The two "Abyss Bullets" escaped from the muzzle and directly hit the surface of the golden-patterned black awning, carving two deep marks.

The impact of the bullet, which was greatly reduced, penetrated into Ye Chen's chest and arms, and immediately caused a muffled sound of bones shattering.

However, as long as it doesn't kill you, that's enough.

The hunter can still move, and the prey has no time to fire a second shot. For Ye Chen, everything is enough.

It's time for this hunt to come to an end!

Chapter 0037 I finally caught you

With the reliable defensive power of the golden black awning, Ye Chen rushed directly to the last two guards.

At this moment, Chauvin, who was on the roof of the mansion, hurriedly pulled the trigger.


However, due to his anxiety in his mentality, the bullets fired from the muzzle failed to predict Ye Chen's travel route, and only slightly brushed the opponent's heel, which basically did not interfere with his movements.

And Ye Chen didn't pay any attention to the plan to deviate from the bullet at all, his blue eyes just stared intently at the two prey in front of him.

The guard closest to him didn't have time to unload his gun, so he could only put on a bewildered expression, raise his rifle, and protect his torso.

However, under the influence of Yechen Arcane Art, all this was just a pointless struggle after all.

I saw that the blood-stained dagger wrapped tightly around the left hand of the boy quickly slashed, and the body of the rifle that was placed on the chest by the guard was broken in two in an instant, and his own face also appeared in an instant. A vertical blood line.

The next moment, the blood was raging, on both sides of the head.

After killing the penultimate prey, Ye Chen ran to the penultimate prey without hesitation. He was also the current smooth captain of the Guards, Kaminge.

However, at this time, Ka Mingjie made an unexpected move. He did not try to load the rifle, nor did he make any defensive actions, nor did he turn around and run away. Instead, he threw the flying rifle and opened his arms. , took the initiative to embrace Ye Chen.


Ye Chen felt that something was wrong in his heart, but it was too late to withdraw his sword and avoid it.

The next moment, the sharp edge of the dagger immediately penetrated through Ka Mingjie's abdomen, causing his face to grimace and blood to spurt.

However, at the cost of suffering such a fatal blow, Ka Mingjie also held Ye Chen in his arms.

At this moment, a proud smile appeared on the man's pale face.

"Finally caught you...hahaha——!"

He grinned, showing his mouth full of bloody teeth, showing the ruthlessness of a dying man.


When Ye Chen heard the strange sound coming from Ka Mingjie's body, he immediately looked down, and immediately found a bundle of detonator explosives tied to the other side's open bodyguard shirt.

That hissing sound came from the sparks burning on their leads.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's face changed drastically, and he immediately activated the power of the Ao Ling in his entire body, and directly broke Ka Mingjie's hands with the powerful force.

However, he had just broken free from Cumminger's arms, and the lead had burned to the end.

"Everything is for the lord—!"

Feeling the burning sensation on his skin, Caminger couldn't help laughing.

After being in contact with the abyss material for a long time, his spirit has finally entered a state of madness, and he does not feel any fear at all, but a supreme joy and pride.

In the next second, the infinite firepower and the scorching high temperature immediately devoured Ka Mingjie's entire body, and swallowed the Yechen in front of him into his belly.


The terrifying power of the explosives made the aisle where Ye Chen was located immediately burst into flames, and the smoke exploded.

A strong shock immediately swept through the entire Xiaowalu mansion, causing Xiaowaluwen on the roof of the mansion to almost stumble and fall off the tall building.


He stretched out his hand to grab a solid eaves beside him, and then quickly climbed back to the roof to observe the situation in the center of the explosion, and then he saw that the passage had been reduced to a dilapidated ruin.

Smoke billows, fire blazes.

Outside the mansion, on the spacious floor of the fountain courtyard, nine figures of different heights collapsed here and there.

Eight of them were wearing the dilapidated uniforms of the personal guards of the Xiaovalu family, while the remaining one was wearing a pure black cloak engraved with gold patterns, which looked very noble.

However, after the ruthless baptism of the heat wave just now, the cloak is now twisted into a ball, but it is still vaguely deformed, as if trying to restore its original shape.

It seemed that these nine figures were the same people who had formed a ball in the corridor of the mansion just now, but now they were knocked down by the explosive shock and flew into the fountain courtyard.

Seeing all this from the towering roof, Chauvin's knitted eyes suddenly relaxed.


He couldn't help whistling excitedly, then raised the corner of his mouth, and quickly adjusted the angle of the sniper rifle with both hands, involuntarily fired a shot at the figure in the black awning with golden stripes.


The abyss bullet crossed the night sky as long as [-] meters, against the cold moonlight, and accurately hit the target's open back door.

The deadly warhead left a deep pit on the surface of the golden black canopy, which quickly twisted into a vortex, and the center of the vortex was located at the heart of the figure.

"This guy is full of fans and should not be underestimated."

"Just in case, make a few more shots, no, make dozens more shots!"


Chauvin laughed wildly, deftly unloading and reloading the sniper rifle, pouring dozens of "Abyss Bullets" into the target's heart, the back of the head, and finally both hands and feet.

Bang Bang Bang!

In the Xiaovalu Manor under the night sky, the sound of sniper rifle fire constantly resounded, and it sounded so harsh and crazy.

It wasn't until the figure under the golden-patterned black hood was almost flattened by bullets, and until there was no more rounds left in the magazine of the sniper rifle, that Xiaovaluwen put away the gun and stood up with a satisfied face, and jumped from the roof Go down to the balcony on the second floor, and jump from the balcony on the second floor to the ground on the first floor.

"Master Showarus, my dear brother..."

While walking towards the fountain courtyard filled with silhouettes, Chauvin looked at the full moon above his head emotionally, and recited.

"Although we suffered heavy losses, we still executed this despicable and shameless villain..."

Chauvin stepped over the collapsed corpses of the many guards, stared at the figure in the cloak at the front, and continued to chant.

"I have avenged you, so... please rest in peace."

The distance between Xiaovaruwen and the target is getting closer and closer, and the sincere face that was originally moved is suddenly twisted into a ball by the abyss material that climbs on the skin.

In an instant, Xiaovaruwen's entire face no longer looked like a human figure, but a monster full of saliva, exuding a desire to devour everything.

"Although I really want to shred you into pieces and hang them in the city, the babies covering me seem to be telling the deliciousness of your flesh and blood..."

"Well, since it's what the abyss asked for, then I'll eat you and take all your power for my own use. I believe that my brother is in the spirit of heaven and will witness all this with a smile!"

"he he he he he--!"

Xiaovaruwen laughed wildly, and he was about to come to the figure covered by the black awning with golden stripes.

However, in the next second, his contorted face suddenly froze.

Because, at this moment, Chauvin heard a slight movement from behind him.

Having been in contact with firearms for decades, he instantly understood that the true nature of this movement was the sound of the revolver being moved.

Chauvin twitched the corners of his eyes and turned his head back.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the boy lying on the ground, wearing a guard coat, staring at him speechlessly.

"I finally caught you."

At this moment, Ye Chen's azure blue eyes seemed to say so.

Then, his finger on the revolver trigger snapped decisively.

Chapter 0038 Mutation


The bright red and bright "Blood Bullet", the last "Blood Bullet" created by Ye Chen tonight, leaped a short distance of less than ten meters, and hit Chauvin with great precision that was too late to hide. left leg.


The blood light exploded, and the left thigh of Xiaovaruwen was instantly blown through, and the part below the knee was directly blown away.

In an instant, the flesh spilled into the night sky, and the bones shattered all over the ground.


Chauvin collapsed to the ground, his facial features twisted into a ball, and then he let out a scream that was tearing the sky and the earth.

And his upper body, which had been hidden quickly, began to slowly return to human form because his mind was disturbed by the severe pain.


While breathing, the boy put down his revolver and slowly got up from the ground.

He took off his guard's coat, revealing his shirt that was almost completely burned by the heat wave, then clutching his bleeding waist, he staggered to Chauvin's body, his eyes weary as he looked down on the ground The incomparable opponent looked at his last prey tonight.

Today's Chauvin is no longer able to use his stealth skills and can no longer escape from Ye Chen's hands.

Obviously, he has been regarded as the turtle in the urn.

Chauvin had been cautious all night, but at the last minute something went wrong.

That blind slack and carelessness finally turned the situation around again, and finally made him fall to the ground and crawl at Ye Chen's feet.

Chauvin covered his left leg and screamed in pain, then raised a pair of blood-red eyes, and cursed at Ye Chen with a hiss:

"You despicable bastard, use all these shameless tricks——!"

However, for his insulting remarks, Ye Chen was expressionless and unmoved, not even blinking his eyelids.

After all, Ye Chen knew very well that he was a hunter, not a knight.

For hunters, what they want to pursue is precisely cunning and despicableness. As long as they can hunt down the target, all means are used. This is the real hunter in Lyle's mouth.

Therefore, Shawaruwen's slander is not at all painful to Yechen. From another perspective, it may be regarded as a compliment.

"Abyss...Abyss...For the sake of my brother and I being so devout to you, please help reverse this predicament, please help me...get rid of this villain—!"

Chauvin, whose face was soaked with cold sweat from the severe pain, began to bow his head and beg.

Immediately afterwards, the pile of dark silt clinging to his skin rushed towards Shaovaluwen's broken left leg, constantly twisting and circling, trying to repair and rebuild it.

However, I saw Ye Chen's blood-stained dagger swept over like an afterimage, stabbing straight into the center of the pile of abyss.

In the next second, the viscous silt was scorched by the blood on the blade, producing a sound of howling and howling, and then turned into countless flying ashes and dissipated in the evening wind.

"Uh ah ah ah-!"

Ye Chen's sword not only wiped out a large area of ​​abyss material on the surface of Xiaovaluwen's body, but also tore the wound on Xiaovaluwen's thigh again, causing the silent Xiaovalu Manor to resound again. his miserable hoarse cry.


Ye Chen took a few more breaths, endured the pain that ran through his body, went around to Xiaovaruwen's upper body, and raised the blood-stained dagger, just to pierce the head of his prey.

However, even though he was in terrifying pain, Xiaovaruwen's survival instinct still made him desperately raise his hands, grabbed Ye Chen's wrist abruptly, and tried his best to prevent the blade from falling.


The two of them twisted together and wrestled for a long time. One of the two sides lost their strength because of the pain, and the other was exhausted because of exhaustion. Therefore, it was difficult to tell the result.

After trying for a few rounds, Ye Chen felt that his state was really bad at this time.

The bronze-colored bullet collided with the fragile eyeball, which aroused Xiaowaluwen's extremely tragic wailing...

Seizing the uncontrollable flaw of Xiaovaruwen, Ye Chen mercilessly pierced his forehead with a sword.


The blade broke his brain, and Xiaovaruwen's hands finally collapsed to the ground weakly.

But even so, Ye Chen's expression was still full of dignified expression.

Because he understands that all creatures related to the abyss will not die so easily.

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