"It's really not difficult for us, but it still takes a lot of time for those students to complete the task."

"That's no way, who made us the geniuses they said?"

"The funniest thing is that Xinglan Academy's admission requirements are so low, there are still people who can't even pass the final exam, hahahahahaha..."

"Okay, don't laugh, we'll split up later, finish what the adults told you, and then hurry up and go back after finishing the materials. There's not even a place to live in this poor town. I don't want to stay any longer. .”

All the way to the outside of the Aries Palace.

The star card masters stationed here by the Star Association are taking a nap with their eyes closed.

Hearing someone approaching, he opened one eye and looked.

Seeing that they were three schoolboys, he closed his eyes again and continued to rest.

Inside the Palace of Aries.

As soon as he walked in, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

Despite the dim lighting, I can roughly make out my surroundings.

Big trees tower into the night, without seeing their ends, and the dense branches and leaves cover the earth like a giant umbrella.

The air is mixed with a strong smell of earth and the fragrance of trees, making one unable to help but want to take a few deep breaths greedily.

This is a virgin forest.

After the three of them came in, they immediately used an acceleration-type auxiliary star card according to what they just said, and each chose a direction to run away quickly.

One left, one right, one middle.

Less than half an hour.

They turned back the same way and gathered at the starting point.

"I'm OK here, how about you?"

"OK, everything is fine."

"I'm fine here."

"Okay, then let's go to the front camp to repair it, inquire about some news, and prepare to find materials."

The leading student said.

The Aries Palace is divided into regions, and many large and small camps have been set up.

The main function is to allow star card masters who explore the Aries Palace to have a relatively safe place where they can rest assured.

There is also a supply station in the camp where you can buy some commonly used supplies.

Such as red and blue potions.

Another function of the supply station is monitoring.

They can help the Star Card Master Association to confirm the dynamics in the star palace in real time and prevent accidents from happening.

The closest camp to the entrance is about 50 kilometers away.

If you go at full speed, you can get there in less than an hour.

They didn't plan the route in advance and didn't think it was necessary.

After all, with the three of them together, even if they meet a fourth-order creature, they will not hesitate at all.

At that time, just ask where there are special materials, and the straight line between the two points is the shortest, and it will be over if you go there.

But right now.

A lazy voice suddenly sounded.

Also yawned.

"Are you looking for the special products of Aries? I know where it is."

The three were shocked.

Immediately pinched the star card in his hand.


"come out!"

"Don't worry, just wait..." the voice said, "It's not time yet."

Student A narrowed his eyes: "Invisibility potion?"

Student B looked vigilant: "Why can you hide from our perception?"

The invisibility potion can indeed weaken the star card master's own aura to a certain extent, but it is impossible to do it like now.

Even though the voice was nearby, they couldn't detect each other's existence at all.

In fact, of course it's not the invisibility potion.

A bottle of invisibility potion is 50 yuan, and one bottle can only be invisible for 1 minute.

Gu Ci followed them for almost an hour, even if he is worth hundreds of millions, he can't afford to play like this...

Besides, he didn't buy that much.

It's just that last night I expected to do some shameful things today, so I specially made a third-level stealth star card.


Type: Auxiliary Card, Buff

Rating: 3

Quality: Epic

Effect: Greatly weaken one's own breath, enter a stealth state, and last up to 10 minutes until damage is caused or received.

Except for summons and weapons, as well as some special star cards, there is no such thing as a CD for other types of cards.

In theory, as long as you have enough star power, a card can be used all the time, and you can continue to use it when you are empty mana.

But Gu Ci didn't take drugs.

He was able to withstand a mere one hour of invisibility.

Student B's question is also very good.

Invisibility star cards and invisibility potions have the same principle of weakening one's breath.

The distance between them, even in the invisible state, can still be detected with a little sensing.

After all, students ABC are also third-order.

And for star card masters with higher levels, the effect of hiding the breath will be greatly reduced.

But the point is, Gu Ci is not alone.

He also has Star Dance.

None of the sixth-tier card masters stationed at the entrance of the Aries Palace could notice that he had come in. How could three third-tier students find out?

Student C behaved calmer than his two peers.

"How long have you been with us?" he asked.

"Get out of the tent and start." Gu Ci replied, "I heard every word you said, including the fact that you walked around each other just now, and I followed behind one of you."

There was nothing to hide, and he even wanted to know more.

"What I'm more interested in is, what mission did the adults you speak of give you?"

Gu Ci followed student A.

After separating from the two, student A ran all the way without stopping.

The movement of turning around and returning is also quite smooth, just like his card making, without even a pause.

It seems that they are here to exercise, simply running back and forth.

But is it reasonable?

Obviously not.

Gu Ci observed quite carefully, but he still couldn't see what they were doing.

It can only be inferred from the exchange of words between the three of them after they came back that they seem to be checking something?

"Tell me what I want to know, and in return, I will also tell you where the special materials of the Aries Palace are."

Gu Ci said: "One piece of information is exchanged for another piece of information, we don't take advantage of anyone else, how about it?"


===Chapter 33 干嘛===

"Sorry, no comment."

Student C is calm and authentic.

When asking for his speech, he also quickly recalled it himself.

Not just this morning.

Yesterday evening, they arrived in Baiyang Town one after another, until now they entered the Aries Palace.

During this period, I did not discuss any topics that should not be discussed.

Those few words this morning were heard as they were heard, which meant nothing.

The adult can be the father, the mother, or the wife.

Things that adults explain are even better.

Adults just like us to come to Aries for a morning run before dawn.

Why, has anyone stipulated that it can't be done?


You said yes?

Sorry, dare to do it next time.

Student C has figured it out.

Even if the other party had followed them from the moment they stepped into Baiyang Town, they would not get any useful information.

There is no way to threaten them.

There is absolutely no need to panic.

"If there is nothing else, we are going to the camp. If you want to follow, just follow."

Student C signaled the two companions not to make any excuses.

If the other party doesn't show up, it's meaningless to talk about it, it's a waste of time.

But Gu Ci will let them go?

"You have reached the third level at this age, and your talent is considered to be one in a million, and you have easily passed the special recruitment examination of Xinglan Academy. Not surprisingly, the academy will definitely treat you as treasures to focus on training. It's a pity that it's bright..."

Gu Ci sighed and said, "Tell me, if Xinglan Academy knew that you came from that dark place, what would they do?"

The footsteps of the three froze suddenly.

Seems like it hit a pain point.

Student AB is on the verge of a formidable enemy.

Student C was no longer as calm as before.

Just now, he felt that Gu Ci could not threaten them, but in the blink of an eye, he was slapped in the face.

"What else do you know?"

Student C's voice was extremely low, as if he was trying his best to control his emotions, and the few words he squeezed out of his throat were hoarse.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't figure out the details of the other party, and was afraid that he would be killed if he failed to silence him, he would have already made a move.

Now, it was discovered that the other party knew the origins of the three of them.

Even if you can't fight this time, you can't do it if you don't do it.

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