"Just because he is good at card making and handsome."

Gu Ci frowned.

Talk nonsense.


Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the card making room is good.

Entering the No. 9 glass room and closing the door, the world suddenly became quiet.

"Have you thought about it, do you really want to make this card?" Xing Wu said.

Gu Ci's star card can be said to have the significance of overturning the times, and it will have a great impact on the current situation of the card maker world. Once it is announced, the peaceful days before will be completely gone forever.

"There is no need to hesitate about things that have been decided."

Gu Ci said softly, "Moreover, this is only our first step."

He didn't expect that so many people would come to watch the exam today.

But if you think about it carefully, it might not be a good thing.

In modern society, the network information is so developed that if you want to make money, being famous is the easiest and most effective way.

In the previous life on Earth, I don't know how many people became famous and rich overnight.

This third-level certification assessment is a very good opportunity.

As for the impact of this card on the card maker world, Gu Ci also considered it.

The way to deal with it is very simple, isn't it over if you don't sell it to others?

What, by robbing?

You first ask Xing Wu if the sword in his hand agrees.

These days, Gu Ci also has a preliminary understanding of Xing Wu's strength.

There are ten levels of star card masters.

Except for the first and second levels of preschool, the gap between each level is very large.

The third level is the first watershed for star card masters, and the seventh level is the second.

The four levels of three, four, five, and six have no titles, so they are called x-rank star card masters.

And at the seventh level, it is called a big star card master.

Most of the defense card masters in first-tier cities in China are at this level.

Gu Ci also asked Xing Wu who was more powerful between her and these city guard card masters.

Xingwu gave him the opportunity to ask those people if they deserve keys, and how many keys they deserve...

"Guys, it's almost time.

It was only then that Gu Ci noticed a small speaker hanging on the upper left corner of the glass room.

Looking again, there is a camera in the upper right corner, and the lens is facing the workbench.

The chief examiner continued: "There are card-making materials for this assessment in the drawer of the table in front of you. There are three copies in total. As long as you successfully produce two white ordinary-level star cards or one green high-quality star card or above within one hour Card, even if you pass the assessment, you don’t need to go through the actual combat test.”

Star cards of Tier [-] and above are checked by the card themselves. If they cannot be used, they will not even see the white light.

The assessment rules are like this, very simple, only the basic skills of the card makers are tested, and after passing, they can become full members of the Star Card Masters Association - this is the original system of the Star Card Masters Association.

But this time, there is an additional challenge.

The examiner said: "In addition, you are lucky. The association has vacated several elite membership spots last year. If any of you can make epic or legendary cards, you will be directly promoted to elite members and enjoy the association even better. treatment and benefits."


As soon as the words fell, the audience was filled with fragrance.

Elite member!

The entire Star Card Master Association only has 3000 elite members every year!

If official members are white-collar workers in the Star Association, elite members are gold-collar workers.

Not only has the monthly card subsidy increased dozens of times, the association will also provide elite members with five insurances and one housing fund, and an opportunity to travel around the world for free every year.

Compared with ordinary regular members, elite members have too many benefits, and the most intuitive ones are the price discounts on star cards and materials - 6.5% off, which is even more crazy than crazy Thursday.

The card makers who participated in this assessment were not only lucky, they simply stepped on dog shit when they went out.

Generally speaking, card makers who can become elite members must be at least level five or above.

Moreover, he had to win honors with high gold content in various card maker competitions.

In short, it has nothing to do with the third-level assessment.

"Brother Meng, I now suspect that there is someone behind Gu Ci, what do you say?"

"+1, this elite member may be specially reserved for Gu Ci."

"Why are there tears in my eyes, because I feel deeply for Gu Cimu..."

"Wake up, I want epic."

Inside the glass room.

Gu Ci also felt that this was a bit too coincidental.

Can't help but look down at Xing Wu.

Star Dance: "Why?"

Gu Ci: "You did it?"

Star Dance: "There are 365 days in a year, and there are 24 hours in a day. Xia Zhi and Fatty can meet each other in your store. Why can't you be hit by pies falling from the sky?"

Gu Ci: "...it seems to make sense."

Xingwu: "That's right, let's make a card!"


===No.16 Why is it still not fried===

At 10:[-] in the morning, the third-level certification assessment officially began.

On the big screen, the 60-minute countdown stayed for a few seconds, and then it turned into a nine-square grid, playing the live card making of each card maker.

This process is actually boring.

They are all written by one person, and the star signs and star trails are carefully drawn on the card surface.

But there are always blind students who can discover Huadian.

"Look, is the pen in Gu Ci's hand a custom-made model of the Starry Sky Gem from Manbaolong?"

"Wait, let me check..."

"I found it, Gan! A pen is more than 120 million, and it really is a big dog!"

More than 120 million pens are not too expensive to be honest, but Gu Ci is only a second-level card maker!

It's like when other people's children are still riding in bumper cars, Gu Ci has already driven a Ferrari with one hand.

This Ferrari was a gift from someone else.

The examiner was also paying attention to Gu Ci at this time.

But his focus is not on the pen.

After all, card making still pays attention to strength, and perhaps a small part depends on luck.

Certain special pens can indeed help the card maker during the card making process, either by saving star power or by saving materials.

But it's not Gu Ci's.

What he was concerned about was that Gu Ci was the one who drew the most perfect star symbols and star trails among the nine second-tier card makers who participated in the certification assessment today.

So far, Gu Ci's process of drawing star cards has been smooth and smooth, without any pause, as smooth as lubricating oil.

"It seems that this quota of elite members is really reserved for him."

Keep drawing in this state, Gu Ci's Tier [-] star card, among other things, must have a very high value.

As long as it can be successfully produced, the guarantee is an epic.

But that's not enough -- not enough reason.

Why does the association add an elite member qualification to an ordinary third-tier assessment?

Why are you guys lucky, a few vacancies came out last year... that was all made up by the examiner himself.

There are tens of millions of people in the entire Star Card Master Association, but the number of elite members only increases by 3000 every year.

The quota with more pinky fingers can't be grabbed, so how could it be empty?

The above did not say the reason, but only asked him to add this when announcing the assessment rules.

The chief examiner has not yet figured out the mystery.

He admitted that Gu Ci was really powerful.

Just because this hand is so beautiful that there are no flaws in it, it can already be called a card-making genius.

However, there are so many geniuses in the Star Card Masters Association, and there are quite a few who can make epic star cards.

There is even a newly promoted Tier 20 card maker whose success rate in making epic cards has reached an astonishing [-]%.

Isn't it the same as obediently queuing up to wait for this year's quota to come out?

What is so different about Gu Ci that allows the association to give him such nepotism?

The examiner really couldn't figure it out.

Until the host lady took a close-up close-up of Gu Ci's face.

The examiner realized.

The identity of a genius-level card maker, coupled with this face.

It turned out that a female boss from an association fell in love with Gu Ci.

So far, 10 minutes have passed.

The fast card maker has already successfully scrapped three pieces of materials, opened the door, covered his face and left.

And just as he left, there was a commotion in the audience.

"Oh, it's done! Look, look!"

No. 3 card maker made the first Tier [-] star card in the audience!

A green light shone across his face.

【Goblin Fruit Vendor】

Type: Summon Card, Goblin

Rating: 3

Quality: high quality

Attack: 1210

Constitution: 1205

Talent: none

Skills: Two-half sword technique.

Introduction: You ask it, is this melon ripe?

"high quality!"

"It's high quality!"

"It's over!"

"Brothers are awesome!"

The certification examination for a third-tier star card master is really difficult.

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