With a 5% chance, it is not easy to pass.

Card Creator No. 3 flushed with excitement.

The only pity is that the materials have been used up, and it is impossible to try to challenge the epic star card.


Another burst of green light came on.

Card Creator No. 1 also produced a high-quality card.

【Oak Bow】

Type: Weapon Card, Longbow

Rating: 3

Quality: high quality

Attack: 1300

Durability: 1250

This card maker is not as subtle as No. 3.

He wailed directly and shed tears of joy.

After taking the test 108 times, I finally passed it!

The people in the examination area were also deeply moved.

Not easy.

In an assessment, two third-tier card creators unexpectedly emerged.

This wave of observation and examination is not in vain!

"Where's Gu Ci? Why hasn't Gu Ci moved yet?"

"I don't know, I'm still drawing."

The examiner was also a little puzzled.

It's been more than half an hour.

They used up all three materials, but Gu Ci was still tossing about on the first card.

"Is this card so difficult?"

"I don't understand what he's doing at all..."

The deputy examiner next to him looked confused.

"What's wrong?" the examiner asked.

The deputy examiner said: "I've been watching him make cards from the very beginning. The star symbol structure he drew first was a summoning type. I thought he was going to make a summoning card. But after the summoning type structure was completed, he drew another A skill card structure—note, it's a skill card structure, not a skill structure."

The former is used to make skill-type star cards, and the latter is used to add skills to summoned creatures.

There is only one word difference between the names of the two, but the actual structure and usage are very different.

At this point, the deputy examiner actually couldn't understand it.

What kind of star card is both a summon card and a skill card?

This is not over yet.

After drawing the structure of the skill card, Gu Ci drew another structure of the spell card.

I can't just tell the deputy examiner directly.

Why is Gu Ci card making so slow?

Because other people do it one card at a time, and he treats one card as three cards.

The most outrageous thing is that the three types of different structures are mixed together, and the card has not exploded yet...

It's not easy to learn at all.

The deputy examiner felt that his decades of card making theory had been wasted.

"Is it so mysterious?"

The examiner looked at Gu Ci suspiciously.

Then he was also dumbfounded.

"What is this painting about?"

The surface of the card that Gu Ci was making was no longer clean and tidy as before.

It is densely packed with star symbols.

"No, how did he do it?"

No matter what card Gu Ci wants to make, the number of star signs that a Tier [-] white card can hold will never change, right?

Just like a balloon, it can only be blown as big as it can be blown up, and it will explode with one more breath.

So the chief examiner stood at a different angle and asked the same question mark as the assistant examiner.

"Why hasn't the card exploded yet?"

at this time.

Examination area.

Among them were those who just came to watch the excitement, and there were also genuine card makers.

They are also confused.

"I thought that Gu Ci's cards were evil enough, but I didn't expect his card making process to be even more evil."

"Question, how can a small Tier [-] star card withstand the devastation of so many star symbols?"

Time passed by minute by minute.

When the assessment reached 45 minutes, Gu Ci finally made a move.

He let out a long sigh of relief, put away his pen, and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

next second.

A beam of bright golden light burst out, submerging Gu Ci's whole body in it.

The exhausted deputy examiner was taking off his glasses and wiping the lenses. Seeing this, his hands shook and the lenses cracked.

"Legendary, legendary level?!"


===No.17 Chapter [-] The Girl Card Maker Who Works Hard===

"Fuck Cao Cao, legend!"

"Absolutely, is this thing really something that can be made?"

The golden light burst out, and the examination area began to scream.

"Well, the first time I saw the golden light at such a close distance, I was a little moved..."

Most people in the town have only seen the production of legendary cards on TV.

Now that I am personally on the scene, I find that this golden brilliance is even more dazzling than the one on TV.

On the side, Card Creator No. 8 had also successfully created a Tier [-] star card.

And it's blue!

Before he had time to be happy, he was dazzled by the noble golden light.

Seeing that Gu Ci was bathed in light, attracting everyone's attention, he suddenly felt that the rare card in his hand was not good.


The light dissipates.

A girl with short blue hair appeared on the card.

In the background is a dimly lit study.

An oil lamp was lit on the table, and the girl was reading a book seriously under the lamp with her chin resting on her hands.

【Girl card maker who studies hard】

Type: Summoning Card, Terran

Rating: 3

Quality: Legend

Attack: 1000

Constitution: 1000

Talent: Card Crafting Mastery·Purple

Skills: Star Card Frost Slash, Star Card Fire Bull

Introduction: Isn't it enough to make a Tier [-] epic star card?

The attack physique is only 1000, which cannot be lowered.

Look at talents and skills.

There was a brief silence at the scene.

What do you mean?

The effect of this card is to make a star card?

Or an epic star card?

Gu Ci ignored their ghostly stares.

He injected star power and directly summoned the girl card maker.

"It's your turn to act."

Gu Ci handed over the remaining two materials and the card making pen to the girl.

The girl sat on the stool, stroked the hair around her ears, and started making cards without saying a word.

The broadcast director immediately cut the nine-square grid picture on the big screen into a close-up of the girl's card maker's card making.

The expressions on the faces of the people in the examination area gradually became uncertain.

They discovered that the star symbols and star trails drawn by the girl card maker were even more standard than theirs...

The examiner slapped the table with a "slap".

"Isn't this a nesting doll?"

A card maker creates a card maker, and now the created card maker makes cards in the card making assessment?

Is there anything more magical in the world than this?

In less than 10 minutes, the first star card was made.

A burst of purple light broke the silence.

【Frost Slash】

Type: Skill Card, Greatsword

Rating: 3

Quality: Epic

Effect: Swings out the extremely cold sword energy, attacks the target within 20 meters, and causes freezing.

Freeze: Impossible to move, reduced casting speed.

Additional attack: 1750

The deputy examiner's hand to wipe his glasses trembled slightly, and the other lens was also cracked.

The star card was finished, but the girl card maker didn't even look at it, and then picked up the second material.

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