First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 96

"Beasts, all are beasts!"

"No matter what happens in other places, we in Yangzhou can no longer have brothels!"

"Yes! This is a magic cave, it's too harmful!"

"Whoever does this is devoid of conscience and should go to the [-]th floor of hell! Die badly!"

"What a terrible death! Kill them now! Don't show mercy!"

"Let's find the superior! I beg the superior to uphold justice!"

The people of Yangzhou, filled with righteous indignation, mobilized all of them, completed the seizure of all the brothels in one day, and rescued more than 80 prostitutes at the same time.

Rescued from inside, there are more than 2000 little girls who are not in business and are in the training stage!In addition to these survivors, there are no less than dozens of bones, some thrown in abandoned wells, and some were hastily buried in the cellar.

Mainly because of the war, they could not be sent outside the city.

According to many people, there are dead people in these brothels every day... Some young people are disobedient and beaten to death, and some old people died of diseases without even a coffin, so they were rolled up in mats and thrown into the city. something happened.

And what's even more shocking is still to come. How long can a girl with a good appearance last?

The answer is less than a year!

That's right, it's that short!

Once the girls are cultivated and start business, they are eager to pay back the money, the sooner the better, so they make crazy arrangements. After a few months, they are physically and mentally exhausted, haggard and withered, and those who can survive a year or two are rare.

Only those like Zhou Huiniang who stand at the top, because it takes too much to cultivate, are not willing to waste it, and want to offer it as treasures, but in the end, they don't have ten years, and after three to five years, they will be replaced by a generation Newcomers take their place.

Of course, there are exceptions in any industry, but the vast majority are just that cruel.

So don't think there is anything to look forward to in the dusty land, but anyone with a little conscience should hate it!


After hearing Zhang Ximeng's report, Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth as he watched the shocking examples one after another.

At first, I just felt that I couldn't afford it, and I just closed it, but now that I opened it, there are so many sins!

"We supervise the execution ourselves!"

After the search, it was found that there were indeed seventeen brothels where girls were killed, and there were still too many to be investigated.

But Lao Zhu didn't want to wait any longer.

The first batch of villains were pushed to the execution ground!

A total of 30 Yangzhou people walked out of their homes and came to watch. The inner three floors, the outer three floors, the houses, and the trees were all full of people. The big guys were staring at it, for fear that they would change their minds.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhu Yuanzhang went directly to the court in high spirits, catching Zhang Ximeng by surprise. What is Lao Zhu going to do?

"Folks, we can't wait any longer! Such villains don't deserve to live in this world for a moment! Even if they turn into ghosts, let them come to us, Zhu Yuanzhang is waiting for them!"

After speaking, Lao Zhu took a ghost head knife himself, glanced at the plump middle-aged woman in front of him, and when the knife fell, the head flew out immediately, and blood splattered.

Under Zhu Yuanzhang's leadership, the rest of the executioners didn't wait any longer, and swung the ghost knife directly, beheading the heads of this group of scum, rolling around like watermelons.

The crowd was slightly astonished, and then burst into cheers, and the sound of "Long Live" was earth-shattering!Enduring!

Chapter 132 The Ambition of Plotting the World

In order for Zhu Yuanzhang to enter the city, it took less than two days to distribute food to the people, deal with the prisoners, and clean up the brothel.

It's less than five days in total, that is, from Monday to Friday.

And in just five days, Lao Zhu has established supreme authority in the hearts of the people of Yangzhou.

Many old people call Zhu Jiajun "Living Bodhisattva".

In this chaotic world where life is like nothing, and people die in a blink of an eye, the common people really don't have too many messy thoughts, and most people are so simple that they are pitiful.

Everyone wants to be safe, and it is better to stay away from people than Taiping dogs... Zhu Jiajun did it. They took control of Yangzhou and maintained discipline. These soldiers would rather sleep in tents on the street than live in residential houses in the city.

In addition to the first one, the big guy also wants to have a stutter, so he doesn't have to starve to death.

Zhu Yuanzhang also sent food. Although it was not much, everyone had it. It was fair, and a large amount of food came in later to ensure that they would not die of starvation.

If you can do these two things, you can already win the hearts of [-]% of the people.

As for the closure of brothels and the prohibition of painting boats, the resistance to these things is not that great.

At least for ordinary people, they can't afford to go there, and they know that it's not a good place. Banning it will only make Yangzhou city cleaner. No one wants their hometown to bear the name of Fengyue Land, right?

This is a very simple and straightforward idea. When it comes out that the brothel trades people and mutilates girls, it will be a matter of course to ban it.

On the contrary, those scholars, bureaucrats and rich businessmen don't want to lose the precious place to enjoy life, experience life, and even learn knowledge... So in the Taiping era, it is impossible to ban brothels.

But it's different now, Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't care about these messy voices at all, and no one dares to find Lao Zhu unhappy.

That's why everything seemed so calm and smooth... But Zhang Ximeng had another calculation. It was not difficult to ban brothels in Yangzhou, but it was not difficult to ban all brothels in other places.

Or simply, it's impossible.

However, Yangzhou's action this time can be used as an example. After Lao Zhu dominates the world, this example can also be used as an example.

All in all, how much can be saved and how much can be solved depends on the will of God!

No doubt, this is a great start.

Zhang Ximeng is very satisfied with this achievement.

"My lord, the next step is to send out the less important personnel in Yangzhou city in batches, and send them to the military village. At least half of the 80 people will be sent out."

This number is not Zhang Ximeng's nonsense. At present, the territory controlled by Lao Zhu is mainly Chuzhou and Hezhou. The rest of Sizhou and Haozhou are all due to the war, and there are not many people left.

Especially Sizhou was the worst. First, Zhao Junyong and Peng Da attacked Sizhou, then the two groups of red scarves merged, and then Zhao Junyong was defeated again. The continuous war made the people in Sizhou city, even 1000 people No, he either died, or fled to the countryside to hide. The situation in Haozhou is not much better, and he urgently needs to recuperate.

Not counting these places, there are about 100 million people under Lao Zhu's rule, of which the population of the cities is less than [-].

The support ratio is about nine to one.

In the Song Dynasty, when agriculture was relatively developed, a farmer worked hard and could produce food for three people. This ratio was almost the same until the large-scale popularization of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery.

A couple worked hard for a year. Besides supporting themselves and their children, at most they would take out one person's rations and exchange them in the market.

It is also because of this that in rural areas, even if they are seventy or eighty, as long as they can move, they must work, otherwise no one can afford to support a free eater.

First of all, it is so cruel, so in some places, there are only a few brothers and sisters, and no one is willing to support the elderly. Perhaps the reasons for each family are complicated, but it boils down to the fact that there is too little surplus in agricultural production. Can't afford it.

This situation may be better under the rule of Lao Zhu, mainly because of the war, there is a lot of wasteland, coupled with the encouragement of water conservancy construction, vigorous farming, one farmer can grow food for about five people.

But that's all. After the world is peaceful and the population lives and reproduces, each farmer's transfer fields will become less and less, and they will fall back again.

So after all the calculations, one farmer supports three people, and one farmer supports one citizen. According to this ratio, as long as Yangzhou City drops to 40 people, the total population of the city under Lao Zhu’s rule is 50, and the total population is more than 180 million. to 200 million.

Only then can it be more reasonable and affordable.

And at the moment, the importance of agriculture is unparalleled, so it is still necessary to transfer as much urban population to the countryside as possible.

Brothels and casinos, which are purely consumerist and very negative, must be the first to be cleaned up.

Next, due to the decrease in the consumption population, most of the restaurants, teahouses, and street shops in Yangzhou City must be closed down.

For these people, they will not be forced to relocate, but they can be encouraged... For example, if you run a tea stall and feel that you can't make it through, you can take the initiative to hand over the tea stall, get a land deed, and get some loans, of course In the form of market coupons, they are issued to traders to help him settle down in the countryside and cultivate the fields.

If after five years, I still want to return to the city to do business, the rural land is still there, and I will not take it back.

As a result, most of those who cannot continue to operate have to return to the countryside.

However, there are also some workshops and shops that absolutely cannot be closed.

That is blacksmith shops, furniture workshops, medical centers, drug stores, textile workshops, brick kilns, ceramic kilns, paper mills, bookstores... Anyway, the industries related to production must be properly preserved.

Even if Yangzhou can't support them, they can move to Chuzhou, Hezhou, or even Haozhou.

These are all important jobs related to the next step of Zhu's army's development, and no matter what, they cannot be destroyed overnight.

In fact, this is where Zhang Ximeng's strength lies. Even if Li Shanchang performed the operation himself, he would definitely not be able to do such a meticulous job.

"Besides, private schools, pawnshops, and bank bank accounts can't be closed casually. I will arrange people to investigate the situation and prepare for the next issue of treasure notes. There is one more thing, those Big family!" Zhang Ximeng said solemnly, "My lord, I'm afraid you'll offend someone again."

Lao Zhu shook his head directly, "We are not afraid! What's more, we know that what you are going to say may not be considered a human being!"

The feeling of being trusted is really good, Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Master, in Yangzhou City, aren't there many dignitaries and dignitaries? They have many servants under their command. According to some captives, there are nine big families in Yangzhou. Not to mention the rich, there are more than a thousand thugs, maids and servants who are raised. I think we should order to release slaves and reduce the size of large households..."

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said, "That's all?"

Zhang Ximeng was taken aback, this is too much, why is it not enough?

Old Zhu frowned and said: "It is reasonable to say that these people are powerful and powerful, and they are inextricably linked with Yuan Ting. When we were in Chuzhou, we resolutely eradicated big households. Why did you soften your heart?" Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to smile. Feixiao actually disliked Zhang Ximeng's lack of thunderbolt skills.

According to what Lao Zhu thought, it would be easiest to simply kill him and confiscate the family property.

Zhang Ximeng smiled wryly and shook his head, "My lord, there are too many wealthy households in Yangzhou, and they are also very powerful...and there are many businessmen here. They are different from the powerful landlords in the countryside. Those landlords, we want land, and if they don't give it, they have to kill them In conclusion, some of these wealthy businessmen who run businesses are good at management, and some have deep connections. Temporarily appeasing them is useful for the great cause of the lord. As long as they can give up most of the land and follow the rules to operate and pay taxes, they should Keep it. If they do violate the law, they'd better be punished. Once the business order is destroyed, it's hard to restore it."

Lao Zhu listened silently. To be honest, he hated business extremely. He always thought that businessmen were buying and selling, hoarding and doing no good.

If Lao Zhu is allowed to go down, it is estimated that everyone's head will become a pendant at the gate of the city.

If you dare to hoard, you will directly destroy the three clans!

However, Lao Zhu could still hear what Zhang Ximeng said.

"We'll leave the matter to Mr.

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust!" Zhang Ximeng was going to make arrangements, but Zhu Yuanzhang stopped him.

"Don't be busy yet."

Old Zhu said: "Sir, according to the time, no matter how slow the imperial envoy of the Yuan court is, they should be in the Gaoyou army at this moment. Do you think Tuotuo will obediently hand over the military power?"


Zhang Ximeng pondered slightly, it's not that he didn't know the result, but he didn't know how to say it to be convincing.

"My lord, I think that in the army, including soldiers and horses from the Western Regions, they may not be willing to listen to Tuotuo's orders. If they refuse to resist the order, there will be chaos in the army!"

"Then Tuotuo Ling's decree is followed, and several 10 people will be safe?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"No!" Zhang Ximeng shook his head, "My lord, the Mongols have always been very vicious in their internal struggles, especially in the struggle for succession, the downfall of powerful ministers, it's not common for tens of thousands of people to die in rivers of blood. Tuotuo He has been in power for many years, with many party members and countless cronies. If he falls, these people will do their best to protect themselves. This hundreds of thousands of troops will definitely be in chaos, and even fall apart!"

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath, with a hint of a smile on his serious face.

"Sir, we can hand over the affairs of Yangzhou City to you, but we must prepare for the military consumption of five thousand soldiers and horses for us! We want to go north to Gaoyou!"

Zhang Ximeng instantly understood that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to take advantage of it. 5000 people might not seem like many, but it was enough. After all, Zhang Shicheng had less than 1 troops trapped in the city.

In history, Zhang Shicheng won the battle of Gaoyou, and his reputation was greatly improved, so he took advantage of the trend to take over the land of eastern Zhejiang, and then went south to capture Suzhou, occupying the most affluent place in the world, and he was qualified to challenge Zhu Yuanzhang in one fell swoop.

But if Lao Zhu received the legacy of Tuotuo's defeat and his strength soared, Zhang Shicheng, who was trapped in Gaoyou at that time, came out to take a look, yo!His mother's surname is Zhu!

That expression must be wonderful!

Although Zhang Ximeng thinks that running Yangzhou is difficult and the pressure is very high, he can't refuse the temptation of this pie.

"My lord, don't worry, I will try my best to arrange it, and I will never hold you back."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in satisfaction, "With Mr.'s assistance, we are like a tiger with wings added! If we can take all the land of the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River, and then cross the river to take the Jiangnan, the world of the Yuan Dynasty will probably not have a few years to live!"

Zhang Ximeng thinks so, but now there is still a variable, so let's take it off, can he leave Da Yuanchao with his last breath?

Chapter 133 It's Hard for a Loyal Minister

Zhu Yuanzhang only asked Zhang Ximeng for the military supplies of 5000 people. This is not because Zhu Yuanzhang underestimated the 10 yuan army, or underestimated Zhang Shicheng, the king of Zhou Cheng who was holding on to his death.

But after experiencing continuous battles and carrying the big burden of Yangzhou, he can only gather so many.

Tang He, who had a bad leg injury, was called in to assist Zhang Ximeng and master Yangzhou. Feng Guoyong was also busy, and the rest Guo Ying, Fei Ju, Lu Zhongheng and others were all busy.

Only Xu Da, Hua Yun and Hu Dahai can be taken away by Lao Zhu.

It is too difficult to manage a city of 80 people. The value of Yangzhou is known to all fools, but if Yangzhou is to realize its value, it needs to rebuild order. At least the city can be managed and operated well to produce value.

And all this takes time.

Those soldiers who surrendered also need time to transform, but at this time the most lacking thing is time.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew this all too well, so he chose 5000 people. If the timing is right, God will help. Needless to say, if there are still variables, at least Yangzhou will be swallowed.

All in all, Zhu Yuanzhang made the most secure layout, which also echoed Guangjiliang's habit of slowly becoming king.

Anyway, the next step is to see how Tuotuo makes moves. At least before Yuan Ting's decree is sent over, Tuotuo is still the commander of hundreds of thousands of troops, and his every move can still affect the overall situation.

So what is Tutu doing?

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