Or are these people colluding with the witch-robed people as human beings?

Gu Ci frowned.

"Damn it, are they bewitched?"

Susan, who was besieged, couldn't help cursing.

The domestic turmoil in Dayang has temporarily stopped, and the strength of the army is far from what it used to be, but Harrison still asks Susan to bring an army to join the battle.

The future Big Yang Kingdom may not be called a superpower, but at least it is for now.

Harrison believes that they should assume the responsibility and mission of a superpower.

This is also the responsibility and mission of being a human being.


It's just that after coming to the extreme northern ice field for so long, the witch-robed people didn't see them, but they fought first.

These were all people who had risked their lives to charge in Area 51 before, and their positions were absolutely fine, so Susan asked whether they were bewitched.

"Gu Ci be careful!"

The third "be careful" came from Xing Wu's mouth.

This made Gu Ci narrow his eyes.

The appearance is that of Star Dance.

The tone is also the tone of Star Dance.

But when this happens, Xingwu won't just say "be careful".

While Xing Wuhui said "be careful", she teleported over and stood in front of him.

Although Gu Ci no longer needs Xing Wu's protection, some things will not change...at least not so fast.

How long has it been since he broke through to the Star God Realm?

In the past two months, Xing Wu has been helping the family resist the beast tide on the battlefield of Aquarius Palace, until today he came here on behalf of the Xing family.

During this period, they never met each other, including Xia Zhi, only Jiang Qianye was with him at the experimental base, and Jiang Qianye who was with him was not used to his power, how could Xing Wu get used to it?

...So this is not someone bewitched by an evil spirit, it is an illusion.

Their entire legion fell into the illusion of the witch-robed man.

The star dance he saw was fake.

The witch-robed man seen by the soldiers was also fake.

Even this white ice field may be fake.

"Good means." Gu Ci said lightly.

Immediately he raised his arm, and a sword appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Facing the sky lightly stroked.


Suddenly, an arc-shaped sword energy shot out, and the powerful regular fluctuations distorted and blurred the air, and the space on the path collapsed layer by layer, and dense cracks appeared, and then there was a "bang", like a shattered The mirror generally exploded and shattered.

In the next second, the scene in front of everyone's eyes changed.

The original ice sheet is gone, replaced by a rotting brick floor.

This is an incredible circular prison.

They were in the middle, surrounded by cells.

The light is so dim that it is almost indistinguishable from the pitch black, only the candle lamps hanging on the wall are emitting dim light, illuminating the rusted iron windows.

And an old man sitting at a small table under a barred window.

He was dressed in black robes, but without a hood, and his long, grizzled hair showed.

Xing Wu came to Gu Ci with a "swish" and stood with his sword horizontally, with vigilant eyes and said: "That's him."

This messy, unkempt old man over the age of [-] was the witch-cloaked man who beat her to serious injuries back then, and his strength was terrifying.

Hearing this, everyone felt as if they were facing an enemy.


The soldiers who woke up had no time to regret or ask what happened just now, they heard Xia Donghe's order, immediately dispersed, and surrounded the wall where the old man was at a distance.

Generals like Nikovsky looked around, looking for enemies that might be hiding in the dark.

Gu Ci patted Xing Wu's shoulder lightly, signaling that Xing Wu was fine, and pulled her behind him.

The old man spoke first, his voice hoarse, with strong self-mockery: "It really is the backward wave pushing the forward wave, I have pursued the star god realm all my life, and I am still in my [-]s and [-]s, and there is still one rule missing, but you only spent more than a year. "

It's not that he can't accept that someone is more genius than himself.

After living most of his life, he still has this kind of tolerance.

He just couldn't accept that this genius was a human being.

Human beings... why?

Gu Ci was noncommittal: "You are also very good at making the Star God Realm fall into an illusion without even noticing it."

"No, this is not my card." The old man shook his head and said, "If I can make a star card of this level, you will have no chance to grow up."

The reason why Star Card Masters in the Star God Realm are called Star Gods is because the power they have mastered has exceeded the limit of human beings.

Gu Ci's palm is the best proof.

It was the same with the sword just now.

As powerful as he is, he still needs a star card to show the rules he has comprehended: Come, but the Star God Realm doesn't need it.

If he was in the Star God Realm, would he still need to plan so much?

Wouldn't it be good to just start killing people?

The name of this fantasy card is the same as another name in the dark world - [Four Cold Heavenly Prison].

This is a real god-level star card, which can only be made by card makers in the Star God Realm.

Although he is not in the Star God Realm, it is not that there have never been Star Gods among them.

[Four Cold Heaven Prison] As the prison star card of the dark world, it is fatal to any star card master not exceeding the ninth rank.

Even though Xia Donghe and the others were not affected just now, it was only because of lack of time.

Stay for another half a minute, without him taking action, this human legion will start killing each other until they are all dead.

It's a pity that there was an excuse among these people.

"I really want to know, where did human beings offend you, and you want to kill them all so deliberately?" Xia Donghe asked in a deep voice.

There was anger in his tone that couldn't be concealed.

It stands to reason that there is no need for a reason to go to war between two civilizations-the competition for resources is the best reason.

But grabbing resources belongs to grabbing resources, and it won't kill all human beings.

This kind of cruel practice completely annihilates conscience and disregards life!

"Instead of asking me, you might as well ask you humans yourself." The old man said, "If you knew what you humans have done to us for hundreds of years, you might not have the face to ask this question yourself."

"History clearly records that hundreds of years ago, you invaded human civilization, and we fought back. I don't think there is any problem." Xia Donghe said.

"Yes, where there is oppression, there is resistance. This sentence is said by you humans, and I agree with it, but..."

The old man showed a mocking look: "Have you ever thought that history is always written by the victors, and the history you know is not the real history?"





=== Chapter 313 Nowhere to Escape ===

Yes, history is always written by the victors.

This is far from mean.

What is called despicable is a crime that human beings can never forgive.

Humans keep claiming that they are invaders and want to plunder the resources of this planet.

Record them as a sinister and cunning alien civilization.

As everyone knows, the fact is exactly the opposite.

They are the real masters of this planet.

More than 1000 years ago.

A huge spaceship passed through the clouds and landed on the planet.

There are very, very many humans in it.

In the beginning, they were indeed wary and hostile to these people who suddenly broke into their homes.

This is inevitable.

But after several friendly exchanges, they decided to accept humans and extend a helping hand to humans.

During the conversation, they learned that the earth where humans originally lived was no longer suitable for survival due to the deterioration of the environment, so they built an interstellar ark to find a new place to live in the universe.

Human beings have been drifting in space for many years, and the people in the ark are almost getting used to life on board—in fact, ignoring factors such as being unable to go out, life on board is not much different from that on land. Inside the ark is a large The city has everything you need, and even entertainment venues such as bars and game halls are all available.

They marveled at the level of human technology.

Humans are also very interested in their cards.

Thus, for the first time, an agreement was reached between the two civilizations.

While learning from each other, they will divide a piece of land and give it to human beings to live in—that is, the eastern region now.

This planet is not as harmonious as the earth. They have to go to the star palace to hunt monsters in order to obtain the resources needed for survival and development. This has led to their small population, even if such a large territory is allocated to humans. , they will not have any pressure.

Of course, this is also conditional.

Human beings must promise never to develop powerful weapons of war.

If they have to conduct related experiments, they must also be present to ensure that these weapons will not be aimed at them and will not harm civilians.

This is why all the secret research institutes of the countries are built underground.

The one in the Dongfang Kingdom is in the school, the one in the Xiya Kingdom is in the river, the entrance of the military research department of Subayinli is a well, and in the former Dayang Kingdom, Area 51 is set up in a flower cemetery... These entrances are full of strange things, all It is to deceive people.

They really don't know that humans are secretly experimenting with super weapons.

Until one night, the war broke out.

No sign.

The sky is full of light beams sprinkled on their land, the beauty is breathtaking.

Countless people looked up at the starry sky, thinking it was a rare large-scale meteor shower, but they didn't expect that this meteor shower would kill them.

When the light beam fell, all cities were turned into a sea of ​​flames. Hundreds of millions of people were melted and evaporated overnight, leaving no bones left.

In terms of cruelty, is there any more cruel behavior than this?

Fortunately, they survived, not all of them died.

In order to avoid being chased and killed by humans, they fled to the dark world where the prisoners were originally held, and they stayed there for hundreds of years.

It's cold and dark here, and there are no supplies.

Every once in a while, some of them will starve to death or freeze to death.

It wasn't until humans stopped searching that they dared to go out and look for resources.

"So far we don't understand, how did we offend you and be tortured by you like this?" The old man returned the words to Xia Donghe, with a gleam of sadness and anger in his eyes, and he said bluntly. Staring at Xia Donghe, he said: "The truth is, not only did we not offend you, but we also treated you kindly. We took you in when you were homeless, gave you a place to live, and allowed you to continue your civilization. What about you? Not only are you ungrateful, but you also violated your promise at the beginning, repaying kindness with revenge, such human beings, such you, what face do you have to question me?"

Compared with what humans have done to them, tsunamis, volcanoes, cold snaps... are all too childish.

Only a few million people died, not even enough to pay the interest!

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