As a result, the work efficiency of the Yizheng Palace has also been greatly improved. In the past few days, they have been able to leave work early every day, which made Lu Yang and the three of them a little uncomfortable...

Chapter 2340, relatively rough

After the auction of the internal affairs skill book, in Luo Ji's view, it was still a good deal.

Because of the improvement in work efficiency, he has more time in the day. It is no longer like before, when he gets busy, he is busy from dawn to dusk, and has no time to do other things at all.

This virtuous cycle made Luo Ji clearly feel that his condition was getting better and better.

Until the day comes...

System prompt: Fuso player 'Daisuke Kobayashi' is invading your civilization!

It seems that his famous name is really too conspicuous...

The foreign alliance seems to be disbanded. Players from the other camps haven't expressed their opinions yet, but the Fusang camp came over rather straightforwardly after embracing the thighs of the Europa camp.

"Daisuke Kobayashi..."

For this name, Luo Ji basically didn't have any impression. It wasn't an old player with a gold rank, or a newcomer who had just been promoted for a few years just like them.

After realizing this, he obviously relaxed a lot.

But still no effect.

An order to go down, signaling the borders of all parties to enter a state of alert.

During this period, outside the territorial waters to the east of the Myriad Worlds Civilization, the Fusang Fleet that invaded this side of the world appeared far away at the end of the ocean.

Unexpectedly, there was such a small scale, and an aircraft carrier battle group was sent in from the opposite side.

After confirming the position, on the aircraft carrier runway, several reconnaissance planes took off one after another and began to perform reconnaissance missions.

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, in the headquarters of the Yangtze River Fortress...

"Enemy reconnaissance aircraft detected."

"Begin to confirm the position of the enemy fleet."

"The location of the enemy fleet has been confirmed. It appears in the waters of DW-9. It is an aircraft carrier battle group!"

In the command room, listening to the quick report of the soldiers under his command, Tong Lei, who is the supreme commander of the Yangtze River Fortress and now holds the rank of lieutenant general, asked in a deep voice...

"Has the other party found us?"

"Report to the general, the other side probably hasn't found us yet!"

Tong Lei, who kept confirming the information, had thoughts in his mind.

He has been stationed in the Yangtze River and the East China Sea for many years, so it can be said that he knows the Yangtze River and the East China Sea well.

In order to facilitate the distinction, they divided each sea area and marked it differently.

Go out from their East China Sea border and sail about [-] nautical miles northeast, which is the DW area.

At this stage, this distance is outside the strike range of their missiles. If the missiles are launched directly from the Yangtze River Fortress, they will not be able to hit that position.

But Tong Lei didn't plan to wait for the other side to approach.

After all, the closer the enemy gets to their territorial waters, the greater the threat they can pose to their territorial waters and coasts.

With this in mind, Tong Lei quickly ordered...

"Pass down the order to let the air force block the airspace on the border of the East China Sea, and at the same time send the troops of the Sharkmen and Squidmen to meet them. Before the fleet approaches our border of the East China Sea, finish them off!"


With an order, the East China Sea Garrison has already launched operations.

The murlocs headed by the shark-men and squid-men have had a rough time these past few years.

Because of the autonomy that Luo Ji had promised them, the group of murlocs headed by the two clans set out to develop themselves regardless of the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms after they surrendered in the early years.

In other words, he intends to be the Emperor of the Land in his own one-third of an acre of land, and not interfere with the civilizations of all worlds.

But it is a pity that the plan of the patriarchs of the two clans at that time did not go smoothly.

The convenience and developmental assistance that the civilization of Myriad Realms can bring to them far exceeds their imagination.

When the ethnic group first started to develop and establish the ethnic group, they basically had nothing. In order to obtain more convenience and resources, they had to make money to buy resources.

And if you want to make money to buy resources, you can't get around the civilization of the world.

In this regard, the old patriarch of the shark people, Flanders, also changed his strategy appropriately.

He started to let his clansmen fish, and from time to time, he also took on some tasks of escorting caravans at sea to make money, but he just didn't plan to let his clansmen join the army.

That meaning can be said to be self-evident.

Faced with this situation at the time, Luo Ji didn't bother to care about him.

Because this approach of Flanders, in his opinion, does not make much sense.

No, after two or thirty years passed, the murlocs in the East China Sea hadn't developed anything. Luo Ji was still sitting on his throne, thinking about what to eat for lunch, and Fulande was already dying of old age.

After Fulland's death, Luo Ji directly asked Rear Admiral Gert, who is now in charge of offshore defense and also of the shark people clan, to help his younger brother, Fulland's youngest son Boer, to take the position.

Compared to Flanders, who was repelling and wary of the civilizations of the Ten Thousand Realms, his youngest son, Boer, undoubtedly belonged to the affinity faction, and his loyalty to him also had 85 points. As a loyal minister, he would naturally be favored by Luo Ji .

The next thing is simple. The identity of the son of the Patriarch Boerna, combined with the military power in Gert's hands, allowed him to take the position smoothly.

Afterwards, after accepting Gert's suggestion, the shark-men clan governed by Bohr, as well as several murloc tribes attached to their shark-men, ushered in a major change.

In the face of this change, many elders in the clan protested at first, but as the change progressed, the voices of protest were quickly overwhelmed by voices of approval.

Previously, Flanders wanted to use the resources of the Myriad Realms civilization to develop his own ethnic group, but he also wanted to keep a distance from the Myriad Realms civilization and not make any effort at critical moments.

The commercial economy of Luo Ji's civilization of ten thousand realms is all controlled by his wife Ye Qingxuan.

You don't even need to do anything special, just a few random operations can keep the shark people's life basically at the stage of barely getting enough food and clothing, and they can't escape their palms at all.

Under this premise, even if the ethnic group can develop, it is conceivable how slow the development efficiency is.

To put it simply, in the year after Bohr came to power and set off a major change, the development efficiency was faster than the five years when Flanders was in power!

With this efficiency in front of them, what other murlocs have any opinions?

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

After getting used to the life that the Myriad Realms civilization can bring them, how many of them can survive if they let the murlocs go back to their original lives?

Taking this as a premise, when the murlocs in the East China Sea are constantly merging with the civilization of the Myriad Realms, they must be managed by the civilization of the Myriad Realms.

Therefore, that right of self-government can be regarded as existent in name only.

Later, Gert saw the opportunity and simply asked Boer to return the autonomy that existed in name only. It was useless anyway. Why not use this opportunity to exchange for a wave of greater development resources while showing loyalty.

The same goes for the squid people.

Since then, Luo Ji has completely taken back the autonomy he had given to the shark people and squid people in the early years, allowing his own territory of the civilization of the ten thousand worlds to completely unify again!

Chapter 2341, First confrontation

After the auction of the internal affairs skill book, in Luo Ji's view, it was still a good deal.

Because of the improvement in work efficiency, he has more time in the day. It is no longer like before, when he gets busy, he is busy from dawn to dusk, and has no time to do other things at all.

This virtuous cycle made Luo Ji clearly feel that his condition was getting better and better.

Until the day comes...

System prompt: Fuso player 'Daisuke Kobayashi' is invading your civilization!

It seems that his famous name is really too conspicuous...

The foreign alliance seems to be disbanded. Players from the other camps haven't expressed their opinions yet, but the Fusang camp came over rather straightforwardly after embracing the thighs of the Europa camp.

"Daisuke Kobayashi..."

For this name, Luo Ji basically didn't have any impression. It wasn't an old player with a gold rank, or a newcomer who had just been promoted for a few years just like them.

After realizing this, he obviously relaxed a lot.

But still no effect.

An order to go down, signaling the borders of all parties to enter a state of alert.

During this period, outside the territorial waters to the east of the Myriad Worlds Civilization, the Fusang Fleet that invaded this side of the world appeared far away at the end of the ocean.

Unexpectedly, there was such a small scale, and an aircraft carrier battle group was sent in from the opposite side.

After confirming the position, on the aircraft carrier runway, several reconnaissance planes took off one after another and began to perform reconnaissance missions.

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, in the headquarters of the Yangtze River Fortress...

"Enemy reconnaissance aircraft detected."

"Begin to confirm the position of the enemy fleet."

"The location of the enemy fleet has been confirmed. It appears in the waters of DW-9. It is an aircraft carrier battle group!"

In the command room, listening to the quick report of the soldiers under his command, Tong Lei, who is the supreme commander of the Yangtze River Fortress and now holds the rank of lieutenant general, asked in a deep voice...

"Has the other party found us?"

"Report to the general, the other side probably hasn't found us yet!"

Tong Lei, who kept confirming the information, had thoughts in his mind.

He has been stationed in the Yangtze River and the East China Sea for many years, so it can be said that he knows the Yangtze River and the East China Sea well.

In order to facilitate the distinction, they divided each sea area and marked it differently.

Go out from their East China Sea border and sail about [-] nautical miles northeast, which is the DW area.

At this stage, this distance is outside the strike range of their missiles. If the missiles are launched directly from the Yangtze River Fortress, they will not be able to hit that position.

But Tong Lei didn't plan to wait for the other side to approach.

After all, the closer the enemy gets to their territorial waters, the greater the threat they can pose to their territorial waters and coasts.

With this in mind, Tong Lei quickly ordered...

"Pass down the order to let the air force block the airspace on the border of the East China Sea, and at the same time send the troops of the Sharkmen and Squidmen to meet them. Before the fleet approaches our border of the East China Sea, finish them off!"


With an order, the East China Sea Garrison has already launched operations.

The murlocs headed by the shark-men and squid-men have had a rough time these past few years.

Because of the autonomy that Luo Ji had promised them, the group of murlocs headed by the two clans set out to develop themselves regardless of the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms after they surrendered in the early years.

In other words, he intends to be the Emperor of the Land in his own one-third of an acre of land, and not interfere with the civilizations of all worlds.

But it is a pity that the plan of the patriarchs of the two clans at that time did not go smoothly.

The convenience and developmental assistance that the civilization of Myriad Realms can bring to them far exceeds their imagination.

When the ethnic group first started to develop and establish the ethnic group, they basically had nothing. In order to obtain more convenience and resources, they had to make money to buy resources.

And if you want to make money to buy resources, you can't get around the civilization of the world.

In this regard, the old patriarch of the shark people, Flanders, also changed his strategy appropriately.

He started to let his clansmen fish, and from time to time, he also took on some tasks of escorting caravans at sea to make money, but he just didn't plan to let his clansmen join the army.

That meaning can be said to be self-evident.

Faced with this situation at the time, Luo Ji didn't bother to care about him.

Because this approach of Flanders, in his opinion, does not make much sense.

No, after two or thirty years passed, the murlocs in the East China Sea hadn't developed anything. Luo Ji was still sitting on his throne, thinking about what to eat for lunch, and Fulande was already dying of old age.

After Fulland's death, Luo Ji directly asked Rear Admiral Gert, who is now in charge of offshore defense and also of the shark people clan, to help his younger brother, Fulland's youngest son Boer, to take the position.

Compared to Flanders, who was repelling and wary of the civilizations of the Ten Thousand Realms, his youngest son, Boer, undoubtedly belonged to the affinity faction, and his loyalty to him also had 85 points. As a loyal minister, he would naturally be favored by Luo Ji .

The next thing is simple. The identity of the son of the Patriarch Boerna, combined with the military power in Gert's hands, allowed him to take the position smoothly.

Afterwards, after accepting Gert's suggestion, the shark-men clan governed by Bohr, as well as several murloc tribes attached to their shark-men, ushered in a major change.

In the face of this change, many elders in the clan protested at first, but as the change progressed, the voices of protest were quickly overwhelmed by voices of approval.

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