Another personal guard immediately asked Kamingjie for the next order.

"Hmm... Escape! Master Xiaowaluwen will help us cover up, and the original plan remains the same!"

After hesitating for a moment, Ka Mingjie finally made up his mind. He led his subordinates to the opposite direction from the hall and rushed directly towards the nearest exit.

boom! boom! boom!

While they were running, Chauvin's bullets continued to cause a loud noise behind Cumminger and his party, and the loud noise became clearer and clearer, which obviously meant that Ye Chen was avoiding Chauvin on the side. Lu Wen's sniping quickly approached them.

While listening to the movement from behind, Ka Mingjie led the team to run forward, but he continued to think about a certain question, why did Ye Chen deliberately go behind him?

"There is already a sea of ​​flames there. If he wants to prevent us from setting fire, it is better to lie in ambush in front..."

"But why do you deliberately rush into the fire again?"

"It's almost like... like..."

It's like a shepherd driving a flock and leading them to a certain location.

When such an idea came to Cumingjie's mind, he immediately shouted to his teammates: "Wait a minute, stop and don't move--!"

However, his reminder was a little slow. The two guards in the team running at the front of the corridor had already caught their ankles by a hidden wire hanging from the floor, causing them to fall uncontrollably to the ground. .

The steel wire was so pressed by their weight that it directly affected the oil bottles hanging on the walls on both sides, so that the viscous liquid in them was spilled on the bodies of the two unlucky bastards in an instant.

And the lighter that was entangled in the other end of the wire also automatically pressed the switch due to the spread of force.


Surrounded by oil and water, Mars instantly swelled into a dazzling pool of fire, mercilessly swallowing the two guards in it.

"Wow ah ah-!"

The two bodyguards covered in flames, one rolled on the ground, but burned more and more, and could not escape death. With a trap, the whole person was immediately clamped tightly, unable to break free, still unable to escape the fate of being burned alive.

Cumingjie watched the two companions die tragically, but did not dare to act rashly, and then shouted at the remaining subordinates.

"Sure enough, the reason why the enemy deliberately goes behind us is to drive us into the trap. The road ahead is probably full of his organs, and we can't go any further!"

At this time, another personal guard immediately proposed other ideas.

"Captain, there is a warehouse on the side of the corridor with a window, we can escape through the window!"

After that, he took the initiative to run to the small door of the warehouse and pushed it open.

"Idiot, wait a minute!"

Kamingjie panicked again to stop the road, but it was still a second slower.

The moment the guard pushed open the door, he fanned the whole room with a mountain of wheat flour in front of him. At the same time, the steel wire tied to the door handle felt a pull, and immediately activated the lighter on the wall.


The dust of the explosion instantly blasted the guards several meters away, causing him to slam into the wall and fall to the ground weakly.

By the time Ka Mingjie helped him up, the other party's facial features were completely destroyed, and his death was tragic.

"Ughhhhh! That sly bastard! Damn it! Damn it—!"

Cumingjie put down the corpses of his subordinates, beat his chest and stomped his feet angrily, and roared with his mouth open.

"Captain, what should we do now..."

The last seven members asked Cumminger helplessly.

Up to now, they have completely lost their direction and don't know what to do.

Cumminger clenched his fists, remained silent for a moment, and finally responded through gritted teeth: "What else can I do, I guess all the way out is filled with traps by that guy, the original plan can't be carried out, so the next step can only be left to Lord Xiaovaluwen has dealt with it, we... have only one last choice now."

"If he wants to fight, then fight!"

"Vengeance for our Lord Shavarus, for the lord of our hoarfrost! Brave Guards, please sacrifice your life! And I, Caminger, will naturally fight with you to the end!"

Cumminger roared with red eyes, and his heroic declaration made the hearts of the rest of the people deeply infected and encouraged, and ignited the originally dead atmosphere again.

"For Lord Shavarus! For our lord of the Hoarfrost!"

The angry battle cry of the Guards spread throughout the mansion building, and everyone immediately grabbed their rifles with well-loaded bullets and resolutely rushed to the rear where Ye Chen had been.

"Tsk, I'm hiding in the blind spot again. This guy's level is really too high. Are people in the outside world so powerful..."

Chauvin on the roof muttered to himself with an unpleasant expression, and then fired a new "Abyss Bullet" into the sniper rifle.

When Yechen ran into his field of vision just now, Xiaovaruwen fired a total of eight shots, of which only five hit the opponent, and none of them hit the key points, which really made him feel ashamed.

However, the opponent's condition was obviously getting worse and worse, and Chauvin firmly believed that the balance of victory in this revenge battle would still be tilted to his side.

After Xiaovaruwen thought about it, he immediately found that the Guards were returning to the place where Yechen was at full speed, and he quickly understood their fighting spirit to fight to the death.

"It seems that the scum has blocked their escape route..."

"Forget it, you should reduce each other's physical strength as much as possible."

"I, Chauvin, will never waste your sacrifices!"

Chauvin muttered to himself, then set up his sniper rifle, ready to fire.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Ye Chen hid in a piano room, gasping for breath.

The floor in front of him was covered with glass debris shattered by Chauvin's bullets.

The guest room next to him was surrounded by fire, and choking black smoke was constantly floating.

Because Ye Chen wet his body in the bathhouse ahead of time, he was not affected by the nearby fire, but the bullets fired by Shawaruwen at the commanding heights made him bloody and covered with blood. Full of wounds.

During this period, if it wasn't for the golden black awning that continuously buffered the power of several sniper bullets, even if Ye Chen didn't die now, he would still face a desperate situation where it would be difficult to move.

"Teacher, this third really much more difficult than the first two..."

While bandaging the wound, Ye Chen muttered to himself, then smiled bitterly, took a few more painkillers, clenched the silver revolver, and supported the aching body again.

Chapter 0036

On the roof of the mansion, Xiaovaruwen's eyes were locked on the door of the piano room on the first floor in the distance.

That is the only exit from the piano room. Once Ye Chen, who was hiding in the corner, escaped from the blind spot of Chauvin's field of vision and tried to escape from the room through the door, Chauvin would shoot without hesitation, trying to kill the opponent. Life.

Of course, Ye Chen could also choose to hide in the blind spot of his field of vision all the time, but in that case, the fire in the next room would soon spread, and the longer Ye Chen dragged on, the more painful and miserable his death would be.

"Come on, let me see which end you will choose..."

Chauvin licked his lips and murmured excitedly.

However, Ye Chen had neither the intention of leaving the blind spot of Xiaovaruwen's vision nor the idea of ​​staying in the corner and waiting to die.

I saw him slam the blood-stained dagger wrapped in bandages in his left hand several times. With the sharp edge strengthened by the blood magic, he immediately cut out a human-sized dagger in the center of the thick wall of the piano room. Square hole.

Ye Chen climbed over the square-shaped hole and returned to the corridor, leaving Chauvin alone on the roof to guard the door of the piano room.

Although it is said that with the extreme sharpness of the blood-stained dagger, Ye Chen can cut the top of the building with one sword at a time, and run directly to the roof of the mansion to duel with Chauvin, but if he fails to kill the opponent with one hit, Presumably, Chauvin would activate that tricky stealth ability again and escape.

In this way, the chances of Ye Chen's efforts in vain are too great.

Therefore, for now, he still decided to clean up all the remaining Guards first, and then slowly settle the account with Xiaovaruwen.

In this case, there is no need to deliberately leave a "blood bullet" in the magazine.

As Ye Chen thought about it, he took out the precious blood-made bullets in the revolver and replaced them with ordinary bronze bullets.

I don't know how many people the trap I set up can cause the other party to lose...

If the rest of the people have all escaped outside, then I will go to the roof to drive away Xiaowaluwen in advance, snatch the commanding heights, and then slowly snipe the remaining prey...

And if the other party didn't choose to venture forward, but instead chose to turn back...

Then the first thing they should do is to set up an ambush and prepare to attack themselves.

Ye Chen walked in the corner of the corridor that could not be seen by Xiaovaruwen, briefly thought about the solutions in different situations, and then took out a small lens from the handkerchief and quietly stuck out of the corner from the ground.

Then, with the reflection of the mirror, he immediately saw a dark and silent long and narrow corridor.

There was no one in the aisle, only a bunch of glass showcases with rare antiques lined up on both sides.

However, relying on the bright moonlight, Ye Chen realized that the glass plane on a showcase at the end of the aisle reflected a slender black shadow hidden at the end.

Looking at the blurry shadow, the first thing Ye Chen thought of was the barrel of a rifle.

The boy paused for a moment, then walked into the room adjacent to the corridor, and slowly raised the blood-stained dagger...

"If there are footsteps in the aisle, don't rush to shoot, wait until he has walked half the distance before shooting, to ensure that the enemy does not have time to escape."

While holding the gun steady, Cumminger whispered to his subordinates.


After receiving the unhesitating answer from his subordinates, Cumingjie immediately devoted himself to listening wholeheartedly, and soon heard a movement.

However, it sounded as if it had nothing to do with the sound of human footsteps, as if it was the sound of some kind of heavy things falling to the ground.

dong... dong... dong...

"Captain, is this voice coming from him?"

After hearing the strange sound, one of the guards couldn't help frowning and asked his companion in a low voice.

"No, it should be because the fire in the mansion is too fierce, causing some places to collapse, don't worry about it."

Another guard reminded with a calm expression, signaling his companions not to panic.

Ka Mingjie didn't say anything. Although he felt a little uneasy in his heart, he couldn't say the exact reason. He could only continue to maintain the formation with his subordinates and wait for the rabbit.

Then, in less than tens of seconds, there was a sudden tremor from the wall on the side of the Guards.

Everyone looked at him in shock, only to see four cracks suddenly appear on the wall that should have been normal.

They were attached to each other, forming a square about the size of a person, and it was about to fall directly from the wall.

"Fire, fire at this wall—!"

At this moment, Cumminger hissed and roared, and took the lead in turning the muzzle and firing at the square formed by the cracks on the wall.


Xiaovaruwen was wondering that the fire had already poured into the piano room, but why did Yechen still not move, but suddenly he heard a gunshot from the other end of the mansion, which made his face instantly flooded with a thick expression. horrified.

"what happened?"

Chauvin thought doubtfully, and immediately pointed the scope to the source of the gunshots.

Under the leadership of Ka Mingjie, the guards followed suit without hesitation. Eight "Abyss Bullets" instantly shattered the huge cube on the wall, and a dark square tunnel penetrated through the wall. appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing the hole in the wall from a distance in the scope, the complexion of Chauvin on the roof instantly became extremely blue.

He almost immediately understood the method of Ye Chen's escape, and immediately realized that the piano room he had been looking at for so long was just a battle of wits and courage with the air!

"He, he dug a tunnel from the next room!?"

"Just kidding! How could he do this alone?"

"Be careful, he should be in the tunnel! Everyone, hurry up and reload!"

The guards suddenly panicked, and their exclamations became an excellent bunker for Ye Chen.

When Ka Mingjie found that there was no one in the wall tunnel, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the original long and narrow passage, he was horrified to find that a figure was rushing towards him.

The appearance of the tunnel was just a feint to attract everyone's attention, and even the Chauvin on the roof was one of the objects of attraction.

The first time after completing the tunnel, Ye Chen quickly turned back. When Ka Mingjie saw him in the aisle, Ye Chen had already crossed half the length of the aisle.

At this moment, the distance between the hunter and the prey is close at hand!

"He's coming down the aisle! Shoot--!"

Cumminger was sweating profusely and screamed in horror.

When the guards heard the captain's roar, they turned their heads to face the approaching Death God almost immediately, and immediately raised their guns and wanted to fire.

However, Ye Chen took out his revolver one step faster, and directed a six-shot shooting show at the crowd.

After shooting down the six figures in the Guards, the young man leaned over and pulled the golden-patterned black awning to cover his vital points.


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