First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 80

This Dayuan's last hope, the choice is really too little.

After being frustrated by directly attacking Gaoyou, Tuotuo had to change his tactics. After sweeping around Gaoyou, he then set his sights on a county town.

That is Liuhe!

This is a very inconspicuous small city, Tuotuo didn't take it seriously, Yancheng, Xinghua, Taizhou, which one is not bigger than Liuhe?These cities can't stop the Yuan army's front, let alone the small Liuhe.

Tuotuo also knew that Liuhe was not under Zhang Shicheng's control, but under a man named Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang?

never heard of that!

All the red scarves are handsome and handsome, but there is no such person at all.

In the border between Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers, there are a lot of red scarf thieves who are kings. Peng Da, Zhao Junyong, Zhang Shicheng, and Marshal are even more numerous, more than a certain brand of potato chips...

In front of so many powerful seniors, Zhu Yuanzhang only dared to be called the Zhenfu envoy.

What an official position and what a military force this is!

Not surprisingly, Tuotuo underestimated Zhu Yuanzhang.

He sent two Mongolian ten thousand households to attack Liuhe, planning to take Liuhe lightly as soon as they passed through, completely wiped out all the cities around Gaoyou, and then concentrated their forces to besiege Gaoyou.

The capture and killing of Zhang Shicheng is just around the corner!

It was Tuotuo's younger brother who was in charge of attacking Liuhe, also Timur first.

As blood brothers, the elder brother served as the prime minister, and the younger brother served as the censor doctor. The two brothers cooperated with each other tacitly, and really maintained a rare period of peace.

First, Timur's highlight moment happened to Liu Futong.

After the rise of the Red Turban Army in the Central Plains, Timur was appointed by his brother to lead the army to kill Liu Futong... At first everything went smoothly, winning consecutive battles, but suddenly Timur was defeated, and the defeat was very bad awful.

The reason is very simple. The previous achievements were all made by Timur’s vanguard general Gong Buban. As a result, in a surprise attack, Gong Buban was killed by the Red Turban Army, and then Timur was frightened into panic They were defeated, and all the recovered cities were lost to Liu Futong.

If it stops here, it's fine, but Tuotuo loves his younger brother so much that he sent many soldiers and horses to him, gathering a total of 30 people to continue the decisive battle with Liu Futong.

A funny scene appeared. Liu Futong's tentative night attack caused a mutiny in the 30-strong barracks, and Timur ran away in fright.

Same mistake, made twice!

The Yuan army stepped on each other without knowing it, 30 people, only [-] were left in the end, and retreated in a hurry.

This battle of Shahe was also a turning point in the early days of the Red Turban Army. After this battle, Liu Futong fought against the Yuan army with the Yellow River and Ru River as the line of defense with his back on the Dabie Mountains.

Inspired by this, Red Turbans sprung up like mushrooms everywhere... Sesame Li, Bu Wangsan, Meng Haima, and Guo Zixing were all figures who emerged during this period.

First of all, Timur was a criminal minister, but thanks to Tuotuo's protection, he was not beheaded.However, his failure had a great impact, and even affected the current Battle of Gaoyou.

Why did Tuotuo go all the way to mobilize soldiers and horses from the Western Regions? It wasn't because his good brothers had lost all the elite of the Yuan court, so they could only mobilize troops from the distant Western Regions.

But even so, Tuotuo treated his younger brother very well, and still granted military power.

Not long ago, Timur also supervised soldiers behind Zhao Junyong, trying to invade Chuzhou.

But Zhao Jun was defeated in one fell swoop.

There are obviously [-] people, such a big lump, right in front of your eyes, why is it gone?

First, Timur was too frightened to attack, so he just waited.

Then Peng Zaozhu sent someone to deliver a letter to him, telling him about his revenge with Zhao Junyong for killing his father, and expressing his willingness to join the court.

Also Timur first, and then asked a lot about Chuzhou, inquiring about the facts.

Finally Luo Guanzhong's chance came, he picked up a large pen and began to write - Hu Zhifa information.

This Mr. Luo can really write, from food, clothing, housing, transportation, personal preferences, to the situation of his subordinates, to military discipline and military regulations...he has compiled a complete set.

There are tens of thousands of words, just like that.

After Timur received it, the more he read it, the more excited he became, and he forgot to eat or sleep when he read it.

How fun!

Zhu Yuanzhang was a young monk in his early years, and he was still begging for food. He had never eaten good food, but his favorite was roasted centipede, which is more than half a foot long. It is roasted on the fire, and it is crispy and fragrant. You can eat hundreds of centipedes in one meal. .

In order to satisfy his appetite, Zhu Yuanzhang mobilized his men to find the centipede, and some people were bitten by it. The people in Chuzhou called Zhu Yuanzhang General Centipede...

Also, Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid of his wife. He relied on his wife's power to get what he is today.

But Mrs. Ma was jealous and forbade Zhu Yuanzhang to take concubines. Zhu Yuanzhang sharpened his knife in a rage one day and wanted to kill Mrs. Ma... But at this moment, Mrs. Ma suddenly came and asked him why he sharpened his knife.

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately replied: Seeing that my wife is thin, I will kill a sheep for my wife!

This interesting description made Yexian Timur smile.Zhu Yuanzhang, who is vulgar, fearful, and has no ambitions, is vivid on paper.

Is this person worthy of being an enemy of the Yuan Dynasty?

As long as the army rushed over, it might scare him to death!

Also first Timur was unscrupulous. Wherever the Yuan army passed, the people died and fled, and mourning was everywhere.Thousands of people ran to Liuhe, begging Zhu's army for protection.

At this moment, due to the reorganization, Feng Guoyong, who was originally stationed in Liuhe, is not there. Only Geng Junyong and Geng Bingwen and his son are there, and the troops are very limited.

The father and father went to the city in person and saw the people kneeling on the ground outside the city. Their scalps were numb and their palms were sweating.

"My son, what do you think we should do?"

Geng Bingwen gritted his teeth, "What else can I do, fight with the dog tartar!" The young man leaned over the crenel, looking at the crowd outside.

"Folks, the Yuan Tartars slaughtered lives. The crime is serious. They don't give people a way to live! If you want to live, don't kneel down and beg us! Pick up your weapons and fight the Tartars to your death! Protect yourself!"

"Stand up, don't kneel!"

"If you are courageous, go to the city to get weapons and fight the Tartars! If you are not courageous, I will arrange someone to send you to the back!"

In fact, Geng Bingwen also studied under Zhang Ximeng for several months, and his eloquence is very good.

After some agitation, about 800 people stood up angrily and were willing to help defend the city.

Geng Bingwen brought these people into the city and waited for them. The rest of the old and weak women and children, together with the elderly and children in Liuhe City, were sent away immediately.

Geng Jun mobilized the army and the people, raced against time to dig trenches, strengthen the city walls, prepare defense equipment, and wait for the arrival of Timur first...

Chapter 113 Two Flowers Bloom

The tragic siege battle went on to the seventh day, and Tuotuo continued to attack day and night for seven days. Zhang Shicheng led the soldiers and civilians of Gaoyou, and defended for seven days.

Under Gaoyou City, corpses piled up like a mountain, and the strong stench smelled like the legendary Iron Tree Hell.

Looking at the top again, half of the city tower has been smashed down by the return artillery, and the ruins are astonishing.

A large number of wounded had no time to carry them away, so they could only lean against the wall, groaning helplessly.

For seven days, Zhang Shicheng slept less than five hours in total. His eyes were red, his lips were blistered, his voice was hoarse, and his mouth was full of bad breath.

Not to mention His Majesty King Cheng's majesty, even if he is inferior to ordinary beggars... But he smiled, baring his yellow teeth.

"Brothers! Tuotuo didn't take down Gaoyou in one go! He can't beat him! We can't die!"

Zhang Shicheng yelled like a madman.

He did have reason to be happy, Gaoyou City is so big, even if it is a million troops, it is impossible to rush to the top of the city at once.Although the Yuan army is powerful, it also has a limit.

After seven days of fierce fighting, the Yuan army also had to rest and recover.

It also gave Zhang Shicheng a good chance to recover his troops.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the battle of Gaoyou is about to enter a stalemate.

It's not that the battle is less fierce, on the contrary, it will be even more tragic by three points, but there is no such thing as going straight to Jiancheng in one go.

Zhang Shicheng could take a good breath, but before resting, he had to find someone who could guard the city for him.

Of course, my brothers had no problem, but the two of them fought side by side with Zhang Shicheng, they were more tired than Zhang Shicheng, and needed rest even more.

Zhang Shicheng looked around and picked a person. This person was Li Bosheng, who was one of the eighteen poles who started the incident together with Zhang Shicheng.

He is also an important leader of Zhang Shicheng, but there was a little friction between the two not long ago.

"Old Li, come here."

Zhang Shicheng pulled Li Bosheng and made him sit in front of him. Zhang Shicheng watched him carefully, which made Li Bosheng feel a little nervous.

"Your Highness, if you have any orders, I will never hesitate to die!"

Zhang Shicheng smiled, "Let me ask you something. I heard it said, you said Miss Xuejiao, a fairy-like figure, even if she can sleep for a night, she will benefit from death, but is there such a thing?"

When Li Bosheng heard this, he was frightened out of his wits!

Hastily waved his hand in denial, cold sweat dripping down unconsciously.

This Xuejiao girl is the oiran lady in Yangzhou, not to mention one of the best, but also a symbol of the top three.Zhang Shicheng captured the city, and Yangzhou also fell into his hands.

As Zhang Shicheng's general, Li Bosheng naturally wanted to get her when he heard about this Xuejiao girl, so he made such remarks.

But before he could do anything, Miss Xuejiao was admitted to the palace, and it was said that she was going to be Zhang Shicheng's side concubine.

This is very reckless. Whose serious prince would pick someone from a brothel!Qinhuai Bayan, no matter how colorful it is, is just a literati's plaything, and it cannot be on the stage, let alone enter the palace.As for being on the shore of Daming Lake, once the spring breeze comes, it is the wishful thinking of a pheasant who wants to become a phoenix.

However, Zhang Shicheng is a grass-headed king, he doesn't care about these at all, he took a Xuejiao girl to the palace, not long after, the Yuan army went south, and Zhang Shicheng fell into an unprecedented crisis.

"Your Highness, my minister, I must never dare to have any wrong thoughts, Your Highness, please forgive me!" Li Bosheng lay on the ground and kowtowed.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Shicheng stretched out his hand to pull Li Bosheng up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Li! What kind of friendship do we two have? Together we carry poles to fight the world, and don't say anything else, except for my chair, what do you want?" Anything, there is something!"

Li Bosheng was panicked, he didn't know what Zhang Shicheng meant, so he could only keep pleading guilty.

At this time, Zhang Shicheng sighed heavily, and then said to the people around him: "Go, bring Xuejiao here, and send her to Lao Li's mansion. Tonight, I will marry them and enter the bridal chamber!"

Li Bosheng was dumbfounded, his mind went blank for an instant.

What, His Highness wants to give Xuejiao to himself?

How is it possible, that is His Highness's treasure!

Could it be that the ears are broken?

And even if it is true, can I want it?Do you dare?

Li Bosheng fell into unprecedented entanglement and panic...but Shi Naian next to him heard the truth.

What a powerful King Cheng.

This is a perfect meeting to imitate King Zhuang of Chu!

As the master, don't pay attention to the fault of the general molesting the favorite concubine. After a few years, the subordinate generals gave up their lives to save her.

If King Cheng is so magnanimous and bestows beauty, this Li Bosheng will not fight to the death for King Cheng!

If there is a wise master like this, Gaoyou thinks there is still a chance of life!

Shi Naian highly praised him, saying that Wang Yingming and Wang Yingming are so magnanimous, and the future is really bright.

In the evening of the same day, Zhang Shicheng personally sent Li Bosheng to the bridal chamber and enjoyed the service of the top three beauties in Yangzhou. Li Bosheng felt that his life was worthless, and it was finally worth it!

But he didn't dare to be greedy, and at three o'clock in the morning, he climbed up with his waist in his arms, put on his armor, and went to the city to guard.

As for Zhang Shicheng in the palace, when he heard that Li Bo was promoted to the city, he finally showed a smile, and immediately fell on the bed, snoring like thunder!

With Li Bosheng's desperate defense, and the unity of Gaoyou's soldiers and civilians, the Yuan soldiers' offensives were resolved one after another, and nothing like building up hills or digging tunnels would work.

Tuotuo assembled the return cannons twice, trying to break through the city wall, Li Bosheng led the dead soldiers to rush out, destroyed them twice, and sacrificed his life to save them.

Gaoyou survived for half a month.

Tuotuo was furious, since Gaoyou couldn't be defeated for a while, he had to conquer Liuhe, cut off all external connections, surround Gaoyou City, even if it was trapped, Zhang Shicheng would be trapped to death!

The front of the Yuan army turned to the smaller Liuhe... At this moment, Liuhe City is also registering nervously, recording everyone, except for the people in the city, especially the guests of foreign merchants who pass through Liuhe.valley

It must be registered in detail, and no one can be missed.

If anyone lies or detects anomalies, they must be dealt with seriously.

This trick was actually used by Zhang Ximeng when he was in Haozhou.

In the face of strong enemies, if you want to defend the city, you must be integrated from top to bottom without any loopholes.Everyone, every grain of grain, must be clearly understood.

Otherwise, once a traitor appears, it will be troublesome.

Geng Bingwen will carefully investigate the young and strong who have gathered into the city, and distribute them to various households to prevent them from getting together.In addition, he ordered that all the people in the city be registered, and all visitors from other places be registered. In short, no one should be missed.

This work looks complicated, but it is not difficult at all.

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