At this moment, in one of the wards in the Hunter's Peak convalescent area, in a single ward, a young man wearing a thin shirt specially designed for patients was sitting on the head of the gray bed, separated by the large window of the room. , admiring the wonder of the cloud and mist in the mountains outside which is formed by the mixture of the power of the mysterious spirit and the water vapor.

It has been a week since Yechen entered the Hunter Peak.

Seven days ago, after completing the hospital admission procedures for Yechen, Kadaixi left such words for him.

"Since the matter has been settled, I will leave first, and you can recuperate here for a week."

"After the recuperation is over, the relevant person in charge of the Hunter Academy will come to you. At that time, you only need to follow their procedures, and you will naturally be able to complete the admission procedures."

"The next time we meet, it should be after you officially become an Olympian hunter. I look forward to your future growth."

"Then, goodbye, Yechen."

After hearing this, Ye Chen immediately expressed his gratitude to Kadashy with a sincere expression.

"Sister Qian, you not only saved my life together with Mr. Niesuo, but also patiently helped me through so many procedures. I am really grateful. I will never forget this kindness."

After hearing this, Kardashian smiled, touched Yechen's head wordlessly, and then disappeared outside the door of the ward.

But at that time, just a few minutes after Kardashian left, three strange middle-aged men in black uniforms entered the room one after another, revealing their identities to him.

"Hello, we are the staff of the Security Office of the Hunter Academy. We will confiscate all the items you carry with you in accordance with the hunter's regulations. When you are discharged from the hospital, we will temporarily detain the dangerous items and return the remaining safety items to the you."

After listening to their description, although Yechen felt very worried in his heart, he still pretended to be calm on the surface. After changing into a thin patient's clothes, he took all the equipment he was carrying and the handkerchief that stored a lot of things. handed over to the hands of the academy staff.

Although it is very difficult for the boy to accept the situation of being empty-handed and without self-defense weapons, what makes him even more nervous is the diary left by the teacher in the handkerchief.

According to Lyle, the hidden content of this diary is related to Yechen's life and destiny, and it must not be exposed to outsiders. Within the subspace of "space access", it will not be detected by anyone.

But now, Ye Chen can only pray that the spell imposed by Lyle will not have any problems under the inspection and testing of the academy.

The staff of the security department neatly stacked the items paid by Yechen in a black box, and then thanked Yechen politely.

"Thank you for your cooperation. When you leave the hospital, the college will come to pick you up specially. Goodbye."

As soon as the words fell, the three men in uniform walked away quickly, and disappeared in front of Yechen in the blink of an eye.


Yechen touched the empty pockets on his body, bent over and sat on the head of the bed, scanned the spacious and empty single ward in front of him, and then looked at the empty bedside table, and soon felt anxious feel.

No, without a weapon in hand, I really feel uneasy...

Ye Chen thought about it, and immediately stuck the nails that were longer than his fingers to the edge of the bedside table, and then began to polish them crazily, so that the nails could be changed from round to pointed as much as possible, so that he still had the ability to cast the mystery of blood when he was in an accident. Spiritual defense means.

No matter when, the boy will not let down his vigilance.

And this is exactly the mentality that a person who is wandering in a strange new world should have.

Fortunately, although Ye Chen was on guard all the time, he spent the next seven days in the hospital very peacefully.

The nurse in the Hunter Sanatorium is a very responsible middle-aged woman, who comes to deliver meals, check-ups and take medicines for Ye Chen on time every day.

And Yechen himself, who basically could only spend these seven days in a narrow ward, did not appear impetuous at all.The doctor told him to recuperate from his injuries, so he fell into a deep sleep, and in his dreams he kept reminiscing about his battle with the knight team, constantly reflecting on his skills and strategies, taking the essence and discarding the dross.Sometimes when he really couldn't fall asleep, Yechen would stare at the misty and beautiful mountain scenery outside the window of the ward in a daze. Life in the hospital felt carefree.

And when seven days passed, the hospital carried out the final examination for Yechen and informed him that he had recovered and could be discharged normally. The security personnel from the Hunter College came as scheduled and came to Yechen wearing the conspicuous black low-key uniform. Dust's eyes.

"Hello, please follow us to the academy now."

Ye Chen nodded, wearing the thin fleece trousers and leather shoes provided by the hospital for free, thanking the nurse who took care of him for a week, and then followed the relevant personnel of the college to leave the convalescent area of ​​Hunter Peak and walk towards the adjacent college area go.

Under the leadership of the security personnel, Ye Chen walked into the black iron gate of the Hunter College, which was opened in advance, walked into the flat and open campus avenue of the Hunter College, and finally arrived at one of the rooms on the ground floor of the office building.

The size of this room is very small, just over fifteen square meters, and the layout is extremely simple, a tiled floor, a writing desk, a desk lamp, two stools, a clothes hanger, a water dispenser, and an iron window , is enough to form its whole picture.

However, the simple appearance of this room made Ye Chen feel that something was wrong.

He turned his head and glanced at the room sign next to the door, and saw the word "interrogation room". He suddenly felt something bad in his heart, but he still maintained his superficial composure, and followed the instructions of the academy staff, walked into the unoccupied room, Sitting on the bench in front of the table, quietly waiting for the school's arrangement.

Ten seconds later, a middle-aged man wearing a black coat with alternating black and white hair and a thick curly beard walked into the interrogation room led by the security personnel, took off the black coat and hung it on the hanger Then, with a briefcase, he quickly sat on the opposite side of Yechen.

"Hi, I'm the head of the Hunter Academy, Dundo Cuomo."

Dundo Cuomo shook the wrinkles on his face, and introduced himself to Yechen amiably.

"Hi Dean, I'm Yechen."

Yechen greeted politely.

Chapter 0109 Admission

"Well, Yechen, I have already heard Mr. Nesuo and Ms. Kadaixi talk about the general process of the matter."

Dundo Cuomo finished speaking with a smile on his face, and winked at the security personnel standing by the door.

Seeing this, the latter quickly picked up the black box in his hand and placed it safely on the table in front of Yechen.

"The safe items in your luggage are stored in this box. As for the selected dangerous items, don't worry, the academy will temporarily store them for you. After you graduate, we will return them without leaving the ground."

Yechen nodded to Dundo Cuomo in response, stretched out his hand to open the box, and then found that most of the items he had previously stored in the handkerchief were still there, but as for the fragments of the long knife and revolver, as well as short swords, animal traps, steel wires, etc. The weapons were gone.

I hope the teacher's log is not found out...

Ye Chen glanced at the handkerchief in the corner of the box, wishing secretly.

"Okay, after we finish one more thing, you can go to school, Yechen."

After Dundo Cuomo finished speaking, he took out a stack of forms and a pen from the briefcase, and pushed them to Yechen's desk.

"Now, please complete the written report on your personal identity. I need to know a series of detailed information such as your height and weight, origin, natal arcana characteristics, etc. Regarding the situation Mr. Nesuo described to me, I will I have to check all of them face to face with you.”

After finishing speaking, the dean of the Hunter Academy reached out from his briefcase to take out a tiny boxed machine with several wires and a spar embedded in it.

After placing it on the table, Dundo Cuomo signaled Yechen to put on the bracelet on one of the wires, and finally added this sentence with a friendly smile.

"What you are wearing now is the latest lie detector made for us by the Beacon of Truth, so don't try to lie."

"The college rules are like this, please understand."

"Okay, Yechen, next, please complete your identification first, let's take our time, there is no rush."


At the highest point of the upper area of ​​Hunter's Peak, and at the same time the top of the entire Spiral Mountain, stands an ancient towering bell tower.

In this place, even Olympian hunters, only a very small number of people are allowed to enter, and Niesuo is one of them.

He strode to the gate of the clock tower, stopped, and tidied up his sloppy appearance, then knocked on the old gate in front of him, waited for three seconds, and then stretched out his hand to slowly push it away.

Then, an empty and deserted hall was displayed in front of Niesuo.

The ancient tile floor is carved with countless patterns and is covered with countless cracks. There are dozens of floor-to-ceiling windows on the walls around the hall, and the surface is full of wear marks from time. It was full of dust, but the giant clock hanging on the wall at the back of the hall was clean and well cared for, and was running and working tick-tock.

In front of the giant clock, there was a set of round tables and rocking chairs, and a silver-haired old man with most of his body hidden in the shadows was lying on the rocking chair, leaning on the round table with his arms, resting his jaw with his palms, as if he was taking a nap .

Seeing this, Niesuo restrained his breath to the extreme in an instant, and planned to sneak behind the old man. Unexpectedly, the moment he took this step, the other party's resonant voice rang out in the cold hall.

"Son, what are you doing sneakily?"

After hearing this, Niesuo immediately scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and responded obediently: "Hehe, didn't I see that you are resting, master, so I wanted to come to you and wake you up gently?"

"Oh, then I have to praise you for being very caring..."

The old man slowly turned the rocking chair towards Niesuo in the hall. His left eye was blocked by a shadow, while his right eye slowly opened, revealing a silvery white pupil. He cast a caring gaze at Niesuo, He opened his mouth and asked, "It took you three months to come back for this entrustment. Did you encounter any trouble on the way?"

"Oh, it's a long story."

Niesuo sighed and shrugged.

"Cissy and I accidentally found traces of the abyss in the ruins of the maze. We groped all the way to the depths and found a headquarters of believers in the abyss. We managed to take them all together. In the end, the leader sacrificed himself and cast Some kind of weird sorcery sent me and her to the abyssal creature gathering place deeper in the maze, and in the end we had to fight all the way back, and we also encountered..."

While Niesuo publicized his wonderful experience, he used rich body movements to add vividness to the story, while the old man sat in the rocking chair and listened to Niesuo's story with great interest.

After Niesuo's mouth was dry, the old man smiled and commented: "Hey, it seems that you have encountered many difficult challenges this time, no wonder I feel that after three months, you are exuding The breath is obviously different, to describe it specifically, it has become more refined..."

Having said that, his eyes, which were originally calm and calm, suddenly showed some anticipation.

"Maybe, now you, maybe you can kill me."

The old man calmly said this sentence, which made Niesuo's original funny expression freeze.

But after a short silence, he immediately waved his hand with a wry smile. "Hey, master, don't make fun of me. Alpedis, the leader of the polar hunt, can't do anything about you. What can I do as the second seat?"

The old man smiled lightly and shook his head to refute. "Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, kid. You usually don't like to show off. If you try hard, who knows if this chief is yours?"

"Oh, that's fine, master, I didn't come to visit you this time to talk about these things." Niesuo curled his lips, not wanting to continue this topic, and then released the power of the mysterious spirit between the limbs to activate the wrist. black ring.

In the next second, four pieces of white cloth came out from the rune in the center of the black ring, and were held up by Niesuo with both arms. On the cloth were written Kaili, Tucker, Zhang En, and Maqisha. a name.

"This is... the glorious cloth taught by the Holy Light Knight?"

Seeing this, the old man's face was filled with interest.

"Hey, knowing that you have always been obsessed with the study of the power of the Holy Light, I brought you these gifts. How about it, isn't this a good surprise?"

Niesuo replied with a smile, and walked towards the old man with the cloth in his hands, and then handed it to the old man covered with calluses and scars.

"Hehe, it's really good, how did you get it?"

The old man took the cloth of glory, felt the breath of holy light extending to his fingertips, and asked Niesuo happily.

"About this point, it's a long story!"

Niesuo folded his arms around his chest, and then slowly told the old man the story of the boy who came from the maze.

Chapter 0110 Roommates

"Your enrollment procedures have been completed."

After a bunch of complicated procedures, Yechen finally received a freshman card and a dozen pages of documents from Dean Dundo Cuomo. In addition, the large and small bags placed on the floor were also provided to him free of charge by the college. student items.

"These forms contain information about your graduation class and dormitory, and this pile of books are the subjects you need to study for the next three months. There are also this pile of quilts and towels, which are provided by the college for free. Dorm supplies. Oh, yes, here is your dorm key."

Dunduo Kumo said so, and stuffed another gadget into Yechen's hand.

"Okay, now you are a freshman at Hunter Academy."

"As the dean of the college, I sincerely hope that you can enjoy your campus life in the future."

"Then, Yechen, goodbye."

After parting from Dundo Cuomo, the young man picked up his big bags and walked towards the dormitory building of the Hunter College according to the information provided in the information sheet against the beautiful moonlight.

"Room number, 417..."

Carrying his luggage, Yechen walked into the boys' dormitory, checked the house numbers one by one against the list, and finally found a sign marked "417" in front of the innermost room door on the top floor.

However, Ye Chen didn't open the door immediately, instead he stood at the door of the dormitory, with a hesitant expression on his face.

After all, he has never had the experience of living and studying with his peers in the 17 years since he lived in the Eternal Winter Hidden Realm, but now he has to do this kind of experience because of the Olympian hunter's assessment rules, which will inevitably make Yechen Feel a little nervous.

In addition, he was even more worried that his future roommate would pose a threat to his safety. After all, he didn't know the details of the other party. Maybe the other party was some kind of mentally unstable and dangerous guy?

Both the long knife and the revolver were damaged in the battle with the Knight of the Holy Light. There is still a dagger and a steel wire left in the handkerchief, and they will be hidden under the pillow and bedding in case of emergencies...

Yechen lowered his head and thought for a while, and after getting ready, he finally took a deep breath.


Then, he took out the key and slowly opened the small door of the dormitory.

In the next second, a room with an area of ​​less than ten square meters appeared in front of Yechen's eyes, with a locker, a pair of desks and benches, and a wooden bed on each side.

Then, Yechen found a young man with long hair sitting in front of the desk on the left.

The long-haired boy was wearing extremely plain cotton pajamas, and the desk in front of him was covered with books. It seemed that he was concentrating on studying the contents of the textbook before Yechen arrived, but after Yechen arrived, the name The attention of the long-haired boy was all attracted by the freshman in front of him.

"Hello, I'm Yechen, a transfer student in your graduating class. Please give me your advice for the next three months."

Ye Chen and the long-haired boy looked at each other for a few seconds. Although he was very nervous, he still showed a calm smile on his face, and introduced himself in a natural tone.

"Oh! It's you! I've heard the steward mention your arrival before!"

The long-haired boy responded, blinked his brown eyes, straightened his brown hair, then grinned, revealing a bright and sunny smile.

"Hi, I'm Wei Meng, please give me your advice in the future."


After Yechen settled the bedding and other dormitory utensils, he simply washed up and changed into the plain cotton pajamas provided by the college. Then, while Wei Meng was sitting at the desk and concentrating on studying, he took one of the college-provided pajamas. The pen made a small slit on his arm, staining the nib with bright red blood, faintly exuding the edge of the blood arcana.

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