First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 79

Although the topic is simple, it is quite interesting.

Could it be that someone is putting rouge and powder on Zhu Yuanzhang now?

There is a way to make money, and he may not be wrong to say that, but it is just too springy, and it inevitably conceals the core of Zhu Yuanzhang's policy.

It's like talking about the Industrial Revolution, only talking about the invention of the Jenny machine, the invention of the steam engine, the advancement of science and technology, and the development of production...but never mentioning the invasion of the world, the opening of the market, the plunder of the world, and the acquisition of sufficient capital. You can invest in technology and build factories.

Sometimes, the castrated truth is even more harmful than deliberately fabricated lies.

After all, this seems to be a matter of historical interpretation.Beautifying Zhu Yuanzhang is of course good for Zhu's army, but it seems to be more important to record the history truthfully and present the real situation to future generations so that future generations can learn from the experience of the predecessors.

Otherwise, wouldn't you have fallen into a vicious circle of self-deception!

Moreover, Lao Zhu's success is interpreted as benevolent government, kingly way, and love for the people. Then it should be the three cardinal guides and five constant principles, the interaction between heaven and man, monarch and minister, father and son... Sure enough, all things can enter Confucianism!

"Brother, judge and judge, who is right and who is wrong?"

"I don't care who's right and who's wrong!" Zhang Ximeng snorted angrily, "You're the one who lost me when you gave the little bastard an exam... Well, I'll tell your husband later and let him take the time to go through the department. To talk to him."

This time it was Muying's turn to be dazed. Others did not do well in the exam and were called to see the husband. Why did the elder brother come to see the parents?

What is the reason for this?

But it seems nothing, who makes the big brother different!Maybe after explaining a few words, my husband will not dare to embarrass me in the future.Zhu Ying is quite beautiful, sure enough, within two days, he called her husband to the experience department, and wait for my elder brother's earnest teachings!

Mr. Yang is a very ordinary private school gentleman. He came from a good family and read a lot of books in his early years. However, the imperial examinations in Yuanting were really cheating. He failed the exam several times, so he had to return to his hometown and open a private school. .

It was not until Zhu Yuanzhang occupied Chuzhou that more people wanted to go to school, and the private school was expanded into a government school. Mr. Yang also received a salary in it, which was regarded as eating public food, but it was given by a group of red thieves. Is it his luck or misfortune?

Mr. Yang didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

This is his first time stepping into the Red Thief's yamen.

As a connecting link between the past and the future, the internal and external institutions of the hub are much busier than expected. Mr. Yang failed to meet Zhang Ximeng directly and had to wait outside for a while.

He also took the opportunity to observe and pay attention to the work of the Experience Department.He found that it was very busy here, with young people coming in and out, everyone holding official documents in their arms, and he didn't know how there were so many things in this place... At this moment, suddenly There is a lot of voices, a big event is coming!

It turned out that it was Zhang Shicheng, the honest king of Gaoyou, who sent someone to send a letter in his own hand, asking Zhu Yuanzhang to send troops to help.

The letter is written with great humility, even to the point of obsequiousness.

However, Zhang Ximeng didn't even look at it, so he threw it aside.

At this time, several officials of the experience department, including Lu Zhou, looked at Zhang Ximeng stupidly.

"That experience... This is a letter asking for help, you can't take it lightly, let the superiors decide!"

Zhang Ximeng stared, "What is the decision...Maybe there is a little trouble with King Cheng, but we shouldn't send troops."

Ruan Hongdao, as the second-in-command of the experience department, lost his face. Not long ago, Zhang Shicheng came to ask for help, and Zhang Ximeng said directly: Everything is fine, nothing happened.

Now it is said that even if it is a little troublesome, it should not send troops.

What to do next?

"What if Tuotuo captures all the cities and besieges Gaoyou?"

"That said it seemed like something should be done, but we couldn't do anything."

Ruan Hongdao was in a hurry, "Zhang experience! If this is the case, wouldn't it be just sitting back and watching the Yuan army conquer Gaoyou and sweep the world! What shall we do then?

"Then we said it would have been nice to have done something, but now it's too late!"


Ruan Hongdao was so full of smoke that he was going crazy. He gritted his teeth, "Mr. Zhang, is this how you treat the envy of the superior? Could it be that you deliberately sabotaged your work because you didn't become a councilor and took charge of the board of directors?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a sullen face, "Ruan Hongdao, it's all about Ruan! What you need now is to obey the arrangement of the experienced officer. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the superior. If you dare to speak nonsense again and alienate the relationship between the staff and subordinates, I will immediately I want to punish you!"

Ruan Hongdao was helpless and could only lament that the current situation was really too bad.

Tuotuo led the troops to the south, and Zhang Shicheng's initial response was simply a disaster.

He first sent two brothers to lead the troops to fight actively, trying to stop the Yuan army, but they collided with the morale of the Yuan army and suffered heavy losses.

At this time, Zhang Shicheng wrote a letter to Lao Zhu... requesting to send troops.

As a result, when Zhang Ximeng came here, nothing happened.

Then the Yuan army divided up and captured Yancheng and Xinghua. It was like swinging their left arm and hitting Gaoyou... At this moment, Zhang Shicheng sent the second letter.

Facing this letter, Zhang Ximeng's attitude was still very simple.

There may be a little friction, but nothing needs to be done.

According to this rhythm, I waited for Zhang Ximeng to say that it would be great if I did something at the beginning, but it was too late.Zhang Shicheng can start the banquet, and he will play a song of "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" to send His Royal Highness King Cheng to heaven!

Once Zhang Shicheng is finished, how will Chuzhou be preserved?

The desolation of the death of a rabbit and a fox enveloped everyone, including the officials under Lao Zhu, and they couldn't escape it.

What the hell is Zhang Ximeng doing?

"Actually, there is nothing to talk about... the situation is almost the same as we expected. Zhang Shicheng underestimated Yuan Ting's determination, and did not carefully deal with it. He suffered a disastrous defeat in the early stage, which is reasonable!" Zhang Ximeng analyzed calmly.

There were only four people present at the meeting this time. Jia Lu coughed lightly, "Although that's the case, the defeat was indeed too fast and too tragic! According to the secret report, Zhang Shicheng's troops in Gaoyou City are less than [-] at the moment. It's hundreds of thousands of yuan troops like wolves and tigers, I don't think he may be able to defend it!"

Jia Lu was short of directly saying that Zhang Shicheng was bound to lose, and Li Shanchang obviously thought the same way.

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a long time, and said: "If Zhang Shicheng can't defend himself, he will be defeated by the Yuan Tartars in a short while. It's useless for us to save him. We can only deploy soldiers and horses everywhere, and fight to the death with the Yuan army!"

Old Zhu made up his mind, but Zhang Ximeng said: "My lord, Zhang Shicheng was born as a salt dealer, and his subordinates are all salt workers...Does my lord know the hard work of salt workers?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was startled, "We...don't know!"

Jia Lu narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Salt workers are really hard. They have to carry two hundred catties of brine all year round. No matter winter or summer, they walk barefoot. After working for a few years, their joints will ache. Into the bone marrow, life is worse than death!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being surprised, Zhang Ximeng said seriously, "If I'm not wrong, Zhang Shicheng is much stronger than we expected! Maybe he will never reach the fourth stage!"

Chapter 112 Stand Up, Don't Kneel

It's not that Zhang Ximeng doesn't want to intervene, it's because he has no strength.

The 40 yuan army came overwhelmingly, unstoppable and unrivaled.

Tuotuo defeated Zhang Shicheng's soldiers one after another, and then the army besieged the city. At the same time, he swept around and Yancheng, Xinghua, and Taizhou fell one after another.

Zhang Shicheng has been compressed to the city of Gaoyou, with his life hanging by a thread.

His Royal Highness King Cheng was desperate, so he decided to surrender.

That's right, Zhang Shicheng has surrendered!

He secretly sent an envoy with a personal letter to see Tuotuo.

Zhang Shicheng's attitude is extremely humble, as long as the Dayuan court can give him a way out, he is willing to submit to the court, surrender the city, and act as the court's vanguard to help suppress the Red Scarf Army.

All in all, as long as Tuotuo's father nods, we Zhang Shicheng will be your good son.

At this time, Zhang Shicheng perfectly interpreted how desperate a person in a desperate situation should be!

40 versus [-]!

Fight the world with one city!

How is it possible to win?

I beg the imperial court, give me a chance to be a dog!

Faced with this letter, if Tuotuo nodded, Gaoyou City would be destroyed in an instant, and Zhang Shicheng would surrender.Not surprisingly, like Chahan Timur, Li Siqi and others, he will become the executioner who killed the Red Scarf Army.

Zhu Jiajun, who was right next to him, would be the first victim.

The overall situation of the world, the rise and fall of dynasties, and the trend of history are all in the middle of Tuotuo's thoughts at this moment... Facing this letter of request for surrender, the Prime Minister of Great Yuan, who is both civil and military, lightly said, "No surrender!"

Not only was he not allowed to surrender, Tuotuo added another sentence, "When the city breaks down, all of them will be slaughtered, and no one will be left behind!"

The messenger fled back to Gaoyou in embarrassment with a carefree answer.

Not even allowed to surrender, how desperate it must be!

Zhang Shicheng was not as tenacious as Zhang Ximeng expected, but he was not even allowed to surrender. The last way was cut off, so he could only die!

That being the case, the only way to live is to die!

Our surname is Zhang!

Zhang Shicheng didn't hide anything, and directly told the soldiers and civilians in the city about his attempt to surrender, and also told the big guys about the Yuan army's answer.

"Folks, brothers! It's not me, Zhang Shicheng, who wants to kill the big guy! It's Yuan Ting who bullies people too much! If beheading my Zhang Shicheng can save the big guy's life, I will screw off my head now!"

Zhang Shicheng was full of grief and indignation, "Yuan tartars are not human! They are determined to massacre the city, to kill all of us big fellows! If nothing else, just stretch out your head and withdraw your head, please follow Zhang Shicheng to death!"

Zhang Shicheng in desperation broke out completely.

Similarly, the soldiers and civilians in Gaoyou were also angered.

These weed-like people don't care who is the master of Gaoyou City. Even if the Yuan army comes and squeezes them harder, they can accept it, anyway, they are just dying!

But who would have expected that someone would not accept the surrender and just wanted to kill everyone!

That being the case, we will fight you to the end!

Grass must be weak, but also tenacious, wild fire can't burn cleanly, let alone Tuotuo!

"Fight! Fight with Tartar!"

"I don't know who will die and who will live! Fight to the end with Yuan Tazi!"

"Prince Cheng, don't be afraid, we will definitely win!"


Gaoyou, who had nowhere to go, was united like never before. The army and the people put aside everything and went all out.

Zhang Shicheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, who would have thought that he would stabilize the morale of the army with Tuotuo's help.

In the following days, the Yuan army attacked the city frantically. Zhang Shicheng went to the city to supervise the battle in person.

After days of fighting, corpses piled up under the city, and the canal next to it was stained red with blood.

Facts have proved that no matter how powerful an army is, when faced with a city that is united as one, it will be restrained and passive.

Gaoyou City survived the initial attack amidst the storm!

Tuotuo is not a fool, he soon realized that the hope of conquering Gaoyou in one fell swoop was shattered, the war has entered a war of attrition, and turned into a competition of internal strength!

It depends on who can't hold it first!

At this moment, Tuotuo seemed a little hesitant. If he agreed to Zhang Shicheng's surrender, would it be much easier?

This matter is very ironic. Tuotuo is recognized as an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, with first-rate abilities and character.

With the army under pressure, Zhang Shicheng was desperate, and surrendering to the Yuan court was a matter of course. As long as a normal person directly agrees, everything will be over, so why bother!

Even if Zhang Shicheng pretended to surrender, he could still be held first, and he must always be given a way to survive. Surrounding three and missing one, this is the kingly way.

Why did Tuotuo lose his mind and insist on killing Zhang Shicheng, and killing one Zhang Shicheng was not enough, so he threatened to massacre the city, because he thought it was too easy to attack the city, and wanted to find excitement for himself?

Even after the review, people only found two reasons. First, Zhang Shicheng had surrendered to the Yuan court in the early days, but he surrendered and rebelled again. His character is worrying and he is not worthy of trust.

Secondly, Tuotuo thought he would win. In order to deter the Red Turbans from all over the world, he planned to massacre Gaoyou. With 10,000+ soldiers and civilians, he frightened the world and completely suppressed the momentum of the Red Turbans.

In fact, these two reasons are very pale, because these two statements are analyzing why Tuotuo wants to do this, but they don't make it clear why Tuotuo has to do this.

Facing the overwhelming tide, the people in it don't have much choice, even if you are the commander-in-chief of the three armies or the prime minister of a country, there is not much room for Tuotuo.

Because he did not dare to accept Zhang Shicheng's surrender!

The governor of the world's army, carrying the king's order to the south... Tuotuo must have a hearty mahatma, only in this way can he explain to the emperor and the people of the world, and suppress those voices who oppose him.

The victory is not big enough, the record is not brilliant enough.

He will be labeled as a waste of money.

If he accepts Zhang Shicheng's surrender and Zhang Shicheng rebels again, the serious crime of supporting the bandits and plotting against others will fall on him.

In the Yuan court, those Tuotuo's political opponents had already sharpened their knives and wanted to attack Tuotuo from any angle.

Sitting in Tuotuo's position, even the emperor of Dadu didn't trust him.

Tuotuo rode on the back of the tiger, without any choice, only victory and cruelty could suppress those messy voices.It takes 10,000+ heads to reshape the majesty of the prime minister.

The enemy in front of him is Zhang Shicheng, and the opponent behind him is Pingzhang Zhengshi Hama, countless Mongolian dignitaries, and the emperor on the dragon chair!

Tuotuo's situation was finally clarified many years later, after Zhang Ximeng obtained the Records of the Dadu Yuan Court and conducted a comprehensive review.

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