First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 97

I'm sorry, Tuotuo didn't do anything, he was just reading some official documents, locked himself in a tent, and studied over and over again.

Tuotuo asked himself, this time the expedition was generally smooth, except for Zhang Shicheng's tenacity when he was dying, which surprised Tuotuo, other places were within his calculations, it can be said that the wind was smooth.

But when did it start changing?

It seems to be attacking Liuhe!

That's right, it's this unremarkable small city. He sent his younger brother to lead two thousand households, thinking that it would be wiped out once they walked through it.

As a result, the little Liuhe was even more tenacious than Gaoyou, and couldn't be taken down at all.

Then Chuzhou soldiers reinforced, and he also sent Xuexue to lead the army... After that, his younger brother Timur was also defeated first, and Xuexue also followed suit.

After that, Huai'an was lost and Yangzhou was besieged.

The entire battle situation took a turn for the worse, completely out of control.

From this point of view, the one who gave him the biggest blow was the Chuzhou Red Scarf!

It seems that this is a soldier from Haozhou.

It's very inconspicuous. When all the places are kings, this red scarf is called the governor, and later it is called the commander of everything. Anyway, it is much lower than other people!

It seems that this red scarf is still chaotic, with constant internal strife... By the way, this is completely out of the question!He said that the Haozhou red scarf is vulnerable, as long as he is given enough weapons and food, it will be easy to wipe out the red will cost nothing!

Tuotuo seems to have finally discovered his blind spot!

Wrong, wrong from the beginning!

This red scarf is not vulnerable, but has great ambitions, steady development, and is not in a hurry to take the lead.

After having this idea, Tuotuo immediately ordered to send all the news about the Chuzhou red scarf... After Tuotuo got all the information, he fell into a deep shock!

"No flowers at all! If you die, you will go to the [-]th floor of hell!"

Tuotuo had never hated a person so much before. If Chelibuhua, who had become a ghost, appeared in front of Tuotuo at this moment, he would probably be swallowed by Tuotuo!

He is such a jerk!

Completely misled Tuotuo's judgment.

In Tuotuo's hand, he happened to be holding the land distribution order written by Zhang Ximeng and polished by Li Shanchang and others.

In addition, after entering Chuzhou, there are decrees related to household registration, commercial development, commercial tax collection, and notices about the trial of tyrants... These things are placed in front of Tuotuo. It was immediately obvious that this gang of red thieves was building a court, and that it was right to have lofty aspirations.

Completely different from other red thieves, they have a plan, a method, and step by step, their strength has grown, and their development has become an unstoppable trend today.

It is conservatively estimated that there are at least [-] soldiers and horses, and their morale is strong and their fighting spirit is high!

This red scarf was used internally to attack the tyrants and divide the land equally. Externally, they also advocated restoring their homeland and expelling the Hulu.

This is no ordinary red thief!

They really want to replace the Great Yuan Dynasty, and they are very promising!

If it is said that Xu Shouhui's Tianwan Emperor is just taking advantage of his name and provoking the authority of Dayuan, the red scarf in front of him is already making solid preparations.


Tuotuo struck the forehead with his hand three times in a row, extremely heavy... He hates it so much, if he had known this earlier, he would not have attacked Gao You at all.

Instead, they will send a large army to go south from Xuzhou, pass through Suzhou, enter Haozhou, and then go south to Chuzhou, all the way to the Yangtze River!

First wipe out the red bandits in Chuzhou and kill Zhu Yuanzhang.

To eliminate this group of red thieves who are the most threatening, and then to recruit Zhang Shicheng, his ambition as a salt merchant is nothing compared to Zhu Yuanzhang's grand ambitions.

Wrong, all wrong.

From the very beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang should have been attacked.

Although the main force of soldiers and horses is still there, there is not enough food and grass.

Moreover, I missed a few months, allowing Zhu Yuanzhang to successfully complete the autumn harvest, accumulate enough food, and the hearts of the people are attached, which is already unshakable!

If it was the original 40 army, with high morale and sufficient food and grass, there was still hope for destroying Zhu Yuanzhang, but now it may be gone at all.

Then there is the situation in the court, Tuotuo is too clear, his enemies have long been turbulent, wishing to force himself to death, as for His Majesty, it is even more difficult to rely on.

You never know when you'll lose power.

The Great Yuan Dynasty will also come to the point where it is at the end of its rope. Besides the old man, who can turn the tide from the collapse and help the building to collapse?

No, never again!

Only me take off!

After thinking over and over again, the Great Yuan Prime Minister finally issued three orders.

First, send someone to contact Zhang Shicheng in Gaoyou City and agree to his surrender. If there are any conditions, do your best to agree.

Second, dispatch [-] soldiers to recover Huai'an, and sit in Huai'an Mansion as the hub of the entire army, controlling the two Huaihe Rivers.

Third, order the Jiangnan soldiers and horses to go all out to attack Zhenzhou and Zhouzhou without any mistakes!

The three orders, each of which hit the point, finally showed the demeanor of the Great Yuan Optimus Prime.

For Zhang Shicheng, he promised Zhao'an to solve the Gaoyou matter as soon as possible, and sent troops back to Huai'an. Firstly, he wanted to expel Peng Zaozhu and Miao Daheng, and secondly, he wanted to find a way out for the whole army.With Huai'an in hand, even if there are any changes, these tens of 10 people, the last essence of the Yuan Dynasty, can return to Dadu and continue to defend the court.

As for giving orders to the Jiangnan Yuan army, it was the last blow.

As long as the soldiers and horses from the south of the Yangtze River came to attract Zhu Yuanzhang to go south, he immediately gathered the most elite soldiers and horses and went straight to Chuzhou to destroy Zhu Yuanzhang first.

If he can do this, even if he loses his position and dismisses him, or even dies for the country, he can still be worthy of the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty.

Tuotuo may not be considered a famous general who uses soldiers like a god, but as a politician, he is undoubtedly qualified. It is also very appropriate to assess the situation and take countermeasures.

Under the urging of Tuotuo, the Jiangnan Yuan Army, Tu Jian, He Zhuoma, and Chen Yexian mobilized troops and horses and started to act.

If they continue to procrastinate, they are also afraid that the court will punish them.

The [-] troops marched north, scaring Peng Zaozhu and Miao Daheng to flee in a hurry.

Of the 30 shi of grain, only 20 shi were transported away, and the rest of the grain was distributed to the people of Huai'an. Anyway, if Yuan Ting wants it, go to the people to grab it!

Tuotuo gave another order to strictly restrain his subordinates.

All in all, both went well.

Then only Zhang Shicheng is left. As long as it is done, Tuotuo can attack Zhu Yuanzhang without any hesitation, and there will be a real king against king.

Needless to say how miserable Zhang Shicheng was besieged, all the rats in the city were eaten up, and there were not many war horses left. As for sporadic cases of cannibalism, it has long been common.

It's not that Zhang Shicheng doesn't want to surrender, it's because he refuses to give in!

Now that Yuan Ting finally nodded, Zhang Shicheng escaped from death, so he naturally agreed.

Everything was developing according to Tuotuo's plan, but there was a little accident here.

People like Zhang Shicheng cannot be speculated with common sense.

More than anyone else, he wanted to negotiate peace, but when Yuan Ting showed great sincerity, Zhang Shicheng took it up instead... Although he was cut off from the news and didn't know what happened outside, relying on the merchant's intuition, let He realizes it's not easy.

"Tuotuo won't do it for no reason, so he promised us to negotiate a peace! He must have had an accident and encountered trouble. Everyone listens to this king. Let's grit our teeth for a few more days. Mr. Shi, you find a way to test Yuan Jun's strength." All in all, we plan to sell it, and at a good price!"

Zhang Shicheng said treacherously, Shi Naian can only agree, although he is not optimistic, but it is always good if he can not surrender.

In this way, Tuotuo's strategy was once again stuck on Zhang Shicheng, one step away from success.

Zhang Shicheng said he could surrender, but only a little.

To recognize his Great Zhou Kingdom, to give him benefits, food, armaments, everything, and to promise him to appoint officials under his command, in short, to create an independent kingdom.

Tuotuo couldn't agree to this kind of condition at all, and he couldn't even pretend to agree, because he had to ask His Majesty the Emperor for instructions, and Tuotuo didn't have to go, just to lie to Zhang Shicheng, but he had to pretend to be a little bit, and wait for ten days and a half months, Let the messenger run around on the road!

But where did Tuotuo find the time?

Finally, at the moment of stalemate, the imperial envoy of the Yuan Dynasty arrived with an imperial edict.

Tuotuo's life has entered the countdown.

It is different from everyone's imagination that when the imperial envoy comes, announces the content of the imperial decree, and obediently surrenders military power.

With more than ten years of experience in the country, with hundreds of thousands of troops in hand, Tuotuo is a fierce tiger with sharp claws, not a sheep at the mercy of others.

As soon as the imperial envoy arrived, he was arranged in the barracks, surrounded by Tuotuo's cronies, and was not given a chance to read the imperial decree.

Counselor Gong Bo then came directly to see Tuotuo, he knelt in front of Tuotuo's handsome tent, behind him, there were dozens of Mongolian generals, all came to cry and beg.

After a long time, a voice came from the tent, "Gong Senzhi, come in, everyone else is gone!"

Gong Bo hurriedly bowed in, but the other generals did not intend to disperse, they were looking forward to it, waiting for the prime minister to make a decision.

As long as there is an order, they are willing to go through life and death for Tuotuo!

"Prime Minister, you will not accept the orders of the generals. Although the imperial decree has come, as long as you don't accept the decree, the court can't deal with the prime minister by resisting the decree. As long as you can take advantage of these times and win the battle, the subordinates If you write a letter collectively, everything can be redeemed!"

In fact, they already knew that the court's decree was very unfavorable to Tuotuo.

But adhering to the spirit that as long as they don't accept the order, it's not considered resistance, they want to play self-deception.

Anyway, as long as you win the battle and have enough chips to bargain with the court, there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Prime Minister, the big guys are here. Without your protection, all of us will die! Prime Minister! Please!"

Gong Bo then wept bitterly, with blood and tears all over his chest.

Tuotuo gritted his teeth, and his heart was almost broken, "My uncle bullied the emperor and monopolized the power of the court. I tried to impeach him, get rid of powerful officials for the court, and kill relatives righteously. Now I want to learn from my uncle and treat the imperial decree as nothing! This is going against the world, how can you let me deal with it?"

Gong Bo was shocked, "Prime Minister, you must not think like this! Your Majesty is surrounded by treacherous people, they deceive people with lies and frame Zhongliang, how can the Prime Minister throw himself into the trap?"

Tuotuo was still hesitating. At this time, the generals outside couldn't hold back anymore, and shouted loudly, asking the prime minister to ignore the imperial decree and continue to crusade against the red thieves.

Tuotuo fell into an unprecedented tangle... the whole night, until dawn.Tuotuo hadn't made up his mind yet, when someone came to report him suddenly.

Tai Buhua, the Prime Minister of Zuo from Henan Province, has already led 3 troops to take over the military power to succeed Tuotuo.

When the news reached Tuotuo's ears, he was startled for a moment, then smiled helplessly, if he really refused to obey the order, he might have to fight with this group of people and kill each other before using troops against the red thieves!

Tuotuo had never hated him so much, nor had he been so helpless.

After weighing it over and over again, I can only order that the imperial envoy come over and prepare to read the imperial decree!

After the order was sent out, Tuotuo seemed to be ten years old, and the energy in his body was suddenly empty...

Chapter 134 When a Whale Falls, Everything Lives

After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the problem of successors has not been resolved. This is also a problem handed down from the Mongol Empire. The old emperor Khan can determine the candidate, but whether he can be the emperor depends on his strength.

Since the beginning of Yuan Wuzong, almost every change of the throne has been a bloody coup. What is Yingzong and Mingzong?

The Yuan Dynasty was so tossed, and the emperor changed every few years, and each emperor had little power. Before he came to power, he tried his best to win over the powerful ministers, promised benefits, and climbed to the throne.

After ascending to the throne, it is often necessary to spend all of it, even emptying the treasury, to reward meritorious ministers, but it is not enough, so the people must be searched, miscellaneous taxes imposed, and increased layer by layer, draining the last drop of bone marrow from the people.

In the 17th year of Kublai Khan's central reunification, he stipulated that there would be three stones for every ding of millet, and the land tax would be three liters for every mu of millet... The heaviness of the land tax was simply unimaginable.

Not to mention that the emperor behind, increased the weight layer by layer, and finally fell on the people. I don't know how much burden it is.

Moreover, due to the frequent change of imperial power, the power of the powerful ministers has swelled accordingly. Turning to the history of the Yuan Dynasty, one prime minister after another took over the power of the court and arbitrarily ruled the government, which is even more prestigious than the emperor.

These power officials are omnipotent, like Tuotuo's uncle Boyan, who even proposed to kill Han people with five major surnames, and he is the best among them. Yan Tiemu'er, the former prime minister of Boyan, even murdered the emperor and abolished the emperor, even more than Huo Guang Hard three points.

To put it bluntly, the Great Yuan Dynasty was almost a strange dynasty that had the state of subjugation not long after its establishment.

The overall situation is like this, is there no one trying to change and save the peril?


This person is Tuotuo!

He assisted the emperor to get rid of his uncle, and then entered the court to assist the government. Tuotuo gained great prestige by emphasizing Han Confucianism and being an upright official.

If that's all, Tuotuo is nothing more than a wise minister.

But what happened next was surprising.

After serving as prime minister for more than three years, Tuotuo resigned from office on the grounds of illness.

Then Tuotuo's father was impeached, so he wrote a letter requesting to accompany and take care of his father, and left the capital voluntarily.

In anyone's eyes, this is impossible.

Which power minister or prime minister in the Yuan Dynasty didn't hold power tightly, and would rather lose his head than give up the power in his hands... But like Tuotuo, he has an excellent official voice and great authority, why should he be willing to go to the prime minister?

Simply incredible.

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