The first round of assessment begins.

Gu Ci was the only one sitting there alone in the auditorium.

Apart from him, no elite member would be interested in high school students' exams.

As for the parents of the students... they were all waiting outside, and the association wouldn't let them in.

Gu Ci didn't feel bored either, but enjoyed watching it with gusto.

This is the first time he has watched a card master fight.

Star Dance didn't count that time.

The level is too high, another instant kill.

Before I understand it, it's over.


Unlike these students, they played back and forth on the court.

Especially field 1.

Both card masters are long-range.

The student on the left fired five cards at once, instantly launching a series of magic attacks.

His voice was full of blood and passion: "Lie down for me!!"


One missed.

The student on the right said contemptuously, "That's it?"

He retaliated without hesitation.

The five cards are fanned out in the palm of your hand.

"Look at me!"


Also missed one.

The student on the left sneered endlessly: "Everyone, each other."

Then there was another round of spell confrontation.

And then on...

No more blue.

The two rushed forward and wrestled together.

“It was amazing!”

Gu Ci was more or less amazed.

This is the real mage!

"If you like fighting, you can also be a battle card master." Xing Wu said.

Star card masters can double repair, card making and fighting do not conflict.

Like herself.

The two can also be converted to each other.

There are often card masters who find that they are not of this material after reaching a high level, and they will choose to develop into a card master.

If you are tired of fighting, or don't want to take risks, you can also try to learn card making.

What is lacking is the corresponding experience. In terms of star power and level, there is no difference between a card maker and a card battler.

While watching the wrestling, Gu Ci said, "I'll forget it, I don't like this kind of fighting style."

Xing Wu followed his gaze and looked over: "You mean close combat?"

Gu Ci: "No, I'm talking about patterns, not methods."

Star Dance: "What do you mean?"

Gu Ci: "Don't you think card games should be turn-based?"

Star Dance: ? ? ?

She wanted to complain, but didn't know where to start.

"This is not a game!"

"I know, that's why I don't want to fight."

Gu Ci said, "And with you here, is there still a need for me to do it?"

"That's true……"

This sentence Xing Wu is still very useful, it shows that Gu Ci recognizes her strength very much, put her on her hips!

Soon, the two wrestlers decided the winner.

The slightly fat student on the left overwhelmed his opponent.

From this point of view, the little fat man seems to have a good chance of winning?

Gu Ci turned his attention to other places.

After scanning around, he suddenly froze.

After watching for a while, he asked, "Is it possible to cultivate immortals in this world?"

Star Dance: "What?"


"Look over there."

Gu Ci pointed to field 5 and said, "The one wearing a samurai uniform with a white cloth tied around his head."

That student was a melee fighter, and he kept fighting against his opponent.

His weapon is a knife, and from time to time a dark purple light appears on the blade.

Occasionally, one or two spells will be thrown to block the opponent's movement.

Another student was beaten so badly that he was powerless to fight back.

If this continues, defeat is only a matter of time.

"This guy is quite powerful." Gu Ci gave a pertinent evaluation, "But the problem is, I haven't seen him use a star card."

"He is from the country next door, and he probably wants to study with us," Xing Wu said.

Gu Ci: "It means that the country next door can cultivate immortals?"

Xing Wu: "It's not cultivating immortals, but the way of using star cards is different."

Every time Gu Ci has a serious question, Xing Wu will explain it patiently.

"This country believes that it is a cumbersome process to take out the card every time it is used, which is not conducive to combat, so it has developed a new way to use the star card. This method is indeed unique. , but the disadvantages are equally obvious.”

"Every time they use a star card, they can take one less card action than others, which can save about a second of time. This time has little effect in low-level battles, but in high-level duels, it can often allow them to fight in the entire battle. In every battle, they are in the first position, and the advantage is self-evident."

"The downside is that their star cards cannot be replaced. Every time a level is upgraded, two new star cards can be added into it. After adding them, they will be fixed. They can only use these cards for a lifetime, otherwise they may die."

Changing a star card will kill people?

Is there such a thing?

Gu Ci was puzzled: "So what exactly is this method?"

Xing Wu said seriously: "You first promise that you won't think about doing this after I tell you."

Gu Ci said obediently: "I promise!"

He didn't even bother to fight normally, let alone this kind of way that might kill him.

He was just curious, how else could the star card be used if it wasn't used in this way?

Xing Wu said: "They bury the star card into the body through surgery, making the star card a part of the body, so as to achieve the effect of freely retracting the star card."


Gu Ci gasped, goosebumps popped out.

"This" is "okay?"

Xingwu: "I don't know the specific principle, it's a secret of their country."

Gu Ci: "Won't it hurt?"

Xing Wu: "Who knows, they always feel that they are very bloody, and they often talk about the laparotomy card."

Gu Ci: Huh?Caesarean section, take card?

Why does this traditional art sound so familiar?

"Is this country on an island?"

"Huh? You know what?"

===Chapter 24 《朋友》===

"Know, but not quite."

The island country belongs to the island country, but it is obviously not the same island country.

Gu Ci really couldn't imagine what would happen if the enlightenment mentors had star cards buried in their bodies.

The topic did not continue.

After the first round of exams, an old acquaintance walked into the training ground.

"Examiner Lei, we meet again."

Gu Ci greeted with a smile.

I don't know why, but every time he sees Lei Meng, he wants to laugh.

Maybe it's because the opponent's face was poisoned green by the fireball technique for the first time, which has been lingering in his mind?

Lei Meng didn't expect to meet Gu Ci here.

Obscure... wait.

I am not a student.

Even if Gu Ci wanted to fight, the opponent would not be him, so why panic?

Besides, that guy was still sitting in the audience.

Don't panic!

As long as you don't fight with Gu Ci's card, everything is easy to talk about.

Lei Meng walked over.

"I heard that you made a legend and two epics in the third-level assessment a few days ago?"

Gu Ci nodded: "There is such a thing."

"Amazing." Lei Meng sincerely admired.

Gu Cizhi's cards are not only high in value, but also in effect. It seems that the Star Card Masters Association is about to produce a genius card master.

Oh no, it should be a ghost.

Gu Ci: "Then examiner Lei wants two cards?"

He just asked out of habit.

Unexpectedly, Lei Meng really nodded.

"You can get a more powerful summon card, and I will use it to train students."

"Training students?" Gu Ci was stunned, "So the magical girl card is also bought to train students?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm using it for?" Lei Meng asked angrily.

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