Gu Ci waved off the guests.


===Chapter 22 Yes===

The little fat man didn't think about it until he went back to school.

Why did Boss Gu help himself?

Could it be because he looks cute?

Or did he have a unique insight and discovered that he seemed talented and mediocre, but he was actually a fool on the outside and wise on the inside, with the appearance of a great emperor?

In fact, Gu Ci is just someone who prefers to work hard.

It's easy to help, and you don't need any special reason.

Furthermore, it is not as easy for a Tier [-] war card master to use a Tier [-] star card as passing a Tier [-] star card.

Tier [-] is the first watershed for star card masters, not just for fun.

When a Tier [-] card master uses a Tier [-] star card, the star power will basically be drained, and the strength of the star card may also be weakened to a certain extent.

But it can be used anyway, and it is a good choice to use it as a big move.

As for Tier [-] war card masters using Tier [-] star cards, even if their star power is exhausted, they may not be able to use them.

Most of the time, it is the second-tier war card master who plays himself badly.

Not to mention that the star power is empty, the card still cannot be activated.

Using cards for higher levels is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. If you don't have a particularly outstanding talent, it's better not to try it lightly.

The little fat man himself knew this.

Without using other star cards, he can play this fire bull technique.

An attack power of more than 1800 is enough to instantly kill any second-level battle card master.

But the problem is that it is difficult to accurately hit the enemy with a spell card that is not a large-scale AOE.

The fire bull technique still needs to be charged, as long as the opponent is not a fool, it is impossible for you to stand still and let you fight.

To unleash the power of this third-tier epic card, it must be used in conjunction with other star cards.

Therefore, the little fat man put the focus of the last two training sessions on the growth of star power.

Skills or something, let's talk about it later.


Two days passed in a flash.


Gu Ci and Xia Zhi made an appointment to meet at the Star Association Building.

In order to avoid being late and affecting the girl's exam, Gu Ci chose to go to the cafeteria for free breakfast.

A piece of whole wheat toast is used as the base, with two fried eggs and a ham sausage on top, arranged in the shape of a smiling face.

Full of support.

Xia Zhi trotted to the cafeteria after measuring her star power.

After waiting too long for the elevator, she went directly to the stairs.

Seeing Gu Ci from a distance, the girl shouted with excitement.

"Brother Gu Ci!"

The diners around looked up and their moods improved a lot.

If you can meet a beautiful girl early in the morning, you must be lucky today.

Although this beautiful girl did not come to find them...

Xia Zhi ran all the way to sit next to Gu Ci.

"The test is over?"

Gu Ci pushed the extra bowl of soy milk in front of the girl.

Before the official start of the special recruitment exam, there is a small test to confirm the star power of the candidates.

The requirement for taking the exam is that the star power has reached at least the second level.

If you don't reach the second level and insist on signing up, the staff will persuade you to quit at this stage, so as not to waste everyone's time.

Xia Zhi is obviously fine.

Not only that, she also received special care from Xinglan Academy.

"My star power is measured to be 2.8, so I can directly enter the second round."

Xia Zhi looked like she was begging for praise.

The passing line of the test is 2.0, which means that the tester has just broken through to the second level and barely meets the reference requirements.

And Xia Zhi's 2.8 is almost at the third level, so it's no problem to directly arrange to enter the semi-finals.

Of course, having said that, the exam has to be as fair as possible.

The symbolic exemption of Xia Zhi for one round was just to express Xinglan Academy's attitude towards geniuses.

Gu Ci didn't expect Xia Zhi to improve so quickly.

Although he is faster than Xia Zhi, it's different.

As a time traveler, Gu Ci has twice the mental strength of ordinary people, and there is almost no possibility of failure in normal card making, and all of them are high-quality cards.

On the whole, his cultivation speed is conservatively estimated to be more than 20 times faster than that of ordinary card creators, which is just as good as a comparison.

But Xia Zhi almost kept up with his speed.

Gu Ci can be sure that as long as Xia Zhi calculates her star power well, she will definitely be able to leapfrog and use Tier [-] cards.

"Here, here you are." Gu Ci took out 【Frost Cut】.

Xia Zhi's eyes lit up slightly, and she blinked again: "Brother Gu Ci, what about the epic star card, how much are you going to charge me?"

"Send it to you, no money, just celebrate your admission to Xinglan Academy in advance."

Gu Ci also blinked: "When you get to Xinglan City, don't forget to take care of my business."

Xia Zhi was stunned, and then said pleasantly, "Brother Gu Ci, are you going to Xinglan City too?"

Doesn't that mean there is no need to separate from Brother Gu Ci?

Gu Ci took a sip of soy milk and asked, "Do you think I'm old?"

"Aren't you old...?" Xia Zhi didn't understand why Gu Ci asked this suddenly, and quickly shook his head, "Not old, not old, Brother Gu Ci, you are still young."

She didn't know Gu Ci's exact age, but she seemed to be in her twenties.

If she really wanted to grow old, she would not have struggled to call her Brother Gu Ci or Brother Gu Ci, but would have called her Uncle directly.

"So, while I'm still young, I'm going to try my best." Gu Ci said with a smile, "Just to see what the outside world looks like."




Xia Zhi jumped up happily.

The joy on the red face was too strong to melt away, and the smile was full of the beauty of youth.


ten o'clock in the morning.

The special recruitment examination of Xinglan Academy began to draw lots.

A total of 532 people signed up for the test, and 478 people who passed the test can be referred to.

150 of these people are card makers.

They will take the test on the 11th floor in the test room temporarily rebuilt from the third-level assessment hall and the test viewing area.

No matter the ranking, as long as one can successfully make a Tier [-] star card within one hour, counting how many there are, they can become special recruits of Xinglan Academy, which does not occupy the five places in the town.

It is not difficult to see that the status of a card maker in Xinglan Academy is slightly higher than that of a card maker.

In fact, it is the same in the Star Card Master Association, or in the whole society.

This will become more and more obvious as the Star Card Master level increases.

In the final analysis, it is because the threshold for a card maker is too high, and the further you go, the more difficult it is to make a card.

Xinglan Academy's doing this can be regarded as starting from a young age, early detection and early training.

Making a third-tier star card, even if it's just of ordinary quality, is as difficult as it is for a group of seventeen or eighteen-year-old students.

But it is precisely because of this that students who pass the exam are worthy of the word "genius", and are eligible to become special recruits of Xinglan Academy.

The remaining card masters will have a 12-on-1 knockout match at the training ground on the 1th floor.

Play until there are only 5 players left.

The rules are very simple.

There is no limit to the number of Star Cards.

There is no limit to the type of star card.

There is no limit to the star card level.

Don't be afraid of hurting others.

With the examiner watching, the examinee will not be held responsible if something goes wrong, but the examiner will be responsible for it all.

The students on the field just hit hard.

As soon as Gu Ci entered the examination room through the VVIP channel, he heard the host announce the last examination rule.

"You can show your strength to your opponents freely, but you must remember one thing, no drugs, no drugs, no drugs!"

===Chapter 23 Card games shouldn’t be turn-based, right===

There are three kinds of potions commonly used by star card masters.

The first one is called Star Power Potion.

As the name suggests, this is used to quickly restore star power, commonly known as blue medicine.

The second type is called healing potions.

When you don't have or can't use the healing star card, you can only rely on it if you want to recover from the injury.

The third is quite special, called the invisibility potion.

After taking it, the star card master will enter the invisible state for a short time.

Some star cards can also achieve the same effect, but most of them are not as easy to use as potions, because potions don't consume mana.

The materials of the invisibility potion are relatively precious, and the cheapest one costs 50 yuan, and the effect only lasts for 1 minute.

War card masters usually carry one or two bottles with them, and when they find out that they are no match after releasing their big moves, they can run away quickly.

So the invisibility potion is also called the reckless potion.

With it, bold ideas are all over the place.

No matter what the result is, let's be reckless first.

Anyway, you can run, right?

This is also one of the necessary items for star card masters to explore unknown areas, which greatly improves the efficiency of people's understanding of the world.

Generally speaking, Star Card Master's various competitions and assessments will not allow players to take drugs.

These medicines have no side effects and no CDs. If they can be used, whoever brings the most medicines will win?

Then the comparison is not about talent and technology, but about who is better at krypton gold, which is boring.

The rules of the game have been announced.

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