A baked rabbit can be sold for this amount, which is already considered a sky-high price.

It's nothing more than gold and silver.

But sometimes, the price will change because of the environment.

Just like in the background of doomsday, the least valuable thing is money.

The same goes for Aries.

5000 yuan, here is more than just a material that can be picked up casually.

Brother: "Not for sale"

Gu Ci raised the price: "Ten thousand."

Brother: "Brother, I really don't sell it, I'm still hungry."

Gu Ci: "Twenty thousand, plus a box of self-heating instant rice."


God damn it, add a box of instant rice.

Why don't you eat it yourself?

The little brother became a little impatient: "Why are you..."

Gu Ci took out a purple [Star Shield].

Brother: "Why so cute!"


An epic spell defense card.

The shield value is as high as 1900 points!


If you have such a good thing, why don't you take it out early, even if you are hungry, what does it matter?

A gentleman does not take away people's love.

If you sincerely want to eat this roasted rabbit, can I really refuse to give it to you?

"Ahem." The little brother put the star card in his pocket and said, "I see that you are indeed hungry. It is fate if we meet again. I will make an exception. You can take this roasted rabbit... Let me tell you first, I am not here for your card."

Gu Ci: "I still have many such cards, do you want them?"

Brother: "Yes!"

He slapped himself directly.

Isn't the face just for hitting?

For epic star cards, don't knock them down!

This is easy to do.

Could the overbearing president's goal be just a little roasted rabbit?

Gu Ci not only wants to roast rabbits, but also the people who roast rabbits.

He tore off a piece of meat from a rabbit's leg and tasted it.

It has a little fragrance.

"Are you here alone?" Gu Ci asked.

"Yeah." The younger brother nodded, "I'm used to it."

"Then come with us."

Gu Ci gave the conditions: "One epic star card every day, and you will get three meals a day."

There was a little hesitation in the little brother's surprise expression.

There is still such a good thing... But after doing the math, it doesn't seem to make as much money as this roasted rabbit?

"If it's okay, we will leave at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Gu Ci dropped a sentence, turned around and returned to the tent.

Cold and decisive.

There is no room for bargaining at all.

Seeing it, Xia Zhi called out in her heart that she was so manly.


Gu Ci tore off one leg, and gave the rest to Xia Zhi and the little fat man.

In fact, he is simply greedy.

The two little guys have to fight and grow, so they should eat something good and add more nutrients.

"Brother Gu Ci, is this the glory of a boy's fatherly love?" Xia Zhi was moved.

Gu Ci thought about it carefully, and said, "If you really want to call me Dad, it's not impossible."

The little fat man shook his hand.

You guys are having a great time.

Xia Zhi: "..."

I did not mean that!

Seeing Gu Ci's seemingly serious appearance, Xia Zhi chose to shut up and eat the roasted rabbit, so as not to be misled by him.


After dinner.

Take a break.

Gu Ci picked up a book and read it by the campfire.

The night in the forest is very quiet and perfect for studying.

Xia Zhi passed by him carrying two buckets of water.

Gu Ci: "Wait."

Xia Zhi: "Huh?"

Gu Ci: "Where does the water come from?"

Xia Zhi pointed in the direction: "It's not far there, about two kilometers. There is a small river. I asked the staff at the supply station, and there is no problem with the water."

Gu Ci guessed that the girl should have a [kettle] card or something, and said, "Leave some water for me when the water is boiled."

But things were far more outrageous than he imagined.

"Brother Gu Ci, maybe you can't keep it..." Xia Zhi said, "Water is for bathing."

Saying that, he put down the bucket and took out a star card to show Gu Ci.

【Hot Bath】

Type: Living, Sanitary Ware

Rating: 3

Quality: Rare

Introduction: The latest self-heating bathtub of Kohler brand allows you to enjoy the refreshing hot spring anytime and anywhere.

Gu Ci: "..."

Evil capitalism.

"Can I use it?"


The temperature in the Palace of Aries was much higher than outside, and Gu Ci was also sweating all over in the afternoon.

At this time, there is nothing more comfortable than taking a hot bath before going to bed.

Of course Xia Zhi understood Gu Ci's thoughts.

That's not a big deal in itself.

However, at that moment, an image of Gu Ci taking a bath appeared in her mind inexplicably...

and a word.

I've been in the same bathtub you've been in, so we're the same...


bah bah bah!

What are you thinking about, you are just friends!

"Brother Gu Ci, you, wait until I finish washing..."

Xia Zhi lowered her head, picked up the water, and quickly ran back to her tent.

Gu Ci shouted: "It's okay, you wash slowly, I'm not in a hurry."


===Chapter 36 Principle of Deathrattle System===

All night without incident.

Spending the night in the primeval forest itself is a relatively dangerous thing.

But the campfire was brightly lit and the crowds were strong, so even if the monster wanted to sneak attack, it didn't have the guts to do so.

The next day.

After a whole night of back and forth, the little chef joined the team.

Well, although it's not as much as a baked rabbit and an epic last night, it's not bad.

One cannot be too greedy.

Moreover, he specifically asked Gu Ci about the route and destination of the three of them.

consistent with his purpose.

He also wanted to go near the volcano to find fire-attribute materials unique to the Aries Palace.

The little chef is not a student, he is looking for ingredients just to sell them at a good price.

It's no secret that Xinglan Academy's enrollment tasks are almost the same every year.

Similarly, every year there will be many lazy or unlucky students who can't find materials, so they can only stay in the camp and buy them from others at high prices.

Gu Ci said he didn't care about it.

Everyone finds their own, whoever finds it counts, don't come here deliberately to grab it.

On the road.

Xia Zhi worked extra hard to fight monsters today.

This adolescent girl intends to numb herself with sweat, so that she has no time to think about those embarrassing things.

It's just that the little fat man is a bit miserable.

He found that he was at a long range, and he couldn't beat Xia Zhi's melee combat with monsters...

For several days in a row, the little fat man spent time picking up leaks.

Gu Ci sometimes felt itchy to watch, and he would personally beat up a monster or two.

Quite simple.

First use a piece of [Dungeon] to predict the target's movement.

At the same time, play a piece of [Fire Bull Art].

Charge face-to-face, fully charged in 3 seconds.

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