However, no matter how uncomfortable the ears are, everything is worth it to him.

After all, after the burst of fireworks dissipated, the corpse spider's flesh and blood had already turned into countless rotten and broken flesh paste, covering the ground.

These circumstances are enough to prove a piece of good news to Yechen.

The disgusting and ugly monster ushered in the end with no bones left.

The bloodsmith hunter is the last winner in this dark relic corridor.

After winning, Yechen quickly scanned the sides of the corridor, and after making sure that there were no other enemies, he breathed a sigh of relief.


Although this fight to the death started unexpectedly and ended with a clean and efficient end, Yechen, the person involved, understood that the battle he had just survived was extremely dangerous.

Facing the threat of the unusually sticky and tenacious spider web, if Yechen makes a slight mistake in his decision and action, he will lose his body's mobility on the spot, and what awaits Yechen will only be reduced to a corpse spider In the end, he sank into pain and despair, and could only take tragic death as the end of his life.

I don't know how Oke and Wei Meng are doing...

Ye Chen thought so.

He thought that the attacks he encountered were so difficult, and the situation of his companions would not be much better, so he immediately activated the power of the mysterious spirit in his body, and began to look for a way to get rid of the strange spider web on his body.

However, after the corpse spider died suddenly, Yechen's arm just exerted force casually, and then he tore off the spider web effortlessly.

It seemed that the previous stickiness and tenacity also dissipated along with the life of the corpse spider.

How is this going?

Yechen, who had regained his freedom, was puzzled, and took back the hunter cape and crescent moon arc knife that he had discarded earlier.

However, just when he felt a little confused because of this strange phenomenon, Yechen's thinking consciousness suddenly felt an inexplicable attraction, as if a magnet was calling a magnet. His expression suddenly changed.

He turned his head to look at the source of the attraction in surprise, and then discovered that the place where he felt an inexplicable appeal was the floor where the corpse spider's body burst.

Chapter 0197 The Silk Gloves

At this moment, wherever Yechen looked, it was already covered with rotten meat that originally belonged to a part of the body of this disgusting monster, the Corpse Spider.

However, among the piles of meat paste, Yechen could vaguely see something emitting a light, a light that made him feel very familiar.

Is this... the luster of the power of the arcane?

Ye Chen secretly sighed in surprise, turned his head and reconfirmed that there were no enemies around, then quickly walked towards the lump of minced meat that evenly covered the floor, maintaining his usual cautious attitude, leaning over to check the hidden light source.

Through visual inspection, Yechen was able to preliminarily deduce that the thing buried in the carrion was a flat object.

Then, without hesitation, he raised the meniscus arc knife, and within a few circumcisions, he tore the meat paste apart with appropriate force, allowing the object exuding a faint mysterious energy to be completely presented in his body. in front of you.

It was a fiber glove, and the young man couldn't find a matching pair with it nearby, and there was only this single one that appeared in the young man's field of vision.

The overall color of this glove is black and shiny, and the front and back are engraved with the same white pattern, making it impossible to tell whether it is designed for the left hand or the right hand.

But Yechen's face was full of shock at this moment.

Because, the moment his eyes looked directly at the glove, the glove whose outline was lit by countless mysterious powers suddenly floated up from the gap between the muddy meat and the floor, and slowly flew towards Yechen. , and finally hovered over his chest.

In the next second, ten bright filaments of light were condensed from the surface of the glove made of unknown fibers, and then floated slowly towards Yechen's chest at a slow speed.

Seeing this situation, Yechen suddenly realized that the phenomenon in front of him was not exactly the same as when he signed the contract with the golden-patterned black tent in the past?

This glove hidden in the corpse spider's actually a relic of the labyrinth! ?

Realizing this fact, Yechen's brows suddenly brightened.

No wonder the corpse spider he encountered earlier, its body composed of many dead creatures, was not that strong, but the spider web shot out from its spinneret was extremely thorny and threatening. It's because this monster... has such a treasure hidden in its body!

Vaguely, Yechen even developed an intuition that the reason why the corpse spider has the shape of a spider was determined precisely because of the existence of this labyrinth relic.

And the instigator of everything is the source of that strange ringing sound...

I really don't know what to say.

Ye Chen felt mixed emotions. He almost died because of the terrifying silk web of the corpse spider, and he was able to search for such a treasure from the corpse spider's minced meat.

However, even though he was pleasantly surprised in his heart, Yechen didn't choose to accept all the light threads that floated towards him, trying to establish a spiritual connection with him.

After all, whether it was his former teacher Lyle or the former Hunter Academy, they all warned Yechen of such a principle.

[If you encounter a labyrinth relic in the Olympian Labyrinth, don't sign a contract blindly, because if the class of the maze relic is higher than the contractor's nightmare level, then the contractor's spirit is likely to be crushed by the labyrinth relic in turn. The relationship between master and servant was reversed, and he became a puppet of the relics of the labyrinth. 】

Therefore, facing the ten beams of light connected to his body, Yechen first gathered all his power of the mysterious spirit in his body, and then slowly let it leak out of his body, and slowly and orderly tested it with the beams of light from the mysterious glove. and fusion.

After such an operation, Ye Chen immediately sensed that the energy intensity of this glove was just able to match his own mental power equally, which meant that it was a labyrinth relic with a second-level quality.

In this way, there should be no problem, and I can safely sign a contract with it.

Ye Chen thought up to this point, but he was not in a hurry to accept the treasure in front of him. Instead, he took out a bottle of anti-decomposition potion from the hunter's black ring, and poured it mercilessly into the glove.

After all, this is a treasure dug out from the corpse of a living creature. Even if Yechen can endure its rancid smell, he must first get rid of the residual corpse poison on its surface.

Therefore, under the baptism of the powerful liquid, the smell and toxins remaining on the surface of the strange glove, like snowflakes encountered by magma, were completely dispelled and purified in an instant, making the strange glove change its appearance immediately and restore it The glamorous posture that should have been.

Seeing this, Yechen finally loosened the gate of the mysterious power in his body, allowing it to flow out of the body naturally, blending with the extending filaments of light.


Then, a burst of dazzling light emanated from the dark and narrow corridor of the ruins.

Immediately afterwards, the name of a brand new relic appeared in Yechen's mind.

"'Different Silk Gloves'."

Ye Chen subconsciously recited the name of this new partner.

At the same time, after confirming the identity of the new owner, the Yisi glove also took the initiative to float to Yechen's exposed right hand that had been cut and thrown away the leather glove, and then automatically put it on between its five fingers, just like the original The black cloak with golden patterns fit perfectly with Yechen's skin.

Next, Yechen noticed that after wrapping his palm, the white lines on the different silk gloves suddenly turned red, and a red circle emerged from the fibers attached to the palm of Yechen. ring.

The young man curiously explored the changes in the new equipment, subconsciously raised his palm, aimed at the ancient tile wall in front, and quickly activated the power of the arcane to test the effect of the relic of the different silk gloves.

In the next second, Yechen felt that his mental power and blood were suddenly pulled out. Correspondingly, a thin blood line shot out from the center of the red ring on the palm of Yechen's glove.

But as soon as it touched the wall, the blood line fell to the ground with full elasticity. It was not as Ye Chen imagined that it could stick to the wall like the silk of the corpse spider before.


Ye Chen retracted the blood line, and conducted a brief new experiment on the silk glove.

Soon, he discovered that although the blood line shot out from the ring in the center of his palm could not cling to the target like the corpse spider's web, its tenacity was equally strong.

Moreover, the different silk gloves can also follow Yechen's thoughts to float freely in the air, and at the same time, they can change their thickness according to the release of Yechen's mysterious power. They can be as thick as vines and as sharp as steel wires , seems to be able to change its performance according to the characteristics of the contractor's arcane art.

Although every time a blood line is released, it will cause a lot of burden on Yechen's blood and spirit, which means that he can't use this move frequently, but overall, this maze relic from the sky is very important for Yechen. It is still a rare treasure.

Phew... With it, the next situation must be much easier.

Yechen thought with joy, but immediately regained his composure.

After all, the lives and deaths of his companions are all uncertain at the moment, so after mastering the new power, it is time for Yechen to focus on the business.

Chapter 0198

It's just that, although Yechen understands what the urgent task is, he doesn't have the slightest clue as to the direction he should move forward.

After all, at this moment, he is in a dark and unfamiliar corridor, so he doesn't know where he is in the ruins, let alone where the three teammates Oke, Wemon, and Dodilla are. , how is the situation...

Yechen took out the communicator from his pocket and tried to send messages to his companions. However, under the interference of the Orion Labyrinth and the closed environment of the dungeon, the communicator lost the signal as expected, and could not give Yechen any help.

In this way, we can only take one step at a time.

This dungeon is huge, wandering around will only be a waste of time, let's explore as far as possible to the source of the bell below.

If they are still alive, there is a high probability that they will make the same choice as me.

After analyzing the situation quickly and calmly, Ye Chen immediately decided on a course of action. He walked quickly to the front of the aisle based on his intuition, while keeping the lights on the black ring and weapons on guard, he explored the depths of the ruins.

Compared with the surface, this underground ruins has a significantly higher concentration of madness.

The further the young man walked into the ruins, the more turbid the darkness he encountered became.

Moreover, even if Yechen deliberately lowered the sound of his footsteps in the process of advancing, the movement he caused would still reverberate in the endless shadows around him in a piercing form for a long time.

It seems that Yechen, as a living person, is like an incompatible heretic here, and every move will be monitored and controlled by this ruins of the dead surrounded by countless corpses.

Therefore, the atmosphere seemed weird, gloomy, depressing, and creepy for a while.

However, with the help of extraordinary courage and a calm state of mind, Ye Chen calmly shouldered the mental burden, walked out of the narrow corridor quickly, and then came to an ancient spiral stone staircase.

What is connected under the stone stairs is a large ruins hall.

Yechen stood by the handrail of the stone ladder, poked his head out and looked down, and then he saw a series of things such as stone tables, stone furnaces, and stone pits.

From the looks of it, this hall seems to have been a banquet hall, but now it has completely decayed, and its appearance has become horrible.

And with sharp eyes, he quickly noticed scattered skeletons scattered on the ground around the banquet hall. Judging from the outline of their skulls, Ye Chen was able to infer the identity of the original owners of these skeletons, who were intellectuals just like him. Terran.

While maintaining vigilance and vigilance, Yechen circled down the spiral stone staircase.

And when he stepped on the floor of the banquet hall, as Ye Chen expected, the skeletons piled up in the corners of the banquet hall were indeed an ambush set by the side of the bell.

There was only a strange crackling sound, and in the blink of an eye, these skeletons were suspended and gathered into more than 50 skeleton soldiers.

Then, these puppets controlled by unknown forces picked up the rusty iron swords or spears on the ground in the next second, and launched a violent siege towards Yechen from all directions.

However, the hunter, who had expected such a situation long ago, only looked calm, quickly pulled out the revolver of the hand cannon, and then pressed the hammer and pulled the trigger, and fired five rounds of "Australian bullets" in one breath.

Bang bang bang bang!

Five scorching red bullets exuding weak mystical power hit the five skeleton soldiers closest to Yechen respectively, piercing through their skeletons in an instant, causing the bodies of these dead bodies to disintegrate.

At the same time, the six skeleton soldiers on both sides of Yechen launched a pincer attack on Yechen, but Yechen remained calm and calmly dealt with it.

I saw his figure flashing rapidly between the sword light and the spear shadow, and then he dexterously avoided the enemy's heavy offensive.

Immediately afterwards, the hunter's arms holding the crescent arc knife swung several times, and his "blood blade" immediately set off a gust of wind among the enemies. In just a split second, it not only cut off the skeleton soldier Their broken weapons were smashed together with their skeletons.

Seeing these situations, Ye Chen instantly understood that although there were a large number of skeleton soldiers around them, their individual quality was not good, and they could be called indiscriminate, so the degree of threat was far less than that of the corpse spider with special functions.

However, now Yechen is still busy looking for companions, so he has no time to spend time with this bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. After thinking for a moment, he came up with a good way to quickly deal with these miscellaneous fish.

Then, Yechen began to walk around the group of skeleton soldiers quickly, and at the same time secretly activated the different silk gloves that had just signed a contract with him and established a relationship.

Skeleton soldiers have no intelligence, just like puppets, they will tirelessly follow Ye Chen around in circles, but they don't know that the bloodshot leaves left by Ye Chen on the floor are gradually enclosing them inside.

When the bloodshot cage was fully formed, Yechen immediately moved his mind and ordered the bloodshot to suddenly float up from the ground, and then the two ends of the first one were tightly fastened into a ring, and the remaining dozens of skeleton soldiers were tied into it at one stroke.


The skeletons of the dead bodies squeezed against each other, causing a sound of friction and shattering immediately, and Ye Chen took this opportunity even more, and pulled the blood thread hard with both hands.

Then, under the joint action of the tyrannical force and the sharp silk thread, the skeletons of the crowded skeleton soldiers were shredded at the waist and scattered on the dusty ancient floor again.

With the exhaustion of the combat power, the unknown power also dissipated from these skeletons, turning them back into the remains of the dead, dotted this deserted banquet hall.

The toughness and sharpness of this blood thread far surpassed the steel wire hidden weapons I used in the past...

Yechen sighed secretly for a while, then turned his head and walked towards the stairs leading to the end of the ruins, and continued to explore the lower level of the ruins.

However, when he reached the deeper part of the ruins, Yechen's soles suddenly felt a weak vibration, and at the same time, Yechen could even hear a faint sound in his ears.


It seemed to be the crackling sound of some kind of explosive being activated.

Realizing this, Yechen's eyes changed instantly, and he immediately passed through the large and small aisles of the ruins, and rushed towards the source of movement from the same floor, constantly shortening the distance between himself and the other party.

However, when Yechen arrived at the corner of the ruins [-] meters away from the explosion, another unique sound came from the side of Yechen at this moment, causing Yechen to freeze immediately.


The young man held up the light on the hunter's black ring, turned his head and swept it away, and found that the one calling him turned out to be a little mouse with gray and white fur.

This is... a mouse summoned by Waymon?

Yechen thought in surprise, and after the mouse caught his attention, he immediately turned around and crawled towards the direction away from the explosion sound at a neither fast nor slow speed.

Yechen understood that the other party meant to lead the way, so he kept his guard and followed along.

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