First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 75

But Zhang Ximeng wasn't talking nonsense, this was the law of fighting with cold weapons. After all, the range that a commander could control was only so large, and beyond a certain distance, he couldn't use his arms like fingers.

Therefore, the limit of the number of troops that can be accommodated in a battle line is 2 to [-].

Chang Yuchun said that he led 10 troops and ran rampant all over the world, but these [-] people must have fronts and backs, some masters and some times, it is impossible to put them all on the front line, so not many directly go into battle.

If Wanhu is set up at this time, that is, if one Wanhu goes up, the whole army will retreat if they can't stand it.

"My lord, what I mean is to set up command envoys, each commanding envoys to command three to five thousand households. Under the command envoys, some cavalry, some scouts, and heavy soldiers should also be arranged. Form a combat fist, which can be used against Enemies can also join together to form a joint force! It is much stronger than a single thousand households, and it is convenient to arrange and dispatch. There is only one thing that needs to be paid attention to."

After listening to Zhang Ximeng's introduction, Zhu Yuanzhang was quite satisfied. These words really touched his heart.

Why didn't he consider the issue of setting up ten thousand households, but once ten thousand households were set up, where would he be placed?

So for a long period of time, old Zhu would rather work harder on his own, and would never raise his staff.

But when the war comes, a single thousand households is indeed too weak, and several thousand households gather together, and it is inconvenient to command. Who will be in charge?

If according to Zhang Ximeng's design, three to five thousand households were gathered together and led by a commander, it would be much more flexible and convenient.

"Sir, what's the problem? What's wrong?" Old Zhu asked curiously.

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "After the establishment of the command envoy, I'm afraid that the title of the governor's envoy is not enough for the lord. I mean, the lord should give himself a step up, so let's hold the title of the commander first!"

Another promotion?

Lao Zhu touched his chin unconsciously, "Is it too fast?"

The big guy laughed when he heard that, anyway, you are our boss, even if you become emperor now, no one cares!

"Sir, we are still the subordinates of Marshal Guo. There must be a name for promotion, right? You can't just ask for an official, that's impossible!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "My lord, isn't this ready-made? Zhao Junyong invaded Chuzhou and was captured by the lord. I think Zhao Junyong kidnapped Marshal Guo at the beginning, but now he has captured Zhao Junyong and sent it to Marshal Guo. I am worried that Marshal Guo will not give it to the lord." Promoted officer?"

Guo Zixing?

Everyone seems to have forgotten that there is such a person.

At that time, among the Seven Marshals of Haozhou, Peng Da died at the hands of Zhao Junyong, Sun Deya was slaughtered by Zhu Yuanzhang, and the other three had been disarmed and returned to the fields, farming honestly.

Now Zhao Junyong was captured again, and even Guo Zixing was seriously ill.

The first generation of the Haozhou Red Scarf has completely withered.

Moreover, the entire Red Scarf Army in Huaixi gradually gathered under Zhu Yuanzhang's command.

Unify Huaixi!

Finally, the goal was achieved.

Old Zhu raised his head and was silent for a while. Various images kept flashing before his eyes, from defending Haozhou, to stationing troops in Linhuai, to going south to Dingyuan, and conquering Chuzhou... The journey along the way was quite smooth.

There is nothing special about a commander.

If you can defeat the Yuan army, no matter how high the position is, you will be worthy of it!

"How about this, Mr. Zhang will accompany us to rectify the troops...Tang He, you go to Huaiyuan!"

Tang He hesitated for a while, and hurriedly bowed, "I will obey you!"

"Well! Prepare more gifts for Marshal Guo. If you want to be sincere, treat it as a return home, understand?"

"Understood!" Tang He nodded vigorously, "Please don't worry, the superior, the humble staff will definitely handle this matter well and earn enough face."

There was a smile on the corner of Lao Zhu's mouth, whether he was petty or caring...

Chapter 1 Five main forces

Tang He received the order and specially selected [-] majestic and mighty soldiers, riding tall horses, covered in armor, valiant and high-spirited, to escort Zhao Junyong, who was only half alive, to Huaiyuan.

Offering captives, demonstrations, and both.

If it wasn't for the fact that Guo Zixing was old Zhu Yuefei, old Zhu would have wanted to go to such a good job in person, and he wanted Guo Zixing to see that he, with a small stomach and small intestines, would not be able to accomplish great things at all.

Huaixi heroes, but also look at our Zhu Yuanzhang!

It's just that Lao Zhu didn't go there after all, and he didn't even send Zhang Ximeng, but let Tang He do it for him.

There is really no way, although Zhao Junyong has been eliminated, the army of several 10 yuan is still there, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

The original thousand-household system still needs to be reformed, and soldiers and generals have to adjust again.

Zhu Yuanzhang was so worried that he had one head and two big ones.

"What is most lacking now is time, but why would Yuan Jun give us time?" Old Zhu couldn't help complaining.

Zhang Ximeng accompanied Lao Zhu to dinner, he thought for a while, and suddenly came up with an idea.

"My lord, I have an idea, but this method is a bit deceitful."

"Who are you kidding?" Old Zhu asked hastily.

"Of course Zhang Shicheng was cheated."

Lao Zhu almost laughed out loud, cheating him, shouldn't that be the right thing to do!

"Sir, tell me quickly, what are you going to do?" Zhu Yuanzhang was so happy that he didn't even have time to eat.

Zhang Ximeng could only put down the steamed stuffed bun in his hand, and said to Lao Zhu, "I'm wondering if it's possible to send back the property that the Yuan Dynasty bestowed on Zhao Jun for use."

"Send it back?"

"Yes, just tell the Yuan army, we are just building a stronghold to protect ourselves, we are trying to save food and clothing, and the giant bandits are in Gaoyou, why should the imperial court give up watermelon and take sesame seeds!"

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, wanting to show weakness to Yuan Ting?

It is not impossible.

He is determined, but not dead-headed, unwilling to change.

It's just that, can Yuan Jun believe it?

Don't fail to plan, but let Yuan Jun see the truth...

"My lord, let's take care of this matter. It will definitely not work. If we let Young Marshal Peng do it, maybe we can do it!"

"Let him go?"

"Yes, if Shaoshuai Peng is allowed to go there, he and Zhao Junyong have revenge for killing their father, and there will be an excuse for annihilating Zhao Junyong. When necessary, we can even promise Shaoshuai Peng to oppose us and pretend to cooperate with Yuan Ting."

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath. Zhang Ximeng's idea was a bit whimsical. Can Peng Zaozhu perform this play well?

Moreover, Peng Zao had already lived in the past. What if the Yuan army saw the opportunity and attacked them aggressively?

"Peng Zaozhu is more than reckless and less refined. He is not made for this kind of thing."

"You can send him an assistant."


"Roben, Luo Guanzhong!" Zhang Ximeng squinted his eyes and said with a smile. This is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. It shouldn't be difficult for him to assist Peng Zaozhu and fool the Yuan army for a while.

If it fails, at most it will be the loss of one of Zhang Shicheng's advisers, so don't feel bad.

The only problem is that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms may be ruined... But it’s okay, when I get old and don’t want to be an official, I can just write a book about the Three Kingdoms, and I’m going to fight in the South and North, so I guarantee that I won’t fall into the problem of being a road idiot. Perfect!

In this way, Luo Guanzhong, who was writing a book at Hongxiu Tianxiang Ye in Chuzhou, was brought over and given a difficult task.

"You immediately accompany Marshal Peng to Xuyi, ask the Yuan army to surrender, and explain the reason. You have no intention of confronting the imperial court. It's just that the family feud is not shared, and you have to report it. That's why you killed Zhao Junyong. Please forgive me."

Luo Guanzhong was dumbfounded when he heard this, I am a book writer, you test me with this?

"Mr. Zhang, if you want to kill someone, just kill him! You don't need to work so hard."

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Sir, I misunderstood. If Yuan Ting is angry, you can say that Marshal Peng is willing to work for Yuan Ting and replace Zhao Junyong. What Yuan Jun wants is a pawn. They don't care whether they are surnamed Zhao or Peng." of."

Luo Guanzhong was thoughtful, but he was right, "Yeah, but Yuan Ting let Peng Zao live in and invade Chuzhou, so what should we do?"

"That depends on the master's ability. You can tell Yuan Ting that our lord has long wanted to serve the court and there is no need to go to war. Peace is the most important thing for both parties. The court just wants to suppress the giant bandits."

Hearing this, Luo Guanzhong seemed to think that it was not so dangerous, he could try it... But he quickly noticed a word.

"Who is this giant bandit referring to?"

"This is naturally His Royal Highness Cheng Wang who has been called Wang Jianguo, not to mention that he occupies Gaoyou and cuts off the canal. He is not a giant bandit, who is a giant bandit!"

"You!" Luo Guanzhong exploded. He glared at Zhang Ximengcong, panting like a cow and roaring: "You, you let me be the one who betrayed the master? I, I will not obey!"

"If you don't die, then you will follow!" Zhang Ximeng sneered and said: "Mr. Luo, you have to change your mind, I am giving you a chance to get close to Yuan Ting! Think about it carefully, no matter how Yuan Ting arranges, the main attack on Gaoyou , can’t be wrong. If the Yuan court divides its forces and we can’t hold it, then we have to assist the court to encircle and suppress King Cheng, which is also impossible.”

"But if you help us hold back the Yuan army, we can dispatch it calmly, and naturally we will not threaten King Cheng. On the contrary, we can also sell some food and military equipment to His Royal Highness King Cheng, or even send troops to contain the army and share the burden of King Cheng. Besides, if you can make friends with the Yuan army and spy on the secret military situation, you can naturally give it to King Cheng to help him deal with the Yuan army!"

"I don't understand, brother as smart as Guanzhong, why can't you understand the subtlety of this move? You are alone, dealing with the three families, saving the king's crisis, and the friendship between us, and playing with Yuan Ting ...Alas, even everyone like Su Qin and Zhang Yi can't be as calm as you! Brother Guanzhong, the opportunity to make a name in history is right in front of you, how can you miss it!"

Zhang Ximeng's words completely moved Luo Guanzhong, his breathing gradually became short of breath, and there was a gleam in his eyes, it seemed that this was really the case!

Su Qin and Zhang Yi, that is, combine vertical and horizontal.

But I can deal with the three parties, this, this is simply the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

Suddenly, Luo Guanzhong seemed to have an inspiration, yes, this is the name of my next book, and I have an idea.

Luo Guanzhong couldn't help showing a smile.

Seeing him smile, Zhang Ximeng quickly said: "That's it, come and send Mr. Luo to see Young Marshal Peng."

Lan Yu and Li Wenzhong came out, one left and one right, protecting the frail Luo Guanzhong and went out.Zhang Ximeng also heaved a sigh of relief, and finally fooled Lao Luo.

Next, let's see how this super platinum writer will use his ingenuity to fool Yuan Ting.Intelligence work requires imagination, trust Mr. Luo!

But at this moment Luo Guanzhong wanted to scold his mother!

Zhang Ximeng!

You bastard!

I laughed because I thought of the idea of ​​writing a book, but I didn't experience it myself!

Let me use the name of King Cheng's envoy to deceive Yuan Ting for you Zhu Jiajun... You really think highly of me, if this is a little careless, who can't take my life?

I'm just a codeword, I'm innocent!

Luo Guanzhong's wailing definitely didn't work, Li Wenzhong and Lan Yu directly handed him over to Peng Zaozhu.

This Young Marshal Peng smiled at Luo Guanzhong, "Sir, we are rough people and don't know anything else. After you finish the matter, we are the masters. I will arrange twenty girls for you, who will eat, drink and serve you. I am temporarily If you are separated from Zhu's army, you have the right to be the master. I will give you whatever you want! But you must also know that since Zhu's army's military discipline does not control me, I am not reasonable. If you don't think of a way, work hard. I'll take a knife and cut you into pieces, and cook your meat in hot pot in front of you!"

When Luo Guanzhong heard this, his soul flew away.

This is a man-eating ghost!

Just wait, I will definitely add a cannibal villain to the book in the future!

Luo Guanzhong was full of melancholy and fear, and Zhang Ximeng forced him to put on airs.

With them temporarily delaying the Yuan army, Zhang Ximeng and Zhu Yuanzhang were finally able to let go of their hands and feet, and seized the time to reorganize their troops.

A class A thousand households can have a maximum of 200 people.

After discussions between Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng, the three first-class thousands of households were combined and put under the responsibility of one commander, called the "battalion". This is similar to the name of the three major battalions of the Imperial Guard in the Ming Dynasty, but the scope of their jurisdiction cannot be compared at all. .

This battalion is a military unit above a thousand households.

In addition to the three thousand households under its jurisdiction, there are also some scouts for scouting, messengers for passing news, guard cavalry, heavy soldiers, plus some heavy crossbows and trebuchets.

Since long-range heavy equipment such as ballistas, bed crossbows, and trebuchets are still far behind, it can only be said that they exist on paper, and they will not be able to be filled until the number is sufficient.

But even so, it also highlights the characteristics of this reorganization, which is to make soldiers and horses more professional. In a battalion, there is a clear division of labor and a clear hierarchy.

Those in charge of fighting, those in charge of conveying news, and those in charge of logistics support, have everything that one expects to find.

If each battalion is fully staffed, there should be about [-] people. They can fight independently, launch surprise attacks, guard the city, escort food and salaries, and protect the people.

If you gather the main force of a few battalions, you can fight the Yuan army in the field without any hesitation.

Lao Zhu is very satisfied with this design.

In fact, from the personnel arrangement, you can also understand what the matter means.

If it is only a few thousand people, then the generals under him can be alone.

Once this scale is exceeded and 2 to [-] people are needed to fight, then Zhu Yuanzhang must be in charge of the entire army and command the battle.After all, they only have so many soldiers and horses, and it is absolutely impossible for Tai Ah to hold back.

Therefore, in the early stage of entrepreneurship, any commander is an all-around talent.

They are all good at fighting internal affairs, running the army on horseback, and ruling the people off the horse.

Without this ability, don't try to pull up a team!

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