"It's amazing..."

He couldn't help admiring in a low voice, looked away from the steam airship, and re-appreciated the unprecedented steel city in front of him, and then carefully observed the street buildings passing by the carriage, and saw countless Guys from hotels, restaurants, taverns, and casinos were standing in front of their shops, shouting for their business.

In addition, there are several men wearing windbreakers and high hats on the street, with their hands in their pockets, constantly selling their treasures to passers-by, and dozens of girls with revealing clothes and graceful figures, standing On the street, with her hips on her hips, she is trying to attract customers.

One of the girls inadvertently exchanged glances with Ye Chen in the car, and even winked at him directly, twisting her body curves, her meaning was clearly expressed.

Ye Chen looked away from the woman expressionlessly, and looked at the front of the carriage.

After passing through this bustling commercial service area, large and small workshops appeared in front of his eyes, and most of the smoke clouds floating above Hunter Town were also the result of burning in this area.

Most of these workshops presented to Yechen open their doors to the street undisguisedly, showing pedestrians a series of unique and colorful scenes such as craftsmen carrying materials, developing equipment, and fighting with wrenches due to disagreement in ideas. scene.

Compared with the coquettish girls, Yechen is more interested in the works of these craftsmen. I saw that a few of these workshops are busy making strangely shaped vehicles and construction facilities, and most of them are focusing on the casting of weapons. And strengthening, whether it is cold weapons or hot weapons, there are all kinds of weapons, and everything is complete.

Hunter Town, really is a city beyond my imagination, am I going to live here in the future?

Yechen leaned against the car window, looking at the colorful city outside the window, a smile finally appeared on his scarred face.

This seemed to be the first time since he parted from his family in the Yinyu of Yongdong, he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter 0106 Hunter's Peak

"Yechen, since you are following your teacher's instructions and intend to join us as an Olympian hunter, then you must first enter the Hunter Academy and go through the admission procedures."

After the young man was intoxicated by the strange style of the Iron City of Hunter Town for a long time, Niesuo, who was sitting on the opposite side of the carriage, spoke again.

"I believe your teacher has also told you about the conditions that need to be fulfilled before becoming an Olympian hunter?"

Yechen nodded in response, and Lyle did tell him in the diary that if he wanted to become an Olympian hunter, he had to pass the selection test in the Hunter Academy first.

Niesuo smiled, and patiently explained to Yechen.

"Hunter Academy releases a batch of graduates every year, and this year's class will usher in the selection assessment in three months. However, after all, you are a seedling who was cultivated by that senior hunter, so the situation is special. So I will report to you at that time. The people in the admissions department will tell you that you can directly join the class, and you don’t have to wait until next year to accompany the new students to study all the courses from scratch.”

After hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes immediately filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, Brother Niesuo, for your care." The young man expressed his gratitude sincerely.

Originally, Yechen was worried that he would encounter obstacles and troubles when going through the admission procedures because of his background in the labyrinth, but he didn't expect that Nie Suo would not only help him to enroll, but even directly put him in the hunter's graduating class of the cash class. Such a move really surprised and moved Yechen.

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter. After all, you have achieved a lot of excellent results today. You not only solved the students of the butcher knight, but also led the butcher knight to our territory, and eradicated a group of hunters and people. An incurable scourge."

"The results obtained in actual combat are better than tens of thousands of simulated assessments. Besides, I have seen all the short rounds of your fight with that butcher knight, so I know your background very well. I think it was taught by your senior hunter. You Fang, compared to you, I am afraid that the top talents in the academy will be overshadowed..."

"Hehe, this makes me suddenly look forward to what kind of newcomers the Olympian Hunters will welcome this year. After all, no matter which faction it is, it needs excellent fresh blood!"

Niesuo supported his face and sighed expectantly.

But Kadaixi next to him ignored his reverie and reminded Yechen of another important matter.

"Before we send you to the Hunter Academy, we have to send you to the hospital first, because the treatment I just did is to help you stop the bleeding in the final analysis. You have too many injuries and need to be carefully checked to avoid Falling behind."

"After that, we have to test whether your spirit is normal and whether you may be infected with madness."

"The process may be a bit complicated and boring, but please understand, after all, you are a person who came out of the maze, so we Olympian hunters have to be careful about everything."

Yechen nodded again, showing obedience to the senior hunters. In fact, even in his own opinion, these measures are very necessary. After all, he is always an outsider who came out of the maze, full of up the mystery.

Niesuo held his head, pondered for a moment, and then suddenly spoke again.

"By the way, Yechen, I forgot to mention one more thing. After we send you to the Hunter's Peak, according to the rules, you will not be able to go down the mountain for a long time."

"And the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce's group is still recovering goods outside the town under the escort of my other classmates, which means you won't be able to see them for the time being."

"Wait a minute, I will send someone to inform Mr. Tang Bo that you are safe, so if you have anything else to convey to him, you have to tell me now."

Hearing this, Yechen was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head with a smile.

"No need, this is enough."

In his opinion, the two parties are just passers-by who have helped each other after all. It is the best result that they can be safe and sound. The rest of the words are unnecessary, so let it go.

"Really...I see."

Knowing Yechen's thoughts, Niesuo stopped talking.

Afterwards, the three of them continued chatting together in the carriage for ten minutes. The carriage quickly drove towards the back of the town, and finally arrived at the entrance of the spiral mountain named Hunter's Peak.

Compared with the spacious and noisy entrance of Hunter Town, the mountain pass of Hunter's Peak is very quiet and deserted, and Yechen can't even see any figures around him.

In addition, the clouds and mist surrounding the mountain pass are thicker than those in Hunter Town. Yechen understands that these are all formed by the power of the mysterious spirit in the air. It seems that the source of these energies is located in the spiral the top of the mountain.

Then, a huge mountain gate that was completely dark and made of unknown strange ore appeared in front of Yechen's eyes, quietly guarding the winding mountain road behind, with a huge three-cornered hat imprinted on its surface The head of the black man is exactly the same as the noble tattoos in the hands of Nesuo and Kadaixi, and it is the exclusive regiment emblem of the Olympian hunters.

Kadaixi reached into her bosom, that is, took out a chain of nameplates, stretched out the window, shook it to the dark mountain gate, and opened her mouth to tell her identity.

"Phantom Fragrance Hunter, Kadaixi."

In the next second, the mountain gate sensed and slowly moved open, showing Yechen and others the flat mountain road leading to the Hunter's Peak.

However, the three of them continued to ride in the carriage for a certain distance, until they reached a fork in the road, Niesuo suddenly called the driver to stop, then opened the door, and got out of the carriage first.

"Sissy, I'll leave him to you. I have to leave first." Niesuo put his hands in his pockets and said to his companion with a relaxed expression.

"What are you going to do?" Kadashy asked curiously.

"I'll go and say hello to Ye Chen and the people in the academy first, and then give the master a gift. He will be pleasantly surprised." Niesuo replied with a smile.

"Okay, let's go." Kadashy curled her lips thoughtfully, then compromised.

So, Niesuo waved goodbye to the two of them, Yechen and Kadaixi took the carriage to the lower area of ​​Hunter's Summit, while he walked slowly towards the upper area of ​​Hunter's Summit.

"Next, let me take you. Not surprisingly, this is your future living area, so I will briefly introduce you to the areas along the way."

Kadaixi smiled at Yechen and introduced it patiently.

"Understood, thank you sister for your patience."

With the lessons learned during the day, Yechen is now particular about Kadaixi's address.

"Hehe, it's enough to call me Sister Qian, let's go now."

Kadaixi chuckled, as if she had a good impression of the newcomer in front of her, she patted Yechen on the shoulder in a friendly way, and led him all the way up, formally stepping into the lower zone of Hunter's Peak.

If Hunter Town is a large town with a strong industrial atmosphere, a thriving population, and built on the basis of high-end machinery, then Hunter’s Peak is a stronghold of power that exudes antique flavor, few people, quiet and surrounded by mountains. .

According to Kadaixi, the lower level of the Hunter's Peak where Yechen is currently located is generally divided into: information area, college area, and recuperation area.

The information area is the first area that Yechen passes through when entering the Hunter’s Peak. It is composed of two office buildings, one small and one large. The small one is the Hunter post office, which is responsible for receiving the private letters of the hunters, and the big one is the Hunter’s post office. The office is responsible for the confirmation, review and acceptance of task entrustment.

When Ye Chen passed by, the entrance of the Hunter Post Office was deserted, but there were three carriages full of letters parked at the entrance of the Hunter Office.

Under Kadaixi's explanation, Yechen learned that the contents of the entrustment on these letters are the work that Olympians need to complete on weekdays.

Some are due to lack of resources, requiring hunters to go to the maze to collect specific maze materials, and some are due to abnormal conditions at the border due to changes in the maze, requiring hunters to go to the singularity point related to the maze to investigate and block.

All in all, although there are thousands of types of these jobs, each of them has something to do with the word Olympian Labyrinth, which is enough to show that the life of Olympian hunters is closely related to the Olympian Labyrinth.

Chapter 0107

After walking through the information processing area, the next step is the academy training area.

This is a school surrounded by iron bars, including teaching buildings, training grounds, canteens and dormitories, which is a closed teaching environment.

When Ye Chen passed by, through the gap in the fence, he saw dozens of active figures on the internal training ground, most of them were of his age, running along the runway under the urging of the instructor, performing the most basic exercises. Physical Training.

Compared with the previous area, this area is much more vibrant, at least it is filled with young girls of the same age as Ye Chen, adding a bit of youthful atmosphere to the cold mountain.

And this Hunter Academy is also the environment that Ye Chen will live and adapt to in the next three months.

Speaking of which, although Yechen learned spiritual practice under the cultivation of Lyle since he was a child, the process is all of the nature of private education. He has never experienced such a group class together. Therefore, for the so-called school life in the future, Ye Chen Chen's heart was full of curiosity and uneasiness, he just hoped that he could spend this time as smoothly as possible with less trouble.

After walking through the training area of ​​the academy, the last building area on the lower level of the Hunter's Peak, the mental recuperation area, appeared before Yechen's eyes.

This is an area built by dozens of gray tile-roofed wards surrounding a huge and magnificent hospital. The red cross signboard stands on the towering roof, which immediately attracted Ye Chen's attention .

According to Kadaixi, although this medical area takes into account physical treatment, it focuses more on spiritual care.

Because the body of a nightmare sensor can usually heal itself even with a comminuted fracture, but once the spirit is permanently traumatized, it cannot be recovered.

Therefore, most of the patients living in the surrounding wards are hunters who have been working in the maze for a long time, and thus have been influenced by arrogance for a long time, and eventually lead to mental failure. The hospital in the middle is the first and final diagnosis of the patients. area.

Mentally damaged hunters can only be admitted to the hospital for treatment and care after the attending physician confirms that their souls are still saved, and then only after the attending physician confirms that their spirits have fully recovered can they be discharged from the hospital and go to the maze to perform tasks again.

Ye Chen paused for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Then, what will happen to the hunters who have not passed the initial examination by the attending physician?"

After hearing Yechen's question, Kadaixi was silent for a moment, and then answered calmly: "They have been dealt with, because they have become a threat to all creatures in the Holy Light Pure Land, including the Olympian Hunters."

The boy listened, nodded in response, and stopped talking.

Ten minutes later, the carriage stopped in front of the hospital gate on the opposite side of the attending physician's hall. Under the leadership of Kadaixi, Yechen got out of the carriage, and then stepped into the hospital to receive a consultation.


A woman with cool short hair, wearing a white coat and uniform, and a dignified appearance, after giving Yechen a full body examination, looked at the diagnosis report in her hand, stroked her glasses, and then looked at Yechen calmly. explained.

"There are 27 lacerations in the skin of the whole body, fractures of the ninth and tenth ribs on the left side, fractures of the seventh and No.11 ribs on the right side, moderate fractures in the femur bone of the left leg and the elbow of the right hand, the ulna, radius, and two sides of the hands. There were multiple contusions on the side shoulder blades and the tibias of both legs, and the lower abdomen was moderately bruised, but fortunately the organs were not damaged."

"The situation is not too serious, and it can recover on its own with medication."

"It is recommended to stay in hospital for a week."

After the doctor finished speaking, he pinched the tip of the pen with his fingers and quickly wrote a few lines of black characters on the report, and then handed it over to Yechen.

For such injuries, ordinary people would have to undergo surgery immediately, but it is unnecessary for Yechen, a group of special people who have enjoyed the baptism of nightmares physically, and this female doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating nightmare sensors has long since Get used to such situations.

Afterwards, she warned Yechen: "Also, remember to take less painkillers in the future. Although your internal organs are far stronger than ordinary people, taking this medicine for a long time will still damage your kidneys. Now It doesn't feel like being young, but you will have someone in the future."

Ye Chen was startled, and immediately bowed his head in thanks, keeping the doctor's reminder in mind.

During these days, he was first chased by the abyss, and then he was chased by the holy light. During this period, he moved flexibly to numb the pain, and he did take a lot of painkillers.

Although these are the behaviors that Ye Chen has to do in order to survive the difficulties, but now he really has to plan for the future, and he must control his medication in the future...

"If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me again, here is my business card." The female doctor said, and gave Yechen a white card.

The name of "Keduo" is printed on it, as well as a series of detailed information such as contact information and contact address.

"Next person."

Then, she gave instructions to the figure who had just arrived outside the door.

Ye Chen took the business card, thanked him again, and was about to leave when he passed the figure outside the door, but was immediately stunned by the figure of the other party.

It was a young man whose face seemed to be a few years older than him. He had messy hair and was wearing a wine red coat. He looked plain and calm.

However, his raised left hand was holding the broken front palm of his right hand, with four bloody index fingers, middle fingers, ring fingers, and little fingers in the palm of his hand, and sat in front of Ke Duo.

This scene instantly aroused Yechen's strong interest, making him involuntarily stop outside the door and observe secretly.

"Doctor, the nerve was cut off smoothly, and the damage is not particularly serious, can it be connected?" the young man in red asked expressionlessly.

Seeing this, Ke Duo put on sterile gloves, reached out to take the boy's severed palm, his eyes immediately showed the luster of the power of the mysterious spirit, quickly scanned his injury, picked up the tip of his pen and quickly wrote a line on the report , and at the same time asked the boy in red in a cold voice: "He Sheng, you just exposed it to the air and brought it here? Seriously?"

The young man in red named He Sheng laughed and explained: "During the mission, I accidentally got a delayed curse from a labyrinth creature. The curse didn't take effect until I reached the Hunter's Peak, so I simply stopped the bleeding and went to the first place." The time has come, do you think you can still be saved?"

"There is no residual curse effect, no problem, just do the surgery first."

After Ke Duo finished speaking in a flat tone, he wrapped the severed palm with a sterile cloth, and then stuffed the report sheet into He Sheng's still intact left hand.

"Thank you."

After He Sheng finished speaking politely, he walked out of the consultation room with his severed hand and the report card in his hands, exchanged a glance with Ye Chen outside, and then turned away calmly, his words and deeds were not affected by his bloody severed hand at all.

Yechen stared at the back of the young man in red for a long time, before he knew it, Kadaixi had already walked behind him, and reminded doubtfully: "What are you doing here? It should have been checked."

Ye Chen was taken aback, glanced at her, immediately patted his head, smirked and said perfunctorily: "I'm sorry, I just saw that another Olympian hunter was seriously injured, and I saw it by accident. god."

After hearing this, Kadaixi glanced at He Sheng's back in the distance, and then told Yu Yechen with a wry smile: "This kind of situation is very common in the Olympian Hunters, and you will get used to it in the future. Now we are going to go through the hospitalization procedures." Bar."

Ye Chen nodded obediently, watched He Sheng's back disappear at the corner of the hospital corridor, and then turned his attention back to the business.

Chapter 0108

Although the lower level of the Hunter's Peak is only one-fifth of the height of the entire spiral mountain, with an average height of less than 500 meters, it is enough to be shrouded in clouds and mist, showing the tranquility and beauty of the mountain scenery outside the world.

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