First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 74

With his charge, Zhao Jun's soldiers and horses were completely messed up.Many people are confused, who is the friend and who is the enemy?

Who should I follow, who else can I trust?

It is impossible for these soldiers to understand questions that philosophers can't understand, but they know one thing: run!


If you don't run, you will die.

Zhao Junyong's subordinates collapsed suddenly.

It's fun now, even Zhu Yuanzhang is a little dazed here, we haven't killed it yet, when did it become so powerful?

Xu Da reacted the fastest, someone must have mutinied.

"Quick, kill them, don't let them escape!"

All the people covered the sky and covered the sky, rushed forward together, and went all out to catch the captives, for fear that any fish would slip through the net.A good fight turned into a pig-catching competition.

By now, Zhao Junyong also figured out what was going on.

He was fooled!

Who, who dares to lie to him?

Zhao Junyong looked like a gambler who had lost all his money, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at a young man, and it was he who delivered the letter to Zhao Junyong, telling him about Peng Zaozhu's movements.

"You, you dare to lie to me? I'll kill you!"

Zhao Jun was about to kill with a raised knife.

The corners of the young man's mouth turned up, revealing a disdainful sneer.

Kill it!

Anyway, you, a white-eyed wolf, are doomed. To be buried with you, the young master is worth it!

But just when Zhao Junyong raised the knife in his hand to kill someone, a knife looked at Zhao Junyong's wrist instantly, and the palm and knife fell to the ground in an instant.

A guard used by Zhao Jun rushed over and protected the young man.

"My surname is Zhao, your espionage is fake, but I'm real! Your superiors have already known your every move, you should die!"

Blood spurted from Zhao Jun's wound, his face was pale, his body was in severe pain, and his heart was furious!

I paid a lot of money to buy a fake internal agent, but Zhu Yuanzhang placed people around him. From the beginning to the end, I was played around!

I am so angry!

Zhao Junyong felt that his IQ and personality had been insulted.

He wants to risk his life and fight for this breath!

It's a pity that Miao Daheng, Xu Da, Tang He and others have all rushed forward.

Zhao Junyong had no choice but to flee for his life with a few of his confidants. Behind him, there were shouts of killing.A total of more than 5000 people have become a mess, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Zhao Junyong had no choice but to wrap the wound of the severed limb with a robe to prevent excessive blood loss.His eyes turned black for a while, and he barely managed to escape for more than ten miles.

There are not many guards around him left, and those hard-core confidants have also left him.

And no matter where he ran, he shouted to kill.

Zhao Junyong went crazy, how could Zhu Yuanzhang have so many soldiers?

His feeling was really right, the militias from all over the country had been mobilized long ago, and Zhao Junyong would never be allowed to escape safely.

This King Yongyi of the Red Turban Army, Wanhu of the Great Yuan Dynasty, was in front of a river and couldn't run anymore. He shook twice and fell headfirst to the ground.

Zhao Junyong still wanted to struggle, so he used one arm to move forward little by little... But at this moment, someone suddenly stepped on Zhao Junyong's back!

It was Li Wenzhong who made the move, and then another person sat on Zhao Junyong's body, making him pass out. Coincidentally, this person was Lan Yu!

One of the most qualified generals was captured by a few brats, and Zhao Junyong passed out immediately.

Is this reasonable?

It's very reasonable!

Chapter 1 is going to be promoted again

The battle was won, and I was very happy.

But Zhang Ximeng was a little unhappy.

He and Zhu Yuanzhang both wanted to train soldiers. Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to take this opportunity to see how good his soldiers were and whether they could resist the Yuan army's invasion.

Zhang Ximeng wanted to verify information, logistics, rewards and punishments, a lot of things, so as to accumulate experience for the next big battle.

Both of them regarded Zhao Junyong as a super experience bag.

After all, this guy is the strongest among the commanders in Haozhou. He scolds this, catches that all day long, and is domineering. No one can do anything against him.

Such a powerful opponent should be suitable for military training!

But just after the war started, before the offensive was launched here, the internal strife alone dispersed the outside world, followed by a boring siege, followed by hunting pigs all over the world.

Even Zhao Junyong was arrested by several children.

This is like a martial arts master who scolds this and that all day long, but in the ring, he was knocked down three times in half a minute, and the audience laughed out loud.

Please, Zhao Junyong, can you work harder!

While Zhang Ximeng was sighing, he suddenly noticed that some civilian husbands were carrying the wounded to the hospital behind.

"Be patient, the medical officer is very capable. Your small injury is nothing. Ten days and a half months, you will be a good man again. Then you can go to the battlefield and kill the Tartars!"

He spoke very smoothly, and the injured soldier endured the severe pain and forced a smile, "Thank you, thank you uncle!"

The uncle blushed slightly, but he didn't say anything, he just ran forward harder.

Zhang Ximeng glanced at it, and suddenly realized something... If he didn't admit his mistake, isn't this Zhiyuan old Zhang?

Hasn't he been working as a civilian husband?Why did he go to the battlefield and help carry the stretcher!

Even Zhang Ximeng couldn't help feeling absurd.

After all, I was assisting Zhu Yuanzhang, what kind of weird thing did I come up with!

While sighing, Zhang Ximeng sped up his horse, and within a short distance, he happened to see Zhu Yuanzhang. On the opposite side of Lao Zhu, was Miao Daheng, the greatest hero in this battle.

"Superior, the sinner should have joined Master Wang earlier and served the superior. But because the sinner lost his head for a while, he almost became an accomplice of Zhao Jun. Please punish him!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly, "You can fight back and help us win the battle and make great contributions. We are very happy in our hearts. Back in Hengjian Mountain, you didn't think highly of us, so it's not a fault..."

"No!" Daheng Miao shook his head, "It's not that sinners look down on superiors, it's that sinners can't let go of the wealth and power in the family!"

Old Zhu frowned, not surprised, he had already talked with Zhang Ximeng, and there were gains and losses in everything.

Since he has chosen the hearts of the people at the bottom, it will inevitably hurt the interests of many rich and powerful families.

It is naturally a good thing for them to think clearly and take the initiative to surrender.If you can't figure it out, the tide is rolling in, and it is reasonable to eliminate these people.

Obviously, Daheng Miao belongs to the kind of people who wake up.

It happened that Zhang Ximeng came over, and when he heard about the situation, he suddenly smiled, "General Miao, we have your old friend here, do you want to meet?"

"Old friend, who is it?"

"Old Zhang Zhiyuan."

"What?" Daheng Miao couldn't believe his ears, Old Zhang?How could he be alive?

A man of color and a general of the Yuan army, he fell into the hands of the Red Scarf Army, if he didn't peel off the leather lasts, he would be fine... How could he still stay in the army?

What number of ways is this?

Daheng Miao absolutely couldn't understand, he just felt that Zhang Ximeng lied to him.

In this case, Zhang Ximeng had no choice but to ask Daheng Miao to lead the way to see Lao Zhang in the medical clinic... But halfway there, he found Lao Zhang carrying a stretcher, and together with several young militiamen, went to carry the wounded again.

He bumped into Daheng Miao, Lao Zhang was stunned, and grinned, "I still have a job, let's talk later?"

It's really him!

With a high nose and deep eyes, you can't go wrong anyway.

Daheng Miao was full of doubts, so without saying a word, he followed Lao Zhang and lifted the stretcher... After running four times, his back was sweating and his clothes were soaked, and he could finally rest.

The two former superiors and subordinates sat on a wooden stake and started talking.

Miao Daheng absolutely couldn't understand, how could Zhiyuan Lao Zhang become like this?

"It's nothing strange... The superiors captured me. At first, they asked me to write something I knew. I handed in 30 words, and I was dizzy and desperate."

Miao Daheng grinned when he heard it, 30 words, this is driving people to death!

"Then, why are you willing to do things for them, isn't it?"

Old Zhang smiled, "I wrote about myself, about Yuan Ting, and everything I knew, but it was still not enough. Later that little gentleman approached me and asked me why I didn't write about Kaihe?"

"Kaihe? He wants to hold you accountable?"

Lao Zhang shook his head, "On the contrary, he told me that the flooding of the Yellow River has been a disaster for more than a thousand years. This time, Mr. Jia Lujia was ordered to control the Yellow River. I helped mobilize the people to dredge the river. I have merit, and I should write more. !"

"What?" Daheng Miao was surprised again, "He, they really said that?"

Lao Zhang nodded, "That's true. Mr. Xiao also asked a lot about the recruitment of civilian husbands, and also asked whether the imperial court has made proper arrangements, why there is a red scarf uprising, is there a sign..."

Daheng Miao was completely stupid. A little red scarf bandit, who had not occupied Chuzhou at that time, actually cared about the management of the Yellow River. Is he out of his mind, or is the structure too big for ordinary people to understand?

Lao Zhang laughed and said: "I always thought that I had done things for the Yuan court. I had committed a serious crime and deserved to die. But the superior and my husband gave me a chance and affirmed my efforts in governing the Yellow River. With such a heart, and How can I not be amazed! Since then, I have been doing some labor and working with the big guys. Gradually, I have figured out a lot of things. In fact, at the beginning, decades ago, I was also treated as a slave and The kings gave it to Emperor Dayuan."

"Leaving home, like animals, leaving relatives, I don't know whether they are dead or alive!" Lao Zhang said, his eyes turned red.

"The Yuan court divided people into Mongols, Semu people, Han people, and southerners...but under the superior rule, there were only the poor and those officials who harmed the people, as well as the rich and unkind. I came back alive. This time, in order to deal with Zhao Junyong, militiamen were recruited from various places. Although I am old, I have experience in leading the army, so I led the team here. Just us transported more than 20 wounded, all of them He is a good boy, and he is all good!"

"No matter how many soldiers and horses Yuan Ting comes to, they will not be able to win! Not to mention Zhao Junyong, he is a moth to the flame, looking for his own death!"


Daheng Miao chatted with Lao Zhang a lot. He solved the doubts in his heart, but he had more doubts.valley

Just like Zhu Yuanzhang, he already dominates one side, but he is still conscientious. He doesn't want to eat, drink, and love sex. He gets up early and goes to bed late every day. He is busy. What is he trying to do?

Could it be that he is really a born good person who likes to treat the common people well?

Daheng Miao couldn't figure it out for a while, but he felt a strong shock.

Even Semuren Lao Zhang can stand on Zhu Yuanzhang's side, maybe it is really destiny, the Yuan court soldiers and horses really can't do anything to him!

Anyway, no matter how you say it, Zhu Yuanzhang is definitely much better than Zhao Junyong. The difference between the two cannot be counted.

However, this is not to say that Zhu Yuanzhang's rule has no flaws. On the contrary, this brief conflict actually exposed the flaws of Zhu's army.

"The upper ranks, the lower ranks, think that the army is commanded by thousands of households. The number is too small. It is okay to deal with bandits and bandits. If you encounter the elite soldiers of the Yuan court, you may not be able to stop the enemy with only one or a few thousand households!"

Daheng Miao came back from Lao Zhang, and at the celebration banquet, he made a suggestion.

And this suggestion was immediately agreed by Zhang Ximeng.

"My lord, this is actually what I want to say... Back then we led the army with thousands of households. Firstly, there were not many soldiers and horses. Secondly, they were all recruits. Many people were not familiar with the battlefield situation, so they were scattered into thousands of households. It is much easier to train. But right now we have more than [-] soldiers and horses. There are many first-class thousand households and second-class thousand households. In addition, there are newly attached soldiers and horses from Hezhou and other places. Troops are scattered, and they cannot exert their combat effectiveness on the battlefield."

When it was mentioned here, everyone felt the same way, especially Xu Da, Tang He and others.

They surrounded him from all directions. Logically speaking, Zhao Junyong should be difficult to fly with his wings, but in the end, Zhao Junyong escaped in a daze... If he hadn't been seriously injured and lost blood, and met Li Wenzhong and others, he might have escaped.

The reason for this situation is that there is a lack of cooperation among thousands of individual households. It seems that there are a lot of people, but the command is not unified, which has caused a shortage of troops.

If this situation is encountered by the Mongolian Jingqi, the consequences will obviously be disastrous.

Only by concentrating our forces and building powerful fists can we hope to win in the next battle.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought over and over again, and nodded, "Sir, do you mean to set up ten thousand households?"

According to the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, if there are more than a thousand households, there are indeed ten thousand households.

Zhao Junyong surrendered to Yuan Ting, and what he gave was the position of Wanhu.

But Zhang Ximeng shook his head, "My lord, I don't think it's appropriate to set up ten thousand households."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, and hurriedly asked, "Why?"

"Right now we only have more than a dozen first-class thousand households. If we organize them into ten thousand households, wouldn't we put all military power under one person? Moreover, the officials of thousands of households and officials of hundreds of households, according to the custom of the Yuan court, need to be hereditary. , although we don't need to think about this right now, we will inevitably make arrangements in the future. If there are ten thousand households, will the ten thousand households also be hereditary? Wouldn't that mean that the soldiers will return and the town will be divided?"

"From the perspective of the distribution of military power and long-term considerations, I am opposed to the establishment of Wanhu. In addition, I also think that the establishment of Wanhu is a bit bloated. When the two armies clash, no matter how many soldiers and horses they actually meet and fight together, that is Wanhu. 8000 people, usually even less."

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