Wemon scratched his head in embarrassment.

Generally speaking, he should now advise Yechen a few words, "You can't come back to life after death, just look at it", "Don't be bound by the past, a life full of hatred is too sad", "Your family members who passed away must also hope that you Live a good life, so don't be so pessimistic" and a series of enlightening quotations.

But Wei Meng thought about it, and felt that he obviously didn't understand Yechen's family and Yechen's mood. It would be condescending and thoughtless to say such words, so in the end, he could only give up and try to change the topic to a more relaxed direction. Lead away.

After thinking through it with his drunken brain, Wei Meng could only squeeze out such a new topic in the end.

"By the way, Yechen, your skills and skills are so powerful, were they all taught by your family?"

Ye Chen nodded slightly with a relaxed expression.

"Yes, I call him teacher. Except for horsemanship, all the knowledge and skills I have mastered are taught by my teacher. He was also an Olympian hunter. I have been following him since I was five years old. Under the guidance of the practice."

Wei Meng's face was stunned, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

"You started practicing at the age of five—!?"

"This is too scary... No wonder you are so strong in every aspect!"

"Presumably, your teacher is also very powerful?"

When Ye Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if recalling the good memories of the past, his tone was full of nostalgia and admiration.

"Yes, teacher, he is indeed very powerful. I'm afraid I will never be as strong as him in my life..."

Wei Meng's interest was rekindled by Ye Chen's comments, and he couldn't help asking again.

"So exaggerated? Better than anyone you've seen after entering the Holy Light Pure Land?"

After hearing this question, Ye Chen couldn't help but bow his head and think for a while, before giving a somewhat vague answer.

"That's right..."

However, when Ye Chen said this, for some reason, he suddenly recalled the silver-haired one-eyed old man in his mind, and then added these two words after the answer.


Chapter 0161

"Is that so..."

Hearing Yechen's high evaluation of his teacher, Wei Meng raised his glass and drank a big mouthful of beer, then reached out to wipe off the foam around his mouth, and couldn't help but continue to question Yechen.

"Then do you mind telling me about how you practiced in the past? I'm really curious about your powerful secret!"

After hearing this, Yechen reminded Wei Meng in a calm tone: "My practice is countless, and there are too many types. Which aspect of content do you want to hear?"

Wei Meng rolled his eyes, and then suggested to Yechen: "Just listen to the one that impressed you the most, or the most difficult one!"

"Impressive, the most difficult..."

Yechen repeated these two key words softly, bowed his head to think for a while, and soon remembered a certain test given by Lyle in the past, which he felt unforgettable forever.

"Then let me tell you something... the teacher asked me to do a certain psychological quality training when I was ten years old."

When Wei Meng heard it, his eyes lit up with curiosity, and he immediately echoed, "Psychological training? Just hearing its name makes people feel that it is not easy."

Ye Chen nodded with a wry smile. "It's really not easy."

Wei Meng couldn't wait to ask: "Then what is the specific content of the training?"

Ye Chen turned his head to look at the noisy crowd around him, and after confirming that no one paid attention to his side, he turned to Wei Meng again, deliberately lowered the volume, and replied calmly:

"Pull out the nails."


After Yechen read these three words lightly, the wine that Wei Meng had just brought to his mouth immediately spilled on the ground because of shaking hands.

However, his face did not show pity because of this, on the contrary, it was full of deep horror, just facing Ye Chen, showing an unbelievable expression.

After being dazed for a long time, Wei Meng finally swallowed his saliva, and asked falteringly: "The nail pulling you mentioned...could you mean...that kind of method commonly used in torture?"

Yechen nodded lightly and replied, "That's right."

Wei Meng slowly put the wine glass back on the table, and confirmed it to Yechen again: "Your teacher...made you pull out your nails when you were ten years old?"

Yechen nodded again, and replied: "Yes."

At this point, Wei Meng finally couldn't help but screamed.

"In order to exercise the psychological quality of a ten-year-old boy, why did you pull out his nails?"

"Oh my god... this... this..."

"Your teacher...isn't she really abusing children—!"

Then, Yechen immediately covered his mouth with his hand, motioned Wei Meng to be quiet and kept quiet, and then expressed his opinion with a serious face.

"I don't think this is child abuse. All the practice and trials the teacher gave me are meaningful. It is these pains that make me no longer afraid of most pains. For me , they are the stepping stones for growth.”

Seeing Yechen's serious reaction, Wei Meng didn't know what to say for a while, so he took another sip of beer to suppress the shock in his heart with alcohol, and then asked questions again at a loss for words.

"So, when you were only ten years old, you just successfully completed this training?"

Ye Chen shook his head this time.

"No, I was immature at the time. When I saw the iron clip in the teacher's hand, I was scared and cried on the spot."

Wei Meng's heart skipped a beat, thinking to himself, isn't this nonsense!In this situation, most adults have to cry in fright!Not to mention a kid who is only ten years old!

After secretly sighing, he continued to ask Yechen: "And then? Your teacher saw you crying, so he started scolding you and beating you, forcing you to accept training?"

Ye Chen shook his head again.

"No, teacher, when he saw that I was afraid, he immediately set an example and pulled off the nails on the ten fingers of his hands in front of me."

Wei Meng almost spit out the wine in his mouth, covered his mouth with his hand, and became very embarrassed because of surprise.

"Take... what's next?"

Ye Chen paused for a while, as if recalling what happened in the past in his mind.

"Next, the teacher told me that all the pain I'm putting in now is for the sake of being able to live firmly in the future, so I have to complete this trial, but if I really can't make up my mind, the date can be a little later Drag it back."

"However, when I looked at the teacher's bloody fingers, I suddenly felt less scared, so I asked the teacher to continue the training."

"The taste was really painful. After pulling out the first piece, I almost went into shock and passed out, but the teacher immediately cured me and stopped training immediately."

"It's just that although the teacher didn't blame me, I felt that I was very useless. I couldn't do it just by pulling out a piece, so I asked the teacher to continue this training for me the next day. After a month of tossing, I Finally, I was able to stay awake after pulling out ten pieces.”

"At that time, I didn't understand what this training meant to me. I was just afraid of disappointing the teacher. But now, I can deeply appreciate the sharpening effect it has on me. If I am not used to enduring these pains, I would be Impossible to live till now."

After listening to Yechen's narration, Wei Meng didn't speak for a long time.

What kind of people are in this family... The way of education is too perverted... However, it's no wonder that Yechen is so different... Don't talk about values, just talk about psychological quality, he is completely different from ordinary students like us Not on the same level...

Wei Meng secretly exclaimed in his heart, and then smiled dryly at Ye Chen with a stiff expression.

"Uh, I understand the situation, but let's talk about some light topics next, hahaha... For example, Yechen, what is hanging on your back is the weapon you bought today? Why don't you let the workers I sent them to the college for you, but you still carry them around?"

"I think that for things like weapons, if you can take them by yourself, you can take them by yourself."

Ye Chen confessed frankly.

Next, the two chatted about some new topics at the wine table. However, Wei Meng seemed to be unable to hold his alcohol. After drinking the third glass of beer, he fell down on the table with a flushed face and had to temporarily relax. Take a break.

Really... the academy is closed at ten o'clock...

Seeing Wei Meng's drunken face, Yechen sighed helplessly, and then took out his pocket watch to have a look. Fortunately, the time was not yet eight o'clock in the evening, so he thought he would rest here for a while, and then directly call a carriage Send yourself and Wemon back to the school gate.

Then, Yechen raised his glass and took a sip of the free boiled water, and then quietly observed the noisy and happy drinkers around, wanting to see how many Olympian hunters were hiding in the bar.

However, not long after he raised his head and looked around, a strange figure, holding a bottle of red wine, walked slowly behind Yechen, and greeted him with a hoarse voice.

"Excuse me... can I sit here?"

Chapter 0162 Stranger

Ye Chen looked up and found that the person talking to him was a middle-aged man wearing a black leather coat and a long hat with a dark red trim. The overall appearance was very decent.

"The nearby seats are all full. I see that there are only two people sitting at your table, so can I squeeze?"

After he finished speaking, he shook his mustache and made a friendly grin from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Chen glanced around and found that the seats were indeed overcrowded as the man said, and then nodded in agreement with the other party.

"Hehe, thank you very much."

The strange man thanked him with a smile, bent down and sat on the seat between Ye Chen and Wei Meng, held the wine bottle with one hand and poured red wine into the empty glass, then pinched the handle of the glass and began to savor it carefully.

Although this man drank well and had a normal complexion, which was quite different from the loud drunkards around him, Yechen, who was suspicious by nature, still vaguely felt a restrained aura from him. His left hand placed on the wine table , slowly clenched into a fist at this moment, and his right hand, which was attached to his knee, slowly moved to his waist.

The strange man showed satisfaction because of the mellow aroma of the red wine, and saw that the wine glasses and plates in front of Yechen's table were empty, so he generously extended an invitation to him.

"This red wine tastes good, would you like some?"

Yechen shook his head politely and refused.

"No, I just had a drink, and now I'm just waiting for my friend to sober up."

The strange man turned his head and glanced at Wei Meng, who was lying on the table next to him, raised his eyebrows, showing an expression of "so it is like this", and then enjoyed the remaining wine in the bottle alone, establishing a leisurely and self-satisfied taste Alcoholic image.

Ye Chen stretched out his hands to support his side face, pretending to be listening to the chatting of the people at the next table, but in fact, his eyes secretly began to look at the strange man's limbs, and then stopped on the strange man's pair of black gloves that completely covered his skin superior.

Although he couldn't see Guishu's tattoo, his intuition told Yechen that this person should also be an Olympian hunter.

Then, the strange man slightly stopped the wine glass in his hand, and began to look at Yechen's student uniform, and then asked: "Son, you are students of Hunter Academy, how long are you?"

Yechen thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to hide this kind of things that can be learned by random inquiries, so he told: "2020 issue."

The strange man let out an oh, his eyes suddenly filled with nostalgia and emotion for the passing of time.

"Hehe, speaking of it, when I was an academy student like you, I also came to this Hive Bar to drink on Freedom Day. I didn't expect it to be so long..."

After hearing the other party's words, Ye Chen was able to verify his inner guess: the other party was indeed his senior.

Seeing that Yechen didn't make a sound, the strange man continued to tell him about his past.

"I still remember clearly that night when I was drinking, I put away my student coat. As a result, a few drunks didn't realize my identity, so they came to find fault. Seeing that I was young, they wanted to blackmail me. ..."

"Then, I gave them several loud slaps, ten slaps on each of them, and their faces were swollen. At that time, their panic-stricken appearance couldn't be too ridiculous. Seeing that they couldn't beat me with punches and kicks, they slapped everyone around them. All the fox friends and dog friends gathered together, a total of ten or so people, wanted to take out their knives and kill me, and then I killed them all."

"Do you know what weapon I used to kill all these idiots?"

Hearing that the topic suddenly changed in a strange direction, Yechen looked at the strange man with a bit of surprise in his eyes, but the strange man ignored Yechen's reaction and stretched his palm to the inner pocket of his leather coat.

In the next second, an old pen with peeling paint was pulled out by a strange man and displayed in front of Ye Chen.

"Relying on this simple pen, I killed more than a dozen of them. At that time, I seemed to be less than 15 years old."

After hearing this, Yechen remained silent, and didn't express any opinion on the strange man's inexplicable showing off.

But the strange man continued his unilateral conversation in a cheerful tone.

"You too, don't you?"

"I can see that you and I are the same kind of people. In order to protect ourselves, we can kill people without hesitation. Even a simple pen can become a deadly murder weapon in our hands."

"Besides, you seem to be much more powerful than the young me. I'm afraid you only feel threatened. Whether it's ten people or a hundred people, you will pierce their eyeballs, throats or temples with a pen without hesitation. I guess not bad, right?"

Facing the bloody banter of the strange man, Yechen's face remained expressionless, but a chill gradually emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

The boy replied indifferently.

"Of course you understand, just like you are now ready to draw your gun at any time."

The strange man continued to tease with a leisurely expression, then took another sip of red wine, looked at Yechen with an extremely dignified expression, and then added with a smile: "Don't worry, I have no intention of doing anything, I just want to chat with you just chatting."

The young man leaned back slightly, and resisted with a vigilant expression: "But I don't want to talk anymore."

Unexpectedly, the strange man ignored Ye Chen's attitude and continued talking to himself.

"The taste of being chased made me feel uncomfortable and resisted at first, but once I got used to it, it made me feel excited and addicted."

"That Holy Light Knight named Josk, I have wanted to meet him for a long time, but I never thought that it would be because of your arrival that I would never have this chance."

"However, regrets are regrets. I am also very happy to see a talent like you appear in the younger generation. It is really very happy... At the same time, it is also very exciting."

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