Luo Ji learned a lot from Tang and Song.

As for the matter of forming a group to attack players from the Fusang camp, he will not get involved for the time being.

After all, he is now being marked with a red name by the system. If he goes to invade the players in the Fusang camp, it will be uncomfortable if his red name will be targeted by other players.

At the same time, he has just finished the all-out war with Rose Barka, and now he really needs to recuperate.

Anyway, let him plant the fields for ten or eight years, let him recover his vitality, shall we?

Everyone saw Luo Ji's popularity, so naturally they didn't force it.

A group of people immediately ran to discuss how to kill the players from the Fusang camp, while Luo Ji closed the news window and obediently dived to farm.

During this period, a group of people were constantly inspecting a pile of ruins in the Yellow Sand Fortress in the west of their Myriad Realms Civilization.

The pile of ruins is quite huge, almost piled there like a hill.

After a detailed inspection, Wu Kewu, the director of the factory who came here from Gaosu Province, who traveled a long distance this time, finally confirmed.

"That's right, it's the wreckage of the Giant God Soldier!"

After saying these words, Wu Ke raised his head and looked at the Colossus Soldier who was almost completely invisible. For a moment, he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

Each of these Giant God Soldiers is their brainchild, and now they have turned into this appearance...

Obviously, the wreckage of this giant soldier was discovered by the Western Expeditionary Army in the ruins of the original northern city.

At first, no one really noticed.

Because the two giant soldiers had already been gnawed beyond recognition by the Ratman in the original battle, and after several years of wind and rain, they were covered with dust and stains, and even grew out of them. Moss and weeds were left behind, and it was completely integrated with the ruins of the city.

It was discovered purely because it fell on a road and blocked traffic.

At that time, the first reaction of the Western Expeditionary Army when encountering such an obstacle was to fire a cannon and blast it through, and then let other troops clean up the wreckage and clear the way.

As a result, after the bombardment, nothing happened to the pile of ruins. At this moment, the soldiers realized that the pile of ruins was not simple, and finally discovered the wreckage of the giant soldier.

In order to transport it from the front line to the rear, it took a lot of effort from the soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army.

It must be impossible to repair it, but the precious materials inside are still of great value.

If the whole thing is moved, it must be difficult to move.

Therefore, Wu Ke borrowed a place from the Western Territory Garrison, and planned to dismantle the wreckage of the Giant God Soldier into seven or eight small pieces, so that it would be convenient for them to transport them back to Gaosu Province.

But before that...

Taking a deep breath, Wu Ke, who found the right position, performed alchemy, and a small door suddenly opened above the main body of the Colossus.

At that moment, there was a stench inside, directly rushing towards him.

Wu Ke felt a little heavy, and took the mask handed over by the assistant on the side. After putting it on, he lowered his body and got into the inside of the giant soldier.

Afterwards, he found the driver's seat of the giant soldier with familiarity.

And at this moment, the one lying on the driver's seat is the driver of the Colossus who has been dead for many years.

The driver of the giant god soldier should have died suddenly on the battlefield.

It's just that the space inside the Colossus is special, and the Ratmen didn't completely bite through the main body of the Colossus and invaded it, so the driver's body was unexpectedly preserved.

Carefully removed the corpse from the driver's seat and handed it over to several assistants who had been waiting outside.

To them, the driver of the Giant God Soldier was a martyr who died for the country, and naturally he had to be buried with honor after his death.

After the corpses of the pilots in the two giant soldiers were settled, Wu Ke led the staff of the alchemy factory under his command to clean up the wreckage of the two giant soldiers before starting Start the disassembly work.

During this period, Luo Ji, who was in the capital, obviously had other things to do after getting the full cooperation from the Yellow Sand Fortress through remote communication.

Now that he is on his own territory, if he wants to earn points, except for some daily output, he can basically only rely on the New World.

On the New World side, due to being 'patronized' by Europa players before, at this stage, there is also a feeling of returning to the pre-liberation.

Zhou Yi and Dominic Adolf, who were in charge over there, had been too busy these past few years.

In this regard, Luo Ji simply told them not to worry about that, gather troops, go to the New World to open up wasteland and clean up the natives, this is the most important thing for him.

As for the issue of development and construction, he will send people to help in the future.

This promise from Luo Ji can be said to have greatly relieved the two of them.

Over the years, their biggest feeling is that the New World is really suffering, and now their Myriad Worlds civilization is still completely focused on the development of the main continent.

The state of the New World can be understood as "slowly tossing first and then talking".

This is also one of Luo Ji's consistent methods of playing games in the past.

His main site is developed first, and other places are sent to occupy the site first.

And this piece of land will often ask for nothing for a long time in the future, or even don't care at all.

Originally, it was nothing in the game, but once it was put here, it would be a pain for Zhou Yi and Dominique Adolf.

After ordering all the important matters, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath, and turned his attention to a report that had just been delivered.

This is the casualty report from the front line.

After he made a series of targeted arrangements and injected the frontline soldiers with plague antibody vaccines to eliminate the plague, the number of casualties in this battle was actually acceptable to Luo Ji, not too big.

Among them, the troops of the badger tribe suffered heavy losses. After a wave of fighting, basically only one-third of the troops were left, and many of them were about to be disabled and retired.

In response to this problem, Luo Ji promulgated a new clause for situations such as 'soldiers injured and disabled'.

That is, disabled soldiers can choose to install mechanical prosthetic limbs for themselves from several options in the compensation clause!

This mechanical prosthesis undoubtedly came from the black technology of the alchemy civilization.

General Rodlin's right arm is a mechanical prosthesis, and to a certain extent, it is easier to use than a real hand.

Once this clause was promulgated, it immediately received the unanimous approval of the military.

For the vast majority of soldiers who were injured and disabled in the war, they definitely want a mechanical arm or mechanical leg that can restore their normal mobility compared to pensions.

Chapter 2339, Unprecedented

After receiving the news, Li Ke took a plane and flew to the capital himself to get back the design of the werewolf totem altar.

Next, the construction of the altar, the collection and preparation of sacrificial materials, can be directly handed over to Li Ke and the others, and Luo Ji basically does not need to worry about it.

Stretching vigorously, although the people from all sides of the Myriad Worlds Civilization were still busy, but for Luo Ji, his busy post-war work had come to an end for the time being.

After all, he has already ordered all the things that need to be ordered.

Under this premise, he is going to give himself half a day off, take a break and breathe a sigh of relief.

As he let out a sigh of relief, Luo Ji remembered one thing.

Is his fairy fruit about to expire?

Calculating the time, the elf fruit matured during the time when he was farming with peace of mind after the Silver War. It has a shelf life of 100 years. Calculating the time now, it should be about ten to twenty years before it expires.

While thinking about it, Luo Ji had already taken the elf fruit out of his system warehouse.

Open the box and take a look. From the outside, it is still very fresh, and you can clearly smell a fruity fragrance.

Luo Ji wasn't the type to think about things until the last second, he preferred to make plans early.

Ten or twenty years, for a player like him, is actually very short, and basically passed in a blink of an eye.

And although this elf fruit is also a life-saving elixir, in Luo Ji's view, its more important role is undoubtedly to improve the panel's attributes. In addition, the ancient elf tree bears fruit once every 800 years, although the cycle is long A little bit, but it can be regarded as a renewable resource, so there is no need to wait until the last second before the expiration date to eat.

With such thoughts in mind, Luo Ji naturally had to think about who should eat this fairy fruit.

According to William Zhang, the improvement of the attributes of this board is random, so it is best to choose a strong unit.

"Jie Zichuan?"

Jie Zichuan can be said to be his current strategic unit of the Myriad Realms civilization, with five-star spirit and four-star intelligence, double-star stamina, and two-star bravery.

If Jie Zichuan is allowed to eat this elven fruit, and his four-star intelligence is raised to five-star, then Jie Zichuan, who has double five-star spiritual intelligence, will definitely improve his combat effectiveness by a large margin.

However, this is a random addition, in case the upgrade is on attributes other than intelligence, such as upgrading two-star bravery to three-star, or upgrading three-star stamina to four-star, or upgrading three-star leadership to four-star, To the current Jie Zichuan, this actually doesn't make much sense.

In other words, if this elven fruit can't improve Jie Zichuan's five-star intelligence, then it is useless.

Thinking about it this way, it's really cheating.

It is best to use it on the kind of person who can be useful no matter what attribute is added at present.

Candidates were selected one by one, and Luo Ji finally locked on himself...

His five-star leadership level definitely has nothing to improve. If this elven fruit is added to his intelligence and spirit, it can improve his efficiency and effectiveness in handling government affairs, and if it is added to his bravery and endurance , In important battles, he will basically go to the battlefield in person, so he can also come in handy.

Thinking about it carefully, compared to other generals and officers with a clear division of labor, Luo Ji himself has been developing in an all-round way.

There's nothing to worry about, if you eat it yourself, at least you won't lose money.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji picked up the elf fruit, and after a few minutes of contemplation, he bit it down.

At that moment, the fruity scent that wafted from his mouth lifted Luo Ji's spirits.

Just like what Zhang Weilian said at the beginning, this is like a very sweet peach. When you bite it down, the fruity juice instantly fills the entire mouth. The skin is thin and juicy, and the flesh is soft and tender. The taste is similar to peaches, but it is so delicious that it feels unbelievable.

The fist-sized fairy fruit was swallowed by Luo Ji, and he ate it completely. It was only after he finished eating that he realized that the fairy fruit didn't even have a core.

After eating, I don't know if it was his illusion, but Luo Ji only felt a burst of relief and refreshment all over his body!

Before he had time to think about it, Luo Ji quickly opened his attribute panel with a swipe of his fingertip, intending to confirm the changes in his physical attributes.

Name: Luo Ji

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Status: Immortal

Race: Terran

Bravery: ★★★

Intelligence: ★★★★★

Spirit: ★★★★

Stamina: ★★★★

Command: ★★★★★

Talent: Ruler: As an excellent ruler, your civilization is impenetrable, all subjects have a default loyalty of +10, the speed of civilization development increases by 50.00%, and the combat power of the army you lead increases by 50.00%!

King of Conquerors: If everything doesn't go my way, then conquer everything!Then, My word will become the Supreme Will!



The moment Luo Ji opened his attribute panel, Luo Ji locked on the change in his attribute at a glance.

Then, the whole person was so excited that he swung his fist vigorously!

It worked!

The attribute improvement effect of the elf fruit directly added to his original four-star intelligence, making his intelligence attribute directly reach the five-star level.

At this moment, he became the first person in the history of their Myriad Realms civilization to have double five-star panels!

The most intuitive manifestation of the improvement of intelligence is that it is directly fed back to the effect bonus of a series of internal affairs skills.

Moreover, since he has five-star intelligence, he can now take a skill book of the 'intelligence' department for himself.

After all, the number of skills that can be mastered in a department is linked to the attribute star rating of that department. For example, Luo Ji has a five-star leadership, so he has five 'leadership'-type skills.

Regarding the fifth skill of my 'intelligence' department, I can either shoot strategy or internal affairs.

Luo Ji weighed things up and down, and he still used a lot of internal affairs, so he found a gold-level internal affairs skill book for himself and put it up for auction.

In the next few days, it is natural to test it out.

Facts have proved that Luo Ji's efficiency in handling government affairs has become significantly higher.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that he can finish processing a document in a shorter time.

To give a simple example, suppose the original Luo Ji opened a document and faced the above-mentioned problems, he might have to think for 10 minutes to think about how to deal with them and how to deal with them.

And now.It may only take him fifteen or six minutes to approve that document.

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