There is also a pair of colorful horns on the head.

At first glance, the sheep's head is lifelike, and the rich colors are extremely tense and beautiful, making it both mysterious and dreamy.

"Little sister, you think it looks good when you stand outside now, but you won't think so when you go inside."

The young woman who got out of the car together said something with a smile, and then entered the town.

Not only Aries, but also the appearance of the twelve constellations are very charming.

They themselves are an extremely rare scientific wonder, and children who see them for the first time will basically scream in amazement.

But adults know that under the charming appearance of Xinggong, there is a deadly danger lurking.

"Let's go too, let's take a look at the small town first." Gu Ci said.

===Chapter 31 Is there a possibility===

Baiyang Town is more lively than the Star Card Masters Association on Crazy Thursday.

There are many people on the street, and there are street stalls along the way.

"Baiyang Town has developed for so many years, and there are already a group of residents who live here."

Xing Wu said: "This small town can also be regarded as a large wholesale market. Whether it is an association or other businesses, the materials for making star ink are almost all purchased in small towns outside these star palaces."

One advantage of living here is that it is very convenient to make money.

Special materials are generally expensive and in great demand, and it is the easiest way for card fighters to make a fortune.

While fighting monsters, you can also upgrade and improve your own strength, so many people are willing to live in the small town.

There are also many tents set up outside the town.

I couldn't live in the town anymore, so I slept in the wild.

Also save some money.

It's quite the feeling of going to the sea to move bricks, saving enough money and then going back to the big city in style.

"Looks like we'll have to find a place to pitch our tent, too."

Gu Ci looked at several hotels, but none of them had a vacant room.

As a mature and stable man, Gu Ci naturally thought about booking a room in advance.

It's just too little in advance. The reception lady told him on the phone that it is recommended to make the next reservation more than one month in advance.

Gu·Elite Member·Resignation has no way to go, you can't drive other guests out, can you?

A month ago, he never thought that he would come to Baiyang Town today, and he didn't even know what the Zodiac Palace was.

I originally planned to ask when I arrived to see if there were any guests who checked out early.

But the reality is cruel, they can only eat and sleep in the open tonight.

"It doesn't matter, I also brought a tent, anyway, I will use it after entering the Aries Palace, so I should get used to it in advance."

Xia Zhi said: "As a card battler, you should have worked harder in order to train yourself better."

Gu Ci smiled: "I don't see that you are quite enlightened."

"Of course, I'm going to be a woman who is a big star card master in the future." Xia Zhi waved her small fist and said, "This little bit of suffering is nothing."

The important thing is to let Brother Gu Ci see his hardworking side!

"I agree!" said the little fat man.

Disapproval is not acceptable, other girls are fine, and he must do it too.

"Okay, then let's go have a meal first, find a store in the association to buy a map, and then find a place outside the town to pitch a tent, and enter the Aries Palace tomorrow morning." Gu Ci decided.

The reason why he didn't enter today was because it was too late, and the second was because he needed some time to plan his route.

The main purpose is to help Xia Zhi and Fatty complete the enrollment tasks as soon as possible. As for the materials he wants...

Gu Ci said that he was not picky.

What to take along the way, first fill up the bag and then talk.


into the night.

After finishing all the preparations, Gu Ci took Xia Zhi and the little fat man to a wide and flat grassland outside the town.

There are already several tents nearby, and the bonfires are jumping in the night, but it doesn't look desolate at all.

Gu Ci took out two tent cards.

Once the star power was injected, the tent appeared on the grass out of thin air.

The big one is for the card maker girls, and he is going to have his staff work overtime tonight.

Xia Zhi's tent is also a star card.

Only the little fat man took out a pile of foldable objects from the box, and silently put them together.

Xia Zhi saw Gu Ci enter the tent and walked to the little fat man.

"Xu Tuantuan, let's discuss something?"

"Ah, you say."

"Can you move it a little bit over there..."

Xia Zhi said with some embarrassment, "I want to be closer to Brother Gu Ci."

The little fat man was stunned.

Closer to Boss Gu?


He remembered Xia Zhi's brother Gu Ci who had two sweet voices when he was at the airport this morning.

The little fat man reacted immediately.

It turns out that I am superfluous...

"Come on, I'll go over there."

"Thank you, Xu Tuantuan."

"You're welcome, the beauty of a gentleman..."

The little fat man moved 5 meters away.

At this distance, you shouldn't be able to hear the sweet words that may appear at night, right?

Completely overthinking belongs to yes.

Xia Zhi just felt that being in the wilderness, being closer to Gu Ci would give him a sense of security, and he would sleep more soundly.

Leaving aside some petty thoughts, Gu Ci is the only person she is familiar with here.

As for Gu Ci himself, the current focus is not on who is the neighbor tonight at all.

"We may have underestimated the courage of the witch-cloaked people."

Xing Wu spoke as soon as she entered the tent, her voice was extremely serious.

Gu Ci subconsciously looked at the town: "You mean, the witch robe man is chasing after you?"

"Not in the town." Xing Wu said, "In the tents on our right, there are three people who are too far apart, so we can't confirm their specific strength for the time being."

Gu Ci pondered for a moment.

"Is there a possibility that maybe they didn't come for us?"

This is no fluke.

Those on the right were ahead of them.

Logic told Gu Ci that it was impossible for the witch-robed people to know the location of their tents in advance.

The town is already located on a vast terrain, and camping is possible everywhere outside the town, and they don't have to spend the night here.

It's Gu Ci himself, who didn't know that he would pitch the tent here before.

"But if they didn't come for us, why did they come to Baiyang Town at the risk of revealing their identities?"

Xing Wu asked: "Do they have other people to kill?"

"It doesn't have to be murder. Maybe coming to Baiyang Town and entering the Aries Palace is just a part of their normal life."

Gu Ci's eyes were full of seriousness and meaning: "Because no one except you recognizes their special features, let alone where they come from. This should be the reason why they want you to die so much."

Hearing this, Xing Wu suddenly felt a little scalp numb.

If the facts were as Gu Ci said, wouldn't their world have been infiltrated by witch robe people long ago?

Does anyone know what the face hidden in the black mist looks like?

In other words.

There may not be any witch-robed people in this world at all.

As long as they wear the same clothes and cover their faces with black mist, everyone can be a witch robe.

"It is also very simple to verify this guess."

Gu Ci said: "If they don't move tonight, we can follow them tomorrow depending on the situation."

"Follow them?" Xing Wu asked, "What do you mean?"

"There are only two reasons why they didn't do anything tonight. One is that there are too many people here and it is inconvenient. The other is that as I just said, they don't know you or me at all."

Gu Ci said: "If it's the former, you can make sure tomorrow if you can beat them. If you can't beat us, we will take revenge on the gentleman. It's not too late in ten years. If you win, let's pretend that you can't beat them and go to the Aries Palace to have fun with them. If it's the latter, if they don't know us..."

Gu Ci suddenly laughed.

"Then create an opportunity to get along alone, and let's get to know each other on the spot."


===Chapter 32 No one takes advantage of anyone===

It usually takes only two steps to reach a conclusion.

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

The witch-robed man who can't even beat Xing Wu, they definitely can't afford to provoke them now.

But if you can't offend the boss, can you also offend the little soldiers?

Silent all night.

The next morning.

It's not until 5 o'clock.

The sun has not yet risen, and only a few colors of morning glow are rendered in the sky.

The town is still shrouded in hazy night.

There was a faint light in Xia Zhi's tent, but it was very quiet.

The girl should be sleeping soundly.

Five meters away, there was a weak snoring sound coming from the little fat man's tent.

Apparently sleeping too.

Sleep - this is what a normal card master should do at this point.

If you don't have enough energy, how can you enter the Aries Palace to collect materials?


Some people don't take the usual path.

Maybe they are more diligent?

In the darkness, there were three figures whispering and walking quickly towards the entrance of the Aries Palace.

"If you ask me, the entrance task of Xinglan Academy is too simple. I can get the materials back with my eyes closed if I fight against monsters of the second and third ranks."

"Isn't the special recruitment exam the same? Almost all of the admissions are second-tier students. No matter how difficult the task is, how difficult can it be?"

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