Xia Donghe was silent for a while.

Nikovsky sneered.

But before he could sneer at the old man to confuse the crowd, the old man said again: "Do you not believe it?"

"Think about it carefully, why can't you make ancient star cards that are as powerful as in the past, and even imitate them, but we can?"

"Why do you, as aborigines, know less about cards than we do?"

"Why is it so difficult for you to upgrade from Tier [-] to Tier [-], while we were born Tier [-]?"

"Above the ninth level is the Star God Realm, but do you know the three words Star God Realm? Do you understand the meaning of these three words?"

"You don't understand, you don't understand anything."

"Do you know why your history is hidden?"

"Because your ancestors understood that a lie will be exposed one day, and one day it will not be able to be undone. Instead of being questioned and unearthed the crimes you have committed, it is better to erase this history and treat it as if it did not exist. Even if one day someone works hard to get permission to read historical materials, they will only see what they forged."

"But in fact, the cards are not yours at all."

"Star card civilization is our civilization!"

"Cough cough..."

Speaking of this, the old man became emotional and coughed twice.

He quickly recovered and regained his composure.

The old man continued: "It's just that in that sudden war, we fought back desperately, and finally destroyed the technology you relied on, causing a breakdown in your civilization, and you were forced to embark on the road of practicing card making."

"This is what we deliberately guided."

"Our star card system has become more perfect, far ahead of you, and you will never be able to catch up."

Such a revenge plan should have been perfect.

The human star card system has gone astray, and if they lose the last super weapon, even if they have a small number of people, they can still slaughter all human beings.

At the same level, their combat effectiveness is more than one level higher than that of humans, and they can easily kill each other.

It's a pity... There is an excuse among human beings.

A Star God Realm in the last card era.

He changed the outcome of this war.

However, he cannot change the despicable past of mankind.

"Now, tell me, who is the invader, who is the brutal alien civilization?"

Facing the old man's questioning and indifferent gaze, everyone was silent.

Nikovsky stopped talking.

All along, they thought they were fighting for human civilization.

But now someone tells them that the civilization they guard is not their own civilization?

Their first reaction is disbelief.

But what the old man said was too true...

His emotions and the details in his words seemed to be his personal experience.

"I have a question."

Quietly heard the current Gu Ci ask: "You just said that you are already seventy or eighty...or I say another way, you are only seventy and eighty. You are also a person of this era. Where did you know this?"

The old man sneered: "You humans have a history, don't we? The only difference is that your history is a lie carefully fabricated by your ancestors to cover up their crimes, while our history is a bloody fact."

"No." Gu Ci shook his head, "You have no way to prove that your history is true, and we will not believe your words."

Hearing this, the old man laughed loudly, with undisguised sarcasm in his smile: "Yes, you humans have always been like this. What you are best at is deceiving yourself and others. If you don't believe me, why ask?"

"It seems that you really believe in the history left by your ancestors." Gu Ci said.

"Otherwise?" the old man asked back, "Should I believe your history?"

"That's not necessary." Gu Ci said, "I believe in you, and we believe in us. You think we were deceived by our ancestors, and we also think that you were deceived by our ancestors. Do you remember that sentence? Where there is oppression, there is oppression." resist."

"Even if everything you just said is true, don't you still not know the reason why we humans suddenly started fighting against you?"

"I'll tell you."

"Because your ancestors, under the banner of accepting human beings, gave them a place to survive and develop, but in fact it was a premeditated captivity."

"As you said, in terms of star cards, human beings will never catch up with your footsteps, and similarly, in terms of technology, you can't reach the heights that we humans have achieved, but you want to have such technology, so Pretending to coexist peacefully with human beings, wait until we are almost developed, and then rob our technological achievements.”

"The place we live in is given by you. We eat people softly and take people short. I think the ancestors of mankind should have made some concessions to you in this regard, and agreed to some of your unequal overlord terms."

"But you are not satisfied..."

Gu Ci said softly: "If you have one, you want two, and if you have two, you want more. You have no bottom line to demand and squeeze from human beings, and in the end we couldn't bear it, so we launched a war against you."

From this perspective, the intruders are still witch-robed people.

Humanity has suffered more than recorded in history.

Besides war, there is oppression.

"It's ridiculous!"

Gu Ci's words made the old man laugh angrily, "I underestimated you, Master Gu, you are more shameless than your ancestors."

But the same words fell into the ears of the soldiers, but they had completely different meanings.

... That's right, this old man is an enemy, so what if it's true?

Can the enemy's words be believed casually?

Nikovsky cursed secretly, and almost fell for the bad old man's tricks.

If Gu Ci hadn't woken them up, their morale would have been shaken before the battle was fought.

Doubting your own convictions and beliefs is a scary thing.

The image of human beings in the old population is heinous. They are not such people, and they would not wish their ancestors to be such people.

Actually don't blame them.

Subconsciously believe the old man's words, not because they are not firm, but because the old man used spiritual rules when speaking.

His words will affect everyone who hears them.

As for how much is true and how much is false...

Gu Ci sighed in his heart.

So far, is it important to be true or false?

No one can go back to the past, no one can prove the authenticity of the two periods of history, and the wheel of time will always press forward.

They are all human beings, and this position determines that, right or wrong, they will firmly stand on the human side.

In the past two months, countless human beings have been killed and injured, and hundreds of countries have been destroyed in this war. Someone must pay the price for this.

"Please." Gu Ci said.

All that needs to be said has been said, let's end it soon.

The old man smiled: "You too."

This please does not mean to call.

The old man knew that he was no longer Gu Ci's opponent.

[Four Cold Heavenly Prison] is his temptation.

One can break the god-level illusion, and the genuine star god realm, he can't beat the two together.

Gu Ci is asking him to die.

What about him?

He was asking Xia Donghe and others to die with him.

The Dark Realm used to be the cruelest sky prison in the world, dedicated to detaining the most heinous people.

This is a place that can be abandoned at any time.

In order to prevent prisoners from rioting, thousands of taboo star cards are buried under the cell. Once activated, the power will be no worse than human super weapons. The entire dark world will be wiped out in an instant, and even he will die ten times. lifeless.

Only Gu Ci can escape.

No one can keep a Star God Realm.

But it's okay.

Except for Gu Ci, everyone else must be buried with him.

He traded so many human beings by himself and made a profit.

The old man smiled, black mist oozing from his body.

At the same time, the ground trembled violently.

"what happened?!"

Xia Donghe and others were shocked to find that they were imprisoned in place by a completely incomprehensible force.

The surrounding walls began to distort, and void cracks appeared one after another, devouring and disintegrating this Four Cold Heavenly Prison that had existed for thousands of years.

"That's right."

Seeing the space collapse, Gu Ci laughed instead.

He had been thinking before, not to change a few before dying, unlike the style of the witch-robed man.

And when a person does something that does not conform to his own style, it often means fraud.

Now that the old man showed his hole cards, it made Gu Ci feel more at ease.

The process of being devoured by the rotten soul was very painful, but the old man was still laughing. Only one face was exposed from the black mist all over his body.

He was happy to see so many humans die with him.

Until Gu Ci stretched out his hand and lightly sketched twice in the air.

A glowing card emerged out of thin air, shattered, and turned into a transparent ball, like a bubble.

Gu Ci tapped his fingertips.


The bubble expanded rapidly, forming an enchantment in an instant, covering everyone.

The outer void crack suddenly stood still, as if the pause button had been pressed.

"External time stop...?"

The old man's smile froze, and he said in disbelief: "How can you stop the external time??"

He also has mastered the rules of time, and he can even make cards that stop time.

But "time stop" has always been a time stop in a certain area, not a time stop outside this area.

The time outside the region is the time of the whole world, and it is absolutely impossible even in the Star God Realm to stop the time of the whole world.

The old man was terrified: "What realm are you?!"

Gu Ci: "The Star God Realm."

The old man: "Impossible, the Star God Realm cannot achieve this level!"

Gu Ci: "You don't understand even if you tell me."

In fact, the principle is very simple.

Time stop is nothing more than slowing down the flow of time in an area, making it infinitely close to stillness. After a few days, months, or decades outside, the people inside may not move a bit, and the so-called external time stop does not It's not true that the outer time stops, it's just that Gu Ci has super-doubled the time in this area, so looking from the inside out, the space rift will be still.

It's not that the speed of space collapse has slowed down, it's that they have become faster.

This is a reverse application of "time stop", and the elderly will understand it when it is said.

But Gu Ci didn't say anything.

At this moment, the old man's remnant face finally showed the panic that a defeated person should have. A human being's understanding of star cards is more thorough than theirs, and this is something he can't bear.

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