
The battle is over.

However, most of the time, Gu Ci still watched Xia Zhi fight with the little fat man from a distance, while discussing the fourth-order star card system with Xing Wu.

The star card system division is very simple, and the name is also very easy to understand.

For example, the "field control style", "torture style", "macho style", "life style" of the pure magic deck...

The melee decks are "Assassin", "Warrior", "One Sword", "Breaking Water"...etc.

As soon as you hear it, you know what's going on.

There is nothing to say about the summoning deck.

They are all based on the mutual benefit between the same race, commonly known as fetters.

There is a limit to the value of the star card, because the number of star symbols that each star card can carry is limited.

When this star card is played out and the creature is summoned, its on-the-spot value will no longer be restricted by the star card.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there are enough BUFFs, an ant can kill an elephant with one bite.

The difference in the summoning star card system is that different races have different characteristics.

Like dragons, they attack high blood and thick, elemental creatures are usually flashy, and machine clans are good at disassembling and reinstalling...

In short.

There are various systems, but basically none of them can escape the framework of the star card itself.

After a card is used up or dies, it will lose its corresponding value.

Again, it's too conventional.

"Then why not?" Xing Wu asked strangely, "The summoned creature can fight when it is alive, and when it dies, it can change the card and continue to use it. Isn't that how it works?"

"No, no, you have to know that Lu Xun once said that some people died, but not completely dead..."

"speak English."

"In other words, numerical values ​​limit your imagination."

Gu Ci said: "Using all the star charms that a white card can hold for attack and physique, there is naturally no place to design other effects."

The card makers are too pursuing the limit of the value, causing them to ignore more possibilities.

The card of the card maker girl is a good illustration of this point.

The attack physique is extremely low, but its effect is enough to defeat most third-tier card makers from the psychological level.

It is already a cross-dimensional strike.

"I still don't understand. If you don't pursue numerical values, what should you pursue?"

Xing Wu said: "The limit value of the fourth-order star card is 4000. If there are racial buffs on the field at the same time, it can reach 4500, or even 5000. A fourth-order star card of ordinary quality with a value of only 2000 points means that no matter how many skills, It's impossible to beat it, right?"

There is a saying that one force will drop ten meetings.

Jump up and down whatever you want, once a skill is passed, you should lie down or lie down.

"Then let it die." Gu Ci said.

Star Dance: "..."

Free gift, right?

"Didn't I say that some people died, but not completely dead."

Gu Ci said: "If the value of the fourth-tier star card is only 2000 points, it means that this card has a huge room for manipulation in terms of effects. It is true that the star card with a value of 5000 cannot be defeated head-on, so why don't I design a talent? How about transferring its own values ​​to other star cards after it dies?"

Star Dance: "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Gu Ci said, "This talent is called Deathrattle. As the name suggests, its effect will only work after death."

"Self-explosive flow?"

"Almost, let me give you an example."

Gu Ci thought for a while and said: "If everyone can only use 5 cards, and the opponent relies on racial buffs to increase the value of all 5 cards to 5000, and I have 4 Deathrattle cards with a value of 2000 points. A card with a full value of 4000, give away all 4 deathrattle cards, after the value is transferred, the card with a value of 4000 will become 12000, and those 5000 cards can be killed with a single slap, understand?"


Star Dance realized.

It turns out that this is the real one-force drop-ten meeting.

"You want to find undead-type materials in order to optimize this talent?"

Optimization ≠ design.

Xingwu herself is also a big star card master in card making.

When Gu Ci proposed the talent of "death language", she had already thought of many possible structures.

One of the more common skills of summon cards is "self-explosion".

Self-destruction and deathrattle, the principles of the two effects are almost the same, they both generate energy after death.

It's just that the former is destruction and the latter is gain.

You only need to disassemble the structure of the "self-explosion" and redefine the attributes, and after the explosion, it will naturally be pure energy.

Then use the characteristics of mutual attraction between the same race to arrange a friendly target for this group of energy, and the "Deathrattle" structure will be completely completed.

It is not necessary to use special materials.

That's why Xingwu asked the consultant if it was optimized.

The effect of "Deathrattle" alone is actually abnormal enough.

Although the incorporation of undead materials can further increase the value, it will inevitably make the race of the summoning card undead, and will be suppressed by all star cards with holy light attributes, which will reduce the upper limit of this deathrattle system.

For Tier 12000 star cards, there is no difference between an attack of 15000 and an attack of [-], they are all a matter of touch.

But if you encounter a card group of the Holy Light system, which incorporates the "Deathrattle" effect of undead materials, whether it can be successfully triggered is a problem.

It is very likely that the mass of energy was purified by the holy light during the transmission process. Isn't that blood collapse?

"I understand what you mean. Finding undead materials is not for the structure, but for making another card."

A golden legend from his previous life emerged in Gu Ci's mind: "Only with him, the Deathrattle system can be considered truly perfect."

===Chapter 37 What are you looking at===

Xing Wu looked at Gu Ci.

Although from her angle, only Gu Ci's chin could be seen.

But this does not prevent her from thinking that Gu Ci is a real genius.

She didn't ask Gu Ci what the card was.

He didn't even ask Gu Ci how many such wonderful ideas he had in his mind.

Emotions need to be managed.

Xing Wu likes the feeling that this kind of speech occasionally brings her surprises.

"Brother Gu Ci, I have broken through the third level!!"

From the woods not far away, Xia Zhi shouted cheerfully.

Gu Ci also smiled and yelled back: "Awesome! Come here and rest for a while, and let the little brother add more chicken legs to you later!"

Xia Zhi happily said: "Okay, hee hee."

The little chef who was hunting at the side: "Boss, there are no chickens."

"As long as it's a leg." Gu Ci said, looking at the unnamed game under his feet.

Xia Zhi quickly ran back.

Beads of sweat ran across the girl's flushed cheeks, and her wet temple hair was messily attached to her ears, exuding a strong youthful vigor.

Who doesn't like cute and energetic beautiful girls?

"The needle doesn't poke."

Gu Ci took out a towel, wiped the sweat off the girl's forehead while praising her.

Children should be encouraged more.

Xia Zhi didn't expect Gu Ci to do it directly.

A blush quickly appeared on both cheeks.

She subconsciously wanted to bow her head.

But thinking about his state, he shouldn't be able to tell even if he blushes, right?

So he tried his best to suppress his pounding heartbeat, and closed his eyes obediently.

Enjoying the sudden tenderness on his head like a kitten.

Xing Wu retracted her preface.

Business ass.

Sooner or later she would kill the old bastard who molested the little girl.

Xu Tuantuan saw this scene from a distance.


That's great, I can save a meal again.


The tenth day of entering Aries.


It was dusk and the sun was about to set.

The four of Gu Ci walked out of the forest and came to a canyon.

The temperature has obviously increased a notch.

There used to be a river at the bottom of the canyon, but it became dry and cracked due to the high temperature.

There is a faint redness under the earth-yellow geology.

The corpses of many fish lay vertically and horizontally, mixed with soil, and solidified into pieces of gray-stained remains of fossils.

And on this dry and cracked path, countless skeleton soldiers wandered aimlessly, making crunching sounds.

Standing on the top of the canyon and looking down, there is a mass of dust covered with walking skulls.

In Gu Ci's eyes, aren't these the undead materials he has been looking for?

Gu Ci was not sure about the carrying capacity of the fourth-order white card, whether he could make the key card of the Deathrattle system.

But the materials won't expire, so if they don't work, just put them there first, and they will be useful one day.

"Come on, let's go down and start brushing!"

Gu Ci passed on the precautions that Xing Wu quietly told him to Xia Zhi and the little fat man.

"Be careful when you hit them later, don't hurt their brains, and chop anywhere else."

The only thing that can be ground into powder and blended into Xingmo is the skull on the head, if it is broken, it will be gone.

The ground was dirty and messy, and it was hard to pick it up.

"That... I won't go down, I'm a little scared."

The little chef said awkwardly, "I'll find some wild game and make it for you, so that you can fill your stomachs when you're tired."

"Okay, then let's gather at the camp ahead later." Gu Ci said.

They are already very close to the next camp, and with an accelerated star card, they can arrive within half an hour.

The little chef nodded, and finally went to the canyon

A little bit of M.

The three of Gu Ci found a way down the mountain.

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