After Yechen listened to the other party's strangely logical and creepy nonsense, the vigilance in his eyes finally reached its peak, and he immediately wanted to get up and leave his seat, planning to have a fight with this strange freak of unknown origin for the time being. Put distance.

However, the strange man's arm held down his left hand before he could get off the table, and directly pressed Yechen firmly in place, and then gave a reminder with a smile.

"Oh boy, don't be nervous, I'm not here to touch you, because it will make a big scene."

Yechen glanced at his motionless arm that was pressed on the table in surprise, and followed the strange man's words to look around, and found that although most of the other people were still immersed in the drunken joyful atmosphere, the remaining ten or so sitting The figures in different positions all put down the wine glasses in their hands one after another, and cast strange gazes at Yechen.

They are basically the Olympian hunters who had been confirmed by Yechen to have the tattoo of the expensive bunch. The keen perception acquired through countless actual combats made them instantly aware of Yechen's strangeness, and then they all focused their sights on Yechen in unison. Dust.

"Understood now, you are safe now."

After the strange man finished speaking with a smile, he slowly let go of Yechen's right hand, picked up the half-drinked red wine bottle, got up and left his seat.

"So, I'll stop here. Thank you for making room for me. I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future, son."

As soon as the words fell, he turned around and walked away quickly, disappearing among the noisy drinkers, leaving Yechen alone to continue sitting in his original position, falling into a dazed silence.

Chapter 0163 The Threshold of Ethics

With the departure of the strange man, Yechen's tense heartstrings were relaxed, and then he withdrew his original killing intent.

And those Olympian hunters who were watching in the dark around the bar, although they didn't know the situation, saw that nothing happened, so they turned their eyes away one by one and continued to enjoy their drinking time.


Yechen sighed with lingering fear, although he didn't know where the strange man came from, and what method he used to understand the story between himself and Josk, and what purpose he used to talk about those scary topics with himself , but he glanced at Wei Meng, who was still lying on the table next to him, and immediately decided to go back to school as soon as possible, so he immediately pulled the half-conscious Wei Meng up.

"Well... let me lie down for a while..."

So, Wei Meng, who was delirious, yelled like this, and was helped by Ye Chen to leave the Hive Bar.

Yechen led Wei Meng to a bright street lamp on the side of the town street, and waved to a passing carriage. Afterwards, the two of them rode in the carriage and were taken by the driver to the ancient stone gate on the top of the hunter. .

In front of the door, there were dozens of well-armed security guards of the academy of different genders. Yechen paid the fare and got out of the carriage one after the other with Wei Meng, who was half awake. The man gave instructions.

"Please show your coordinate bracelets, report your student status, and then we will temporarily store the dangerous goods you bought in the town."

Ye Chen and Wei Meng followed suit, and after the security personnel of the academy checked their identities, they were searched again.

Wei Meng asked the workshop to send the weapons purchased today to the academy in advance, so nothing was found. Yechen's new crescent arc knife and hand cannon revolver were turned in by the academy without any surprise.

Just like when he entered school, the staff of the Security Office neatly stacked the weapons that Yechen paid in a black box, and then calmly emphasized to Yechen.

"Please rest assured that the academy will take good care of your property, and we will return the weapon to your dormitory before the graduation assessment begins."

Ye Chen nodded, and had no objection to the arrangement of the Hunter Academy. After all, his items had been confiscated once before, and the returned items did not show any abnormalities, so he was still very confident in this disciplined organization. of.

Afterwards, Yechen and Wei Meng passed through the ancient stone gate of the Hunter's Summit, walked all the way to the black iron gate of the Hunter College, and were able to return to the campus after some identity verification by the gatekeeper.

The Hunter Academy is really extremely vigilant in its attitude towards the climbers.

After taking a shower, Ye Chen lay on the bed sheet and sighed, but it's no wonder, after all, during periods like Freedom Day, the Hunter's Summit will be more likely to be taken advantage of by outsiders than usual, so the official measures, Ye Chen also agrees extremely.

He turned over, and unconsciously thought of the strange man who accosted and provoked him in the Honeycomb Bar. When he recalled the other man's back, Yechen would feel uneasy and guarded, and he didn't know that the strange man What kind of person is the man? Maybe after I become an Olympian hunter, I will meet him many times...

After recalling it for a while, Yechen closed his eyes and blocked his ear canals with the power of the mysterious spirit, so as to isolate Wei Meng's noisy snoring and sink his consciousness into dreamland.


The end of the Free Day means that the graduating class of 2020 will have four weeks to usher in the graduation assessment, announcing that everyone has officially entered the final stage of study.

In the first week, the final indoor theoretical exams were conducted in order of sacred history, medicine, maze environment, and field survival, and the final outdoor practical exams were conducted in order for physical fitness, fighting, firearms, and military combat. adaptive training.

This round of final exam week actually has no effect on the outstanding students who are at the top of the evaluation list. It is mainly to test the lower limit of the students who are at the bottom of the list, so as to test whether they are qualified to participate in the graduation assessment.

Fortunately, the graduating class of 2020 did not have a single rotten log. Everyone passed the pass line and survived the bombardment of the exam safely. Among them, Yechen not only performed very well in the final practical exam as usual, but also passed the final exam in theory. Li also achieved good grades in the exam, thanks to the knowledge he often spent in dormitories and libraries cramming up textbooks.

So, the first week of the graduation stage ushered in the end.

However, just when everyone thought that the remaining three weeks before the graduation assessment would be much easier than in the past, the college announced a decision that the students did not expect.

For the next three weeks, all eight subjects except psychiatry will be suspended, and students will take a new course in the afternoon session from Monday to Thursday.

Its name is the Execution Section.

On Monday afternoon, facing the sunny and sunny weather, Ye Chen followed Clifford's instructor's instructions and went to the back door of the college leading to the Hunter's Forest with his classmates to gather.

And waiting for the students there is not only the mentor Clifford, but also the mentor Ke Lei, and the dean Dundo Cuomo.

In addition, the same thing arranged on the ground also attracted the attention of the boys and girls.

It was a piece of white cloth with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters, which was flattened and pasted on the surface of the stone brick floor.

Seeing the three elders and this white cloth, the faces of half of the students in the graduating class froze at this moment, and the beating of their hearts gradually began to become rapid.

Sentencing class.

Anyone with a little brain can guess the general course content as the name suggests.

Because of this, these young teenagers and girls feel uneasy, especially after seeing the big snow-white cloth placed on the ground in front of them, because they have already imagined the next scene with a high probability...

As for the remaining half of the students, they were fearless. Obviously, they had a completely different experience from the first half of the students before entering school, and Yechen was among this group of people.

Then, Dean Dundo Cuomo stepped forward and greeted the graduating students politely: "Hi everyone."

Although their attitudes were different, everyone responded neatly at the first time: "Hello, Dean."

Dundo Cuomo nodded, and sighed again with a smile.

"Hey, one year has passed in the blink of an eye. Now that everyone is standing here, it means that you have passed the first round of selection for basic subjects. No one is left behind. I am really relieved."

Then, his tone suddenly changed.

"It's just that mastering the knowledge and skills does not mean that you have become independent hunters."

"Before the graduation assessment, you still need to cross a threshold, a threshold called ethics."

"That's why we're doing execution these last days."

Chapter 0164 Execution Lessons

Dundo Cuomo slowly suppressed his smile, faced the students present with a calm face, and continued to announce with earnestness.

"I don't know what expectations you have for your future hunter career, but you have to understand one thing. Whether you are eager for power, knowledge, or money, fame and fortune, everything about Olympian hunters is based on killing. We are not aristocrats sitting at home smoking cigars all day long, but executioners who are always wandering in unknown situations, ready to hunt prey.”

"I know that my classmates have hunted many beasts in the Hunter's Forest under the guidance of their tutors in the past, but the prey I mentioned just now include the monsters born and raised in the maze, and the abyss that penetrated into the maze, and there Including those of our kind...."

"Next, it's time for you to cross this threshold."

After Dundo Cuomo finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and a carriage that had been waiting for a long time, led by the college's security personnel, slowly drove into the sight of the students.

Behind these carriages was a cargo box covered with coarse cloth, and when the security personnel got off the vehicle and lifted the coarse cloth, everyone in the graduating class immediately saw the goods stuffed inside:

A group of prisoners who were heavily imprisoned by iron chains and handcuffs, their eyes and mouth were tied with black cloth, their clothes were ragged, and their faces were emaciated.


Although everyone present had expected the situation in front of them, after seeing these live course subjects with their own eyes, the half of the students who were already nervous fell silent, with nervousness written all over their faces. and fear.

Dundo Cuomo winked at the security guards in front of one of the carriages, who immediately pulled a tall prisoner out of the cargo box.


Feeling the tyrannical force coming from his limbs, the masked prisoner immediately began to resist fiercely.

However, he was still a mortal. No matter how hard he tried, his limbs couldn't resist the mysterious power exerted by the security personnel, so he had to be dragged by the latter forcibly all the way to a corner of the white cloth.

Next, the security personnel ordered the prisoner to kneel down. The prisoner refused to obey, but was kicked by the security personnel and broke his knee. Finally, with a painful wail, he fell to his knees on the surface of the white cloth with a plop.


Hearing the faint but ear-piercing sound of bones shattering, many students at the side swallowed involuntarily.

"My God, I really want to do this!" Wei Meng muttered to himself.

"..." Shia didn't make a statement.

"Hmph." Errigat and Firona breathed out at the same time, calm on the surface, but a little shaken inside.

Only Yechen and Oke, who stood at the two ends of the student ranks, were expressionless and did not respond to the situation.

Dundo Cuomo saw the appearance of the prisoner suffering, and his expression did not fluctuate, and then he introduced it to the boys and girls.

"The guys in these carriages are death row prisoners provided to us free of charge by the Order Army. They are all heinous scum, but they are all going to the execution ground anyway, so they are used by us as waste. Don't be surprised. .”

Afterwards, Clifford, the main tutor of the graduating class, walked slowly to the students, took out an automatic pistol loaded with ammunition from his pocket, and gave cold instructions to everyone with a calm expression.

"Today's first execution class, every student needs to use this pistol to execute a prisoner, so... who will come first?"

The students in the front row looked at each other, but no one responded.

At this moment, Dundo Cuomo in the rear suddenly crossed eyes with Ye Chen in the crowd, and then suggested with a friendly smile: "Ye Chen, do you mind firing the first shot?"

Hearing this, Yechen walked out of the crowd with a calm face, and then took the pistol from Clifford.

However, he was not in a hurry to walk up to the prisoner, but asked Clifford, "Mr. Clifford, before execution, I want to see the prisoner's crimes, is that okay?"

Clifford asked with puzzled eyes: "The dean has already said that they are all death row prisoners, why do you still care about these?"

Yechen replied calmly: "Because I don't want to kill people without a reason, at least, I want to know the exact reason."

Clifford stared at Yechen's serious face, and then looked at Dundo Cuomo. After obtaining the latter's consent, he asked the security personnel to find the crime book about the No.1 criminal and hand it over to Ye Chen's hand.

The security personnel responded, rummaged through the file bag in the compartment, and then came to Yechen and handed him a piece of old yellowed paper.

The young man looked down at the contents of the paper, and then saw the photo of a head portrait exactly like the kneeling prisoner, as well as the name, origin, address next to it, and the text written all kinds of crimes densely underneath.

Yechen's eyes quickly scanned the crime book from top to bottom, and his eyes immediately became cold.

Then, Yechen returned the crime book to the security personnel, and politely replied: "Enough, thank you."

Immediately afterwards, he quickly walked towards the prisoner who was kneeling on the white cloth, moaning in a low voice because of his shattered knee, raised the muzzle of the gun without hesitation, and then pulled the trigger.


After the loud gunshots broke the tranquility of the campus, the prisoner, with his pierced head, fell powerlessly between the white cloths, staining the plain white cloths with thorny red blood.

Seeing this, many students couldn't help but gasp.

However, it wasn't just the bloody death of the prisoner that made them feel cold, but also Yechen's expression after he finished his attack, which was exactly the same as his usual, calm and calm expression.

Obviously, Yechen has long been used to killing people...

Ignoring the stunned eyes of the students, Yechen returned the automatic pistol to Clifford with a calm face, and then walked back to the student queue at a steady pace.

Seeing Yechen's excellent performance, Clifford and Ke Lei secretly nodded in appreciation, while Dundo Cuomo clapped his hands happily and announced loudly to the students.

"Everyone, Ye Chen didn't hesitate at all during the execution process, and he did a very good job. When you execute prisoners in the future, you should act decisively like him. The Olympian Hunters will never need weak and white lambs, so please Everyone who aspires to be an Olympian hunter, make up your mind early."

After Dundo Cuomo finished speaking, the security personnel escorted Prisoner No.2 to the body of Prisoner No.1.

After that, Clifford planned to determine the execution order of the students according to the student roster and student number, but a slender hand was suddenly raised from the female team, attracting Clifford's attention.

"Teacher, please let me come next."

Everyone followed this sweet voice and turned their heads to look, and found that the person who made the voice was No.2020 in 1, Oke.

"Okay, come up."

Seeing that Clifford nodded in agreement, Oke walked forward with brisk steps, reaching out to take the automatic pistol that Clifford handed over.

In the next second, she didn't even need to walk in front of the prisoner, she directly raised the muzzle of the gun beside Clifford, and directly pressed the trigger at a distance of about ten meters.

The hot bullet pierced the No.2 prisoner's head with such incomparable precision.

Chapter 0165 Killing Education

Clifford frowned because of Oke's execution of the prisoner directly in front of him, and reminded in a serious tone: "Student Oke, please stand in front of the prisoner before you act. You execute at such a long distance, the bullets could injure others."

While returning the pistol to Clifford, Oke bowed his head apologetically and replied: "Okay, I will remember it next time."

"Not bad……"

Dundo Cuomo next to him admired secretly, obviously very satisfied with Oke's performance.

And the students in the graduating class at the back cast a more shocking gaze on Ouke than Yechen because of this situation.

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