senior is a prospective doctor, the problems I encountered should not be too difficult for senior. It’s not difficult, it can be easily resolved.”

The meaning of Luo Ji's words was obvious, and with Ye Qingxuan's brain, it was impossible not to understand, but she didn't answer directly, but asked first, "What is the problem you encountered? Tell me first, let's listen."

"Simply put, it is the composition of an entire business system."

Ye Qingxuan frowned slightly when she heard this, "The scope is too large. To be more specific, which part of the business system?"

"So, it's a whole business system." While speaking, Luo Ji smiled wryly and gestured, "From no business concept, to establishing a business concept, to perfecting a whole system of business concepts."

"Are you serious?" Ye Qingxuan's eyebrows frowned even tighter, and she stared directly at the boy sitting opposite her, as if to confirm whether the other party was teasing her. According to the current commercial development in society, business The system itself already exists, and it can even be said to be everywhere, so who else needs to worry about it?

At this moment, even Ye Qingxuan, who claims to be graduating with a Ph. Just kidding.

"I really need this. Of course, it doesn't need to be too detailed. Just give me a general framework." When he said this, Luo Ji could be said to be sincere, and he was almost caught by this business. The system is driving him crazy. He needs a professional to come up with a development framework for him. As long as he has a framework, he can slowly improve some details by himself.

After confirming that the junior in front of her was really not joking with her, Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment, and then said again, "Even if it is me, it is impossible to list the framework of the entire business system for you now..."

"You don't need to list it immediately, just as soon as possible." While speaking, Luo Ji closed the book in his hand, and pushed it in front of Ye Qingxuan.

"Then... well..." Picking up the book that was pushed in front of her, maybe she was infected by that earnestness, which made her finally agree to this troublesome matter, and after thinking about it carefully, Maybe it's quite interesting, she doesn't like to challenge some difficult things.

Luo Ji was overjoyed, and quickly wrote down a string of e-mail addresses in his notebook, then tore them off and handed them to Ye Qingxuan, "This is my e-mail address, when the time comes, please send it here, senior sister, yes Now, what is your name, senior?"

It was only now that she thought of asking her name, Ye Qingxuan rolled her eyes angrily when she heard this, "Sister, my name is Ye Qingxuan."

"My name is Luo Ji, so I will leave this matter to you, senior."

Chapter 124, Unprepared

It felt good to have someone help me with the most troublesome problem. Luo Ji stretched hard. Of course, even if he didn't solve it in the end, it didn't matter. Anyway, he was already at his limit. For a while, I will be able to study copper casting happily. Compared with the difficult and difficult content of the business system, the content of copper casting is really easy for Luo Ji to understand.

After carefully sorting out and digesting the contents, I checked the information that the tribe might need for the development of the following tribes, and the day passed quietly.

Early the next morning, before the alarm clock woke him up, Luo Ji heard a 'ding dong', and an email was sent to the mailbox on his mobile phone.

With a confused look, he opened his eyes and glanced at it. It was displayed as an unfamiliar email. The remarks of the email name were...

"The framework of the business system?!" Luo Ji suddenly woke up, and immediately sat up from the bed, "Damn, so fast?"

He originally thought that it would take two or three days, but he didn't expect that the senior sister sent it to him the next day, "Won't you just write a little to fool me?"

Luo Ji casually clicked on the email, downloaded the attached file and looked at it, and then apologized decisively, "Sorry, senpai, I shouldn't have doubted your character!"

Densely packed, so big!He even made a table of contents for him on the first page. It was obviously just a frame, but the content was terrifying. This was definitely not something that could be written in the mood to fool people.

There are too many words, and the mobile phone looks inconvenient. Luo Ji decisively opened it on the computer. At a glance, the content is more...

"Could that senior sister have been tidying up since she went back yesterday?" He glanced at the sky outside the window. It was not even seven in the morning. To be honest, he had even prepared to be released. I was mentally prepared, but I didn't expect that the other party would do this because of a simple promise. I was inexplicably moved, and hurriedly sent a thank you email.

At this moment, in another room in Z city, Ye Qingxuan, who had been all night long, had a tired look on her face. She came back from the library yesterday, and she didn't even think that she had been tidying up for so long. She stretched out, and under the wide white T-shirt, her bumpy figure was vividly displayed at this moment, arousing people's infinite reverie...

"Ding dong."

At this moment, with a soft sound, Luo Ji's thank you email came over, Ye Qingxuan opened it casually, and after taking a look, a smile appeared on her tired face, "You still pay for it. A bit of conscience, but what does he want this kind of business system construction framework for? Forget it, I don't want to, I'm so tired..."

She used to have regular work and rest habits. After a night of sleeplessness, her whole mind was a little dazed at this moment, but she still decided to go downstairs to have breakfast first, and then come back to catch up on sleep.

However, just 10 minutes after she went out, the door downstairs of her house opened, and Luo Ji, who was dressed in casual attire, came out lazily...

As soon as I got downstairs, I found a lot of people around. The entrance of the corridor was not spacious at first, but now it is so blocked that people can’t get out. Fortunately, he is nearly 1.8 meters tall and can hold it. He stretched his neck , Suddenly saw a police car and an ambulance parked outside the corridor.

Luo Ji's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he casually found a neighbor who was relatively familiar and asked, "Master Zhang, what happened?"

"Oh, Xiao Luo..." Uncle Zhang turned around and saw Luo Ji standing behind him, he said with a sigh, "It was the girl who lived upstairs in your house who was in a car accident."

"My house is upstairs?" Luo Ji's eyes flashed with confusion, "Uncle Zhang, are you mistaken? There is no one upstairs in my house. It has been empty for so many years."

"What, it's your Uncle Ye's family. When you were very young, their family moved abroad, but some time ago, their daughter returned to China and said that she was going to take a doctoral degree. By the way, I'd still be with you. University, Z! Your relationship was good when you were two hours."

"Uh, there's more..." Luo Ji scratched his head embarrassedly. He really didn't think of it, but in the past two months, it seemed that someone was moving, but he was working and going to school every day. , getting up early and getting late at night, tired to death, obviously didn't have the leisure to care about that.

Looking at Luo Ji's appearance, Uncle Zhang knew that he definitely didn't remember it, but he didn't mean to blame, everyone in this building knew that Luo Ji had not had a hard time these years, so he reminded him again, " Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan, do you remember?"

"Ye, Qingxuan?!" Luo Ji, who heard the name, was stunned on the spot, "Z University? Doctoral student? Ye Qingxuan?!"

Before he had time to think about it, his body had already moved, he desperately pushed the crowd away, and quickly ran to the scene of the car accident in front of him. Luo Ji was shocked by the blood on the ground. Inside the cordon set up by the police, a middle-aged man The man was sweating profusely and explained desperately to the police officer who was questioning in front of him, "Comrade police, this, this is really none of my business! It was that girl who didn't look at the road in a daze, and I was driving well, She broke out all of a sudden..."

"According to the road surveillance video just transferred, your car is speeding. The maximum speed on this road cannot exceed [-] yards, but your car has driven more than [-] yards before."

"No, no, I have a reason, comrade police..."

"Okay, okay, what's the matter, go to the bureau and say, take it away!"

His mind was in a mess. The man before said that Ye Qingxuan was in a daze when he had a car accident. Was it because he had stayed up all night because he promised to help him sort out the information of the business system?

At this moment, Luo Ji's mood was undoubtedly heavy. This series of situations caught him off guard for a while, and he couldn't stay out of it. After quickly figuring out which hospital Ye Qingxuan was sent to, he immediately rushed over.

"Excuse me, how is the girl who was brought in because of a car accident now? Her name is Ye Qingxuan." After arriving at the hospital, Luo Ji stood at the front desk and asked with a worried expression.

"Excuse me?"

"I am her friend."

"It turned out to be her boyfriend." The nurse at the front desk, who heard this, immediately understood, and then slowly said, "She is now in the emergency room for rescue..."

Hearing this, Luo Ji's heart sank. The bloodstains he had seen at the scene of the car accident kept flashing in his mind, and the guilt in his heart was almost overwhelming him.

Chapter 125, Last resort

"Where are the family members of the patient?!" A doctor in a white coat hurried out of the emergency room.

Luo Ji, who was sitting on the bench in the corridor at this time, was stunned. He had not seen Ye Qingxuan's parents until now, and he might not have returned to China at all. In desperation, Luo Ji could only bite the bullet and speak. "I'm her friend, and her family isn't here now."

After hearing this, the doctor gave him a few glances, and then said quickly, "The patient's condition is very bad, the head was hit hard, causing congestion in the brain, and it must be removed by surgery, but the position is very dangerous. , the operation is very risky, and if we can, we need your signature here."

The doctor's meaning is obvious, if no one signs, they will not dare to perform surgery, but once signed, if the operation fails, Ye Qingxuan's life will be directly on him!Her heart twitched violently, "Doctor, tell me, is she still alive?"

"All I can say is do your best."

This sentence has already explained a lot of problems, Luo Ji gritted his teeth, and now, there is only one way he can think of, I saw him quickly open his system interface, and then click on the 'social' interface, " invite friends!"

System prompt: Each player has only one invitation quota, which cannot be restored after consumption. Are you sure you want to use it?


System prompt: Please enter the name of the other party...

"Ye Qingxuan."

System prompt: A large number of duplicate names have been found, please perform a detailed screening.

"Within a radius of 50 meters from me!!" The doctor's voice urging him to sign kept ringing in his ears, almost mixing with the system voice in his head, making Luo Ji's mood extremely irritable at this moment, almost yelling speak up.

System prompt: The target 'Ye Qingxuan' has been confirmed

The system prompts: The target is detected to be in a 'dying' state. Do you want to continue the invitation?

"Invite! Quickly invite me!!"

The system prompts: The invitation has been sent and is waiting for the other party to reply...

At this moment, the only way Luo Ji could think of to save the opponent's life was to let the character 'Ye Qingxuan', who was seriously injured and dying, go offline directly from the real world while he still had his last breath!In this way, as an offline character, the state of the real world will be frozen, and she will live in another world.

He didn't have time to think about what would happen next, even if he was out of the real world, it was better to be alive than dead!That was probably the only thought in his mind at the time.

At the same time, along with the invitation, in the emergency room at the end of the corridor, Ye Qingxuan, who was seriously injured and comatose, was completely unconscious. There seemed to be a sound in the vagueness. She didn't know what the voice was saying, she was just unconscious. She responded, and from this moment on, the trajectory of her life was completely changed...

The system prompts: The other party has accepted your invitation.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for getting an invitation package.

The system prompts that sounded in his mind made Luo Ji greatly relieved. The invitation package he received was a pleasant surprise. He originally thought that after inviting players, there were only growth packages for each stage.

However, since the system has been installed, it means that Ye Qingxuan has been pulled into another world, the characters in the real world have been offline, their lives are frozen, and their lives are naturally preserved.

Without time to think about it, Luo Ji also logged into the game, and above the emergency room and the corridor outside, two figures of the original underground line disappeared out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes.

After Luo Ji's figure disappeared, the chief surgeon, who was still standing beside him, was stunned for a moment, and then showed a dazed expression, "Huh? What am I standing here for? Oh, I remember. Now, there seem to be two surgeries in the afternoon, so we have to prepare early..."

Luo Ji, who had returned to another world, hurriedly opened his friend list and initiated a friend request to Ye Qingxuan. The friend request was approved quickly, but Luo Ji knew that Ye Qingxuan, who didn't have civilization points in his hand, couldn't send him a message. In order not to cause confusion due to her sudden appearance in an unfamiliar world, Luo Ji hurriedly sent the message she had entered in advance.

The content of the message was similar to what Gao Su sent him at the beginning. Of course, the difference was that Luo Ji also explained to her a little about her car accident in the real world, and repeatedly emphasized that she could not go offline!

In the real world, Ye Qingxuan's state of being seriously injured and dying will not change. Once she is offline, she may die on the spot in the next second. Therefore, if Ye Qingxuan wants to survive, then the dying character must always be offline!

After telling a lot of things to pay attention to, Luo Ji exhaled heavily. He didn't know what Ye Qingxuan's state was at the moment, and he didn't know if she could hold on. He felt a little heavy, completely Did not expect things to develop to this point.

But it's not the way to be so heavy. Luo Ji patted his face hard to cheer himself up, and then opened the system's backpack. There was an extra gift bag in the back space, which should be the one he invited the player to send. Invitation package.

Click on the item introduction and take a look, "After using it, you will get 30 civilization points and a golden treasure box?! So good?!"

Luo Ji was pleasantly surprised by the contents of this invitation package, but after thinking about it, each player has only one chance to invite. After thinking about it this way, this system doesn't seem to be particularly generous...

There is nothing to hesitate, open it decisively. Compared with that golden treasure chest, 30 civilization points can only be regarded as an extra. Even if you open a silver-level item casually, it will not exceed this amount.

As soon as this thought flashed across, Luo Ji quickly shook his head, "It's bad luck! What's the point of making a silver-level item? Bah! I'm so European, I can definitely make a gold-level item!"

With such a thought in mind, Luo Ji decisively washed his face with the water in the clay pot. Those two hands rubbed his face hard, and after rubbing his entire face red, he had a big red face. Resolutely stretched out his hand, "Come on, gold-level props!"

No matter how many times you looked at the crazy overflowing light in the treasure box, it was a thorn that people couldn't open their eyes, but they couldn't help but look desperately.

When the props that appeared in the light and shadow appeared in front of him little by little, with the sound of the system prompting in his ears, Luo Ji's pupils shrank, and even his breath was suffocated, "This, this..."

Chapter 126, World Fragment

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for obtaining the mysterious item 'World Fragment'

The shock at that moment was too strong, causing Luo Ji to feel dizzy for a while, and then, after a little bit of reaction, his entire facial expression changed drastically!

"Hahaha, hahahahahaha!!!!" Crazy, at this moment, his whole person is crazy, and the excitement that erupted like a volcanic eruption made him completely fall into a state of madness, "Pumping It's here, I've drawn it! World Fragments! Special buildings, special units! Special civilization! I've drawn it, hahahahaha!!!"

Dancing and dancing, incoherent!At this moment, even Luo Ji himself doesn't know what he is doing. It's a good thing that there is no one else in the tent. Otherwise, the other members of the Mingjing tribe wouldn't have thought that their leader was evil?

In the end, the whole person just collapsed to the ground without any strength, gasping for breath there, so what, is it really better to save a life than to build a seven-level pagoda?Good news so soon? !

After taking a deep breath, Luo Ji propped up with one hand and sat up cross-legged. With incomparable nervousness, he took several deep breaths and quickly poked into his system backpack.

there!In the golden treasure chest, the props that are recognized as the best are now lying quietly in the grid of his backpack! ! !

The raised hand was still trembling because of the excitement. Taking a deep breath, Luo Ji took the 'world fragment' out of his backpack and took it carefully. in hand...

No, the word 'take' might not be accurate, because the 'world fragment' was completely floating in the middle of his palm.

Luo Ji tried to stare at this seemingly unremarkable piece of 'world fragment', but every time he tried, it made him feel extremely weird, as if something distorted his vision, no matter how he tried, In the end, what caught his eyes was nothing but an endless void...

"Would you like to use it?" Use it now, or wait for a while?Luo Ji was a little unsure about what to do, and with a slightly trembling finger, he tapped the 'world fragment' and called up the introduction interface.

Shard of the World: This is a magical little shard...


Well, this is really an irresponsible introduction. If Luo Ji didn't already know the general function of this 'world fragment', as a novice, he couldn't get any useful information from this prop introduction.

To ask Gao Su?There is no such plan at all, this is a prop that anyone who sees it will be jealous!Luo Ji still understands the truth of the innocence of the common man and the guilt of the lover, which is the main reason for his hesitation.

As a newcomer, he is still too weak. At this time, using world fragments to develop his civilization in the direction of a special civilization will attract the encirclement and suppression of other players?Even directly targeted by some big guys?This situation is as bad as it gets.

Thinking of this, and looking at the confirmation window in front of him whether to use the item or not, Luo Ji was inevitably caught in a tangle. You must know that he used to play games like a typical 'Free Heart' player, but the game in front of him was not that simple, or should It is said that the position has changed.

When a person clearly realizes that if he takes a wrong step, it is very likely to bring irreversible consequences for his entire civilization, he will no longer be able to follow his heart and live as he wishes. .

"Huh--" He took a deep breath involuntarily. He was adjusting his state, and he was weighing the pros and cons in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly realized that it turned out that after his item exploded and he got the rarest item, instead He pushed himself to the edge of a cliff...

Luo Ji believes that even the rarest gold-level blueprint is not enough for those high-ranking bosses to fight, and who can get into that position, who wouldn't have a few gold-level blueprints in their hands?There may even be a dozen or even dozens of them, but these gold-level items are rarely circulated on the market and auctions. Everyone either keeps them for their own use, or trades them in private, just like Luo Ji’s previous The way the elixir of life was traded to Zhong Mo, these things were done quietly. Who doesn't understand the truth of shooting the first bird?

But 'World Shard' is different, it's an item that can drive the players of this game into a frenzy!It is a hot potato, whether it is held in his hand or used directly, it will bring him incalculable consequences.

He pulled his hair vigorously, and just when he was having a headache, a voice suddenly sounded outside the tent...

"Leader, Liu Chuan of the reconnaissance team asks to see you!"

With the sound of this report, Luo Ji's originally extremely focused attention was distracted for a moment at this moment. He looked out of the tent subconsciously, but with this slight turning movement, the A hand unconsciously clicked down...

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for successfully using 'World Fragment'.

Hearing the system prompt, his entire body froze on the spot, and he didn't know if it was the opposite. Luo Ji didn't shout at this moment, he was unexpectedly quiet, and then he saw his hands clasping his knees, followed by a 'pop', a round fell to the ground...

"Heh, hehe... what the hell did I do..."

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