"Mr. Dodilla was eaten, what should we do? Continue to jump down to save him!"

While holding onto the vine, Wei Meng cast a look of help to the rest of his companions. The situation had changed so suddenly that his brain went blank and his thinking almost stopped.

"That person is very strong, so he shouldn't die so easily. Why don't we take this opportunity to explore down from the faults of these ruins to find the source of the ringing sound?"

Unlike the panicked Wei Meng, Oke looked calm, and even proposed the idea of ​​abandoning their predecessors.

When Wei Meng heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

"Huh? Just rely on us three new hunters? Is this too hasty?"

Ye Chen didn't respond, he just quickly scanned the ruins faults in all directions, then looked down at the dark bottom of the cave, and then gave his opinion.

"I also don't think we should go straight down, because there is a high probability that there will be countless traps and ambushes lurking in the corpse mountain below. Mr. Dodilla will not survive if he goes down, and we will probably suffer together if we go down. Today's The primary goal is to solve the source of the ringing sound, the monster that attacked us just now was probably guided by it."

Seeing that Yechen had said so, Wei Meng could only choose to compromise in the end.

"Okay... Then we have to get together first... After all, it's too dangerous to disperse and explore in this weird dungeon..."

After finishing speaking, Wei Meng pulled the strong vines, dragged his body to a small broken door in the ruins above, and then called Yechen and Oke on the left and right sides to come to him.

Yechen and Ouke responded in agreement, and were about to jump towards the fault position where Wei Meng was in the middle of the run-up.

However, neither of them expected that in the next moment, a vague long tongue-shaped black figure would jump out from the dark broken door behind Wei Meng without any warning, and immediately wrap around Wei Meng's waist. .


Caught off guard, Wei Meng screamed in shock, but he didn't even have a chance to resist. He was dragged into the darkness inside the door just like that.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling burst of fire burst out from inside the door, and with it, there was a deafening explosion.


Seeing this situation, Yechen and Ouke's eyes sank, and they both knew in their hearts that Wei Meng was attacked by something lurking deep in the fault of the ruins.

Therefore, the two sides didn't say a word of nonsense, and immediately rushed towards Wei Meng's original position, intending to help him, but they didn't expect that the enemies lurking in the dark were not only targeting Wei Meng is one, and Ye Chen and Ou Ke are also among them.

I saw that Oke had just jumped over a platform, and several hidden weapons emitting silver light leaped out of the dark cave, flashed directly in front of Oke, and attacked her.

Ouke quickly took out three pure white foil swords, turned his hands, and flicked his hair, relying on the lightning-like power of the sword, he resisted the surprise attack of these hidden weapons in time.

However, just after she successfully defended against the attack in front of her, a bird-like black shadow flapping its huge wings appeared behind Oke at the same time, and immediately after that, its sharp pointed The claws scratched directly at Oke's back.

Feeling the bloody aura sweeping from behind, Ouke turned sharply, and once again blocked the opponent's sharp claws with an outrageously fast sword, but at the same time, he was also shocked by the opponent's powerful force. Fly directly backwards to the depths of the platform ruins where she is located.

Then, that huge black shadow also flapped its pair of powerful wings, chased in at full speed with a swift charge, and disappeared into the dim ruins together with Oke.

Ye Chen, who witnessed all this, immediately understood that he might be the next one, so he immediately turned his head and noticed the darkness at the entrance of the ruins around him.

And just at the moment when he turned his head, a bunch of gray silk screen shot towards Yechen's torso from the entrance.

Seeing this, Yechen didn't have time to move, so he had to bend his knees violently, and at the same time turned sideways, so that the bundle of silk nets fell on his hunter's shawl instead of the center of his important torso.

Immediately afterwards, under the joint action of a powerful stickiness and pulling force, Yechen's body was immediately dragged into the ruins by the bundle of unknown silk nets.

Afterwards, a series of scenes and things, such as ancient stone bricks, broken ceilings, and scattered rubble, flashed and turned upside down in Yechen's eyes.

Yechen endured the shock of his senses, and turned his head to look at the end of the wire mesh connection.

Next, he quickly discovered that the culprit who dragged him all the way to the depths of the ruins was a giant creature that looked like a spider, walking in a hurry, as if he was planning to bring Yechen, the newly acquired prey, to him to enjoy a long-lost delicious meal...

Chapter 0195 Corpse Spider

Seeing the real body of the assailant, Yechen made a decisive decision. Using the body coordination developed by many years of practice, he forcibly took out his hand cannon revolver while being dragged and flipped over, quickly aimed at the figure of the giant spider, and then turned around. The remaining five "Olympic Bullets" in the round were shot out in one go.

Bang bang bang bang!

Of the five bullets, two of them deviated, and the remaining three hit the round belly, limbs and feet of the giant spider-like beast respectively, causing it to fall over due to losing its balance while it was running fast. Yechen, who was tightly bound by the spider web, was also implicated, and was thrown towards the upright tile wall in front of him.


Accompanied by the loud sound of landslides, Yechen's body smashed into bricks and tiles, and then fell into a narrow and dark corridor of the ruins.

After landing, the first thing he did was to turn on the lighting mode of the hunter's black ring, and then he stretched out his hand to tear off the spider web stuck to his shawl.

However, the tenacity and stickiness of the spider web were terrifyingly strong, so that Yechen's right hand with leather glove could not tear it off, but also stuck tightly to Yechen's glove, instantly tearing Yechen all over. Man's movements are bound.

The young man's eyes sank, and he quickly pulled out the crescent moon arc knife, using the sharp blade to directly cut the glove of his right hand, so as to free his palm from the entanglement of the spider web. They were thrown to the ground together.

Breaking free from the shackles of the entangled spider web, Ye Chen immediately looked up at the location where the spider web extended.

There is the end of the corridor, there is no light, and it is pitch black.

And when Yechen swept the lights of the hunter's black ring there, the spider-shaped monster that was knocked down by Yechen earlier also turned over from the ground, and by the way, fully displayed its true face in front of Yechen's eyes.

The huge head made of countless biological heads glued together, the twisted chest and abdomen made of countless biological skeletons, and the sharp eight legs made of interlaced biological fangs jointly told Ye Chen a fact.

What attacked him was not a naturally occurring animal, but a corpse spider made of bones of countless corpses.


The corpse spider, which is larger than a human, rubbed against the countless bones on its body surface, shook its ugly and creepy head, and let out a series of creepy moans from its crack that could not be called a "mouth" at all. At the same time, it moved its four pairs of sharp bone feet, and slowly crawled towards Yechen, as if waiting for an opportunity to move.

Seeing that his current location was a long, straight and narrow corridor in the ruins, Ye Chen had no choice but to move forward or backward, so he immediately put the empty revolver back into the holster around his waist, and then doubled up. Holding the crescent arc knife in his hand, he rushed towards the corpse spider to seize the opportunity.

However, in the face of Yechen's unrelenting and fearless aura, the corpse spider did not show the slightest hesitation. It swung its huge torso upwards, and the spinneret at the back of its abdomen shot three beams at Yechen. spider silk.

Yechen understands that the other party's spider silk, which is extremely sticky and tough, is extremely difficult. If his limbs are restrained in the front, then he will definitely become a lamb to be slaughtered, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, Yechen's spirit was naturally concentrated at this moment.

His eyes swept over the incoming spider silks one by one like lightning, and then quickly predicted their trajectory. Immediately, he lowered his body and mind, perfectly passed through the obstruction of these spider threads, and continued to rush towards the corpse spider.

However, the corpse spider also rushed towards Yechen at the same time.

It has eight bone feet with countless hooks, and in the next second it attacks Yechen's various parts from all angles, unleashing a round of tricky multi-directional offensive.

The corpse spider's movements were very agile, but Yechen's reaction was even faster.

His gaze was like a torch, and he saw through the six skeletal foot tracks drawn from the front. Immediately, he only tilted his center of gravity to one side, barely avoiding the thorns of two of the skeletal feet. Ye Chen swiftly swung out the powerful crescent knife, and faced the remaining four bone feet aggressively.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

The bone feet of the corpse spider are extremely sharp and strong, and like Yechen's blade, it releases a strong mysterious power.

However, even so, in front of the hunter's blade strengthened by the blood arcana, the texture of these bone feet is still inferior after all.

I saw Yechen's skill is vigorous, and he performed four sword moves such as horizontal cut, oblique chop, upward pick, and downward chop in a smooth and smooth manner, and then chopped off the four bones of the corpse spider without any suspense.

However, even though the four legs were broken immediately, the corpse spider's expression showed no response.

It seems that it is the same as the previous corpse worm, it does not have the pain sensation that living things should have.

Just as Yechen's blade was spinning and was about to pierce the corpse spider's head, he saw the other party use the remaining four bone feet to jump on the spot.

In the next moment, his huge figure deftly jumped over the tip of Yechen's knife, and then stuck tightly to the three-meter-high ceiling above Yechen's head.

Yechen didn't expect that the corpse spider could jump up with only four legs left, his eyes suddenly changed, he raised his head violently, and then saw the two sharp bone feet thrown out by the other party, which were like sickles, attacking him again. His face came.

The hunter held his breath and concentrated, quickly placed the blade in front of his face, and deviated from the corpse spider's legs in time.

However, the opponent had already expected Yechen to act like this, so while throwing out the bone foot, he pointed the silk spinner at the abdomen and tail at Yechen, which is the most powerful killing move of the corpse spider .


Just as Yechen stopped the two bone feet, the gray and white spider silk burst out, directly pounced on Yechen's entire body.

Yechen, who had already experienced the power of spider silk before, naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly retracted the crescent arc knife, that is to say, using the power of the mysterious spirit condensed on the sole of the shoe as an explosive driving force, he rushed sideways backward.

However, although Yechen's charge made his people avoid the terrifying spider web, unfortunately, his knife fell into the huge spider web that was large enough to seal the entire aisle, and the sharp point of the knife was already killed. Sticking dead between the spider silk.

Yechen frowned, and the palm of his hand erupted with mysterious power, trying to pull back the crescent moon arc knife, but the stickiness and toughness of the spider silk exceeded his imagination again, which made Yechen The meniscus arc knife in his hand was motionless, and he couldn't pull it out from the gap between the spider web and the ground at all!

How could the strength of this spider silk be so powerful?

Ye Chen couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart, in the dark, he felt a strange sense of disobedience from this spider thread.

He looked up again, and found that the corpse spider shot a new round of spider silk towards him, so he had to let go of his palm decisively, temporarily discarding the main weapon of the crescent arc knife, and then ran to the other side of the aisle with all his strength. side.


Seeing Yechen fleeing like flying, the corpse spider hanging upside down on the ceiling crawled quickly, keeping a suitable distance from Yechen, aiming at Yechen's back, pouring out its own spider silk crazily.

One person and one beast just chased each other in the narrow corridor of the ruins. After a few rounds, the entire corridor was crowded and surrounded by countless blooming spider webs, and it seemed to become a coiled wire full of barbaric fighting atmosphere. way.

Chapter 0196 Net

Puff puff puff!

Yechen stomped his feet in the narrow and dark passageway, flipped left and right, kept dodging the heavy spider webs shot by the corpse spider from the upper back, and at the same time held tightly the blood-smeared dagger that was secretly taken out from the hunter's black ring, From the corner of his eye, he continued to pay attention to the distance between the corpse spider and himself, and was ready to strike back at any time.

However, after the first round of close confrontation with Yechen, the corpse spider seemed to have learned a lot about his skill. No matter what, he would not keep too close to Yechen, but only moved towards Yechen the whole time. Chen shot the spider web continuously, so Ye Chen couldn't find any opportunity to hit a beautiful return.

Moreover, after realizing that Yechen's ability to dodge is also superb, this cunning corpse spider simply removed its aim from Yechen and shot directly towards the road ahead of him.


Hearing a strange noise, a gray-white spider web bloomed from the front of Yechen, and instantly turned into a sticky net-like wall, directly blocking Yechen's only escape route.

Seeing that he had nowhere to hide, the hunter simply turned around and turned the dagger in his hand into a throwing knife, aiming at the corpse spider's head and throwing it with all his strength.


The corpse spider's eight eyeballs, large and small, contributed by different creatures, stared at the short sword that was attacking him in the darkness, glowing with strong mysterious power, and then, the remaining four bone legs It was suddenly lifted up by the corpse spider and immediately protected its head.


A muffled sound sounded, and the throwing knife immediately embedded itself in one of the corpse spider's bone feet, making it very lucky to avoid severe damage to its head.

However, Yechen had no intention of pinning his hope of turning the tables on this dagger.

The reason why he threw it out was just to create opportunities for himself to reload.

The moment the corpse spider stopped moving due to resisting the flying dagger, Yechen turned out the empty magazine of the hand cannon revolver at a lightning speed, and then he put the blood-taking wristbands into the The blood on the fingertips was all poured into the only empty bullet nest.


Accompanied by a clear sound, a bloody light was born in the dark corridor.

And that is the phenomenon that represents Yechen successfully condensing the "Blood Bullet".

The corpse spider moved away the bone feet that protected the head, and immediately noticed Yechen's small movements, and immediately aimed at the figure standing below it with a new round of spider silk that had been accumulated for a long time.

Yechen, who had just pushed the wheel back to its original position, had no time to dodge the corpse spider's strands, so he simply raised his left hand to block it.


In the next second, his whole body was stuck to the side wall by the silk web shot by the corpse spider.

At this moment, the hunter's left forearm, right forearm, and central chest are all deeply trapped in the sticky spider silk. Even if the distance is only a few centimeters, he cannot move for a while. The situation seems to be completely exhausted. into a dead end.

Seeing that the prey was finally caught in the net, the mouth of the corpse spider immediately let out a scream of joy and excitement, and the angle of the abdomen and tail with spinnerets changed immediately, and then it was ready to continue shooting more spider webs at Yechen, so as to trap him in the net. A situation where there is no power to restrain the chicken, and thus becomes a delicacy that is more in line with one's heart.

However, even though Yechen's body could no longer leave the wall, even though Yechen's hands were tightly bound by spider silk, his right forearm, which was holding the revolver of the hand cannon, could still be lifted, so that he still could not move. It is enough to be able to precisely aim the muzzle of the revolver loaded with "blood bullets" at the corpse spider's torso.

For this bloodsmith hunter, all the conditions for a comeback have been met.



In the next second, the sound of the spider web shooting and the sound of the revolver firing almost simultaneously resounded through the narrow and dark corridor of the ruins.

However, this time, even though Yechen was already immobile, the gray-white spider web still missed the wall beside him.

The reason is that Yechen's bullet hits a few beats faster than the corpse spider's silk.

And it just happened to be these crucial few shots that brought the situation to an instant reversal.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the blood light shot by Yechen struck the center of the corpse spider's torso like thunder.

Although the corpse spider had been attacked by Yechen's "Olympic bullet" before, and its torso was shot through several holes, but because this kind of injury could not cause fatal damage to it, the corpse spider was careless because of this.

As a result, it never imagined that the power of the "blood bullet" trapped in its rotten flesh now is completely different from the previous "Australia Bullet".

Then, the corpse spider didn't even have a moment of regret, the large-caliber blood bullet penetrated into its rotten body, followed by the blood in Yechen's eyes, using the corpse spider's flesh and blood as the bottom of the fireworks Unexpectedly, a corpse flower was blown out mercilessly.


The deafening crackling sound ran through the entire closed corridor of the ruins, causing Yechen's brows to be locked involuntarily.

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